The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything — A VeggieTales Movie

Reviewed by: Dymphna Meeds

Moral Rating: Good!
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Kids
Genre: Animation Adventure Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 25 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: January 11, 2008 (wide—1,200 theaters)
Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc. Copyright, Big Idea Inc.
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Adventures in the rainforest! Learn about the Creator of the universe by exploring His marvelous creation. Fun for the whole family with games, activities, stories, answers to children’s questions, color pages, and more! One of the Web’s first and most popular Christian Web sites for children. Nonprofit, evangelical, nondenominational.
Featuring Phil Vischer, Mike Nawrocki, Tim Hodge, Megan Murphy, Andy Youssi, Colleen Curtis, John Wahba
Director Mike Nawrocki
Producer David Pitts

“They wanted to be heroes. After all… how hard can it be?”

“I can’t be a hero! I am not brave, strong, handsome, or smart! So what can I do?”

This question is frequently asked by the three cabin boy misfits; George (otherwise known as Pa Grape), Elliot (Larry), and Sedgewick (Mr. Lunt). Though all three dream of being in the pirate show instead of being wimpy cabin boys, each of them struggle with different problems that thwart their becoming stars. George is very under-confident; even his own children think the lead in the play is cooler than him. Elliot struggles with his timidness and doesn't want to get out of his own personal bubble. And Sedgewick just wants to lounge around all day and eat cheese curds!

Finally, after a huge mistake ends up getting the three fired, Elliot finds a little golden ball, the help seeker. Swiftly, they are swept back in time to a great adventure, including a captured prince, a frightening pirate, rock monsters, cheese curds, mirages and a loving king.

From an enjoyment point of view: This movie was funny, but not the funniest Veggie Tales ever. But it was still very fun. It had a few references to other movies, like Veggie Tales are famous for, but they weren't nearly as easy to ge,t and there weren't as many. Also, I was really hoping to see some jokes about, or references to, ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’ and was disappointed to find none whatsoever. Also, there were barely any songs! That's a first! But, overall, it kept me smiling/laughing throughout.

Positives: The main theme of this movie is heroes and what it takes to be one. George, Elliot, and Sedgewick all want to be heroes, but are too under-confident, scared, or lazy to work hard to be one. In the end, they all conquer their weaknesses and become true heroes.

George wants to be great, but doesn't believe he can be anything but a loser. Throughout his journey, George grows to see that he is a great person and begins to believe in himself.

Also, George is a great example. Of all the “pirates who don't do anything,” George is the most kind-hearted and willing to help. When the other pirates are lounging around, George helps the princess and butler do chores. He is also the first one to really try to be a hero. At the end when everyone is trapped by the pirate, George says, “I may not be a hero, but I can still do the right thing and be good!”

George also learns that the reason his children don't look up to him is because he isn't a good role model. And rather than feeling bad for himself, he decides to change.

Elliot is afraid to follow his dreams and be the wonderful person he could be. Instead, he lets himself be a second-best version of himself, never allowing himself to reach out to his own greatness. Later on, through the journey, Elliot learns to face his fears and stand up for himself. After he meets the king, he learns to stand strong and brave. He is also the second pirate who decides to help the princess and prince.

Sedgewick just wants to lounge around and do nothing. He just expects fame to fall into his lap. When he deserts George and Elliot for cheese curds, Sedgewick learns, in a very (and I mean VERY) tough way, that laziness isn't the way.

The pirates, princess, and prince are all willing to give their lives for each other and the king.

And speaking of the king, wow! He is all loving, all knowing, he makes no mistakes, etc. Remind you of someone? Anything that had to do with the king is just amazing! Also, they talk about not knowing when he was going to return. He is always there for all the characters, sometimes helping them through things, such as a crab, a blind man, a donkey, a lever, etc.

There is also a lesson about choices and free will in this movie. George and Elliot are given the chance to go home, but they choose to go on with their journey. George and Elliot learn to trust the rock giants, even though they are very afraid.

At the end, the pirates are told what true heroes are. The King says, “Hero's aren't the ones who are the bravest, smartest, strongest, or best looking. Heroes are the ones who do the right thing, the good thing.”

Possible negatives for some kids: This movie seemed darker than any other Veggie Tales, so be ready. This is a pirate movie, so be prepared for many sword fights, cannon balls, ships blowing up, scary-looking veggies, boats crashing, LOTS of suspense, people being captured, people being threatened to die, swords at veggies’ throats, a person is knocked off a boat, things (like swords) being thrown around, jumping/falling off large heights, big rock monsters, and a whirlpool.

The most scary parts are when the mechanical sea monster eats Elliot (he is okay, of course), and the cheese curds chase Sedgewick and try to eat him. Robert has things fall on him several time, and once his head falls off.

Several times George is called a loser.

Sedgewick provides a few very mild bathroom jokes.

Overall, this movie is no more scary than any Disney or Pixar film! It contains lots of family fun and a wonderful message. Though it could have been better, Big Ideas studio has made another wonderful film!

Violence: Mild / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None

Also, see our review of the previous VeggieTales theatrical release, Jonah—A VeggieTales Movie (2002).

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I am a VeggieTales ambassador for my area and had the opportunity (along with our VeggieTales event team from church) to attend a special screening for this movie a few weeks ago. We all loved it. Some of us loved it more than the Jonah movie they did a few years ago. The message was so clear that if God calls you to do something, He will give you the means/strength you need to do the job. The movie started a little slow, but we all enjoyed it. It's safe for everyone. I'm thrilled that this 100% Christian movie will be in theaters for all to see. It's clean, positive, and really there's nothing negative about it. VeggieTales fans everywhere will enjoy this movie!
My Ratings: Excellent! / 5
Cindy, age 36
Positive—I went to see this movie with my daughter who is almost 6 years old. My whole family has loved Veggie Tales since our older daughter (now 13) could watch them. I thought the movie was very well done, very enjoyable for young and old, and had great themes throughout. While it did not mention God in the movie, you would have to be sleeping to miss that the king in this movie was very much supposed to represent God. They did this well. The pirate heroes were able to complete their tasks and their mission because the King gave them what they needed to do it. God sets before us His plan, He gives us the tools we need to follow His plan. And even though it does not mention God, you can certainly talk with your child(ren) after the movie and mention how the King is so much like God, and the heroes are like us—what a great lesson to teach our children. They learned how to have courage, how to not ever give up, and that hard work is worth it in the end. And, they learned how to be good friends to each other and that helping others is what it is cracked up to be. There is sword fighting, but it was pretty mild—let's not forget it is a “Pirate” movie—and they did it very well so that young children (ages 5-up) won't be scared or bothered by it. (Maybe even 4-up)
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Diane, age 38
Positive—Another great Veggie adventure! I took my two sons tonight, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My seven year old has mild autism and is very sensitive to scary stuff such as “Where is God When I'm Scared” VeggieTale. He had problems with certain parts of this one as well, especially the part where little cheese curls were chasing them around. Incidentally, the prime reviewer of the film must have overlooked this as a connection to Jonah and other tales. As the end approached, I began to realize that there was no overarching Bible theme. But then I was surprised to realize that “The King” was representing God. I realized that it was a prophet who came and spoke to the three pirates about their future. The princess had a ball given to her by her father, the King, which symbolized prayer. When called upon, the three were then sent to her aid. In spite of their lack in abilities, they were able to perform, by the King's grace and/or providence, which was emphasized at the end. I, however, think that it was probably above the kids understanding to connect the pieces. Slightly disappointing in the indirect ways of glorifying God, I thought it was still good clean, wholesome entertainment film that pointed upwards.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Jim, age 37
Positive—Was a really good movie. Only one complaint: Where was Bob???…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Stephanie, age 20
Positive—Fantastic! My two 9 year olds and husband, and I all loved this movie. It was better than the Jonah Movie. The animation was superb, and the story creative. It was very funny. Excellent job by Big Idea Productions. The film doesn't mention God by name, but it does provide clean and pure entertainment for the whole family to enjoy.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Elicia Roy, age 38
Positive—My family and I really enjoyed this movie. The only downside was that it seemed a bit “toned down” for Veggie Tales. Almost like whoever was running the show told Phil and Mike not to get too “preachy.” It was a fun movie, but you really had to look to find the hidden references to God/Jesus, Unlike Jonah, which was very up front about it. “Jonah” was better, but this one was still pretty good. Certainly not their best though.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4
Chris Gallant, age 40
Positive—I must preface this with the knowledge that my 13 and 11 year old sons gives this movie a 5. I gave it a 3 because I was bored a couple of times. Pirates spoke to my children about the various reasons why we may not do things we know we should. This is what my son got out of it. He saw three people (vegetables) that overcame their lack of desire to do things. I saw a clean movie without profanity or innuendo. I am a little disappointed that they seem to be steering away from the references to God. They teach the principles that Jesus taught and for that I praise them, but I would like them to keep plugging God as well. Perhaps that's showbiz. If they keep making them I will keep going.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 3
Chris Ransom, age 41
Neutral—We are huge VeggieTales fans, and have been since we were introduced to them about seven years ago. I am at the store on release day to buy new videos, and we have gone to see the full length movies in the theatre the first day they were out. I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive when I saw the preview for this film, because it did not mention God or seem to refer to any specific Bible story, but I thought we would go see it and give it a chance.

While the kids did enjoy the movie, in some ways it was a disappointment for the adults in our group. My friend indicated that unless you knew the history of VeggieTales or were really watching for it, you would not know this was a faith-based series. My husband indicated that he thought they had taken out all references to God. You can certainly see that the king in the movie is on some levels to represent our loving God. The message is indeed that if God gives you a task, he will give you the tools and the strength to complete it, but it is done without one mention of God, and so subtlety that adults and children alike may miss it.

I understand that a movie like “The Chronicles of Narnia” does not mention God, retell a bible story or use a Bible verse, and still has a biblical message, but this is VeggieTales! Mike Nawrocki has indicated that VeggieTales has a long history of making stories that don't retell bible stories (he references “Where's God when I am Scared” and “Madame Blueberry”). He also indicates that “It's my hope that in this film, the biblical worldview is very clear and that a Christian audience and a VeggieTales audience will go to it and see what they've always seen in VeggieTales, and get the allegory, that will ring very true with them and they'll appreciate that.” But a VeggieTales with no mention of God, no Bible verse and no Bible story retelling? No I did not see what I have always seen in VeggieTales in that respect and I hope that this is not the start of a new history. My family would be so sad and would miss our Veggie friends.

The movie certainly does promote some good values and is a nice clean fun movie, so if that is what you are looking for it will serve the purpose for you. If you are expecting to see a traditional VeggieTales movie based on a specific story from the bible, that mentions a Bible verse or even God at all, this will not be it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Becki, age 33
Neutral—I think it is always great to bolster the ticket sales of Christian-based movies, but I just paid more than $40 for our brood to see it with the youth group, and I wish we had waited for the video, at least saved money. I never got “lost” in the movie, but rather stayed conscious the whole time that I was watching and waiting for a laugh or even a smile to come over me. My 6 year old thought the Rock Monster “rocked,” but other than that, I think the originality was not there very often.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 2
Mary Ann Rutter, age 46
Neutral—As an adult fan of the Veggietales, I found the movie to be slow and laborious. There were funny moments, but I (and the audience on a whole) seemed to be waiting for a chance to laugh—we wanted to enjoy the movie, but it was slow to allow it. The Christian message or moral of this VeggieTale was more transparent than any VeggieTale I have seen before. It made a good tie in, but it was not obvious until the very end. One might think this was good for the suspense, but in this case it seemed to be, “oh, that was the message.” Effectively, the message was so subtle, it was easy for Christians to miss, let alone young children or non-Christians. I was also disappointed that Larry and Bob did not discuss the moral at the end as they do in the standard Veggietales. Musically, there was not much musical interaction during the story, which also might have helped show where they were taking us. My daughter, 6, did enjoy the movie and stated she wanted to see it again. The music video at the end of the movie was entertaining—just wish it could have been earlier.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3
William B., age 41
Neutral—As a Christian mother of 3 kids, we are always watching/buying V.T.movies… the kids enjoyed the movie, but I was disappointed in that the V.T. movie never mention God what so ever! That was the whole purpose of Veggie Tale movies in the first place. If you want a “clean” movie ya got it, but if you want God involved… it ain't happening. It was a big let down. I will not being buying this movie, this movie does not support our Lord God Almighty in any way.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 2
Kelly, age 38
Neutral—I took my six year old and his friend to see it the day it came out and I was hoping that it would at least keep me awake. Well, that didn’t happen, but the kids appeared to stay focused on it for the most part. The story line was very “ho-hum,” and I really thought it started very slow, and I honestly could not remember laughing at anything. I checked out the movie Web site before seeing the movie and sad to say but the Web site is the more interesting of the two. I`m a long time Veggie fan but I really couldn`t get excited about this movie. I could be wrong, but I think the “Rock Monster” song is a spoof of an old B52`s song titled “Rock Lobster.” Nothing objectionable about the movie, but it`ll be worth waiting for on DVD in a few months.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Wayne, age 36
Neutral—Don't get me wrong I loved this movie but it didn't make it very clear about who god was and that he loves us all
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Maisy, age 11
Neutral—Entertaining, but for how much movies cost, I would wait for the video to rent it.

