Christian Spotlight on Entertainment
Scene from Pokémon: The First Movie
Prayer Focus

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Pokémon—A Christian Commentary II

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Pokémon is a cartoon and game that has become very popular among children. It was first created in Japan (Pokémon means “pocket monster”) and is sold by Wizards of the Coast, the same company that sells Dungeons and Dragons.

Like Dungeons and Dragons, it is a role-playing game. The object is for the child to become a master by gaining power through confrontations between the various monsters. Since the Pokémons are spirits, they have abilities to do such things as induce headaches, read minds, and suck out souls. Energy cards are used to strengthen one’s own monster or weaken the opponent. Psychic energy, for example, enables the player to evict sickness, pain, or confusion induced by a Pokémon. The cartoons demonstrate the game as it would be enacted were the barriers between the natural and supernatural world completely erased.

A study of eastern mysticism and the occult reveals striking similarities:

  • Most emphasize earth, wind, rain, and fire as a source of power. Pokémon includes those in its energy cards.
  • Reincarnation is often found to be a basic belief. In the game, the monsters actually die to their old self and evolve into the new, more powerful Pokémon.
  • Spirit guides can be summoned by the practitioner. They tell what they see, fight with other spirits, guard, and carry out assignments given by the medium.
  • Pokémon monsters do this for their “trainers” children playing the game as well.
  • Tarot cards must be placed in a certain order. Color represents energy levels according to various combinations—Pokémon trading cards are also laid out in a specific order.
  • The repeated chanting of one word is used as a vehicle to enter realms of greater “spiritual” awareness. In the cartoon, each pocket monster can only say its name—over and over again.
  • A “peaceful” spirit is called a pika-chu. The cartoon’s hero has a pet that battles Pokémons and protects him called, you guessed it, Pikachu.

Now the Bible teaches us that it is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgment. (Heb. 9:27) Therefore, reincarnation is not an option. We also know that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12).

Without putting too much emphasis on evil, we must understand that deceiving spirits are a reality and their influence on people will increase. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” (1 Tim 4:1)

Please prayerfully consider what you have just read. As parents, we need to seriously consider things that are influencing our children.

Some of this information was provided by Helen Beason, Julie Jefferson, and Brett Peterson. A 9-page Christian perspective on this can be found on

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