How to Get the Best Out of TV…, Preface

Copyright © 1996, Broadman & Holman Publishers

Television has a profound effect on modern society. And whether you own a set or not, whether you watch a little or a lot, it has a profound effect on you.

As we have spoken at churches and seminars, and for radio and television interviews, we have been impressed by the stories that others have shared with us. Some are humorous, and some, heart-wrenching. These stories have regularly reminded us of how very important it is that families make an effort to "master the media." If they don't, relationships inevitably suffer and the entire household soon begins to miss out on some of life's most precious joys. All too often, “average” media management has dire results.

You may be surprised, but it is not our goal to convince you to trash your TV—though that may in some extreme cases actually be the appropriate response. There are too many good potential benefits from television and its modern accessories to cause us to universally endorse that course of action.

So take comfort! We are not "anti-TV." Rather, we are pro- good TV management! This book takes a pro-active stance and offers enjoyable strategies that will help you to benefit from the good that television has to offer …without being battered by the bad. Believe it or not, your TV can be a tool that leads to greater closeness and richer relationships in your family, even in your walk with God. We want to tell you how that happened to us!

Also, and this is very important, you will see that most of the stories and principles included here can just as easily be applied to other electronic media, including: how one uses a stereo or CD player, a personal computer, video games, etc. So think about the modern gadgetry that most directly affects you, and those whom you love.

Finally, don't allow your reading of this book to be just another entertaining mental exercise. The stories, statistics, strategies, TV-alternatives, and video reviews that you are about to read will do no good if they do no more than enter your mind. They need to reach you at another level—the heart.

So take a minute and ask God to use something from this book to better equip you, and those whom you love, to live and serve as He desires, and to have more fun doing it!

We are praying for you. God bless!
Dale & Karen Mason

To Part I