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Creator’s World. Illustration copyrighted, Films for Christ

Genesis Flood

Available in DVD (English, Spanish or French)

Click Here The World That Perished
by ChristianAnswers (Films for Christ)
All about Noah’s Ark and the Flood—based on high respect for the Biblical record and geological research by Bible-believing Christian scientists with advanced degrees—This award-winning, highly visual documentary film answers the questions of skeptics, and reveals the source of most fossils, sedimentary strata and geological features. Discover scientific and ancient cultural evidence in support of the Bible’s cataclysmic Flood that once covered our entire planet and continues to effect our lives today!


Available in DVD (English, Spanish or French)

Click Here The Great Dinosaur Mystery STREAMING VIDEO
by Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
Children are being misled by public education. The facts about dinosaurs point away from Evolution, not toward it. It’s time kids heard the evidence about these incredible creatures, and what really happened to them—consistent with a biblical worldview. [More Details]

Click Here The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible BOOK
by Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
Kids are enthralled by dinosaurs! But secularists use that interest to indoctrinate children in an evolutionary worldview. Give your child this unique and colorful bestseller, for a proper, biblical understanding of the world in which they live.


(listed in alphabetical order)

Click Here The Case for Creation
featuring D. James Kennedy and numerous expert witnesses
Expert witnesses present a compelling summary of the scientific evidences for Creation (and against Evolution). Shot on-location in many different settings, including the historic courtroom of the “Scopes Monkey Trial.” [More Details]

Click Here Celebrate Creation VIDEO CURRICULUM
by ChristianAnswers
Now its easy to show these exciting creation films or videos and lead effective discussions with this simple Creation video curriculum! 12 or 8-session formats. [More Details]

Click Here The Genesis Solution
Ken Ham / produced by ChristianAnswers (Films for Christ)
One of our most popular films. Thousands have used it to help other Christians understand why the subject of Creation/Evolution and a literal, accurate Genesis is so important! This life-changing message has been the catalyst to revival in thousands of lives and churches worldwide.

Click Here The Great Dinosaur Mystery STREAMING VIDEO
by Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
Children are being misled by public education. The facts about dinosaurs point away from Evolution, not toward it. It’s time kids heard the evidence about these incredible creatures, and what really happened to them—consistent with a biblical worldview. [More Details]

Click Here Icons of Evolution
Most students are not learning the truth about Darwin’s theory of evolution. A growing number of respected scientists report that the most famous “examples” of evolution (the icons of evolution) are based on outdated research and sloppy logic. This includes Darwin’s “Tree of Life,” finches from the Galapagos islands, antibiotic resistant bacteria, etc. This accurate, up-to-date documentary shares the fascinating truth about all the major icons of evolution. [More Details]

Click Here Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution SERIES
A high-quality series that uses the fascinating world of animals to reveal design that disproves Evolution. Provides exciting and memorable evidence for a Creator.

Click Here Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution THREE
A fascinating NEW movie about animals that reveals amazing design features—providing easy-to-understand proof against Evolution and for a great Creator. This episode includes ostriches, dogs, horses, hummingbirds, manatees, bees, mussels, cuttlefish, and butterflies. Wonderful for the whole family. Features Dr. Jobe Martin, a former ardent evolutionist who became a Bible-believer due to abundant “fingerprints” of God discovered in the animal world. [More Details]

Click Here ORIGINS: How The World Came to Be
by Films for Christ / ChristianAnswers
See the mostly widely acclaimed and viewed Creation film series. Covers all the basic issues of Evolution vs. Creation. Hosted by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith and featuring around the world photography, special effects and animation. [More Details]

Click Here The Origin of the Universe
by ChristianAnswers
Compelling scientific evidence for a created universe and against evolutionary explanations. This movie reveals that the universe is far too complex and well-designed to have originated simply by time and chance. There is clear evidence of an intelligent Master designer. [More Details]

Click Here The Earth, A Young Planet?
by ChristianAnswers
Provides scientific evidence against the billions-of-years age estimation methods of evolutionists and scientific evidence for a much younger Earth.

Click Here The Origin of Life
by ChristianAnswers
This award-winning production illustrates the impossibility of Evolution and leaves audiences in awe of the superb design of DNA, the human brain, and all living things! Features Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith.

