17 Again

also known as “Seventeen Again,” “17 Outra Vez,” “17 xana”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for language, some sexual material and teen partying.

Reviewed by: Thaisha Geiger

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 42 min.
Year of Release: 2009
USA Release: April 17, 2009
DVD: August 11, 2009
Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema Copyright, Warner Bros. Pictures / New Line Cinema
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Teen Qs™—Christian Answers for teenagers
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Featuring Zac Efron (Mike O'Donnell—Teen)
Leslie Mann (Scarlett O'Donnell—Adult)
Thomas Lennon (Ned Gold)
Matthew Perry (Mike O'Donnell—Adult)
Tyler Steelman (Ned Gold—Teen)
Allison Miller (Scarlett—Teen)
Sterling Knight (Alex O'Donnell)
Michelle Trachtenberg (Maggie O'Donnell)
Jim Gaffigan (Coach Murphy)
Adam Gregory (Dom)
Hunter Parrish (Stan)
Mario Cassem (Samir)
Katerina Graham (Jaime)
Tiya Sircar (Samantha)
Melissa Ordway (Lauren)
Melora Hardin (Principal Jane Masterson)
Brian Doyle-Murray (Janitor)
See all »
Director Burr Steers
Producer Offspring Entertainment
Jason Barrett
Jennifer Gibgot
Adam Shankman
Distributor: New Line Cinema. Trademark logo.
New Line Cinema
, division of Warner Bros. Pictures

“Back to High School”

Similar movies: “13 Going on 30” (2004), “Little” (2019)

Mike O’Donnell feels like a loser. His wife (Leslie Mann) kicked him out of the house, his kids don’t care for him, and his boss overlooked him for a long overdue promotion. What makes Mike even more miserable? He knows his life could have been so much better if he had gone to college with a basketball scholarship, instead of marrying his pregnant girlfriend.

Now, twenty years later, he’s living with his best friend, Ned, as he goes through the divorce. Returning to the high school of his glory days, a janitor asks him if he wishes he could be 17 again, which Mike strongly does. That night he falls through a vortex and finds himself seventeen again. Considering the janitor a spirit guide, Mike soon realizes that his transformation is to help his kids who really need him.

While it begins rather weakly, the momentum eventually picks up into a funny, charming movie. Its success rested completely with Zac Efron in his first no-singing lead role. He excellently delivers a convincing performance of a father trapped in a teen’s body. The chemistry between him and Leslie Mann was also a success. Their scenes together were vital since they had to display a connection between the younger Mike and his wife.

While the movie does use some recycled devices, the movie is sweet all on its own. Often times movies with any kind of time travel have the secondary characters suffer from kind of amnesia when they never realize that it’s the same person running into them at different time periods. However, as soon as Scarlett sees the younger version of her husband, she immediately is drawn to him, pinching his face, and wanting to smell him to see if it is indeed Mike.

Offensive Content

While offensive content should be expected in secular films, the way it’s portrayed and any redemptive qualities should always be considered before viewing. In “17 Again,” the movie does have its fair amount of offensive; however the majority is shown negatively. While at the same time, saving marriages and even waiting until marriage to have sex are shown positively.

There is a moderate amount of cursing, about 7 of the milder profanities are scattered throughout. The Lord’s name is also profaned occasionally throughout the film. As for the violence, there is some slapping and a lengthy fight between Ned and Mike when Ned doesn’t recognize his friend’s younger self.

There’s some low-cut attire as well as discussions about sex.

At the end of the film, there is a unmarried couple shown in bed together. If parents want to avoid this scene, simply leave as soon as it states “The End.” Mike’s daughter Maggie is always kissing her jerk of a boyfriend. Throughout the entire film, her boyfriend is obviously a sleaze who ultimately dumps her when she says no to sex. This would be an excellent time to discuss with teens of what a relationship should not look like.

My favorite scene in the movie was during the sexual education class. The teacher defies the abstinence policy by passing out condoms saying that seniors are very unlikely to remain abstinent. Mike makes an impassioned speech about waiting until you’re married. After the speech, some students even begin returning the condoms except for, of course, Maggie’s yucky boyfriend.

