Welcome to the online presentation of God’s Story…
Streaming video— “God’s Story”
1 hr. 16 min. / Copyright © The God’s Story Project. All Rights Reserved.

God, the Creator and Giver of Life
Does He speak? Does He care about us? Can WE know Him?

Yes! He spoke, He cares and His message for all people tells us how to know Him…

The Scriptures were recorded on Scrolls. Copyrighted.

3500 years ago, God began instructing men to write down His words. Over the next 1500 years, God continued to speak and 40 different men recorded these messages.

Bible. Copyrighted.

The early writings were called the “Law” and the “Prophets.” These, and the rest of God’s words recorded on scrolls, became known as the “Scriptures.”

Today these same writings, bound together in one book are called the “Bible.” These holy words tell about God, and how much He loves all people in the world…

Click Here God’s Story: From Creation to Eternity
Presents a summary of the Bible using original art and excellent narration. This is one of our most popular soul-winning tools. Available in numerous languages and various formats. Proven effectiveness for evangelism and discipleship. [More Details]

This nonprofit Web site was produced by Christian Answers, a ministry of Films for Christ, in cooperation with Dorothy Miller. (Webmasters)

All illustrations are originals and copyrighted under U.S. & International Copyright Law. Do NOT reproduce them or post them on any Web site.