Nothing objectionable that I can remember, but nothing educational regarding the Bible that I can remember either. I was expecting something like Jonah which was awesome. I would have added something at least, such as the characters praying to God for help if it is in His will. I am wondering if Jesus’ name will ever be mentioned in any Veggie Tales episodes? I will continue to watch all of their shows and support Big Idea in their efforts and also wait with suspense to see if Jesus name is glorified.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Tina Schutt, age 41
Negative—After paying a matinee rate to see this movie, I think I overpaid. It was not funny. It was dark to the point of depressing and it was slow. There was no great silly singing. Worse than that, it smacked of Mormonism. Why would the all wise God/Jesus-like figure be brother to the bad, mean pirate? Why must both of the children of the king be Aryan? What is up with that golden sphere which must be consulted at every turn? There was no prayer, no reference to God, and no Scripture.

It was much too scary (and in some places off color) for toddlers and it's non-apparent morals were so well hidden that you were left to make it up for yourself. What is the point of a good moral in a children's movie if the moral is so well hidden? That is seemingly counter productive. I would think that parents would want Biblical truth clearly reinforced and not masked.

Most children see a loving kind father as a hero even if he isn't one so why must Pa Grape do something splendid to convince his kids that he's a great dad? That is offensive. It also offended me based on the racial bias with the lazy and gluttonous latino Mr. Lunt.

Is it a good Christian value to teach kids to lie about their identity in order to save the world? Should Pa Grape have to choose to save the Princess even if that may mean never going home to his own family again?

I have always loved the goofy lighthearted fun of Veggie Tales. Although not great study guides, they always pointed to the truth of Scripture. This movie wasn't true to form. This is the worst Veggie Tale ever. They should scratch it and try over. Or maybe they should retire. Certainly they should stick to Bible story re-makes or to book re-makes like Madame Blueberry (much nicer than Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert!).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Katherine Gring, age 36
Negative—I took my 4½ year old and my 3 year old, today. My 4 year old sat through the whole movie, and after about 45 minutes my 3 year old started wandering around, but that’s okay—hey, he is only 3.

Overall, it was a good movie that will expose many people to Veggie Tales that have not been before. I was a little disappointed in the movie, in that it was not as funny as the other videos, and there was not as many songs. I would give it a 9/10 overall.

My 4 year old didn't like the mean pirate, so, parents, be on watch for that. It wasn't scary, at all, she just didn't like it. It didn't seem to phase my 3 year old, at all. I did chuckle a few times, but the kids never laughed out loud, course they don't much when they are watching videos or movies.

