Get Smart

also known as “Agente 86,” “Agente Smart,” “Max la menace,” “Salainen agentti 86,” “El Superagente 86”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some rude humor, action violence and language.

Reviewed by: Sheri McMurray

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Crime Action Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 50 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: June 20, 2008
DVD release: November 4, 2008
Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / Village Roadshow Pictures
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Featuring Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Alan Arkin, Terence Stamp, James Caan, Terry Crews, David Koechner, Masi Oka, Nate Torrence, Kenneth Davitian
Director Peter Segal
Producer Bruce Berman, Steve Carell, Michael Ewing, Alex Gartner, Alan Glazer, Dana Goldberg, Andrew Lazar, Jimmy Miller, Brent O'Connor, Charles Roven, Peter Segal
Distributor: Warner Brothers Pictures. Trademark logo.
Warner Bros. Pictures
, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company

Village Roadshow Pictures

“Saving the world… and loving it.”

C.O.N.T.R.O.L. lives, although reported to have disbanded after the cold war and K.A.O.S. still lurks a formidable foe to all things good and decent in the world. The famed red Sunbeam and the tailored 60's suit of the most famous agent ever to grace secret agent-dom, now resides under glass display cases in the Smithsonian and a new sticky-note pushing, iPod toting, Maxwell Smart longs to be just like him.

Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) has just passed his field training with flying colors, but to his disappointment does such a great and detailed job being the Chief’s (Alan Arkin) best darned analyst, he’s not promoted to be a full fledged Secret Agent.

As fate would have it, not soon after he gets the discouraging news, Smart finds Control Headquarters blown to pieces, all the Agents visually identified and unable to work even under cover, and he the only man trained for the job of finding and stopping the dreaded Siegfried (Terence Stamp) from Nukeing Los Angeles and the President (James Caan) of the United States.

The Chief teams Smart with his only other operative who’s face has been altered so she won’t be recognized, the beautiful and very competent, Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway). Together they are to uncover and stop Siegfried from stockpiling nuclear weapons to extort billions from the West. Demonstrating KAOS’s power, Siegfried plans to nuke L.A. where the President will be attending a Concert in his honor.

Meanwhile, back at Control Headquarters, the dashing Agent 23 (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) is not fitting into his new role as ops analyst very well and is having fun beating up nerds and stapling papers to their heads.

The adventure whirls Max and Agent 99 from Washington to Russia and on to Los Angeles, with a big fight sequence in and between each local.

I feel as though I am repeating myself a lot these days, as the humor factor in many of my reviews of comedies of late is high, but the way in which the humor is portrayed, especially to Christian families, is objectionable. One would only know that the humor started and honed by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry would be profuse with sexual innuendo and wicked use of unacceptable language for very young children.

PG-13 for rude humor, violence and language is right, but I must add that it is still misleading, as impressionable pre-teen boys in particular should not see this film simply because of it’s reference to all sorts of sex and the action violence alone. I, for one would not want my young son to go around stapling papers to people’s foreheads in real life, thinking it was funny to do so. “Get Smart” includes lots of physical humor, that could be funny to an adult, but to kids who might try and emulate it, could prove harmful to other children.

In the beginning scenes alone a man is shot and falls out a window to his death several floors below, the building blows up and everyone in it is killed, and all through this film, even though a comedy, parents must keep in mind it is a spy film and people are seen being killed, shot, beat up using martial arts moves, and are constantly in life threatening peril.

Foul language is sprinkled freely through out “Get Smart” and includes: bi**h, whore, holy sh**, and even though some of these words are in another language, they are displayed through subtitles across the screen. A woman gives ‘the finger’ to a crowd of onlookers, Smart grabs Agent 99's breast on accident, and other lesser though no better uses of distasteful references that will send up a red flag to Christian movie goers are: while Maxwell Smart and Agent 23 are going through field ops training the other guys call Smart names such as “maxi-pad”, the words “go-nads” as well as “ball-sack” is used to describe the male anatomy. While Agent 99 and Smart are undercover as a married couple and are discussing their contrived back ground story, Max says the female cannot conceive because “her eggs could dry up and fall out her uterus.” Another reference was made to this by saying she has a “dusty uterus.” Agent 99 asks Max if he is looking at her butt several times, and butt humor is used frequently. Max is shown dancing with an over weight woman and he grabs her butt and the ending is centered around this joke which runs through out the film.