Mike inadvertently blamed his wife for his current life. He eventually realizes his decisions and his life themselves weren’t that bad; it was just his negative perception. True, he never did go to college. However, he had a beautiful, loving wife, two healthy kids, and a dedicated friend. Whenever something seemingly bad happens perhaps we should change our own perception and view those times as a training ground to become better soldiers for Christ. Whether it’s someone annoying at work or being stuck in a traffic jam, they can become learning experiences on how to righteously deal with annoyance and obstacles. The book of James is an amazing how-to book for Christians. In chapter 1:2-4, he wrote:

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete and not lacking anything.”

While the film’s humorously enjoyable, I do not believe it’s suitable for younger children. The film’s perfectly rated, and perhaps only the older ones would truly benefit from the film’s themes of love, marriage, and even regret. I do recommend this film as long as time sometime is taken to discuss the film’s content afterward.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Moderate / Sex/Nudity: Mild

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Positive—Many people wish for a second chance in choices they’ve made. Whether it’s to actually write that 500 page novel or spend two months traveling the world, there’s always something people regret not doing.

Mike O’Donnell is no exception. His world was turned completely around his senior year in high school. Instead of winning that basketball scholarship and receiving a free ride through college for a complete education, Mike instead found himself married to his high school sweetie, Scarlett, and with a baby on the way. For the next twenty years, Mike resents life’s unfairness for having stolen his dreams away until finally his wife has enough and serves him with divorce papers.

Mike now stays with Ned, an old friend and fan of everything science fiction, and wonders where his life went wrong. The job promotion blew right past him, and his kids won’t speak to him, and he’s about to lose the woman that he still loves. How did it all happen? Mike returns to that first choice that seemed to lead him astray. Standing in the halls of his old high school, the one his kids, Maggie and Alex, now attend, Mike encounters a chance meeting with a man who could only be termed a guardian angel or spirit guide. Does he wish for a second chance? Mike’s only answer is yes. Before the day is out, Mike finds himself zapped back to his 17-year-old self, with one proviso. He’s not exactly 17 in the 80s anymore, but 17 in 2009.

Convincing Ned isn’t as difficult as Mike imagined, though the numerous weapons littered about Ned’s house provide an interesting backdrop. Going back to school, this time as Ned Gold’s son, Mike finds himself finally knowing his kids after years of being too self-involved to care about their experiences and choices. But is it too late for him to win back everything he’s lost? And is it even possible to receive a second chance if he’s stuck at the age of 17?

Yes, there is sexual content, but not as much as you’d expect from a teen flick. When teen Mike heads back into the cauldron of high school, he’s suddenly faced with sexuality taught in the classroom, the distribution of condoms by teachers, and the lustful stares of teenage girls taking notice of his trim body. On the positive side, Mike never yields to sexual temptation and he even preaches abstinence while in the classroom, talking of waiting for marriage. The guys merely laugh at him, but the girls actually listen and even return the condoms handed out by the teacher. Mike instructs three teenage girls about how men will never respect them if they don’t respect themselves. Those scenes were amazing because so many teen flicks completely ignore the concept of abstinence.

There is some prevalent sexual innuendo and scatological terms used in high school, even by Mike when arguing with a bully. Adult Mike works for a company much like Viagra and sexual comments are made in the one meeting he attends at the beginning of the film. A man and woman share sexual innuendo in the guise of science fiction and fantasy terminology. They’re seen in bed later in the film, easily avoided if the audience leaves right at the end credits. Teen Mike and Adult Scarlett find themselves attracted to one another, an experience that makes her very uncomfortable. Of course, since this really is her husband in a teenage body, their emotional connection wasn’t as questionable as it could have been, made easier by Scarlett’s continued resistance to him. It is briefly mentioned that a character could be homosexual because he is constantly backing away from female attention, a concern totally unfounded. A teenage boy got his girlfriend pregnant.

Violence is mostly limited to fights in school and male posturing. A battle occurs between Ned and Mike with everything from ancient swords to light sabers before Ned realizes that Mike is, well, actually Mike. A male character is slapped several times within a span of ten minutes. Most of the language is innuendo or very mild profanity, but under stress, Mike does use the Lord’s name in vain once.

17 Again has much to teach its audience and most of it with a delightful sense of humor that had me laughing out loud more than once. Mike’s greatest desire is to protect his family. When he finds that his son is being bullied, Mike steps up to the plate and defends him. Not necessarily in a violent fashion, but simply making sense of why a person is driven to be a bully. He encourages Alex to not be repressed by fears, but to reach for his dreams. Mike’s perspective on sex gives the teenage girls a whole new perspective, for a time, until they’re attracted to him and make a play for him. But Mike refused all of their advances and tried his hardest to help them understand why abstinence is so crucial to healthy romantic relationships. Mike isn’t perfect, but through his experience in being 17 again, he discovers that all he ever really wanted was what he already had. His life might not have been perfect, it might not have been his dream, but he’d been wasting it for so many years. It was time for him to finally become the loving husband and father that he’d been stifling with bitterness and resentment for so long.

