Ministerial Employment

- How can I use the Internet to find a job in ministry?
- How can churches and ministries find the best candidates to fill positions?
updated and links checked February 2020
The Internet is a great place to look when you are seeking a new opportunity to serve God in ministry. It is also wonderful for churches and other ministries seeking to fill new positions or vacancies. When I served on my church's pastoral search committee, the Web quickly helped us find many excellent candidates. We saved months of slow research. Using e-mail, we communicated almost instantly and received answers to our detailed questions from each candidate. In a matter of weeks, our congregation was able to meet, interview and hire the top candidate, a qualified Christian youth pastor we found 1400 miles away. The whole system worked great for him and for us.
Here are some of the best places to find Christian ministry employment information—whether you are looking for a job or searching for the right person to fill a position.
Categories index
North America and International

- ACSI—Association of Christian Schools International
see jobs section - Ardent Search Company
fee-based—“primarily serves the second and third level leadership positions for churches, missions and service organizations, education, and occasionally for the for-profit (business world) sector”
- Canadian Christianity Jobs of Christian Info Society (CIS)
Canadian organizations post available jobs - Christian Career Center / Church Jobs Online
fee-based—“Christian jobs, employment, job search help and career testing/counseling” / “Find or post Christian jobs: ministry, pastor, church, teaching, missionary, camp and more” - The Christian Classifieds—jobs
fee-based—well-established, international job-referral service for Christians—“attempts to match Christians with jobs in Christian non-profit organizations, based upon their expertise, education, geographic preference, and compensation concerns.” - Christian Job Search (Canada)
- Christian Job Wire
“search, find, and apply for jobs at Christian valued businesses, churches, ministries, universities, and nonprofit organizations” -
K-12 job center—allows job seekers to post their resumes as well as employers to post jobs and search resumes online -
“division of” - ChurchJobs.Net
fee-based—search national church jobs, pastor jobs, Christian jobs and other ministry jobs and pastor positions - Christian Camp and Conference Association
current job openings at a Christian camp or conference center - The Christian Chronicle employment classifieds
- Christian Employment Resource (CER)
“Since 1986 …a resource for Christians either unemployed or seeking a career transition.” - ChristiaNet—Christian jobs
“church jobs, ministry jobs, pastor jobs, business opportunities, house parents and more” (free) - Christianity Today International
employment opportunities at this Carol Stream, Illinois based publication and Internet organization - Christian Union
Employment Opportunities • “developing Christian leaders to transform culture” -
jobs in higher education - The Church NetWork—Job Center
“employers and recruiters can access the most qualified talent pool with relevant work experience to fulfill staffing needs” - Church Job Finder
fee-based - Compassion—employment opportunities
“Christian job opportunities at Compassion International” - Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Job Center • Find a mission-driven position • “Links passionate people with meaningful careers in Christ-centered higher education”
- The Dingman Company
fee-based—“Connecting leadership excellence with opportunity • search generalists, working in many fields as well as specialists in a few areas (hospitality, nonprofits, education and religious organizations)”
- The Episcopal Church job openings
- Experiencing Worship
church jobs in ministry
- FaithSearch Partners, Inc.
“executive search for faith-based organizations”
“exists to resource the church and help meet their staffing needs”
secular—“search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards”—search using keywords such as “christian,” “pastor,” “youth pastor,” etc. - Indeed—Christian jobs
- Intervarsity
current job openings at this nationwide organization serving college and university campuses
- JobSeekers (Atlanta, Georgia)
free transitioning help • “The JobSeekers network is supported by a group of business professionals who volunteer their time to help those who are in career transition. Our commitment is to provide networking, job search skills and a supportive atmosphere within an interdenominational Christian framework designed to meet your professional, emotional and spiritual needs.” - Job Site—includes Christian jobs
- none
Christian job search - MinisterConnection.Net
“a ministry to candidates and churches seeking God’s direction in placement” - Vanderbloemen
Churches, schools, nonprofits, family offices, and values-based businesses -
fee based service -
a service of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary -
fee-based—classified ads, including job openings for pastors, Christian school teachers, chaplains, and other ministry opportunities - Ministry Source Job Board
“information on job opportunities in the church, ministries, and businesses seeking Christian workers”
- NICS—Network of International Christian Schools
current job openings
- none
- The Pastor Search Network
fee-based—“helping connect ministers with churches that are seeking pastors or ministerial staff”
- The Shepherd's Staff
“executive search firm dedicated to helping North American churches hire staff” - SimplyHired
- Sling Shot Group
“facilitating the search process for Worship leaders and related Worship Arts personnel”
- none
- YouthPastor.Com—Job Center
Designed for churches and ministries to freely post their vacant youth ministry jobs; also has a notify feature to notify professional youth workers of new employment postings. (free) - Yahoo! Directory of Christian Missions
use to find other Christian mission Web sites -—Job Bank
free—youth ministry oriented - American Baptist Home Mission Societies
- Assemblies of God (USA) Career Opportunities
in Springfield, Missouri only - CB America
- Christian & Missionary Alliance
- Christian Reformed Church—The Banner classifieds
- Churches of Christ—Abilene Christian University and Pepperdine University
- The Evangelical Covenant Church
“list of Covenant churches seeking ministerial staff” - Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA)
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—Career Opportunities
- The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
career opportunities - National Association of Congregational Christian Churches—Ministerial Opportunities
“list of pastorates and pulpits” - Nazarene, Church of the—Nazarene Job Board
- Presbyterian Church (USA)
• classified ads • The Presbyterian Outlook classifieds - Presbyterian Churches in America—ministry opportunities page
- Reformed Church in America—Job Opportunities
- Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)—Job Search
also see: Nurturing Faith classifieds and Baptist Standard classifieds - United Methodist Church—“Jobs Board”
- Vineyard USA—Job Postings
- American Correctional Chaplains Association
- The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education—Career Postings
- Association of Professional Chaplains—Job Opportunities
- Church of God Chaplains Commission
- The Coalition of Spirit-Filled Churches—Chaplaincy & Other Positions Available
- Federal Bureau of Prisons Chaplain
- Marketplace Chaplains
- Senior Living Chaplains
- U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps
- U.S. Army Chaplaincy
- U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps
serves personnel and families of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy - U.S. Veterans Affairs National Chaplain Center
- Christian Jobs Australia
job search and Christian careers network—owned and operated by the Mandella Group Pty Ltd” - Indeed Australia
secular—“search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards”—search using keywords such as “christian,” “pastor,” “youth pastor,” etc. - Indeed UK
secular—“search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards”—search using keywords such as “christian,” “pastor,” “youth pastor,” etc.
Denomination specific
Chaplains specific
Australia specific
United Kingdom specific
This list and page are provided as a ministry of Christian Answers Network. a donor supported ministry of Christian Answers. Author: Paul S. Taylor—contact regarding content errors or suggestions
Copyright © 2001-2021, Films for Christ, All Rights Reserved—except as noted on attached “Usage and Copyright” page that grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools.