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9 Ideas to Enlarge Your Ministry Using DINOSAURS

  1. CHILDREN. Provide children with dinosaur materials that tell the truth about dinosaurs and history—not the distorted beliefs of Secular Humanists. Use dinosaurs as a discussion starter and eye-opener in evangelism. A discussion about dinosaurs can be used to win children to Christ!
  2. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. The one place most kids never hear about dinosaurs is in church. Shouldn’t this be the first place to teach them about creationism and the Bible—and how dinosaurs fit into all this? Don’t miss the opportunity that church teaching presents. Kids will never forget it! Use kids’ natural fascination for dinosaurs to turn them toward our Creator! The results can be life-changing.
  3. LIBRARY. Help reach a local church or Christian school by donating a dinosaur book, such as The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible, to their lending library.
  4. CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS. Urge Christian Schools to incorporate dinosaurs into their studies. Use dinosaurs to teach students about Creation, the Fall, the Flood, geology, etc. Encourage reports on dinosaurs in a creation context. Use dinosaurs on school display boards, etc.
  5. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Organize a Dinosaur Day (or Night, or Week) at a church or Christian school. Such events are proven attendance-getters.
  6. SHOW A FILM OR VIDEO. Audio-visuals are highly effective communication tools. Here are some examples of excellent motion pictures availalble in 16mm and video (rental or purchase):
    • The Great Dinosaur Mystery (can also be used in public schools)
    • The World That Perished (evidence for Noah’s Flood and the feasibility of the story of Noah and the Ark)
    • The Fossil Record (fossil evidence against evolution and more evidence for the Flood).
  7. SELL BOOKS. Order several copies of The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible to sell at meetings. It is an exceptionally easy book to sell, so expect your stock to be depleted more quickly than normal. Quantity discounts are available.
  8. STORYTIME. Incorporate dinosaurs into your story-telling about the Bible, Creation, Noah, etc.
  9. BOOKSTORES. Encourage your local Christian bookstore to carry Christian materials on dinosaurs. Parents need an alternative to the traditional evolutionary materials.

The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible - questions answered Creation SuperLibrary click for Kid Explorers