We'll learn the truth about history.
Notes For Parents and Teachers
Look up Job 38:4. Here God asked Job the question, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" In other words, teach the children that God was really asking Job, "Were you there?"
Share with them that not only does God know everything, but He has always been there. The only way we can know what happened to the dinosaurs, for instance, is to talk to someone who knows everything,
who's always been there. Tell them that only God knows everything and has always been there, and that we should go to His Word to understand this world, and even to look for clues regarding dinosaurs.
Also share with them that the next time a teacher (or anyone) talks about “millions of years ago,” the student could ask, "Were you there?" Explain that no human being knows everything, or has always been there, so how can they really know what happened in the past?
Student Excercise
Give each student an M&M to eat. Have some of them go outside and eat it without anyone watching. Then ask each student to prove they ate an M&M. It should be obvious that those who have witnesses will have an easier time attempting to prove this than those without witnesses. However, also discuss the fact that the witnesses have to be reliable, and they may not have observed carefully enough-maybe some witnesses didn't tell the truth. Some may use evidence such as chocolate around the mouth, or on
the tongue, to “prove” they ate an M&M. But this could also be interpreted as having been an ordinary piece of chocolate-not an M&M. Actually, in the final analysis, they can't
PROVE they ate an M&M, because it happened in the past. Explain how much easier it is to substantiate a fact when there are witnesses.
If you want to give the students a more difficult question-ask them to prove the color of the M&M they ate! In order to “prove” this, they would have had to specifically show it to someone before they ate it.
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