For a PG13 flick geared toward teens, I was impressed. I was not, however, impressed with the number of small children in the audience. This movie is definitely not for them and should be avoided by families with young children. Teenagers, on the other hand, should definitely sit up and take notice. Any film that has enough courage to actually preach abstinence, really hits a high mark in my book. All of the little Zac Efron fan girls might see their idol in a different light. The movie would have completely flopped if not for his surprising amount of talent and charm in a role totally devoid of singing. Behind the laughing blue eyes and charming smile of Mike O’Donnell, lurks an important message of self-control and self-respect that our teens should be hearing. The positive far outweighed any negatives in 17 Again.
Violence: Mild / Profanity: Mild / Sex/Nudity: Mild
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Carissa Horton, age 25
Positive—Wow—how many times these days will you find a non-Christian movie that actually stands up for abstinence? NOWHERE!!! Movies rated PG these days have sex scenes in them. Despite a couple of sexual references, and 3 mild swear words. this movies was squeaky clean. What the teacher said was terrible, but Zac spoke up right away and made a tear jerker speech about how abstinence was important. How can you beat that? Where do you find good stuff like that from Hollywood? Very rare. Movies that have bad content in them make me feel icky—but I actually came out of the movie feeling refreshed and inspired. I guess everyone has their own standard when it comes to movies.

I think movies like this one that stand up for what’s right and have encouraging messages about love, family, responsibility and respect should be applauded. Why put down a movie that stands for something right? The main message I got out of it was to have respect for yourself and to take responsibility for your family. Who could want a better message?

It was a movie that certainly touched my heart, and is my new favorite. I’m buying it too!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jessica, age 20
Positive—All I can say is: Wow! I dragged my husband along to see “17 Again,” the new film with Zac Efron (“High School Musical”) and Matthew Perry, not particularly expecting anything amazing. It was awesome! Not only was it hysterically funny, but it had a brilliant message.

Most films which involve time-travel or transformations center around the protagonist going back to change the course of history, to improve his life for the better. “Back to the Future” is the classic example. 17 Again opens with a scene from 1989: a basketball game that could give Mike O'Donnell a college scholarship. His girlfriend tells him that she is pregnant, and he leaves the basketball court to run after her. He marries her, and then 17 years later their marriage is on the rocks, because he has resented her for the way his life has turned out. I felt apprehensive that this film was going to chart the breakdown of a marriage, or worse, a fairy-tale change of history. I was wrong!

This film is really about Mike’s realization that his decisions were not wrong; the way he dealt with them was the problem. The film is about how he faces up to his responsibilities and realizes what he has in his wife and children. Not only does it promote saving marriages, but it also promotes saving sex for marriage. I was impressed!

I thoroughly recommend this film. It is thoughtful and has something relevant to say about family life in today’s world. With increasingly depressing statistics about marriage and families (in The Daily Telegraph today they quote the Office for National Statistics’ figures that more under-25s give birth than get married, and an average marriage lasts 11 years), it is great to see a film affirming the importance of not taking your relationships for granted, and working at them. Going through a wedding ceremony does not make a marriage; giving birth to a child does not make a successful parent-child relationship. We need to stop kidding ourselves that these things happen “naturally.”

The Bible tells us frankly that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). If we spend all our efforts on our career or “me-time,” we are not going to enjoy close marriages or really know our children. How refreshing to be reminded by a secular film that people matter more than getting your own way, or getting more stuff.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Sophie, age 23 (United Kingdom)
Positive—I honestly pegged Zac Efron to be a glorified Jonas brother. I was wrong. The kid’s got talent. You’ll swear he’s actually 37. Between the facial expressions and the brilliant scripting, Efron pulls off playing old. This is particularly noticeable in the scenes with his onscreen wife (Leslie Mann). It’s there the directing and the dialog really go to bat to convince you a middle-aged man is trapped in his teenage body. Confined, but still very much an adult, with a deep sense of responsibility and a heart full of love for his fragmented family. His kids are estranged, and his wife, after enduring many years of a loveless marriage, is ready to finalize their divorce. The whole time Perry is Efron (or 17… again), he’s given that “It’s a Wonderful Life” outlook on what’s wrong, what can be fixed; like any good sensible man in George Bailey’s shoes would do, the hero busts a 180.

