Georgia Rule

MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for sexual content and some language.

Reviewed by: Maggie Hays

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Romance Comedy Drama
Length: 1 hr. 53 min.
Year of Release: 2007
USA Release: May 11, 2007 (wide—2,400 theaters)
Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
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Featuring Jane Fonda, Lindsay Lohan, Felicity Huffman, Dermot Mulroney, Cary Elwes, Garrett Hedlund
Director Garry Marshall
Producer Michael Besman, Guy McElwaine, Kevin Reidy

“Mother. Daughter. Grandmother. In this family, attitude doesn’t skip a generation.”

Oh dear, this is really a horrible movie. It’s not that the movie isn’t “well-made,” it’s that the subject matter is way over the boundaries of good taste. As I left the theatre, I thought to myself, “This movie is so full of sin it REEKS.” I think it must really grieve God when a movie like this is produced and pawned off as entertainment.

This is a story of three women—Georgia, the grandmother played by Jane Fonda, Lilly, her daughter played by Felicity Huffman, and Rachel the granddaughter played by Lindsay Lohan. I suppose this is probably some kind of a “message movie” that is supposed to show “strong women” and the “complicated relationships in a family.” In truth, this is a foul, stinking film that blatantly discusses things that they should be too ashamed to voice. If you decide to view this film you will see and/or hear…

  • Sex of ALL kinds discussed and described unashamedly
  • God’s word profaned many times
  • Pious religious people depicted as silly, immature, weak and easily seduced
  • Continual disrespect for a parent
  • Constant conflict between family members
  • Dysfunctional families spelled herein with a capital D
  • Crude and foul words bandied about as if this is the only communication that can make a point
  • Sickening drunkenness and near-nakedness
  • The continual question of “did her step-father have sex with her when she was 12 or didn’t he?” This seems to be the main nugget around which this sickening story revolves, and the conclusion goes back and forth more times than a ping pong ball

At one point the mother/daughter relationship in this movie distressed me so much I was in tears. If my daughter spoke to me like Lohan speaks to her mother in this movie, I would weep myself sick.

I really didn’t find anything redeeming in this film, or find anything to justify its existence. I was happy that there were only a few of us in the theatre, and I saw no teens. This movie tries to shout “look at me, I’m a good story about feisty women who love each other no matter what!” Kind of “I am woman, hear me roar.” When, in reality, this film whimpers “I’m sick, sinful, foul-mouthed, slutty, and my life is completely without redemption.”

As you might have guessed, I cannot and will not recommend this film for family-viewing or for Christians. Don’t waste your time or your money and allow this filth into your heart. Ugh!

Violence: Minor / Profanity: Heavy / Sex/Nudity: Heavy

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Neutral—This is a movie that was hard to watch. It centered around one theme, and that was sexual molestation by a step-father to a stepdaughter and the question was whether the mother was going to believe what happened. I have had not had this personally happen to me, but my sister was molested by her sixth grade teacher along with other girls in her class. He had done this throughout his teaching career. Unfortunately, when my sister told my mom about it she didn’t believe her due to things that my mom could not face in her own past. I believe this is one of the most serious sins that occurs in this world today—a child that unfortunately learns very twisted values due to something that happened to them that was beyond their control.

This movie I thought showed a young girl act out in a way that millions of girls act today in this world. The producers, directors and whoever showed what really happens in women who have to live through this. The only power that can take away the bitterness and hopelessness of this sin is that of Jesus. He is there waiting with the truth and waiting to take any woman through the bitterness and pain and to come out on the other side.

So if you are going to watch this movie, please remember that the central theme is about sexual molestation which is not talked about in any of the “pre-releases” from the company that had the movie made, and it can be very disturbing for people to watch. The R-rating is for a very good reason.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Pamela A., age 40
Neutral—When I first saw scenes for this movie I was really excited… I assumed based on what I saw in the previews that Georgia Rule was going to be a cute romantic comedy about a girl (Lindsay Lohan) who moves in with her grandmother and meets a cute guy. So needless to say when I found out the movie was mainly about heavy issues like sexual abuse and alcoholism I was surprised and a little disappointed. Even though the movie wasn’t initially about what I expected I still came out of the theatre pleased nevertheless. However, I definitely would not recommend this movie for anyone under the age of 15. For starters the movie was laced with bad language—God’s name was frequently abused throughout and the F-word was also used quite a few times. But what’s even more disconcerting for younger viewers than the foul language is the sexual content running rampant throughout the movie. Crude references are used constantly. One scene in particular was very offensive… a girl tempts a young man who wants to remain pure until he’s married. She takes off her underwear, and then encourages him to touch her there. After he succumbs to temptation. it’s then insinuated that she gives him oral sex. However, it’s worth mentioning that afterward he clearly regrets what happened and wants to repent even going so far as to suggest that the two should get married because only then does he think God will forgive him.