I would recommend this movie to anyone. I am looking forward to when it comes out on video, and maybe it will have some good extras on the DVD.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Rebecca, age 34
Negative—Did not reflect the original vision of Veggie Tales. It lacked the moral clarity and comedic impact that I am used to from Veggie Tales. I actually fought to stay awake. Even the children we took were bored.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Wendall Ward, age 55
Negative—I liked this movie, and I will definitely own it on DVD, as I do all Veggie Tales movies. However, I was disappointed that this really is not, in my opinion, a Christian movie—which is what made the Veggie Tales famous! Sure, it had a good story and good moral content, but so do many other non-Christian films. Where is the mention of God and how much He loves His children? Why now is Big Idea turning their backs on the God that brought them success and making movies that will appeal to the world's “don't mention God ever” mentality? I would say, beware parents. Let's watch Big Idea and see if they sell out like all the others have in the past.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Tara Williams, age 27
Negative—I was very disappointed. I took my niece (9), nephew (5) and son (2) to see this movie. I thought this movie had no Christian values at all. There was a “slight” moral value, but that was even hard to get for young children. It had more dark and scary scenes than Disney/Pixar's “Finding Nemo.” I would have thought movies made by Christians would exceed a secular company and not the other way around. I hope this is not the direction that Big Idea/Veggie-Tales is going or they will lose a lot of their current Christian following. The dragon and rock people were scary for young children. The cheese curls coming to life was just uncalled for. My son will never see this movie again. I almost walked out, but I kept hoping it would get better. If you have not seen the movie and are planning to take young children to see it because they like the other Veggie-Tales, you might want to rethink this idea.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jennifer Waltman, age 31
Negative—I and my family were anxious to see this latest release from the doctrinally sound folks like Mike and Phil. However, this film was disappointing in it's lack of a Christian message. The Biblical principles were nonexistent. This movie unfortunately seemed to steer very clear of sharing Christian values. I happen to agree 100% with the premise of “Time Changer.” One cannot promote morality without recognizing that Jesus Christ is the sole cause for such morality. This movie regrettably avoided a Christ=centered basis for the pirates’ conversion. I can do all things through Christ…, but I can do nothing without Him. I know many “good” people by worldly standards, but the Bible teaches that our works are like filthy rags and Jesus is the only Way to eternal life. In my experience I have concluded that all belief systems or “religions” can be categorized as either faith-based, or works-based. This movie promoted a works-based belief system and it was uncomfortable to see this. This is saddening, and I feel like I have lost a great resource for our family. I am not sure I can count on Veggie Tales to boldly proclaim the gospel in the incredibly witty, talented and accurate manner as they have historically. We own virtually all of their productions and I have been so amazed and pleased that tomatoes and cucumbers can teach Biblical truths! I pray that this new “commercial” approach will be abandoned and they will return to the Bible for inspiration in future productions.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Chuck, age 46
Negative—I recently began purchasing VeggieTales for my daughter, and when we passed a movie theater and saw this movie playing on a cold Sunday afternoon, jumped at the opportunity. I was so severely disappointed, I feel forced to give my opinion. Yes, my daughter (4 years old) has been sheltered; she has never watched Disney movies or anything else my husband I haven't first previewed. I think I should have first read the previews on your Web site before taking a chance on a video I NEVER imagined could have veered so far from the “older” videos. This movie it no better than anything Hollywood produces—and in the “professed” name of Christianity! Shame!! My daughter turned her head various times so not to see the action; I asked her various times if she wanted to leave. She stayed for the entire film, but I am sorry we did. We should have left after the first 10 minutes. There is:
:innuendo of magic (yes, in a Christian film!) with a “ball” which can return these Veggies to the past, or push them to the future;
:an obvious “Spanish” veggie (sound a bit like Happy Feet?!) with mature innuendo;
:little cheese curls which continue to gnash they teeth and chase the Spanish veggie;
:stone “monsters” which are very large and scary;
:a dragon which is hideous and eats one of the veggies;
:and if not most importantly, not one mention of God or Jesus, His Son, just again, innuendo of a good king.
If I had imagined this movie to be somewhat questionable, we would have first previewed and like we have done with scores of other videos, it would have either been thrown in the garbage or promptly returned to the video store. I am so turned off, I do not believe I will ever buy another VeggieTale again!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 1
Elizabeth Burec, age 38
Negative—The quality of the animation was excellent, but that was the only thing we liked about it. Was it just my imagination or does Mr Lunt say that if he runs into the pirates, he is “gonna whack himself”? We walked out. Too much talk of killing and dying. Too scary, not fun and any Godly message was so buried it would be unnoticeable to young kids. It didn't seem like the Veggie Tales we know and enjoy.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
K Fenton, age 45
Negative—This was a good movie. There was a good suspense for kids. There was not mention of any verses from the word of God or seeing someone pray the Lord for their needs. You could still see the message of seeking for help, searching with your full heart, and overcoming your fear. They must have had a hard time to make this movie accessible to everyone—Christian and non Christian—by having the gospel message not up front. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
David, age 34 (Canada)
Comments from young people
Negative—I have to first say that the effects were wonderful. I was stunned by how the water looked, and even more so how the veggies looked. Very well done!

