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If you do use our children’s pages or lesson plans, please take a moment to let us know. Our staff enjoys the encouragement of seeing them used well. Contact us. USE ON OTHER WEB SITES: Do not publish any Kid Explorer or Christian Answers material on any Web site or other Internet location. No exceptions. Everything is copyrighted. None of our coloring pages, activities, graphics or other content pages are available for use on other Web sites. (see “Impossible Requests” and “Web sites…”.) You have our permission to make LINKS to any of the Web pages listed on our Resources for Webmasters page. Included are all the Kid Explorer pages to which you may link. Also listed are other valuable resources you may want to make available to people. Included are colorful graphics and coding that makes your job easy. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere on this page, special, written permission must always be obtained for the following types of uses…
If you have a special need to reproduce or publish something in the ChristianAnswers.Net domain, contact us for permission in writing. (Please first read, “Impossible Requests.”) When inquiring, make your request narrow and very specific, including the URLs of the exact pages that you are asking about. Also include your full name, organization name (if any), street address, phone number, and all necessary information about your intended use. Please be patient (we receive an enormous amount of e-mail). Publication or reproduction of our answer articles in newsletters, newspapers, handouts, church bulletins… Our team members are generally agreeable to granting reproduction rights where possible for use of ChristianAnswers.Net pages in church bulletins, newsletters, newspapers and the like. For generous permission to reprint our movie reviews, see: Christian Spotlight Movie Review. For permission for our children’s coloring pages, lesson plans, activity pages, and handouts , see: Permission for use of our children’s coloring pages, lesson plans…. For all other print publication requests, contact us. Be sure to include the complete name and address of the publication and organization in all correspondence. Also, please be specific about what you want to use. (Read: Impossible requests.) Quotations, citations, and referencesYou have permission to make short quotations from ChristianAnswers.Net questions-and-answers in news articles, books, term papers, and the like, and in newsgroups and chat rooms. The author and source of each quotation must be properly noted with each use. No plagarism. Also, short quotations does not mean whole pages, but rather a few sentences or a couple paragraphs. Longer quotations require permission. Contact us EXAMPLE of a proper reference or citation for quotation of a ChristianAnswers.Net article in a paper, magazine or book: Paul E. Eymann, “What does the Bible say about God’s sovereignty, election, predestination, and man’s free will?,” Christian Answers Network Web site (Gilbert, AZ: Christian Answers Network, 1996), URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/q-acb/acb-t008.html. Reproduction of Photographs and IllustrationsOur photographs, illustrations, animations, video files, and sound files are copyrighted. Do not reproduce or copy them in print in any way, or use them on other Web sites. All rights are reserved. Sorry, but our staff simply does not have time to deal with reproduction requests for photographs and illustrations. The issues involved are complicated and outside the focus of our organization. Our Web site has tens of thousands of pages with many thousands of illustrations and photographs. Although some are originals produced by us at considerable expense; many others are licensed from other artists and photographers. There are many different sources. Please understand that our small paid staff is extremely busy with urgent ministry obligations that affect thousands and even millions of people. We have learned from experience that it is unwise to distract them with the often complicated research and legalities involved in reproduction permission requests. It is much more time consuming than most people realize. Thank you for your understanding. Links to Our PagesEasy-to-use code and graphics are provided for linking to ChristianAnswers.Net pages in various ways. See our Resources for Webmasters page for a complete list of our many home pages and various sub-pages. You are encouraged to provide your Web visitors with links to ChristianAnswers.Net pages, provided that there is no deception on your part about who the linked page belongs to. We object to framing of our pages (see below). 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Due to many bad experiences, we do NOT allow framing of ChristianAnswers pages without special written permission. In the past, and without our permission, various sites have framed our content on their pages in deceptive ways, making our content appear to be part of their site and profiting from that appearance in various ways. For example, without our permission, some ran banner ads over, under or around our pages, even including the promotion of gambling, pornography and other vices. To our horror, this caused some of our visitors to mistakenly assume that we are promoting or profiting from such vices. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is just one of many reasons we do not allow or approve of illegal framing practices. Web sites, newsgroups, and chat rooms…Do NOT post any material from ChristianAnswers.Net on any other Web site, newsgroup or chat room. All material is copyrighted under U.S. and International Copyright Laws. Please respect the legal and inherent human rights of copyright owners to control their creative works. To those who may have considered taking material from this Web site (or any other Web site) to use on their own or someone else’s site without permission…Without express written permission, it is not only presumptuous, but also against the law to publish, copy, reproduce or plagiarize material from this Web site or any other and put it on your own Web site or anyone else’s. This includes all pages, content, pictures, audio, video, code, etc. The same is true of posting it in a newsgroup or chat room. Such use is a clear infringement of the copyright owner’s rights under U.S. and International Copyright Law and carries serious penalties. By the way, there is no waiver of this law for religious or educational organizations; we all must abide by it. We are glad that you want to witness to others and engage them in meaningful discussions about truth. However, this must be done in a legal and morally correct way. We hope that ChristianAnswers.Net is very helpful in your search for truth and that you will tell others about it. You may provide people with hyperlinks to ChristianAnswers.Net pages. [See: “Links to Our Pages”] Don’t be a sneak thief. Publication without permission is theft of someone else’s intellectual property, pure and simple, and it is clearly illegal. Publication without credit is also plagiarism (lying). It is our full intent to protect all of the many copyright owners involved in the ChristianAnswers.Net’s diverse content. Please understand that this is not a matter of ChristianAnswers.Net (Films for Christ) withholding permissions, for in many cases we are legally constrained. This mega-site contains an enormous number of pages and illustrations, involving numerous legal agreements, licenses and copyrights involving writers, artists, photographers, corporations, and others. If you have violated the law, you are legally responsible for quickly removing the violations. The same policy is true of our team members' sites. Please use common sense and obey the laws of God and man. The producers of good sites are investing much time and money into producing their content and a unique look and atmosphere for their site. They are producing original material at considerable expense and/or obtaining material from others under copyright agreements. It is wrong to steal from them or put them in legal jeopardy. That said, please understand that we are a ministry well-known for exceptional generosity and cooperation. We provide large amounts of high quality material, free of charge, to people around the world. Feel free to take advantage of the many helpful usage rights that we make available (See: "The Christian Answers Network provides FREE usage rights for the following…). Contact us for special permissions—(But first, please read the “Impossible Requests” section below) and always include your full name, organization name (if any), street address, and phone number—and the URLs of the pages or items involved. Framing of this Web site or any part of it on another site, or mirroring this Web site on another server, is expressly prohibited without special permission. All content (including text, graphics, sound files, videos, HTML coding, Java, etc.) contained on this Web site is copyrighted and may not be used without permission. The ChristianAnswers.Net domain is owned and operated by Films for Christ which operates under the following names—“Eden Communications,” “Christian Answers,” “Christian Answers Network,” “ChristianAnswers.Net,” “Christian Spotlight on the Movies,” “Christian Spotlight on Entertainment,” “Christian Spotlight on TV,” “Kid Explorers,” “WebBible,” “The Great Dinosaur Mystery,” “Christian Videos for Prisons,” and others. These are operating names belonging to Films for Christ. |