Ancient Parthian fortress ruins in Iran. Photographer: Roland Lin, UNESCO. Licensed (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Ancient Parthian fortress ruins in Iran.
Photo by Roland Lin, UNESCO. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 (image cropped and enhanced).

What are the…

Parthia was also known as: Parthava, Parthyaea, Pahlaw, Pahla and Fahla

Greek: Πάρθος —transliteration: Parthos —meaning: a Parthian, an inhabitant of Parthia

A Parthian is a native of Parthia, or an inhabitant or past inhabitant. Parthians were present in Jerusalem at Pentecost (Acts 2:9).

Parthia lay on the eastside of Media and south of Hyrcania (established 548 BC), which separated it from the Caspian Sea. It corresponded with the western half of the modern Khorasan (a pre-2004 province of Iran), and now forms a part of Iran, formerly Persia.

Parthia was conquered and subjugated by Media Empire, and later by the Persian Empire. Later, Alexander the Great conquered it.

City of Nisa

Greek: Νῖσος, Νίσα, or Νίσαιον

The city of Nisa was a major trading hub and fortress in the Parthian Empire. The region was also famous for its fine horses—beautful, agile and strong. Nisa was totally destroyed by an earthquake during the 1st decade BC.

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