I could go on and on about these reoccurring symbols intended as humorous play through out “Get Smart”, but I hope Christian families consider this type of humor and judge accordingly as to whether they wish to see this film, especially with their 13 plus aged children, or not.

There are redeeming threads in the story, but I wish to stress that just because I highlight these themes here, does not mean I recommend this film to a Christian audience. I only wish to give them note as very positive elements. There is no sex, although a couple of kisses were exchanged between the Maxwell Smart character and the Agent 99 character. They are shown to truly care for one another and respect one another over the course of the film. The Smart character cares about his job and has a proud work ethic. He is dedicated to good and what is right and genuinely wants to save and preserve the country in which he lives. He has a respect for authority. Smart also will do anything for his friends and if that means giving his life, he is prepared to do so. Because of these qualities and his seemingly innocent take on life, all that he seems to botch overall comes about as right and good in the end.

Sean O’Connell of sums up the new “Get Smart” well:

“Remaking the satirical '60s spy sitcom “Get Smart” without Steve Carell in the Maxwell Smart role would have been pretty dumb.

Lucky for them—and, by extension, us—the creative team behind this rejuvenated Smart wisely tapped the unassuming funnyman to fill the late Don Adams’ telephone-disguised-as-a-shoe. Carell's nimble turn as a calculatedly incompetent agent of CONTROL ensures that this modern spin on an outdated television property—while rarely intelligent—is consistently witty.

Created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, “Get Smart” aired from 1965-'70 on NBC and CBS. It starred Adams as Agent 86, chief operative of a secret U.S. government spy agency that routinely battled the forces of KAOS.”

Full of funny adult themed sight gags and humor, the polished action sequences and better than average acting, brings “Get Smart” into the modern age. It is unfortunate that many Christian families will have to pass it by based on the limits they have set on their humor-meters. I suggest that discerning adults see it in theaters, and perhaps consider renting “Get Smart” when it comes out on DVD, using their best judgment and prayerful regard when family movie night comes around.

Violence: Heavy / Profanity: Heavy / Sex/Nudity: Mild

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—It's not the best remake of a classic TV show, but it's not totally horrible, either. Carell and Hathaway do fine as Agent 86 and Agent 99 without being total imitators of the actors in the original show. Those who are familiar with the 1960's series will appreciate the nods made to the show. Keep in mind that the sanitized humor in the original show has been modernized—cursing, references to pre-marital sex, gay jokes, a brief shot of a scantily clad character, another character using a rude hand gesture and some gross out humor. It would be fine for older teens, but not for small children.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Hillari, age 46
Positive—I truly enjoyed this funny movie. Steve Carell once again plays his role well and succeeds in portraying a very earnest agent who fumbles as an agent, but with the best of intentions, and when he seems totally inept, comes through with some weird genius for deciphering the truth and knowing what to do. That's what Don Adams did in the original “Get Smart” tv series. Anne Hathaway does well as Agent 99, and the chemistry between the two is believable. She starts off as the clever, experienced agent, and then, because of his zany ardor and sheer enthusiasm, Smart catches up with her. The plot has enough twists and turns to keep the audience on its toes, and I thought the dialogue was laugh out loud funny.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Positive—My wife and I have had the unusual pleasure, and sometimes displeasure, of going to see several movies this summer. “Get Smart” surprised us in that we feel it is by far the best film, not just of the summer, but of the year so far.

Like many people, we went into the theater expecting a goofy comedy and hoping that there would be some resemblance of a plot. Wow, were we surprised.

