Grandfather's Advice for Marriage

My grandfather was a strong, wise, and mature Christian gentleman—respected by all who knew Him. He was a knowledgeable student of the Bible, a loving husband and father, a humanitarian, faithful supporter of the Lord's work, and a patriot. All of my grandfather's children and grandchildren became faithful servants of Jesus Christ. One of the legacies that grew from his generosity and efforts is the Christian Answers Network and the other ministries of Films for Christ.

My father died, before I knew my wife-to-be. Therefore, my grandfather took on the special responsibility of providing my fiance and me with the following wise advice for marriage—a brief, but valuable summary of the basics. His very biblical counsel has guided us well through our many years of marriage. It is really God's wisdom. When we followed it, our lives were better and easier. When we ignored it, troubles followed. I share grandfather's well-chosen words in hope that they may be of help to you, too.

Grandfather's Loving Advice For Husband and Wife

May the Lord bless you all your days,
        Grandfather Taylor (Walter William Taylor)

Available: Printable, presentation copy of Grandfather's Advice
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Supplied by: Paul S. Taylor, Christian Answers. Copyright © 2002, Films for Christ, All Rights Reserved—except as noted on attached “Usage and Copyright” page that grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools.