The Grey

MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for violence/disturbing content including bloody images, and for pervasive language.

Reviewed by: Laura Busch

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Adventure Thriller Drama
Length: 1 hr. 57 min.
Year of Release: 2012
USA Release: January 27, 2012 (wide—2,850+ theaters)
DVD: May 15, 2012
Copyright, Open Road Filmsclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films Copyright, Open Road Films
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Open Road Films

fear of heights, fear of air travel, fear of being torn apart by wild animals, fear of drowning

FEAR, Anxiety and Worry—What does the Bible say? Answer

wolves in the Bible

ORIGIN OF VICIOUS ANIMALS and other bad things—If God created man in an original paradise (Garden of Eden), how did such bad and deadly things come to be? Answer

our mortality / death in the Bible

fall of man / fallen nature and sin

final judgment


heroism / courageously helping others survive



How can we know there’s a God? Answer

What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer

If God made everything, who made God? Answer

Why does God “allow innocent people to suffer”? Answer

Did God make the world the way it is now? What kind of world would you create? Answer

Is Jesus Christ the answer to your questions?
Discover the good news that Jesus Christ offers

eternal life and eternal death

How do I know what is right from wrong? Answer

love of family

airplane crash



biting cold

hunger, starvation

Featuring Liam NeesonOttway
Dermot Mulroney
Frank Grillo … John Diaz
James Badge Dale
Joe Anderson
Nonso Anozie
Dallas Roberts
Larissa Stadnichuk … Flight Attendant #1
Ben Bray … Hernandez
James Bitonti … Ottway’s Father
Jonathan Bitonti … Young Ottway
Director Joe Carnahan
Producer 1984 Private Defense Contractors
Liddell Entertainment
Scott Free Productions
See all »
Distributor Open Road Films

“Live or die on this day”

It is truly man versus beast in Liam Neeson’s latest film, “The Grey,” a gritty action thriller about a group of roughnecks who get stranded in the frigid Alaskan wilderness after their plane crashes. The fatal crash leaves only seven survivors. Among them Ottway (Liam Neeson), a broken man haunted by a personal tragedy from his past, and six other oil riggers. This group of men soon discover that the battle with the elements is only the beginning of their fight for survival. Packs of vicious wolves become their most formidable foe, as these territorial animals mercilessly hunt them. Ottway is a marksman whose job is to protect the other oil riggers from attacks by wolves and other predators, while they are on the job. After the plane crash, Ottway puts his expertise to use as he leads this group of men through the Alaskan wilderness. Ottway and the other oil riggers come to terms with their own mortality, as they fight for their lives in the vicious Alaskan tundra.

“The Grey” is an apologetically grisly action flick that more than earns its R-rating. The profanity in this film is pervasive, with the Lord’s name taken in vain well over a dozen times, including several pairings with the words, d—-n and d——t. There are well over 100 uses of the f-word, in its various forms (I lost count). Nearly every line of dialog uses the f-word in some form. There are also more than 40 uses of the s-word. Vulgarities such as b——h, a—-, b——-d, h—-, and others, also litter the dialog. In one scene, Ottway, who is at the end of his rope, begins to curse God and cry out to Him asking God to show Himself to him.

How can we know there’s a God? Answer

What if the cosmos is all that there is? Answer

The dialog is also peppered with several crude sexual references. One of the men says he hopes he makes it out of the wilderness alive, because the last woman he slept with was overweight and unattractive, and he doesn’t want her to be the last woman he is ever with.

Director Carnahan does not sugarcoat his depiction of gore and violence in his cutthroat tale of survival. There are a number of scenes that show mutilated and bloody bodies. Several of the bodies have very gory wounds, and, in a few of the scenes, the camera lingers on those wounds. There are a number of scenes where wolves are shown attacking the men. These attacks are mostly presented in a series of fast cut close-ups of the wolves’ teeth and the men fighting them off. There is also a rather lengthy shot that shows one of the men aggressively cutting off a wolf’s head that they have killed and eaten. The man then holds the bloodied wolf’s head up into the air, as he taunts the pack of wolves that are lying in wait in the wilderness. One man attempts to loot dead bodies for valuables in the aftermath of the plane crash. A few fights and power struggles break out amongst the men.