This movie is one of the best action spy movies we have ever seen. The comedy was often and funny enough to keep us laughing, but the storyline kept us on the edge of our seat all the way through. Very rarely am I entertained and enthralled from beginning to end, but this movie achieved that for me.
On a moral level, this movie is rated PG-13 and after seeing other PG-13 movies recently, this is nowhere near most of the movies in that category. Parents should still preview the movie first and make an educated parental judgment on whether or not this would be constructive for their children to see. The reviewer overstates the language problems in this movie as again, we were expecting a typical Hollywood comedy with the language that is sure to follow, but this movie had much less than most. Again, parents need to determine themselves if it is appropriate.
One of the themes that provided even more depth to the film is how we should be slow to judge by the outward appearance of the person. Smart at times is portrayed as a goofball making mistakes, but we see that in reality, though he makes mistakes, he is highly intelligent and proves worthy of his position. In one scene, he is shown at a dance and walks up to a group of 4 typically model type women and asks if they would care to dance. They look him over and laugh and give some smart alec remark, but he says he wasn't talking to them, but rather the overweight woman behind them. He proceeds to dance with her and in a way that fits the attitude of the film, gives her worth and value and a much needed confidence that was lacking when they met.
We also learn that Agent 99 had to change her appearance for reasons you will learn through the movie, but she regrets it because, as she says, “she looked like her mother” before. It seems to be yet another reference to the value of all people as God has created them.
The reviewer seemed to stop just short of explaining herself, but Maxwell Smart is shown in the movie as willing to lay down his life for the sake of his friends. Isn't that the example Christ set before us and that He was the fulfillment of for our lives. While Smart is not a depiction of Christ, at times he does exhibit the attitude of Christ and has endearing qualities that we as Christians could learn and grow from.

More than anything, this is just simply a film that you will enjoy. Of course, it won't win any awards because it is actually thrilling, funny, charming and watchable, but don't let that keep you from seeing this film.
I am a pastor and would recommend this to the adults in my congregation with an understanding that, again (as with all movies today even G and PG), that parents need to see it first before allowing their children to see it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chris, age 30
Positive—I saw the opening show of this movie and must disagree with the reviewer's final comments. I agree there were SOME offensive content in this film such as occasional cussing, sexual innuendo and of course, it's an action film, so a string of action sequences. However, the cussing was few and far between and no extremely offensive words were used, there were also some “not nice” words… but this movie certainly does not deserve a “heavy” profanity level! I also see the sex/nudity rating of “mild” as inaccurate. There was NO nudity and NO sex shown in the film (one scene insinuated, see below). Finally, the “heavy” rating for violence I believe is also extreme. It is an action film so there are fight scenes, but no gore, slashing, or extreme violence. I can't really even remember if there was any blood.
With that said, there was one scene that I found offensive and was the most offensive scene in the film. It is a fight scene between Maxwell and a guard when he is taken captive. Maxwell is trying to lift the unconscious guard up so that he can get an eye scan to open the front door to the cell. While doing so, the camera angle is changed and it looks as if there is homosexual activity. Meanwhile, a man walks past the cell door (which has a small window opening in it) and seems interested in the action.
With the exception of the scene above, I think this is a decent film. I would recommend this for teen to adult audiences and hope any one considering to watch this film does not let this reviewer's review deter you without checking out more comments.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Gloria, age 24
Positive—I really enjoyed “Get Smart.” It managed to hit a good balance of action and comedy. The film was different than the classic television series. The movie Smart has elements of competence and even brilliance, juxtaposed against moments of bumbling incompetence (a la TV Smart). Anne Hathaway was a convincing Agent 99. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson also played a believable secret agent and added to the comedic value of the film. “Get Smart” was consistently funny. My husband and I laughed out loud several times during the movie, as did the rest of the audience.

This is a spy movie, and there are several action scenes that include explosions, shootings, fistfights and martial arts moves, etc. These are in the tradition of other spy/action movies such as James Bond, and the scenes are less graphic than in the latest Indiana Jones movie. There's also a fair amount of slapstick and physical comedy including trips and falls, Smart smashing a fire extinguisher over someone's head, someone walking into a door jamb, and a scene where Smart struggles to get his technology to cooperate. I found the level of violence in “Get Smart” to be appropriate to the genre.
The film does contain some profanity, sexual references, and “potty humor.” Generally, I found this to be fairly mild for a PG-13 movie, although the film earned its PG-13 rating with these elements. The ending was unexpected and satisfying. I'm looking forward to a sequel.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Lisa, age 32 (Philippines)
Positive—I cannot believe the reviewers comments and rating as offensive! What a fantastic film, and if we have brought up our children correctly, then they will not be influenced by small pieces of butt humour! It is certainly a lot cleaner than any other movie out there.
I was laughing the whole time and for hours afterward. It took me back to my childhood with the well placed references to the old TV series.
My husband and I took our two boys, aged 7 and 9, and found it to be great family entertainment! (But then we have taught our kids to laugh and think something is funny, as it is only a movie and none got hurt because of the stapling incident is purely for show and there are things in place for the “naughty” stapling man to not harm the “staplee”). If you think your children are going to go around stapling people after this, then I would seriously look at your parenting rather than the movie! I give it a 10/10!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jacqui, age 35 (Australia)
Positive—I loved “Get Smart” as a kid, and was a tiny bit disappointed with all the potty humor, but still found myself laughing and enjoying the movie overall. Steve Carell was the perfect replacement for Don Adams, continuing with the bumbling, sweet and eventually successful antics to save the U.S.
It's unfortunate that the movie is not suitable for children because it would have been fun for the whole family, but adults should enjoy it despite the somewhat objectionable humor.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jp, age 47
Positive—I thought this film was very enjoyable… I honestly didn't expect much going in, and it turned out much better than I expected. It's not something I would take the younger kiddies to see, but I'd say it's alright for some of the older ones. The worst thing I remember is a quick scene near the end with Steve Carrel's bare butt. But the reviewer does realize that the term “gonads” is a scientific term for the reproductive organs and not a crass nickname for genitals, right?
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Tre Perry, age 27
Positive—This movie was great for all 12 year olds and above. The movie is a great family movie!!!… I would take my 12 year to go see it any day.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Meg, age 48
Positive—“Get Smart” is surprising good especially when one considers the train wreck it could've been. “Get Smart” works because the filmmakers looked like they thought this film through and didn't resort to simple mindless slapstick. What impressed me about the film is that almost all the humor is connected to what is going on in the plot. There really are no self contained scenes that are in there only to provide an irrelevant joke. Even the toilet humor connects, when you consider how many serious spy movies have the hero infiltrate the villains lair via the sewer. “Get Smart” is probably the first film for the hero to comment on just how unpleasant something like that can be.

Steve Carell is hilarious as Smart, and what surprised me is that although his character has his bumbling moments the filmmakers don't make him into an incompetent boob. He has his clumsy moments but he is also intelligent and very resourceful. Anne Hathaway is perfectly cast as the beautiful Agent 99 who is initially exasperated by Smart's bumbling but ultimately sees that Smart is the right man for the job. Also, funny are Alan Arkin and Dwyane Johnson.

“Get Smart” isn't perfect. It starts out slowly and I couldn't quite buy Carell in the action scenes which left a little something to be desired. But overall this is a great, fun, and hilarious comedy and I am looking forward to the inevitable sequel. Some swearing, raunchy humor, and violence that is realistically portrayed, but not graphic.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Andrew, age 32
Positive—There is some adult content in here which is why I give it an Average rather than an Offensive rating. Nothing vehemently anti-Christian but not exactly pro-Christian, either.
My reason for seeing this film is that I'm a fan of Steve Carell (I love watching his show, “The Office”). He never ceased to amaze me in this movie and he stole every scene that he was featured in; likewise, Alan Arkin didn't do a bad job either.
My only gripe is that they could've eliminated some of the mature content and come out with a PG (it would still be funny). Still, much of the said mature content is mainly slapstick in nature rather than being overly sexual.
My advice is to only allow teens 13 and up to see the movie; it's not appropriate for younger kids. For the younger set, try finding some of the old seasons of “Get Smart” on DVD and watch them with your younger kids.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Shannon H., age 26
Positive—I am 16 and I saw this movie in cinemas with my 11 year old sister. We both loved it and can't wait to watch it with our parents!

I think that the movie has very few things Christians would find offensive. There is some violence but it mostly comedic violence with little/no blood seen which I know some find disturbing. There are only a few sexual references, mostly humorous but I know some parents wouldn't like them, but mostly I found the romantic relationship between Max and 99 as very sweet and sincere.

