Thought-Provoking Quotations on Abortion
Abortion Advocate: Abortion is a private choice between a woman and her doctor.
Pro-Lifer: Do we allow parents to mistreat their children if done in private?
Abortion advocate: Of course not. Those children are human beings.
Pro-Lifer: Then the issue isn’t privacy. It’s “What is the unborn?”
Abortion Advocate: But many poor women cannot afford to raise another child.
Pro-Lifer: When human beings get expensive, may we kill them?
Abortion Advocate: Well, no, but aborting a fetus is not the same as killing a person.
Pro-Lifer: So, once again, the issue is 'What is the unborn? Is the fetus a human person?'
Abortion Advocate: But you're being too simplistic. This is a very complex issue involving women who must make agonizing decisions.
Pro-Lifer: The decision may be psychologically complex for the mother, but morally it is not complex at all. When blacks are mistreated in a certain society; do we spin a tale about complex, agonizing decisions for the whites in power or do we condemn the evil of racism?
Abortion Advocate: Aborting a fetus that is not a person is one thing, discriminating against black persons is quite another.
Pro-Lifer: So were agreed: If abortion kills a defenseless human being, then the issue wouldn't be complex at all. The question is, 'What is the unborn?'
Abortion Advocate: Enough with your abstract philosophy. Lets talk about real life. Do you really think a woman should be forced to bring an unwanted child into the world?
Pro-Lifer: The homeless are unwanted, may we kill them?
Abortion Advocate: But its not the same.
Pro-Lifer: That's the issue, isn't it? Are they the same? If the unborn are human like the homeless, then we cant kill them to get them out of the way. Were back to my first question, 'What is the unborn?'
Abortion Advocate: But you still shouldn't force your morality on women.
Pro-Lifer: You don't really believe what you just said. You'd feel very comfortable forcing your morality on a mother who was physically abusing her two-year-old, wouldn't you?
Abortion Advocate: But the two cases are not the same.
Pro-Lifer: Oh? Why is that?
Abortion Advocate: Because you're assuming the unborn are human, like the two-year-old.
Pro-Lifer: And you're assuming they're not. So the issue is quite simple, isn't it? It’s not forcing morality; it’s not privacy; it’s not economic hardship; it’s not unwantedness; it’s “What is the unborn?”
Author: Scott Klusendorf, Director of Bio-Ethics at Stand to Reason
Discover how you can be even more sure that the human fetus is a human being, see this section of our site…

“Naomi Wolf, the high-profile 32-year-old feminist author and Rhodes scholar, recently admitted that her morning sickness—and her seeing the baby inside moving on a scan—has helped her change her mind about abortion. Wolf said that she now rejects the abortion lobby's claim that a foetus [fetus] (a Latin word which, when translated to English, means 'little one') isn't a human life but is merely a mass of tissue.
While she hasn't gone so far as to oppose abortion 'at all costs', Wolf is firing some heavy verbal artillery at her fellow feminists, whom she accuses of self-delusion, hardness of heart, and even lying when they say a death doesn't take place in abortion.” —Robert Doolan, Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Answers in Genesis, December 1995-February 1996), p. 4.
“The nurses have to look at the ultrasound picture to gauge how far along the baby is for an abortion, because the larger the pregnancy, the more you get paid. It was very important for us to do that. But the turnover definitely got greater when we started using ultrasound. We lost two nurses—they couldn't take looking at it. Some of the other staff left also.”
What about the women having the abortions? Do they see the ultrasound?
“They are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heartbeat, they wouldn't want to have the abortion.” —Dr. Joseph Randall, who performed over 32,000 abortions, quoted in David Kupelian and Mark Masters, “Pro-Choice 1991: skeletons in the closet,” New Dimensions (September/October 1991), p. 43.
A nurse who had worked in an abortion clinic for less than a year said her most troubling moments came not in the procedure room, but afterwards. Many times, she said, women who had just had abortions would lie in the recovery room and cry, “I've just killed my baby. I've just killed my baby.”
“I don’t know what to say to these women,” the nurse told the group. “Part of me thinks—maybe they’re right.” —Diane M. Gianelli, “Abortion providers share inner conflicts,” American Medical News, 12 July 1993, p. 36.
Norma McCorvey, who under the pseudonym of ‘Jane Roe’ in 1973 prompted the landmark United States Supreme Court case Roe vs Wade (which decided in favor of abortion) announced in August [1995] that she now believes abortion is wrong. She has become a born-again Christian. McCorvey is still working through some of the issues, but she has left her job at a Dallas abortion clinic to work for the pro-life group Operation Rescue, revealing that she had been haunted by the sight of empty swings in a playground. —Robert Doolan, Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Answers in Genesis, December 1995-February 1996), p. 4.
Distinguished Australian novelist Peter Carey, 47, revealed in October [1995] that he deeply grieves over his dead children. His first child was aborted in 1961, then three more children died at birth. At his twins' cremation, Carey refused to give them any names, saying “I don’t believe in God.” He now says he regrets that decision. Although his children did not get to experience life outside their mother's womb, atheist Peter Carey knows they were human lives—his own children, not lifeless fetal tissue or a cosmetically inconvenient biological condition. —Robert Doolan, Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Answers in Genesis, December 1995-February 1996), p. 4.
“Many people are very, very concerned with children in India, with the children of Africa where quite a few die of hunger, and so on. Many people are also concerned about all the violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions who are being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today—abortion, which brings people to such blindness.” —Mother Teresa, quoted in Cal Thomas, “Meek Mother Teresa delivers a verbal knockout punch,” Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (February 9, 1994), p. B7.
“The fact that restricting access to abortion has tragic side effects does not, in itself, show that the restrictions are unjustified, since murder is wrong regardless of the consequences of prohibiting it; and the appeal to the right to control one's body, which is generally construed as a property right, is at best a rather feeble argument for the permissibility of abortion.
Mere ownership does not give me the right to kill innocent people whom I find on my property, and indeed I am apt to be held responsible if such people injure themselves while on my property.
It is equally unclear that I have any moral right to expel an innocent person from my property when I know that doing so will result in his death.”
—Prochoice philosopher Mary Anne Warren, “On the Moral and Legal Status on Abortion,” in The Problem of Abortion, Second edition, editor Joel Feinberg (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1984), p. 103, quoted in Randy Alcorn, Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments, (Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1992), p. 86.
Content supplied by: Summit Ministries and Answers in Genesis. Edited for this publication by Paul S. Taylor, Christian Answers.
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