Whether it’s the directing or the actors’ innate ability to animate their characters beyond the pages spoon fed to them—or both—Efron and Mann generate the necessary chemistry to deliver this story. It’s innocent “swell, which of course is totally counterintuitive considering the age gap. You’d think ‘ew… young kid and older woman… bad news.” Not the case. If anything, 17 Again is very positive in its themes of love, marriage, following your dreams, being yourself, the whole 9 yards really.

The only thing missing from this otherwise grand movie is Z.E. beating the snot of the token bully. I wanted him to man up and give the turd his due comeuppance, but the Hollywood Norse Gods avoided this beaten path like a plague. Other than that, cheers Zac boy. You done good.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Keenum, age 22 (USA)
Positive—My oh my. I can’t believe the negative rap this film is garnering from other reviewers. Don’t let a few ruffled remarks deter you. This film is for the most part positive, both in message and tone. A little sordidness here and there is to be expected: PG-13. Parents! Be serious. If your child is 8, do you think just because the star of “High School Musical” is the reel’s frontman, that the film is all ages appropriate? Take heed of the rating and let the folks at the MPA be your guiding light in deciding to take junior and princess. Or better yet, go preview it yourself instead of dragging your kids along with you, then whining on this site about how morally reprehensible “17 Again” is. And for the love of Pete! Consider the target audience. YOUNG ADULTS. Do you really think your kid is unexposed to the harsher realities of life?

The swearing (to include the Lord’s name taken in vain all of maybe two times), the innuendos, etc.? I say unless you live in the remote corners of Snowbird, NC, your youth have been out ‘n about in the fallen world we live in. I don’t condone the filth portrayed, but is it really so detrimental? Is it really gonna corrupt your children? Hardly. The pros outweigh the cons—what LITTLE there are in that department. But if you’re that dead set on missing the riches this amazingly fresh film brings to the table, you might as well stay secluded in your box. You might as well stop your kid from doing any sort of missions work, any kind of volunteering, be it at the soup kitchen or landscaping at the local VFW. You should bar your son from ever having to work a job, and you might as well lock your daughter up. She can never go out with her girlfriends for a night out on the town. After all, real life is an ongoing R movie.

Honestly. Here is a movie about a father trying to piece his family back together. As the main reviewer noted, he (indirectly) acknowledges his outta wedlock conception as wrong and he encourages others to take the moral high ground with their purity, to regard it as a vessel for a fruitful relationship with a spouse, and eventually a family. As for the other bad apples (or deeds thereof) strewn throughout the film, they serve a greater lesson to be had. Rest assured. It’s as basic as cause and effect. I saw the same movie as everyone else, and my faith wasn’t assaulted. If anything, it’s uplifting to see that in the midst of the murkish rubble Hollywood continues churning out, there are gems.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Ron, age 25 (USA)
Positive—Honestly, I have no sympathy for parents complaining that they were misled by the previews. The movie is rated PG-13 for a reason, and to simply ignore that based on innocuous previews or the fact that the lead starred in some Disney movies is simply a bad call on your part. But it disappoints me that it sounds like so many people missed the important part of the sex ed scene, when Mike gives an applause worthy speech about saving sex for marriage that seemingly brings the majority of the class onto his side. Yes, there was some inappropriate joking and a couple of instances of cussing (though not many) that were unnecessary. But the positive messages of the film, among them the importance of family and marriage, are ones that people need to hear today and it’s a shame that so many people weren’t able to appreciate them.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Travis, age 21 (USA)
Positive—If you are offended by this movie, I suggest sticking to G rated movies. While this movie tries to portray some semblance of Teenage life (in a Disney version), it has good messages of abstinence and doing what it takes to get your family back together. If you find the sexual references to be offensive, I would suggest sticking to G-rated animated cartoons from Disney, christian movies from a trusted christian source or skipping movies altogether.

It shocks me when people will base a moral rating based on a few negative words or teens kissing (my oh my, teens kiss each other?) while ignoring the overall message, which is good. I mean, does that mean that they never leave the compound since you hear much worse on the street, regular TV on 99% of the Web sites than you would see from this movie.

