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The Greatest Events in History

Can you name the greatest events in history? Yes, there have been many events in world history
which can be named; battles and wars, discoveries and inventions… but there are several events
which are mentioned in the Bible which have affected every person on the face of the Earth. What
could these events be? Do this crossword puzzle and find out!

3. Someday, we will live there with God. (_ _ _ _ _ _) (6)
6. Created without sin, but he brought death to all mankind. ( _ _ _ _ ) (4)
8. Judgement upon all mankind, except for 8 people. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5)

1. The mother of all humans. ( _ _ _ ) (3)
2. God, in the flesh, came to give life to mankind. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5)
4. He and his family were saved from the worldwide judgement of sin. ( _ _ _ _ ) (4)
5. Where God caused people to speak different languages. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5)
7. Our Creator and Redeemer. ( _ _ _ ) (3)

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Kid Explorers activities, • Copyright Films for Christ. Author: Mark Van Bebber.