Click Here The Origin of Species
by ChristianAnswers
Discover why the evolutionists’ “missing links” are still missing! Scientific knowledge of DNA and genetics reveals that living things cannot evolve upward by mutations, natural selection, or any other natural means. Evolution of life is impossible. Partially filmed in Charles Darwin’s own home. [More Details]

Click Here The Origin of Mankind
by ChristianAnswers
This important film dispels the widely propagated “ape-men” myth by uncovering the errors, hoaxes, and misinformation about the “missing links.” There is still no solid evidence that humans evolved from animals. The facts of nature indicate that man existed from the beginning, as the Bible states. [More Details]

Click Here The Fossil Record
by ChristianAnswers
The fossil record is a huge embarrassment to Evolutionists. Here’s why! This fast-moving documentary reveals thought-provoking discoveries related to the Grand Canyon, geology, fossilization, “missing links,” coal formation, a worldwide flood, and more. [More Details]

Click Here Unlocking the Mystery of Life
This film beautifully and convincingly presents the scientific case for INTELLIGENT DESIGN. It shows why informed scientists are increasingly turning away from Darwinian evolution. This is an accurate, up-to-date documentary that you will be proud to share with even your most critical-minded, secular friends. [More Details]

Click Here The World That Perished
by ChristianAnswers (Films for Christ)
All about Noah’s Ark and the Flood—based on high respect for the Biblical record and geological research by Bible-believing Christian scientists with advanced degrees—This award-winning, highly visual documentary film answers the questions of skeptics, and reveals the source of most fossils, sedimentary strata and geological features. Discover scientific and ancient cultural evidence in support of the Bible’s cataclysmic Flood that once covered our entire planet and continues to effect our lives today!

Evangelism beginning in Genesis
Click Here The HOPE
Our top recommendation for soul-winning films! Our culture has lost its knowledge of Creation, the Fall, God’s judgments, the true identity of Jesus, and the redemptive plan that He began long ago to save a world lost in sin. The HOPE clearly explains the way of salvation, chronologically, starting in Genesis. This movie has it all! Quality / Clear biblical message / Multi-cultural. [More Details]
Available in numerous languages and versions

Books on Creation
Click Here The New Answers Book
Ken Ham, General Editor
Answers to over 25 of the most-asked questions on creation/evolution and the Bible. More details

Click Here The Bible Has the Answer book
by Henry Morris, Ph.D, and Martin E. Clark
The Bible has the answers to the most important questions of life, and this book reveals what it says about more than 150 of those questions! Includes answers to some of the most difficult doctrines of Scripture. [More Details]

Click Here
Creation and Time: A Report on the Progressive Creationist Book of Hugh Ross
by Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
A bold, much-needed response to one of the most divisive trends currently shaking the foundations of evangelicalism! This unique book is must-reading for every believer concerned about truth and unity in Christianity.

Click Here The Genesis Record book
by Henry Morris, Ph.D.
Our favorite commentary on the Book of Genesis. If you’re preparing to teach or study from Genesis, this is the ONE commentary that you should not be without! A “must have” for every pastors and Bible teachers library

Click Here The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible BOOK
by Paul S. Taylor (ChristianAnswers)
Kids are enthralled by dinosaurs! But secularists use that interest to indoctrinate children in an evolutionary worldview. Give your child this unique and colorful bestseller, for a proper, biblical understanding of the world in which they live.

Click Here The Illustrated Origins Answer Book
by Paul S. Taylor, ChristianAnswers
This best-selling Creationist book is absolutely unique. In a single volume, readers can fly through abundantly illustrated chapters, and then find a treasure trove of fabulous references and quotes to back up the evidence. Excellent for non-Christians, too! (also see, the related ORIGINS videos [More Details]

Click Here In Six Days book
edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D.
Learn why fifty scientists, through faith and scientific fact, have come to the conclusion that God’s Word is true and everything had its origin not so very long ago, in the beginning, In Six Days. [More Details]

Click Here Starlight and Time book
by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
If some stars are millions and millions of “light years” away from earth, how could their light have reached us in only a few thousand years? This book reveals startling new scientific evidence based on Einstein’s theory of relativity. [More Details]

Click Here Weather and the Bible book
by Donald DeYoung, Ph.D.
Recommended by Christian Answers

Click Here What Is Creation Science? book
by Dr. Henry M. Morris & Dr. Gary E. Parker
Thousands of scientists are now convinced that the evolutionary theory of the origin of life and the cosmos is wrong. They believe beyond any doubt that naturalistic evolution is impossible. Why? What scientific evidences have turned them away from the prevailing beliefs of their peers? [More Details]