Today’s Prayer Focus

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Reviewed by: Steven G. Hanson
Edited by: Ken James

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: 16 to Adult
Genre: Mystery
Length: 155 min.
Year of Release: 1997
USA Release:
Featuring Kevin Spacey, John Cusack, Jack Thompson, Lady Chablis, Alison Eastwood, Irma P. Hall, Paul Hipp, Jude Law
Director Clint Eastwood

“Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” unfortunately dwells more on the evil then the good!

The story is one of a seemingly jaded but otherwise respectable millionaire who is accused of the murder of a young employee who turns out to be the killer’s lover. He admits to a homosexual relationship with the dead man and to shooting his lover but says it was in all in the name of self-defense. Ultimately, he is acquitted after telling one story in court of how the murder took place and another to the New York writer who has now become a friend.

There are a range of characters in the story from a bizzare transvestite to the New York writer who can’t sleep without the noisy sounds of New York cabs, horns and other commotion being played on a cassette recorder by his bed.

As for the “evil” portrayed in this film, one scene deals with a very grandmotherly, nice old voodoo practitioner who, with the accused killer and the New York writer, are at the grave of the murder victim late at night. The voodoo lady is speaking to the deceased when she states, “…there is no way to heaven except through the dead spirits.” As Christian, we know that our guide to truth is not voodoo or other evil, but the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible. We know that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Furthermore, one of the last scenes of the film shows the New York writer, John Cusack, asking the now-acquited murderer which version of the murder is true. Kevin Spacey’s character replies “Truth is in the eye of the beholder.” Sorry… wrong again.

While my wife and daughter believe the movie is a good character sketch, it is more than evident that everything in the movie points viewers away from Jesus and towards spiritism and the acceptance of bizzare, unnatural, occultic immorality.

Unfortunately, Director Clint Eastwood seems to be attempting an “artsie” film and, in turn, cozying-up to the gay community. My recommendation is to avoid this one and dwell on those things which are pure and good, not dark and evil.

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