Zac Efron is efficient as a likable character who has good morals and that is struggling to keep his family together, despite his foibles, which he learns to accept and fix. I would suggest this to all children over the age of 12. While it is a secular movie (there is no mention of religion in this movie), it provides a strong message which could be supplemented with lessons from the Good Book.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3
Casualsuede (Agnostic), age 36 (USA)
Positive—Way good! some things were a little weird, but, for the main part, it had not that much cussing, and had a good and FUNNY plot.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Brooke, age 18 (USA)
Neutral—I went to the theater to see this movie, mostly because my brother had a bit part in it. I have to admit that I found most of the movie boring and slow. I found myself looking at my watch often. There were also parts that were confusing. I was with a friend, and we had to compare notes, at times, to keep up with the plot.

There was some humor, but the best jokes were in the trailer and therefore not as funny anymore when seen in the movie. There were only about 6-8 people in the whole theater, so I got no benefit of laughing along with the crowd for the few jokes there were. I’m sure teenagers, and maybe parents of teenagers, will find more humor in the movie than I did, since I am neither.

Although I didn’t really enjoy the film, overall it did express good values. Although at the beginning we find out that Mike got his girlfriend pregnant in their senior year of high school, throughout the rest of the movie there is a strong message about the value of abstinence until marriage. Most of the sexual content in the movie is the dad in health class and then talking with his daughter.

Overall, it is a good movie for promoting family values, I just don’t think I was the intended audience for the movie. I’m sure there will be many others who think it’s funny, I just didn’t.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Christina, age 30 (USA)
Neutral—I am taking neutral stance on this film because, while the movie is not as bad as many Christian reviewers have made it out to be, it still has objection content that pushes the boundaries of acceptable.

The movie starts out with Mike O'Connell (Zac Efron) had everything a high school senior could want: a cute girlfriend, scholarship potential, popularity, and notoriety, but he threw it all away to take care of his now pregnant girlfriend. Fast forward to twenty years later, Mike (now played by Matthew Perry) has been thrown out of his house by his wife and his son and daughter hate him. He makes a statement to a suspicious janitor that he wants to do it over, and after a chance encounter in the rain (of “It’s a Wonderful Life” fame), becomes 17 again.

To say more of the plot would give it away.

NEGATIVES: They are few, so I will be brief. The language is sparse, with h***, d***, and a** used a few times. The Lord’s name is taken only a couple of times. Mike’s daughter is given lip service several times by the school bully. The girls in the movie sometimes wear provocative clothes, and a few of them do not mind giving themselves to boys. There is one scene that was completely unnecessary. There are two references to male anatomy. After being knocked unconscious, Mike wakes up in his teenage daughter’s arms. He resists her and convinces her he’s in love with someone else, but the scene was still uncomfortable. Later in the film, he stumbles on his friend in bed with his girlfriend, they are completely dressed, however.

POSITIVES: The film promotes abstinence better than I have seen in most, as young mike encourages the girls he meets to respect themselves, so men will. He tells pupils in a safe-sex class to wait until after they get married, because sex is suppose to be love-making, so make it while you are in love. He also encourages his son to do his best, despite being bullied. He tries his best to convince his daughter to be more than just a jock’s girlfriend, and go to college and make something of herself. In the end, what Mike thought what he wanted, was not what he wanted after all. He stops being selfish and starts living for his family. Mike discovers that he truly loves his family and that he truly loves his wife.

All in all, it was a good film and a good date movie. Take older teens to it, but do not bring younger children. While it may not promote good morals the way some Christians may want it too, it still is a good film that makes you think and (for you singles like me) to wait for the right person to come along.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Jacob Airey, age 20 (USA)
Negative—I went to see this movie with my college age daughter and her boyfriend—both of them are sold out to Jesus Christ. We were turned off with the amount of language and sexual innuendos scattered throughout the movie. However, the overall moral of the movie was very good. Mike realizes life isn’t all about him. In one particular scene in “health” class, Mike gives an abstinence speech which sways almost all the other kids in the purity direction. As a father of three, I wanted to stand up and cheer. Several times during the movie, three girls throw themselves at Mike and he tells them they need to respect themselves or nobody else will. If you choose to watch the movie, I HIGHLY recommend watching it with TV Guardian when it comes out on DVD.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
G Johnston, age 47 (USA)
Negative—There are too many out of context references to sex. This movie would have been so much better had they filmed it as a PG family movie. In one scene a teacher makes an obnoxious comment about teens and sex and then proceeds to pass around a huge bowl of condoms. One of the teens grabs a big handful, and I guess it was supposed to be funny. We got up and left after the teacher started with her comments—we had enough. There was also the impression it was going to be a Disney-style movie (commercials for the movie were misleading). The theater was full of kids under 10. This is a disappointing movie if you’re looking for something that is for the whole family.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Jones, age 40 (USA)
Negative—We went to see this movie today with my 11 year old her best friend and my 8 year old. 3 minutes into the movie it discusses a very adult concept of ED and then not 5 minutes later the profanities began. 44 minutes into the movie I packed up the kids walked out and asked for a full refund. This movie is clearly not for children under the age of 16. There are many profanities, a discussion about sex in the classroom, and it pokes fun at the concept of teaching teens abstinence. Making out scenes are common place. We live in such a highly sexualized culture and the Bible states that we are to remain pure of heart. Kids under the age of 16 will not be able to decipher what is right and wrong in this movie because the profane is made to look acceptable and “in.”