I would recommend this movie to everyone! It is very funny with a great cast even if I lost track of the storyline at points.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Louise Iana, age 16
Neutral—I thought the movie would have a lot to laugh at and I did laugh during some of the film. I went to see it a few days ago with two of my friends.
We really didn’t like when the leading character(Maxwell Smart) kissed (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) towards the end of the movie. That is just disgusting! Also, there is a scene that looks like sexual activity is going on between the leading character and another man(homosexual) but there really wasn’t. I don’t see why they even put that into the film? I guess because it is so ramped in the world these days. Besides those couple of scenes, I would say the movie is okay. Nothing to brag about.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Evette, age 34
Neutral—I found the movie extremely boring—to the point where I actually wandered out of the theatre to walk in the lobby. They could have done so much with the old “Get Smart” theme, and I really enjoy other films that the 2 main actors have done, but I found this to drag on.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Leah Bishop, age 47
Neutral—After reading your rating of “Offensive” I watched this with some trepidation, but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes there was the occasional piece of foul humour, but it was almost always very brief and easy to miss, and I suspect often went over the heads of my children. However—and this is the important part for me—these parts did not pervade the whole movie, so I found it easy to watch in the company of my wife and children. There were no minutes-long scenes centering on semi-nudity or sex outside marriage, as is so common these days. As for violence, a number of minor characters die, but it is very “comic-book” style like the Get Smart TV series. In summary: comic-book style violence, no nudity (except male buttocks once briefly), no sex, occasional foul jokes, occasional swearing—I think you should upgrade your rating from “Offensive” to 'Average'.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Peter, age 45 (Australia)
Neutral—The magic just was not there between Max, 99, etc. Many of the gags easily have their origin in other movies. The villains were not likable as in the original series. The list of negatives could go on forever… The movie itself was a waste of time. The plot under-developed and characters who should have been developed were not.

There were several very revealing scenes of 99 legs and at the end a “butt” scene with Max before and audience. A scene were Max kisses a double agent on the lips. This and many more made this movie “not funny” and other than a couple of “shock humors” it just was not funny!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Scott Vairo, age 44
NeutralSteve Carell stars as Maxwell Smart, a clumsy analyst working for a clandestine U.S. organization known only as Control. He's a former fat guy turned Jared Fogle who desperately wants a shot at working in the field as an Agent. After a massive raid—correction, major pillaging—of Control, Smart gets his promotion as a coveted Agent. Without any delay, he's paired opposite The Hollie's Long Cool Woman-incarnate Agent 99, played by Anne Hathaway. Even though Carell is conceivably old enough to be her daddy, the two work well with one another at generating convincing chemistry, and their score age gap is all but forgotten.

After a little perusing of Wikipedia, I discovered the 60's show “Get Smart” was put together by Mel Brooks and Co. The credits for this 2008 flick read the same: this is a Brooks shindig ladies and gentleman. Despite having the mighty hand of Mel Brooks in the production, Smart is not like his usual humdrum. Reason I say that is there are less innuendos (though definitely still there) than what I would normally expect from Brooks. The slapstick is off the wall, but it fits this movie, given the lead character's ineptitude. It's probably 3x as slapstickish as any other sleuth comedy I've seen (The Austin Powers franchise comes to mind… Pink Panther also). So what's the reason for the slight deviation from the Brooks’ M.O.? It may stem from several factors, namely the fact this comedy is a re-envisioning of a show 40 years its senior, the fact that the show is a lampoon of the spy genre, and quite possibly this current rendition is itself a satire of its own origins.