The reason that I chose “negative” for the film was because there was literally almost no Christian stuff in it at all. The only thing was the king, which you can easily guess is portraying God. I was disappointed that that was the only Christian thing!! I was expecting much more. And it seemed to me that they made Mr. Lunt grumpy and whiney the whole movie.

Another thing that I was rather startled by were the cheese curls. I wouldn't describe them as creepy, or nasty, but almost. The cheese curds do come alive in the film, and have no eyes, just teeth. They try and eat Mr. Lunt in the movie, and that may scare small children when the cheese curls chase after him making a sort of screaming hissing noise. I think they could have done without the pirates’ favorite snack food. I mean, why did they need to come to life? And will the veggies ever eat cheese curls again after that experience? :)

There was nothing else objectionable, it is clean for everyone, and nothing offensive. It just seemed to me that they excluded christianity maybe because they wanted non-believers to see the film. That may be the case, but I don't think it's any excuse.

The plot was good, but I was waiting for some funny comments from one of the veggies, but that didn't really happen. There was one scene though, were there is a bad pirate named “One Eyed Louie” who is threatening our Pirates, and telling them to stop the ship. Mr. Lunt accidentally shoots them with a cannon, and One Eyed Louie's eye pops out! I laughed out loud at that one! I honestly can't remember any other funny scenes, though. There is some bathroom humor with Mr. Lunt, though it is brief.

I'm not sure if I'll be owning this one, but maybe after I see it a second time, I may have different feelings.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Rachel Stromer, age 17
Positive—After seeing previews for this film, I was worried it would be subpar compared to “Jonah.” But after the viewing the movie, I was pleasantly surprised. The animation was very well done, and there was plenty of humor throughout. I was thoroughly entertained. But more importantly, I thought the moral was excellent and spot on. To those reviewers who didn't see much Christian emphasis in the movie, I saw plenty of examples of Christian themes. First, Eloise, the princess, trusted her father to bring help when the situation seemed dire. She knew her father was looking out for her. We, therefore, as Christians should trust our heavenly Father in the same way, since He knows what's best for us. The King was looking out for the three Pirates throughout the movie by helping them, just like God watches over us constantly. The King wanted the Pirates to do what is right. The world teaches us that look to ourselves for inner strength, whereas the Pirates Movie teaches us that God is the one who helps us do what's right.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Beth, age 17
Positive—I loved it!!!… it is great!!!… but it does not say anything about God or any verses anymore—things like God made you special and he loves you very much! Overall, I LOVED IT!!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Maisy, age 10
Positive—I saw it on opening day with my buddie Noah, who is also 12. We both enjoyed it. It was a good movie. I would recomend it for anyone from Age 1 to 100. it is much better than a cute rental. It was a very good movie and I plan to buy it soon. I give two thumbs up—and Five stars. It is a must see movie for VeggieTales fans.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Joseph, age 12 (USA)
Movie Critics
…slickly made—in the good sense—and most entertaining. …
Luke Sader, The Hollywood Reporter
…Less overtly Christian in content than 2002's Old Testament riff ‘Jonah,’ pic is nonetheless chockfull of lessons about courage, friendship and the inherent dangers of cheesy snack foods. …
Justin Chang, Variety
…relies more on classical and pop culture-driven references to deliver its worthwhile message… as the vegetables find the heroes in themselves…
Kevin Crust, Los Angeles Times
…the script goes out of its way to make sure families aren't bombarded with ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’-style sorcery. In fact, it sets up its villain as a dabbler in the ‘mechanical arts,’…
Steven Isaac, Plugged In