Perhaps the movie has an underlying theme that in the end proves that family is more important than success however the delivery is what is tainted. Christians need to be careful not to embrace movies just because the theme seems right. I really am disappointed with this movie especially because Zac Efron has a huge pre-teen following as a result of the “High School Musical” DVD’s. If you have children under the age of 16 avoid this one like the plague!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Natalie, age 41 (USA)
Negative—Unbelievable. This movie was a waste of time and money. There was quite a bit of questionable content. Where do I begin? Oh yes. The father is shown working at a medicine company (I think) for erection problems. Also the fact that all of the employees besides the father and the boss were women also hinted at some inappropriateness. The language was foul (that’s an understatement). I heard the b word, a man’s private was used many times. There was also a fight where the father kept getting hit in the private too many times. Once is okay, any more than that and it’s wrong. I had to walk out of the movie after less than an hour because it was so offensive. It’s surprising to see how low Zac Effron was willing to go, and for that matter HOLLYWOOD. Christians, don’t see the movie. Go read a book instead.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Alex, age 19 (USA)
Negative—I’m commenting to disagree with the previous reviewer and to warn you about this movie. First off, was the language really needed? I mean, really? There was way to much of it. Enough said.

Second, SEXUAL REFERENCES. Way to much. I almost threw up. If I had a dime for every sexual reference, I’d be rich. I found it VERY offensive.

Let me leave you with something to think about, whoever left that “positive” review [and all others who are considering this movie]: The Bible says “Set no vile thing before your eyes.” This includes “17 Again.”…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Elizabeth, age 26 (USA)
Negative—Just curious when we as the Christian community will stop putting up with the name of Jesus being dragged through the mud. How can we go and listen to the abuse of His name and then sing His praises a day later. Even the best movie ever should sicken us when they choose to abuse the name of the one who offers us our only hope. I believe we will be judged severely for our lack of stand on this issue. I can’t even imagine how angry it must make our heavenly Father who was willing to send His only Son for our salvation and then watch us disrespect Him so.