Who knows? I wasn't around back then and have never watched an episode.
Is Smart ROTFLOL funny? Nope. I laughed… maybe twice. It's more of a smiling funny. *Oh, this is amusing. Cue smile.*
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Jacob Keenum, age 22
Neutral—The film was funny at some parts but not really at others. The homosexual tendencies I did not like or find really funny. Plus, another negative thing for me was the nude shot of the butt and do not like to see people nude. But, overall, it was an okay movie, but offensive.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Peggy, age 32
Neutral—Well, I will just point out some things that bothered me, that I don't think were mentioned in the other reviews. The part with Agent 99 moving in and around the laser beams (so she doesn't get burned). It was done in an erotic fashion. She moves around in all kinds of poses. And one part of it she sticks her bottom up in the air in a mini skirt, in a very vulgar pose (away from the camera). And Max is right behind her looking! And she shows A LOT of leg in the beginning of the movie. And she turns around from a window in another part of the movie, while wearing an open robe. She turns around quickly, and she is wearing a bra and panties! I was just really shocked by these scenes. I wish they didn't have to add such blatant sexual scenes to this movie. … Do Not let your kids near this movie!!!… Actually, although I did find some parts funny, I cannot recommend this movie to anyone, because of the above mentioned content.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Kel, age 30 (USA)
Negative—I agree with the writer for USA Today: “missed it by that much…” We were looking forward to this remake, but were greatly disappointed by all the crude sexual remarks and cursing. I'm ashamed we didn't walk out. I do NOT recommend this movie; save your money for ice cream.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeanne Miller, age 56
Negative—We just watched this movie. I would not recommend it to anyone. It has too much of the homosexual agenda within it. Even though they were fighting, Max kisses a man. Plenty of bathroom humor. It could have been a good movie if made 20 years ago. Save your money.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Ken Johanson, age 61
Negative—We were wanting to put in our 2 cents worth regarding the new “Get Smart” movie. We believe other Christians will have the same sentiment we do. As a devoted fan of the 60's “Get Smart” TV show, who was hoping to see a revival of the old series, and as a Christian who enjoys the clean humor of that era, I couldn't wait to see the “Get Smart” movie, especially after hearing so many positive reviews. A few Christians even said it was funny and not too offensive. Sad to say, I was utterly disgusted and disappointed. The new “Get Smart” movie is nowhere near the quality of humor and gags of the original “Get Smart.” As far as suitable for the Christian family, it is absolutely unacceptable.
Let me elaborate first on its failure to reach the level attained by the 60's series, by way of comparisons: In the old series, Control Agents show nothing but respect for one another, and this was exemplified in the relationship between agents 86 and 99. Maxwell Smart always treated Agent 99 with chivalry and 99, without resentment, covered for Max. In the new version, their relationship displays the typical behavior of what Hollywood passes as comedy. That is, the woman, (99) is constantly flaunting her superiority over the man, (86). There is boasting, insulting, and sexual provocation from the very onset. Control agents speak to one another with rude hostility and obscenities and “gags” that consist of punching one another and stapling papers to each other's heads. Rudeness to colleagues was limited to Chaos “bad” guys in the old series. Foul language, obscenities and perverted sex, (implied or otherwise) were non-existent in the 60s series of “Get Smart.” This film was filled with filthy language, sexual perversion and innuendos. Low level body and “potty” humor abounds, and personally, I think it is time that Hollywood gets the message that we are all SO tired of seeing men injured between their legs. If it ever was funny, it has certainly been overused and is quite old and ineffective in raising a laugh. They didn't use God's name combined with a curse word, but they let people spew it out in a disrespectful manner, more than a few times.
Even if I weren't a Christian, I fail to get amused by gutter humor. Give me an old fashioned, side splitting, corny gag, of which the old TV series, “Get Smart” abounds. I miss that. Furthermore, from a strictly objective, secular critic point of view, I was not impressed by the actors and actresses in the new “Get Smart” movie. I don't feel Steve Carell successfully captured the essence of Don Adam's portrayal of Agent 86, Maxwell Smart. Carell played it as a “sensitive guy” with a much too calm a persona. Don Adams played out his role with such magnificent caricature; it should have been easy for any good actor to imitate. The original Maxwell Smart conducted himself in gentlemanly fashion at all times, but he was also very arrogant in his self-perception. His pride was evident in his cocky, nasal proclamations, and his signature remarks and constant bumbles were part of the hilarity. Yet two lessons: “pride comes before a fall” and “good guys always win” were given to the viewers in every show. Steve Carell got some of it right, but only in small amounts and nothing like the preposterous and cartoonish behavior of Don Adams. I wish he had worked a bit harder at it. I think he COULD have pulled it off, by way of studying Adams's characteristic mannerisms, even if the script didn't give him much opportunity to use all the classic catch phrases. Only a token few of those were inserted, as if in afterthought.
Equally disappointing was the presentation of Agent 99, who in the old series, quietly covered Smart's bumbles without complaint or boasting. She politely endured his grabbing of the credit she deserved, with never more than a slight cock of the head or rolling of the eyes. Usually, she just allowed him to look good and she stayed cool. Like the stoic, Victorian wife, who was the secret behind the successful husband, the old “Agent 99” shined with integrity. Of course, this may be too distasteful for our feminist society, and so the new movie opted for a self-seeking alternative. Too bad!
This movie had so much potential and if you like the usual Hollywood fare of filth and sorry excuses for comedy, mixed with great action, you'll like this movie. If you are a lover of the old series for its pure slapstick and humorous shtick, and you like to use moral discretion for your family, like me, you'll hate it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Vic and Eva Zarley, age 61 and 51
Negative—As a big fan of the original television series (yes, I know I'm a little young, but what can I say, I love classic television) I will not be going to see this movie. The crude “funny parts” they show in the trailers alone have turned me completely off, so I can imagine how much worse it will get in the actual movie. This movie is NOTHING like the classic TV show. If you want to spend money on “Get Smart,” I would suggest renting or buying the DVDs of the classic series instead. What you'll get will be a whole lot more entertaining and certainly much cleaner than this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Rachel Davidson, age 19
Negative—THis was an okay movie. I wouldn't in a million years take small children to see this. Of course, most kids have probable seen worse, but I don't think it's okay for little ones.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Dwayne, age 40
Negative—They took a classic wholesome TV show, made a movie and added in some sin, just for laughs. Max kissing the person he is fighting with, mind you I didn't view this as Homosexuality, it was gross and it did have a lead in, okay I laughed.
A scene where Max is trying to escape from a sealed room. Max is trying to lift a very heavy man off a table so that he can use the man's eye on the optical scanner to open the door. The man is face down on the table. From an outside view through the window in the door it gives the illusion of Max having sex with the man. Then if that's not enough, a Kaos agent peers through the window and gives a knowing smile. This scene was unnecessary.
The other thing they made sure to do was to make 99 Max's superior, can't have a self-assured bumbling agent. Max had to be a not so sure of himself agent with deep feelings, complete opposite. I like in the TV show the way 99 placated Max yet was a fairly strong female for the time. They could have updated it a bit but left it the same. I think it would have played even funnier.
For real fun don't see the movie, use the money to buy the original series on DVD.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Lorne, age 45
Negative—I've just seen this movie on an international flight. I expected a good film since it got a positive review in the local DC Christian radio station! The film is awful. I had to stop watching it. There is absolutely no comparison with the original 60 series that used to be so enjoyable. It makes you wonder, how many people can feed their mind with such level of stupidity.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Carmen, age 47
Comments from young people
Positive—I loved this movie. I am a huge fan of The Office so when I saw that Steve Carell was doing a movie, I was immediately on board. Truly, the humor from this movie comes from slapstick humor and one-liners. One character staples a piece of paper to another characters forehead (ha ha). Carell's character shots darts into his own body by mistake. I would list the one-liners, but I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone. There are plenty of instances where the audience is expected to laugh at pain. If you do not condone that, then do not see this movie.