Despite all the sexual content and language, I do think the movie has some noteworthy points worth mentioning. It shows clearly the need to forgive others and rebuild relationships. Not to mention it realistically portrays the negative effects sexual abuse can have on an individual. While some may call the main character slutty I think it’s pretty obvious that her promiscuous behavior is influenced by the abuse she suffered. I would definitely urge parents to think twice about taking their young teens to see this movie. Don’t let the fact that Lindsay Lohan stars in it fool you. This film is far from the usual kiddie comedies we’re used to seeing Lindsay in.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 3½
Steph, age 18
Neutral—My parents went away for the weekend and I had the house to myself. I went to the video store to rent a chick flick. I read the back of the movie and assumed what I would expect out of it. When I got home and turned it on I was a little suprised of the content of this film. Although I understand that the teenage daughter was going through an issue it was very vague of why she acted so scandalously until the middle of the film. Even then I was confused between whether the daughter or step-father were telling a lie. I was a little shocked at how she was in the boat with a boy she had met a week earlier and allowed him to touch her and then proceeding to give him a “blow job.” Making the boy full of guilt for he was supposed to marry someone else. Then kind of feeling forced to marry her because of what she had done. I feel the overall message of the film was a good one for a struggling teen with sexual problems and a mother who was “oblivious” to it. I feel that some parts of the story did not need to be put in the film, (esp. a part when the teenager wrestles with a younger boy and she proclaims out loud he becomes hard.) I would not recommend this for younger children, as well as people who become offended quite easily with sexual content. I just wish when I read the back I understood more of what the movie entailed not just the nice trimmings. As a believer I finished the movie with a mixed feeling, but knew that no matter what difficulty we go through in life Christ will always be there for us, even when we feel like no one else is.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
Morgan Smith, age 18, Guam
Negative—This movie was, I believe, one of the most uncomfortable movies I’ve seen. I have seen some really “out-there” movies and have never found one this disturbing. If there was something to happen in a person’s life, it happened in this movie. Drinking, drugs (talked about), premarital sex, seduction, promiscuity of all kinds, child abuse, language, you name it. All of this was centered around the premise that we were being good “non-blasphemous” people. They threw in the LDS church, just to try to add moral value to this movie, but failed miserably. Granted, there were some funny parts, like Fonda requiring soap for use of the Lord’s name (which really shouldn’t be funny)… but the majority dealt with ALL of life’s problems. In the end, the grandmother, daughter, and grand-daughter are reunited but with really no closure on any of the problems presented. I honestly feel I wasted my time and money by seeing this film. I see no way they could put it on regular television ever because of the language and blatant sexual behavior.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Chanin, age 34
Negative—What a bummer. I had been looking forward to this multigenerational movie for months… before it was rated. Then I “allowed” myself to see it, sure that it was just a rating. MISTAKE, I believe this movie could be rated X! The language was R!! But the sexual content, although you saw nothing it drug your imagination to envision what was up her skirt and between his legs. It was terrible, I had to walk out within 20 minutes. There is no excuse, if you read this and are a Christian, you have no business viewing this film!
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Karen, age 40
Negative—This movie is difficult to review—although well-acted, it seemed to have trouble staying focused. Was is it, a comedy or a drama? There were times when I wasn’t really sure what the film’s purpose was—to examine the relationship issues, or the molestation issues. Sometimes those issues seemed connected and other times, not really. But beyond this, and far more concerning, was the film’s content. Crude sexual content, nasty language, wishy-washy portrayal of Christians, and sadly dysfunctional family life were rampant. It both sickened and saddened me that there was a large group (15 or so) of young 12 to 13 year old girls a few rows ahead of me in the theatre. Why are parents not more careful what they are allowing to influence their young, impressionable children? This movie is rated “R” in the States—and rightly so. My extreme caution is to Canadian parents, as here in Canada the film managed to squeak by with a “PG” rating—DON’T BE FOOLED! The content of this movie is most definitely R-rated.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 2
Sherry, age 35
Negative—As Christians you have to think of one aspect. The Bible says that if you feel guilty about something, even if others to not see it as sin, and you do it anyways then you are sinning by going against your own convictions. Also, if it offends another and you do it in front of them, it’s also a sin. It’s in the Bible. My wife and I watched this movie last night. After it was done, she felt uneasy, and even a bit sick. Why? Was she being holier than thou? Was she being too puritan? No. The content of this movie IS unthinkable. One Christian giving positive input doesn’t make it okay. Lobbying for right or wrong in viewing this movie is pointless. If it offends one Christian then that should speak loudly. Our society has crumbled away from God so much that this type of content is everywhere. In the news, in catholic churches being committed by “men of God” and everywhere else and it happens non-stop. Everyone including Christians have become desensitized to the subject. The subject content of the movie was relevant and molestation happens to lots of young people every day. HOWEVER, it is the doing of dysfunctional churches that these things occur much more than can be prevented. Why? Christians not doing their jobs and being lights to the world. This is all part of relevant bible prophecy. In California, a law was just passed to NOT allow the words Mom and Dad to be used in public schools, or allow any classical literature or films that depict the normal family unit to be used as teaching material, UNLESS, a counter example is shown of homosexual or transsexual lifestyles. Tell me now how this movie is okay?? It’s just another step in desensitizing. By any standard or viewpoint, the bible clearly states that any Christian should by nature become ill at the site or thought of such gross and vile examples of sin. 'hate that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.' That’s not a request people or even a rule. That’s a result of state of mind governed by a strong spiritual walk.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 5
Dan, age 39
Positive—…If you disdain films that have any sex, cursing, drinking, etc., then this is not the film for you. But none of it is gratuitous, in my opinion. Yes, the girl is a foul-mouthed hoochie, but WHY is she this way? These are damaged people trying to scramble out of their pits of despair. I find that they attempt the climb very uplifting. The main message is about mothers and daughters forgiving each other and ultimately being there to love and support each other.
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
Kris, age 36
Positive—I just returned from seeing this movie and was curious to see how it was received in the Christian community. After reading this review, I understand fully why some nonbelievers are so offended by Christians, and claim us to be narrow-minded. I myself have had to deal with confronting my father with sexual sins that nearly tore our family apart. Along with this, my mother was molested by her father. Watching a character on screen who struggled with the same things I struggled with (i.e., telling my mother the truth about the man she loves, having a loved one hurt you in one of the worst ways) brought me more comfort than imaginable. None of my friends have gone through these types of things, so it was a good reminder of the fact that I’m not alone. Yes, at times I was cringing at some of the sins so blatantly flashed around on the screen, but as a fellow reviewer mentioned, the lifestyle shown in the movie stems from the hurt in the family.

