The Wedding Planner

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for language and some sexual humor.

Reviewed by: A.C. Menkin

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teen to Adult
Genre: Romance Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 40 min.
Year of Release: 2001
USA Release: January 26, 2001
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Featuring Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Bridgette Wilson, Judy Greer, Justin Chambers
Director Adam Shankman
Producer Peter Abrams, Robert L Levy, Jennifer Gibgot, Deborah Del Prete, Gigi Pritzker, Robert Levy
TriStar Pictures
TriStar Pictures
, a division of Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment

What happens when your wedding planner and your fiancé fall in love? A high society daughter (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras) and a doctor (Matthew McConaughey) are set to be married in one of the most extravagant, upscale weddings of San Francisco. For the wedding to be a success, they have hired Mary (Jennifer Lopez), a sought after top-notch wedding planner, whose life consists of only work and her father.

The doctor meets Mary by accident when he rescues her from becoming road kill by a runaway dumpster. This introduction, and prince-charming rescue, launches the groom and the wedding planner into potentially compromising situations. But that’s not all!

Mary’s father, an Italian who grew to love his wife through an arranged marriage, decides to arrange a marriage between his daughter and an old-time Italian family friend who grew up with Mary. This definitely complicates matters.

Once Mary realizes that Prince Charming is the fiancé of her new client, she makes a difficult and moral decision not to pursue the man she loves. Throughout the film, Mary and the doctor are constantly faced with opportunities to follow their desires for each other or do what they know is right.

Meanwhile, Mr. Italian continues his relentless pursuit to have Mary’s hand in marriage and eventually Mary agrees. So do Mary and Mr. Italian tie the knot? Does the doctor marry his bride? Even though this movie is predictable, “The Wedding Planner” leaves audiences with a warm, confident feeling that good guys and moral decisions do have the best finish.

The comedy in the film has a mixture of adult humor and a couple of “blushing” moments. Overall, the humor ranks clever in some areas and predictable in others, none the less, funny. The language also ranks better than most PG-13 films, but does have a few “ear-closing” spots.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
I went to see this movie last night with my boyfriend. We both enjoyed it even though I think it may be better for a girl’s night out then a date. The movie was kept fairly clean. When Lopez’s character gets rescued both time she ends up in questionable positions with her rescuer. The statue scene was not necessary. Other then that, I really enjoyed this movie and appreciated watching something was a low cringe factor. It was cute.
My Ratings: [Average / 4]
Jess, age 19
I saw this with my friend and we were pleasantly surprised! I mean how often does Hollywood produce a movie that is almost completely decent? It could have been way worse… I extremely enjoyed it!
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 3½]
Sheena, age 16
I think we need to be careful not to praise a movie just because it isn’t morally objectionable. This movie was full of unrelated, hokey scenes (the horse ride and the statue) and was highly predictable. Actually, we found it quite boring.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 2]
Karen, age 46
…I really enjoyed the movie—there were a few unnecessary parts to it (bad words, the statue scene) but overall, it was great entertainment. Also, Lopez’s character showed some decency in refusing to get involved with her friend’s fiancee. In my opinion, Hollywood needs to make more movies like “The Wedding Planner”.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 4]
Beth, age 17
…a really good movie. Although there was one objectionable part with a statue there was no sex. And very few swears. This movie does play off of your emotions and sends girls with more romantic notions. But it was a very clean movie and it focused on doing what is right, and they main characters actually did the right thing. I would see this movie again.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 4]
Freeflying, age 18
I really enjoyed the wedding planner. There was a small amount of cussing, but that was really only one of the few objectionable things in the movie. It seemed to me like it really steered clear of sex, which is very difficult to find in a PG-13 movie these days. I would recommend this movie to anyone who would enjoy a good romantic comedy.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 4]
Katie, age 15
This movie had no nudity and no intimate scenes. At one point in the movie there was some cursing, about six times in the whole movie. This was a romantic comedy. For about five minutes of the movie there is a scene were Matthew and Jennifer walk through a large statue garden. He knocked one over and upon placing it back part of it broke off. Well, leave it to Hollywood—it was the testicles that broke off. Jennifer had crazy glue to put it back and it stuck to Mathews hand. That is the only questionahle part of the movie. Honestly, it was good entertainment.
My Ratings: [Average / 3]
Holly Lynn, age 36
Movie Critics
…One F-word… some mild obscenities and religious profanities…
…Some brief and non-explicit, sexually related talk
…Weddings ought to be about more than style and fashion. God’s ever present hand in the marriage relationship is what this film lacks…
Michael Elliott, Movie Parables
Even though this movie portrays something as beautiful as marriage, it IS missing the Christian perspective from most of the situations; not making it an objectionable movie, but not giving it much intuitive value. Just seems to be another socially consuming movie, sadly.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 3]
Kris, age 16
I love the movie wedding planner. Finally a good movie without the harsh language and sex scenes and gay characters. Truly a movie you can feel comfortable watching with your friends. I wish the movie industry would make more movies like this one. Also check out the soundtrack, it is excellent!
My Ratings: [Excellent / 5]
Michelle, age 30
…a good, clean movie by Hollywood’s standards. it’s reminiscent of 40s and 50s cinematic storytelling when moviemakers respected audiences enough to not have to show every gross detail of a character’s life. Yes, with the exception of the little cursing, the movie was well done and I highly recommend it.
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 4½]
Melissa, age 30
I loved this movie! When I saw the trailer I figured it would be kind of like Runaway Bride, where after she finds she’s in love with someone else she just drops her fiancee. In the wedding planner this does not happen, the relationships are handled very well. Jennifer Lopez was wonderful! You don’t always see a professional singer that is also good at acting…
My Ratings: [Better than Average / 5]
Jennifer, age 30
I watched a “cleaned up” version of this film, and was rather disappointed. Sure the guy gets the girl and all that, but all of the situations made it seem like commitment wasn’t important. Immoral relationships were refereed to, more than once. The statue seen was disgusting and uncalled for, that made the movie rather unbearable for me.“Mary” made the right choice in respecting engagements, and relationships, but the lead guy (whatever his name was) was unfaithful to his commitment. The Lord’s name was taking in vain (a lot.) And many filthy words were used. Drinking was used as a way to get rid of your problems. Aside from those things that I observed in the “cleaned up” version, it could be considered a good movie. I didn’t like it, and wouldn’t see it again.
My Ratings: [Average / 3½]
age 15