This film isn’t completely devoid of redeeming moments. There are several rays of light, in this otherwise grim and gritty movie. This film reveals our fallen human nature, but it also shows the men often choosing to do the right thing, in many situations. For example, when one of the oil riggers wants to loot the dead bodies for valuables, after the plane crash, Ottway forbids him to do this and tells him that they will “not be looting bodies.” Ottway and most of the men have great respect for the gift of life. Ottway tells the men that he wants them to collect all of the wallets of the deceased, so they can give them to their families.

One of the men tells the group that he wants them to say a prayer of some kind, out of respect for the lives that have been lost. In his prayer, he also thanks God for sparing their lives and asks him “to keep it up.” Ottway stays by one man’s side, after he is mortally wounded by the crash. Ottway holds the dying man’s hand, comforts him, and tells him to think of his loved ones as he passes away. When these men are not being hunted by wolves, their thoughts go to their loved ones, and they discuss the deep love each of them have for their families. It is clear that their wives, girlfriends, and children are the most important things in each of their lives.

Many secular critics are singing “The Grey’s” praises, hailing it as a “must see” action thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat. I disagree with these mainstream assessments. While I agree that Neeson and the supporting cast deliver solid performances, my displeasure for this film lies in its story’s lack of depth and surly dialog. The film’s exploration of the deeper moments feels hollow and falls short. Some of the elements of the film could have been handled in better taste. This film did not resonate with me in the same way that other comparable survival films such as, “127 Hours” did.

At times, the dialog felt more like a series of tasteless one-liners, than a thoughtful script constructed to build a tragic and gripping story about the human spirit, as this group of men deal with the reality of their mortality and question the existence of God. This film had potential to be the kind of story that leaves audiences talking about it for days after they see it. But this story didn’t leave me on the edge of my seat; rather I found myself bored with what I feel is just another foul-mouthed action flick that will be quickly forgotten. The film lacks depth of emotion and does not pull the viewer in, but leaves the audience on the surface in a movie full of foul language and crude dialog. In my opinion, it did not succeed in being an exciting and introspective tale about life and death that leaves its audience captivated by its gripping story. Even though “The Grey” is not completely devoid of more redemptive and poignant moments, overall, I feel that this film falls short on many fronts, and I cannot recommend it.

Violence: Heavy / Profanity: Extreme / Sex/Nudity: Moderate

Editor’s Note: Since some are wondering about the filmmaker’s worldview, we did some research. He was raised a Roman Catholic. In a January 9, 2012 interview, this film’s director/writer Joe Carnahan says, “I’m a lapsed Catholic.” (source: Based on various things he has reportedly said, he seems to be non-religious, but considers himself a spiritual seeeker. My current best guess is that he has a flexible worldview that has relatively little personal interest in Jesus Christ or religion, but feels that God and eternal life may exist and that there may be truth to be discovered about these things in various religions of the world.

About the film, Carnahan explains,

“Be open minded and available to everything and not just saying it’s Jesus Christ or bust. So much of the world will do that. I find it troubling …Don’t be dogmatic. I don’t see how it would be possible for us to make this movie if we were closed down or myopic in any form.” (source:

About the film’s spirituality:

A film writer reports, “In one scene, Neeson’s character—who earlier denied belief in God—challenges God, demanding help or answers. It was Neeson’s idea, Carnahan says, to pause in something very like prayer and carefully arrange objects in what seems to be a cross.” (source:

In another interview Carnahan says,

“Listen if an atheist sees this film they say, ‘There’s no way he [Liam Neeson’s character] believes in God.’ If the most hardcore Christian sees this film, they say, ‘Absolutely he believes in God’ and I think it’s a lot like the ‘God helps those who help themselves’ idea that if you are motivated and have the self-interest and have the self-survival and you get out and get after it and struggle to live, then you’ll in some way be taken care of. You’ll be in some way rewarded and then sometimes not. This is the way of the universe and certainly it’s the way of nature. Nothing is given. Nothing is certain and I think that as you get older you start to think about things. You start to think about your own mortality, your own advancing age. …There are things that start to occur to you where you go, ‘What’s out there? What’s waiting for me? What’s the afterlife look like? Is there an afterlife?’ All these things that… listen we’re given the ability to abstract thought. We should consider these things I guess from time to time. These were things that were certainly weighing on me as I was writing it and again the beauty of having that kind of time is that I was able to go back and look at the pages and explore them and kind of root around in them to hopefully extract the things that were meaningful to me. But I think it’s absolutely spiritual, ‘religious,’, and deals with those things. I don’t shy away from but I also don’t try to. I think the film is non-denominational. Let’s say that.” (source:, January 23, 2012).