I've read a lot of Christian reviewers state that they were disgruntled with the language that was used. I would just like to say that although the language is not 100% clean and good, it is not as bad as it could be. I did not hear a single word in this movie that I have not heard walking around in the mall. Bad language is never, ever good. However, at the same time, in small amounts it does not make something unwatchable or unenjoyable.
Keep in mind the AUDIENCE of people seeing this movie. PG-13. That means ages 13 and up. In my household (and some of my friends’ households) that means 15 and up. As adults, you all know that the PG-13 of today is not the same as the PG-13 of the '80s. This movie is a far cry from being rated R, but it still has some thematic elements/language/violence that is not Biblically okay. If you cannot handle minor violence and some bad language (really not that bad) then this movie is not for you. Not only is this movie not for you, but a lot of other things are not for you. Like cable television.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Maryam, age 17
Positive—This movie was amazing!!!… me and my friend went to see thinking it would only be OK but we couldn't stop laughing throughout the movie!!! it was good cuz most of the funny stuff was pretty clean and there was next to none swearing (no F-words) if you want to see a really funny family movie GET SMART is the perfect movie! 5/5!!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Matt, age 14
Positive—The movie was very good to me. I didn't find it to be offensive as other comedies might be. I will definitely be seeing it again…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Brandon, age 13
Positive—…I have seen this film all the way through, and many of the parts multiple times. There is barely anything to be offended by in this movie, and even at that is it is so mildly offensive that it bugs me everyone is putting it down because of that. And the language that they are talking about is very minor, and nothing that should turn someone off to this. There were only a few swears scattered throughout the entire movie. I went and saw this just the other day, and I thought that it was hilarious! And when the way that they talk about the violence in the review is way over the top, it was all done in a comical fashion, and is not worse that people would see in most of the show that they watch on tv, even of the kids channels. I thought that this film did a good job of updating the series for a new generation, and Steve Carrel was perfect as Maxwell Smart. I would suggest this to anyone looking for some good, CLEAN fun.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Mike, age 15
Positive—Although “Get Smart” isn't the hilarious comedy the trailers would have you believe, Steve Carell’s newest movie is a very enjoyable flick. If you go to see “Get Smart,” don't expect a comedy, but rather a comic action movie that is funny at times and thrilling at others. It is a well put together and superbly acted genre-blending blockbuster, one that will easily entertain on a hot summer day.
As far as content goes, I didn't find “Get Smart” to be too offensive. There was some profanity, some violence, and some sex jokes, but there wasn't any graphic content and certainly nothing shocking. This may not be a movie for young children, but I think that teens of all ages would be fine. I certainly recommend it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
David Witwer, age 17
Positive—This movie is very good. I went to see it with a Christian buddy of mine. We both loved it, and it was very funny. The parts that are explained as offensive in the official review are not as bad as defined. Yes, there is average profanity; also the “max-i-pad” joke was barely hearable, and I had to think about what was said before I new what he said. Steve Carell did an excellent job playing his role. Overall, a great movie!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Garrett Trotter, age 14
Neutral—The humor in this movie is average in the culture, actors, and genre; while most of the jokes had a tinge of anywhere between crude, suggestive, or violent, they were, I admit, funny.

