Church Bulldozed in SUDAN and 200 Hundred Families Lose Their Homes in Refugee Camp—Christian refugees forced to live in burning heat without water

Sudanese government bulldozers destroyed an Anglican church located in the “Jebel Aulia” refugee camp on May 2, 1999 and made 200 mainly southern Christian families homeless, according to news reaching Open Doors, the ministry began by Brother Andrew, the Dutch-born author of "God's Smuggler."
The Jebel Aulia camp was predominately inhabited by Christians displaced from war-torn southern Sudan who live a life of extreme poverty.

The partial clearance of the camp, which was situated about 32 miles to the south of Khartoum in the middle of the desert, was officially executed because the government has allocated the land for agriculture. Residents then had to live in the burning heat without access to potable water, food and shelter. As of May 11, 1999, two women had already died because of the heat.
According to a local pastor, meningitis (inflammation of the brain) also threatened many lives.
Mike Yoder, Director of Communications for Open Doors USA, said "This incident of aggression by the Sudanese government against their nation's own Christian citizens is another example of their desperate attempts to wipe out the Church and create a wholly Islamic state. But praise the Lord, "Sudan's Christians are not easily defeated. We at Open Doors continue to see signs of revival in Sudan, and we've recently heard that as many as nine million decisions were made for Christ last year! (May 11, 1999)
"While the Lord's work will not be stopped in Sudan, we must also remember to pray for those who are casualties in the battle."
The pastor responsible for this area asked for the prayers of Christians around the world for the people of Jebel Aulia who have lost everything they had.
"Remember that they are refugees who hoped to find a place to live in peace," said Yoder. "They lived in mud houses, possessed almost nothing and now they have lost even that. Pray that the Lord may protect them from life-threatening diseases and despondence. Pray also for possibilities to rebuild the houses and the church building. Pray for peace and justice in this by war afflicted country."
Persecuted church—Why and how should we pray for suffering Christians? Answer
For other modern day examples of persecution of Christians—see:
Author: Dan Wooding. To get further details of the ministry of Open Doors with Brother Andrew, write to PO Box 27001, Santa Ana, CA 92799, or call them at (949) 752-6600.
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