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—…I have to respectfully disagree with the reviewer and a few of the comments on this film. If you are offended by vast amount of profanity, then by all means avoid this film, as you should not go against your conscience; if you are willing to accept it as realistic and are not easily bothered by such things, then read on.

…“The Grey” is a phenomenal film. The acting, effects, and camerawork are all top-notch and do a great job of drawing the viewer in to the cold, harsh landscape our characters find themselves in. It is intense, both psychologically and action-wise, and will have you on the edge of your seat throughout. It is also a very touching movie, bringing tears to my eyes on various occasions without resorting to cheap heartstrings-tugging.

That said, don’t expect to walk out of this film feeling happy. It is a very sad movie, but not because of the death of characters or anything of that sort. Neeson’s character is tragic—a man with nothing left to live for, who nonetheless gives all he has to protect his fellow men, even the ones he does not get along with and who seem despicable, at first. But as the conditions continue to worsen, Neeson (as the reviewer puts it) reaches the “end of his rope” and goes on a tirade against God, screaming for Him to show Himself and give some sort of sign. Eventually, he gives up and says he will “do it myself” and decides to fight to the very end.

This view on life is saddening, but in no way anti-Christian. It is an accurate portrayal of what many people experience, both saved and unsaved, and for a film to portray it so honestly and without giving some clichéd, sentimental explanation for all the horrible things that happen should be applauded. The movie deserves its R rating, for sure. But it is never gratuitous, never cheap, and it is always honest.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Steve, age 19 (USA)
Positive—This movie was an incredible undertaking in which 7 men face the grim reality of mortality and death. This was an extremely emotional movie, which kept my tear ducts on edge, as well as my body. Aside from the obvious cliché Christian responses, I found myself grieved and almost praying for the characters, as they faced various trials and deaths. I was heartbroken during the first scene of a man dying in Liam Neeson’s arms. What broke my heart was that they had no clue as to what would happen to the man’s soul and that they had no concept of God’s love or Jesus” sacrifice for all mankind.

I think that every Christian should watch this movie, so that they can see the grim reality that men and women live in when they don’t know Christ. It is easy to sit back and critique a movie from a “Christian” perspective without really understanding what the true Christian perspective should be. This movie beautifully portrayed real life as it is outside the four walls of the church. Men and women live these sort of lives and that should be known, and it should sadden every single Christian, not cause you to reject reality and tell others not to watch this movie.

The biblical equivalent could be Noah’s Ark. People paint that on children’s walls, but they never include all the millions of dead bodies floating in the water, all the cries of dying people as they cry out for help. This movie gives a great perspective to what the world is like outside the church. By the way, I am a pastor and a missionary.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jesse Martin, age 30 (USA)
Neutral—“The Grey” is an excellent thriller and highly intelligent. The wolf attacks are intense (the speed at which they can travel across the snow while the men struggle is just one reason), but the film doesn’t dwell on the wolves as just the only source of danger. These men are trapped in the middle of nowhere and are up against weather, cliffs, cold, and rivers, and “The Grey” is smart enough not to forget this.

The scenes involving a cliff jump are some of the most intense of this kind I have ever seen. But the film also has an intelligence level that sets it above. There are several scenes where the men talk about things and are fascinating. The scene where they discuss fear and Neeson admits to being terrified, the scene where faith is discussed (one of the characters is a Christian), the discussion of a poem that Neeson’s father wrote, and the meaning of which is highly applicable to what these men are experiencing, the scene where Neeson threatens a man who wants to loot the dead, and the scene where he peacefully guides a man gently into dying, are all wonderful scenes that show that the film has more on its mind than wolf attacks.

But the wolves are handled intelligently, too. They are not supernatural villains, but animals that see the men as a threat. True, Neeson yells at God, but it shows that he believes in God, and the Bible is full of men shouting to the heavens, right or wrong. “The Grey” contains foul and crude language and violence (but not gratuitous).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Andrew, age 35 (USA)
Positive—The movie titled “THE GREY” is apt, in that the whole film is mostly grey, and the theme of the film is in the grey. It is a film about a group of men riding in a plane to their next job and found themselves crash landed, injured, and stranded in the Alaskan wilderness. John Ottway (Liam Nesson) became the leader of the group, due to his knowledge of the wolves that had surrounded them. Here is a film that is about man and nature, faith and God, and, finally, what do we make in all of this when our future is very bleak.

2012 has started it off with two good films (THE GREY and CHRONICLE, so far, let’s hope for more thought provoking films (THE HUNGER GAMES, anyone?).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Mang Yang, age 39 (USA)
Positive—Does not get any better then this! A rifleman male, a hunter of wolves, is mentally weak and ready to bail! He has had enough killing from copter platforms and has had personal issues in the past related to loss of his hearts dream, the only woman he ever loved due to her health issues. He wonders why he has done the wolf killing thing from the air and does it bring his mind peace or resolve. Did it serve a purpose! Was it right to kill halfwit animals from the sky! He asks God if his skills and the killing of the BEAST are/were his true calling or just an overly Lucan phobia for money… His answer soon arrives…

In true Hollywood fashion, the male is under suspicion as a wanton exploiter and murderer of nature. What happens is that ALL (he) must continue to protect the rest, only this time he has no copter and rifle… His charges die at the MOUTHES of the wolves…, and he slowly realizes that in the dense wilderness forest with cold and snow and survivaL is the bitch of the day. That he is being brought into the devil’s den (after losing all his charges) and getting lost in the wilds, only to have been herded by the wolves into the killing graveyard of the furry savage! Score wolves one—mankind one.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Richard Of Sevilla, age 40 (USA)
Positive—I believe that “The Grey” is one of the most covertly Christian films I’ve seen in recent memory. When I watch this film, I see a group of non-believers in a survival situation, given a second chance to accept or reject God. Some accept Him and others do not. The point of the film is not to survive, but to accept God before you die. Consider this: Everyone was supposed to die in the plane crash. The survivors were spared for the sole purpose of being given one last chance to accept God, so that they may enter heaven.

***SPOILER*** Ottway was considering suicide before the crash. Why would God spare someone who was about to commit an unforgivable sin? Not only did he survive the crash, but he didn’t have a scratch on him, emerging from the wreckage like Jonah from the belly of the whale. The whole purpose of surviving is a final chance at redemption. To me, everything about the film screams Christian metaphor. In the beginning, Ottway and another character go so far as to say that they don’t believe in God. Later, that other character stops fighting and decides to accept his death, stopping to appreciate the pristine wilderness views as his final resting place. He gives the GPS watch to Ottway and says, “I really believed this would work.” This is the moment when that character turns his faith away from the power of man and gives it to God. Then he dies… but it’s okay. He turned to God at the end, which was the sole reason he survived the crash in the first place. ***END SPOILER*** See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mark H., age 44 (USA)
Negative—This movie is VERY offensive to Christians. The blasphemy is just too much. Very depressing movie. Very shallow dialog. Yes, the scenery is beautiful, but everything else is awful. Only positive thing you could say is that the movie shows that there’s no hope for those that do not put their trust in God.

One question that still resounds in my mind is: How can Liam Neeson, the “Pilgrim” in the movie “Pilgrim’s Progress” and the voice of Aslan, a figure of Christ, in the “Chronicles of Narnia” movies agree to his blasphemous lines in this movie? I just don’t understand. In closing, like another reviewer said, you won’t miss much if you don’t see this.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
AJ, age 40 (USA)
Negative—This movie contains blasphemy, a lot of foul language, and references to sexual immorality. To make matters worse, the main actor curses at the Lord.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Ralph, age 41 (USA)
Negative—Very depressing movie and riddled with the “f” word and sexually explicit language. We felt ripped off and let down, at the end. We normally like Liam Neeson as an actor, and this was no exception, but couldn’t find even one scene that had any light. I actually booed at the end, and people around me laughed in agreement. It was just a very dark movie in content, nothing at all happy or uplifting.

Near the end, “John” curses at God, using very foul language and screams at Him, demanding that He help him, then decides he will just “do it myself”. Dreary, bleak, no redeeming message at all.

The acting, scenery and photography was outstanding although at times the camera moves jerkily so that it’s difficult to determine what’s going on. And, we thought the part about the wolves being such predators was dubious. It kept us on the edge of our chairs, and there were a few sudden jolts that made us jump in alarm, but the darkness outweighed the suspense.

Christians stay very far away and please don’t take your children, even teenagers. We kept waiting for the “good” part, the feel good reason to justify spending our money on a couple of hours of so called entertainment… it never came.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
BB and JB, age 53 and 71 (USA)
Negative—My wife and I have always enjoyed the movies that Liam Neeson has played in. We were both shocked and extremely disappointed in this movie. It was very difficult for us to find any redeeming qualities in the movie. The use of the f bomb was in every scene, repeatedly, too many to count. Taking the Lord’s name in vain (several times) was also very offensive. There was a family sitting in front of us with two boys under 10 years old. I wouldn’t want my daughters to see this movie. They are both over 22 years old.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
AH, age 55 (USA)
Negative—I took my wife to see this movie, because it looked like a great action movie; I was extremely disappointed. This is a dark movie; the language is terrible, and it seems to have an overall message that is anti-faith. I’m ashamed of myself for taking my wife to see this movie. The only thing I can say that’s “good” (if I can use that word here) about the movie is that it shows what happens to a person that has no faith and curses at God and tells Him that he doesn’t need Him. Don’t bother to see this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Gary Bullock, age 56 (USA)
Negative—“The Grey” is a film with such great potential. It had the potential to be a real man versus nature and man versus beast movie that would inspire great admiration for man’s ingenuity, as a being created in the image of God. However, it failed on every count, for this viewer. I’m personally fond of Liam Neeson’s acting and went to see it because he was in it. However, I haven’t seen a film I’ve been more disappointed in, ever.

I’m not just talking about the moral objections of language and violence, either. Yes, those were deplorable. However, aside from some decent cinematography, the movie was a bust. The dialog was pathetic. If you cut out all the profanity, you would only have about ten minutes of dialog in the movie. It communicated nothing of value. It demonstrated once again the arrogance of man in dealing with God in dire circumstances. If the writer of this film had an ounce of logical thinking, he would be embarrassed by his own assertions throughout.

Sorely disappointed in what had the potential to be the best movie of the year. Warning: Don’t see this movie. You will not have missed anything.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
William Bryant, age 46 (USA)
Negative—“The Grey” represents everything wrong about what the ignorant and the unbeliever think about the Christian God. The main character is a man who never sought the things of God during his life. Almost all reactions of the cast are from an atheistic or agnostic perspective, and most are the worst-case examples of it. The “believer” is the weakest Christian example possible. Ultimately, the main character gives God an ultimatum: basically, “I demand that you help me immediately if you’re there”. He waits a few seconds, then proceeds ahead with his lifelong rejection of God, proclaiming that he’ll just do it himself.

At that point, most of the movie audience laughed and agreed sympathetically with the character. There’s no virtue at all in this movie. Rather, it is an indoctrination into the majority’s ignorance, stupidity, and rejection of God. It is very grievous to a Christian’s spirit.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Bruce, age 53 (USA)
Negative—My husband and I went to watch “The Grey” opening night. I’m a big Liam Neeson fan, because he generally makes good movies, but, to my surprise, after watching this film, I had to look up whether or not the director is an atheist. …There is a scene in the movie when I thought, wow, I couldn’t even say those things as an actor. While some may love the action parts, it really is degrading for us believers. Thumbs down all the way!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Tracy, age 38 (USA)
Negative—I’ve always liked Liam Neeson, but acting or not, he stepped over the line when he cursed and profaned God. Sure, real people curse and profane God, and we are ALL sinners, but we are not supposed to wallow in sin. The quality was good, as was the acting, but the non stop cursing, foul language, gore and shallowness of the characters once again negated any possible good that could have come out of this film. I asked God’s forgiveness for even witnessing the scene where he cursed God. It was that disgusting. Lost all respect for Liam. This could have been a great movie, but once again they missed the mark. DO Not waste your money on this film, buy someone groceries instead, you’ll feel better.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Dennis E, age 58 (USA)
Negative—I just wanted to say that I totally disagree with one positive reviewer that says all Christians should see this movie, so they can really see how bleak non Christians’ lives are. We don’t need to see a MOVIE to know that, the very essence of this movie, and so many others, makes it very clear, the news, school, magazines, you name it, we already know without seeing a stupid movie and making ourselves sit through such blasphemy, that the world’s life is bleak. I’m sure that God would want us to sit through total fiction listening to all that language, because this writer doesn’t have anything worth saying, he just got his opinion out of God, so that we can REALLY know what sinners go through. Baloney.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Tracy, age 49 (USA)
Negative—First of all, to the writer(s), directors, producers, and distributors of this movie (“The Grey”), you should be ashamed of the script content of this film. Just as there are auto recalls to replace a defective part on a vehicle, “there should be a recall for this film, give me my money back!!!”

