Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? Answer
How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? Answer…
Ph.D. in Organometallic Chemistry from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Lectured for two decades at the University of Portsmouth
Has worked directly with two Fellows of the Royal Society
Author of a score of papers in scientific journals
Member of Council of the Creation Science Movement, the world's senior creationist organization, for a quarter of a century, the last seventeen years as its Chairman (as of 2003)
1995-2000: He oversaw the building of the Genesis Expo at the heart of Portsmouth's tourist area. This exhibition majoring on scientific evidence for Creation has welcomed more than 15,000 visitors since its opening.
Dr. Rosevear has chaired 5 of the 7 European Creationist Congresses. He has lectured on the evidence for Creation from Los Angeles to Moscow, including Poland, Romania and most Western European countries, as well as speaking at two dozen universities across the UK.
Author: Creation Science—Confirming that the Bible is Right (in English, Czech and Russian) and Has Darwin Had His Day? (2007).