Who is…

also known as: Urias

Meaning: the Lord is my light

This is the name of 3 biblical men.

  1. Uriah, the Hittite husband of Bathsheba

    King David seduced his wife Bathsheba in Uriah’s absence on the battlefield, and then after David arranged for Uriah’s death, he married her.

    He was one of the band of David's “mighty men.” The sad story of the curel wrongs inflicted upon him by David and of his mournful death are simply told in the sacred record (2 Samuel 11:2-12:26). (See Bathsheba; David)

  2. Uriah, a priest

    He was a priest of the house of Ahaz (Isaiah 8:2).

  3. Uriah, the father of Meremoth

    He is mentioned in Ezra 8:33.

Article Version: September 27, 2021