I am in no way a professional in the field of entertainment, but one thing I can perceive is that there was no depth to the writing of this film. I agree with every negative comment stated about this movie. Besides “Land of the Lost” (Will Ferrell), this is the worst movie I have seen in a while.

The disrespect shown toward God was above atrocious. I never hear or see any writers place in their films blasphemous words against Islam’s god (Allah) or any other religion. It seems that many writers/producers of movies like “The Grey” have a habitual antagonistic and disrespectful attitude toward Jesus Christ. This movie had great acting by Liam Neeson, who was the drawing card for many of us that are Liam Neeson fans.

The movie was depressing, but yet it was suspenseful throughout, with no way of bringing the audience to the highpoint of emotionally crossing over to the point of wanting to see the movie again. What a huge letdown and disappointing movie!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Michael, age 45 (USA)
Negative—This movie had no redeeming qualities, at all—very disappointed with the story and actors. Not recommended, at all.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Susie, age 64 (USA)
—“The Grey” is a film written by people who know nothing about wolves and have no experience with them. Any search and rescue team would advise to stay with the plane, especially when you have a GPS, shelter and supplies. They didn’t even bother to go through the wreckage for any supplies. How did the wolves get around the chasm? Why would their den be out in the open near the plane? Are these wolves from Twilight, cause they certainly didn’t behave like real wolves. Then there is the profanity and blasphemy. Did Neeson just want to make a film so he could vent over the loss of his wife? Really inaccurate stupid film.
My Ratings: Moral rating: / Moviemaking quality:
Liz B, age 61 (Canada)
Negative—I like Liam Neeson as an actor and thought I’d check out this movie about “survival” when I saw it at the library. The language was so bad that I had to practically mute the sound, because of my kids in the next room and turned on the closed captions. It was suspenseful enough to keep my interest (despite the various inaccuracies: What do I know about wolves?), so I stayed on to the dismal ending. This is the kind of movie that stays in your head for a while, so I thought about the underlying philosophy quite a bit. It’s a movie that makes you think. Early on, it seemed obvious to me that it is an existentialist film, it made me think of Jack London’s Call of the Wild. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
J. Paul, age 42 (USA)
Negative—I don’t like that the main actor is cursing God. I can’t stand listen to that, it seems that by listening to it I agree to it. I regret watching this movie. If you haven’t watched it, please don’t watch it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Julio, age 41 (Canada)
Negative—This movie not only is so anti-God, blasphemous, vulgar, violent and deliberately gives Christians a slap on the face (I will explain). It also pits us as equals to animals. The comparison to that would be the wolves. Darwinian evolutionists would find this film gratifying to their fairytale story of from frog to prince. The wolves being as super smart beings outsmart the lowly primates to survival of the fittest.

The amount of talk and examples to poke at Christians that God is no where to be found and that death is the end and nothing more is very clear. The atheistic worldview in this film is clearly doctored to work meticulously with every dialogue and event that says to the viewer… “see what just happened there… there is no God”. This can be seen from the so called religious guy saying a prayer dying horribly and Liam N’s character dying alone after calling out to God for a sign. Basic Atheistic questions like why is there suffering and why do bad things happen to good people are there in the open.

As a Christian you want to stand in front of the theatre and just tell them the answer. This is another example of Hollywood’s attack on God.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Naliorf, age 38 (Canada)

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