I recommend this movie. With two thumbs up. And I am still a firm believer in Christ.
My Ratings: Average / 5
Casey, age 18
Positive—Yes, there is objectionable content in this movie. It has an R rating—did anyone here honestly think that a movie rated like that was going to be completely inoffensive? Yes, there is the taking of the Lord’s name in vain (which thankfully Georgia tried to correct in the people around her). Yes, there was the inappropriate scene where Rachel (Lindsay Lohan) encouraged sexual content between her and her crush, Harlan—unnecessary, yes; graphic, no, as in no actual activity was displayed, just implied. However, Harlan did repent of his actions, and Rachel tried to keep him out of trouble for what they had done, which does show some remorse on her part.

No, these characters are not perfect. They are struggling, imperfect, wounded sinners—as we all are. Many criticized Rachel’s behavior, which was ungodly, of course, but with the abuse she suffered and lack of Jesus in hers and her mother’s lives, could we really expect her to behave any better? It’s actually unreasonable for us to expect that characters who don’t claim to follow God to act like saints.

A strong theme of forgiveness is in this movie. (Minor spoiler alert coming). When Rachel claimed that she had lied about her stepfather abusing her, her mother and her grandmother still loved her and wanted to help her! And the two other men in her life, her boss and Harlan, even when they resisted her advances, still wanted to be her friends. And even Rachel began to thaw towards the end, and she became less selfish and self-centered. She was even willing not to press charges against her abuser for her mother’s happiness (even though he deserved to go to prison). There is actually much forgiveness and love that abound in this movie, if you can look past the few really objectionable parts.