This is a personal opinion and is meant only as something to make us all think a LOT harder about what we are willing to listen to and associate with.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Tricia, age 39 (Canada)
Negative—The movie “17 Again” is not one that I would recommend to Christians. It is rated PG-13, but the content (sexual and language) of the film is not appropriate for young teens or children. It is more appropriate for adults. The problem is, the level of intelligence and creativity of the movie would not appeal to most thoughtful adults. It is a movie that has no right audience. Skip this one.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Marie, age 34 (USA)
Negative—I just finished sitting through this movie with my 11 and 14 year old daughters… and would definitely not recommend this movie. I only wish I’d packed up and left as other viewers. Apparently in rush to spend some girl time with my daughters I did not read the entire review/opinion of this movie. There are plenty of warnings here about sexual content and language… there where at least 2 cases of the Lord’s name being taken in vain and I wonder how one could possibly say this had value as far as sexual abstinence? Did anyone see the end of the movie? 2 unmarried adults… in bed… scripture does not just say sex outside of marriage is bad for teens… but everyone. I am blown away that everything these days has to include vulgarity to sell… clearly I don’t get out much.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Margaret, age 39 (USA)
Negative—I am currently a college student at a secular school, and going to see this movie was worse then being on a secular campus with crud talk. The humor in it was very sexually perverted, but it is sad to see that our schools are getting to this, if they aren’t already there. They didn’t portray teachers in the public schools as having any control over their class, and the movie made this seem normal and okay. For a high school student who is in this situation, the movie possibly has some good sides, but the bad definitely outweigh the good. If parents were to discuss this with their children maybe, and a VERY cautious maybe. If not, I would not recommend seeing it. Having grown up as homeschooler, I took some younger homeschool girls with me, and we ended up walking out of the movie about half way through. I would not recommend taking anyone who is not already exposed to things, such as the constant sexually perverted comments, to this movie. I do not believe that even the high points, such as saving sex till marriage speech, were enough to out balance and watch the movie all the way through. And the whole teenage guy constantly checking out the adult mom, even though in the movie he was supposedly her husband transported to his 17 year old body, was a little disturbing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Erika, age 21 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—This movie was fun, entertaining, and really hilarious! The acting was very well done, and the movie script continued to entertain. While it is true, there is plenty of sexual dialog in this film, it is all portrayed negatively by a man that is apparently very moral, shrunk into the size of a seventeen year old who continuously gives fatherly speeches to his classmates. What I found most impressive, above all else in this movie, was the fact that at the very beginning, he made a choice. He could leave his pregnant girlfriend alone with their baby, or leave his future behind for her. He did the honorable thing, and took her as his wife. Even when Hollywood gets it a little right, I applaud them! I was almost moved to tears seeing that done in a movie. The fact that she was pregnant and the fact that sexuality was in the film didn’t bother me much, #1 it was portrayed negatively, #2, it was a blatant statement of how teenagers are today. Two thumbs up, I’m buying it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jennifer, age 16 (USA)
Positive—Okay so I went to watch this movie with a BUNCH of people from my Jr.High. I was really excited to watch it. so it started out and my first thought was uh-oh. but then it got farther into the movie.

It was AWESOME!!!… They cussed in the movie and their was a couple of awkward scenes (in the lunchroom, the health class, the very last scene after the movie was over) but other than that I loved it! some people commented that kids my age won’t be able to tell the difference between right and wrong in this movie. I have to disagree. We can! anytime their was a bad part you could here people gasping and other people saying “omygosh!”. And then after that whispers.

So, overall… AWESOME MOVIE. I mean don’t take a 7 year-old just because Zac is in it (he did amazing in it by the way) but my age and older… GREAT movie!!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
R., age 13 (USA)
Positive—This is an excellent movie!!!… Me and one of my best friends went to see this movie twice!!!… Together!!!… The whole “Health class” scene made me smile. I had recently done a segment on relationships in Jr. High group, and finally seeing a movie that supported postponing sex till marriage instead of discouraging it made me want to see this over and over again. Yes, it does have some language, but not nearly as much as my friends and I expected. I definitely recommend this as a movie for teens to go see!!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Emily, age 13 (USA)
Neutral—I went to see this with my friend and both of our moms. I thought that the basic plot was good. The sex in the classroom scene, even though it supported the right view, still wasn’t necessary. And when the “younger Zach Effron” is dancing around a little suggestively with his wife, it’s a little disturbing because yes, he is her husband, but she doesn’t know this… so. My friend hated the movie, but I thought some parts were really good, it just wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Sarah M., age 15 (USA)
Positive—OK, let me first say, I loved this movie! It was one of the best movies I have ever seen. There was some bad language including a--, bi---,h---, and d---. And there was a lot sexual material including the scene in the lunchroom, the health class, and the scene after the movie. But, overall I enjoyed it and thought it had a good lesson.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Lauren, age 11 (USA)
Positive—The plot has been done before, but this is the best one yet. I must warn you there is some offensive language and suggestive talking. But, overall, it was a very good movie. Zac Efron is a perfect cast for this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Kait, age 12 (USA)
Neutral—I watched this movie last night, and I thought it was going to be very cute and some what harmless for it’s rating of PG-13 I have seen these types of movies before and all I have to say is if you really want to watch this movie, watch it with caution for there is a sex scene, making out, sexual talk, and fighting. But it did have a good story line under all of the previously mentioned so if you really want to watch this movie once again watch it with caution and it dose live up to the rating PG-13! Finally do not take small children to see this movie at all only teens and above if watched at all!

As a Christian, I say it was pretty offensive, but yet had a good story line; so just be careful because Hollywood likes to get in your head and make you think things are okay when it is not so just be careful when you watch this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Jennifer, age 15 (USA)
Positive—This is a good movie to see as a family, but keep kids 10 and under away.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Joseph, age 12 (USA)