Is every star different?

Even though there are more than 1022 known stars in the universe, each one is unique. No two stars have exactly the same properties. This may sound like guesswork, since we have analyzed very few stars in detail, but the conclusion is a certainty.
A star has so many variables in its makeup that the probability of two identical stars is zero. These variables include the total number of atoms, exact chemical composition, size, temperature, and motion. Some stars show obvious color and brightness differences. Others require spectroscopic study to detect their particular identity or fingerprint.
Similarly, it is also true that every snowflake, blade of grass, and grain of sand is unique. They may all look alike but they’re not identical. On the microscopic level there is practically an infinite number of ways to arrange atoms. Even a single snowflake, for example, has about 1020 atoms to arrange within itself!
Every individual object in the universe, no matter how large or small, shows God’s distinct creative glory and artistry. The same is also true, of course, for every person on Earth.
Author: Dr. Donald B. DeYoung - adapted from Astronomy and the Bible: Questions and Answers, 2nd Edition (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 2000), 176 pp.
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