The reviewer claimed that there was no real closure, but there really is more that there was implied. No, not everything was wrapped up neatly with a tidy little bow—healing and redemption take time, longer than any two hour movie can really hold. No, this movie is not for children and preteens, but older teens and adults who are not easily offended should have little problems with this. For those who are, there’s always ClearPlay, now that the DVD is out. The moviemaking quality itself was very good; the characters and situations were played realistically, and the story flowed smoothly. For those of you complaining, there are far worse movies you could be seeing.
My Ratings: Average / 4½
Sawnya, age 30
Positive—I recently viewed this movie, and thought to myself, 'That was a really enlightening movie with a strong basis in reality.' Then I come here and see how so many Christians trash this movie based on subject matter alone. I have news for you such people, the issues dealt with in this movie happen ALL THE TIME in real life! We as Christians are used to our nice little happy sheltered world, and when an issue as disturbing as molestation pops up, we run and automatically condemn it for being “gross,” even if it is presented in a proper light.

I know from professional psychological sources that this is a fairly accurate representation of what a horrible thing like this does to a young girl. Have you stopped to realize that the reason Lindsay Lohan’s character is so rude and promiscuous is because of the horrendous things committed against her? When something like this happens, it messes with a person’s development, that persons boundaries and attitude towards sex are all screwed up.

Its sad we don’t see this movie as a very informative warning. The reviewer says he was very upset over a film like this being passed for “entertainment.” However, maybe this film wasn’t meant for entertainment? I didn’t find much of it entertaining, in fact, most of the time I wanted to punch the screen, but that doesn’t mean we should condemn a movie as gross and unnecessary, just because it is depicting difficult and mature subject matter.

There are many positive aspects to this film as well. It is talked about that when this started happening to Lohan’s character, that her best friend helped her through it, by both confronting the step-father and by documenting evidence against him. If this were happening to a girl you knew in real life, you would hope someone like that was around for her.

And religious people are not portrayed negatively in any way! In fact, one of the most positive characters in the whole film, Lohan’s grandmother is all about good behavior, not drinking, and not taking the Lord’s name in vain. In fact, when Lohan says “Oh my god,” the grandmother literally makes her wash her mouth out with soap!

All that said, the content of this film are definitely mature, and not for younger viewers. There isn’t all that much language, but there is some, and no nudity, even thought there are some unexplicit scenes of a sexual nature. But for more mature audiences (I’d say around 16 or so), this can be a very eye-opening film.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 3½
Monty Jones, age 26
Positive—In short, I thought this movie was just fantastic. All three leading ladies gave great performances, and the emotion of the story really grabs onto you. Yes, there is some very mature subject matter dealt with that isn’t appropriate for younger viewers, but it’s ultimately a story of redemption that I think anyone can get something positive out of if they can look beyond the “offensive” content and see the deeper meaning behind it all.
My Ratings: Average / 4½
Dustin, age 20
Positive—I have to agree with the other veiwers who said this film was a reflection of sexual abuse victims and the pain they have to endure as a result of sexual sins committed against them. It should cause us to want to show mercy and not condemnation. Yes, the movie was wordly with a lot I could have lived without, but the young girl is quite obviously a victim, and I believe who ever wrote it had studied the subject of sexual abuse in young girls or was a victim themselves. Quite obviously how Rachel reacted to men was entirely true to how many women have been abused respond-so many needs with no way to know how to meet them except with more sex. I am glad that even though it’s in movies these secrets are coming out of the closet. We as Christians know that God wants to meet these needs in our lives and we need to look past the language and other offenses in this movie and see the heart of an abused girl that needs our love, patience, understanding and mercy. After all, isn’t that what God called us to do?
My Ratings: Offensive / 4
Lori, age 36
Comments from young people
Neutral—Well, although this movie does deal with sex and other issues that are in today’s society, it shows it in the way that people in today society really deal with it. It shows temptation that people of religion go through, and it shows how something such as molestation from a parental figure can affect someone. Granted, it does explicitly show it, but at the same time, it shows it in a way that I have seen people first hand deal with it. It confronts issues that are happening in today’s society, and I commend the writers, actors, and director for opting to do this film.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3½
Emily Carter, age 17