Though the film is funny, it's a little too crude and stupid in some places for me, and in that sense, not for the younger viewers.

This film has a good plot, acting, and a excellent filming, but I would stick to Monk.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
William, age 15
Positive—I saw this with my brother who the day before was his B-day,[ He turned 7] I found it pretty good other than the language. I loved the action and spy stuff, it was played very well! I think it got its PG-13 rating for a reason,the action,violence, and the language.[Wich I thought it was good other than the language] There was also a lot of comedy that I realy enjoyed. I do think that this is a parent first movie according to your age. I think maby 6+. Overall, excellent movie!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
William, age 9 1/2
Positive—When I saw this movie, the only objectional content I noticed was some of the language. Some of it was not profanity. Some of it was (no “F” words though). All in all, the entertainment was superb. It was hilarious and action-packed.
I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone (in the obvious age limit) who like comedies or action flicks.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Zac P., age 14
Positive—This is really funny movie and is an average remake of a classic TV series. However, this movie is not meant for anyone younger than 13.

There were only 3 things that really bugged me in this movie. The language was surprisingly filthy for a “Get Smart” remake. Secondly, there is a scene where Max tries to move Shtarker, and from behind it appears they are having sex (they are both clothed), and, lastly, a woman believes that Max is hitting on her and propositions sex.

The violence isn't that graphic or bloody, it's just action packed.

Do you want my advice? If you are a die-hard fan of the series, skip it. If you are familiar with the series and don't mind mild sexual references and language, I would recommend renting it first to see if you like it. But remember, there is too much stuff for kids younger than 13. Nonetheless, if you decide this movie isn't for your kids, I'd recommend you watch the TV series, and if you let them watch it, I'd recommend watching the TV series as a follow-up. In summation, it's pretty clean for a PG-13, however, it's still got issues. Approach this film with caution.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jacob M., age 15 (USA)
Positive—“Get Smart” was a great movie. I enjoyed it. It had a couple ify parts, but no sex scenes. I loved the action in the movie and the acting was great! My whole family was laughing histerically. I’ve never seen my dad laugh so much. I wouldn't bring younger kids like 9 and under. They wouldn't understand most of what was going on. And it just, overall, would not be good for that age group.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Brianna, age 14 (USA)
Movie Critics
…a truly hilarious spy-spoof update… ‘Get Smart’ is the near perfect blend of physical comedy, goofy jokes, and witty repartee. …
Stephen McGarvey, Crosswalk
…Farfetched ‘Get Smart’ adaptation lacks dumb fun of TV series… All I expected was dumb fun, but there was disappointingly little fun to be had. …
Duane Dudek, The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
…Politically edgier, the new ‘Get Smart’ mocks the President… mixes broad slapstick and off-hand one-liners in a sometimes surprisingly funny mixture. …
The Globe and Mail
…misses out on originality… goofy, if largely forgettable, fun.
Barbara Vancheri, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
…The ‘Get Smart’ remake: Missed it by that much… stops short of being clever…
Claudia Puig, USA TODAY
…Carell does a nimble job of keeping that tension alive. … The plot feels provisional, like the movie is feeling its way toward a better sequel. … Still, by movie's end, we can imagine spending some more time with Agents 86 and 99, and liking it.
Lisa Kennedy, The Denver Post