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Wondering how to deal with your children or spouse in the best Christian way? Learn what the Bible has to say—biblical parenting and marriage tips supplied by experts.
- How can I spend my money more wisely? Answer
Money, there never seems to be enough of it. Learn how to use your financial assets with wisdom.
- CREDIT CARDS—Should a Christian have or use credit cards? Answer
God offers principles
- INVESTMENTS—Does the Bible share any wisdom about investing? Answer
Millions of people are investing in the stock market, mutual funds, bonds, etc. Learn how to be a wise investor by following King Solomon’s advice.
- Got teens from the Millennial generation? Here’s some helpful parenting tips. Answer
- Can small children come to Christ to be saved? Answer
What does the Bible say about children becoming saved at an early age?
- What is the eternal destiny of an infant who dies? Answer
What are some of the guidelines the Bible gives us about infant death and eternity?
- Is the new morality acceptable in Christian conduct today? Answer
The new morality (“situation ethics”): is it really new?
Sexual Abuse of Children—It’s in the news almost daily. Learn more from a survivor, and find help and hope.
- Need ANSWERS for your children’s questions? See our answers for teenagers and answers for elementary children
Tips for better parenting
- GOD—What can I do to make God real to my children on a daily basis? Answer
- THANKFULNESS—Besides saying grace at meals, how can I teach my child to be thankful? Answer
- BABYSITTERS—What is the best way to tell a baby-sitter what you expect—your rules and regulations? Answer
Potty training and bedding wetting
- POTTY TRAINING—What is the best age to potty train my child? Answer
- POTTY TRAINING—How do I get my child to use the potty without constantly reminding her? Answer
- WETTING—What is a good way to handle a child who wets his pants during the day? Answer
- BEDWETTING—What are the causes? Answer
Parental authority
- SPOUSE DIFFERENCES—What if I don’t like the way my spouse deals with the kids and I’d rather do it myself? Answer
- EXCESSIVE PERFECTIONISM—How can I get my perfectionist husband to back off and not be so picky with our kids? Answer
- AUTHORITARIANISM—What is the difference between being authoritarian and authoritative? Answer
- GRANDPARENTS—Do grandparents who criticize the way you parent ever change? Answer
- NOT LISTENING—What do I do with two little boys who never seem to hear what I tell them? Answer
- BULLIES—When someone picks on my child, should I tell him to fight back or turn the other cheek? Answer
- TV AND MOVIE CONTROL—How do I say no in a positive way when my child wants to watch bad TV or movies? Answer
- FEAR OF THE DARK—How can I help my child to trust in God’s care when she is afraid at night? Answer
- STEALING—What is the best way to discipline a five-year-old for stealing something from the store? Answer
- HOMEWORK—How do you motivate a child to do his homework? Answer
- PROFANITY—How do I correct a two-year-old who has picked up a blasphemous phrase and loves to repeat it? Answer
- REALITY DISCIPLINE—What is it? Answer
- If I haven’t used reality discipline before, can I just start “cold turkey”, or should I ease into it slowly? Answer
- IF SPANKING SEEMS NECESSARY, when is a child old enough to be spanked and how should it be done? Answer
Teen issues
 Latest movie reviews
Reviews of new videos
Entertainment Media—Does it lead or follow society? AnswerIs there an answer to this controversy? Is Hollywood changing the world, or does Hollywod just reflect society?
- Movie viewing—What Christian resources are available to help me choose good movies? Answer
Ignorance is no longer an excuse! Learn where you can turn for honest, accurate information on today’s entertainment. Don’t miss this guide that gives you the ability to be a true leader in your family media entertainment.
- How much TV is too much TV? Answer
Many adults feel that TV won’t have a negative impact on their children, or on themselves. But what are the facts about today’s TV generation?
- TV viewing—Should I be concerned about our family’s viewing habits? Answer
By the age of six, the average American child will have spent more time watching television than he will spend speaking to his parents in an entire lifetime! Are you wasting opportunities to teach your children proper values—and to choose the good and reject the bad in their entertainment options? The typical heads of families are not managing the “25-inch sewer pipe” into their home.
- Why does Hollywood continue to promote immoral programming? Answer
Are Hollywood producers tantamount to evil ogres bent on destroying society as we know it? Surprisingly, you could be partially responsible for the decadence in today’s media.
- How does viewing violence on TV or movies affect the family? Answer
How violent is your living room? Violence continues to escalate to staggering amounts in society today. Be sure you are reinforcing the right kind of messages in your home. What your children see on TV influences how he looks at the real world.
- What is being done to change the values of Hollywood? Answer
Do you feel like the only thing you can do for Hollywood is condemn them? Thankfully, not all Christians feel this way. Find out what others are doing, and what you can do, to help change the values of the values-changers!
- What’s wrong with being gay? Answer
- What does the Bible say about same sex marriages? Answer
The Gay Rights movement often states that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. But what does the Bible really say about this hot topic?
- What should be the attitude of the church toward homosexuals and homosexuality? Answer
A war is being waged by the homosexual community against Christians and the church. What should our response be toward those who practice homosexuality?
- MORE INFORMATION on homosexuality
Marriage, Sexuality and Divorce
Also see our SEX, LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS home page
Is formalized marriage becoming obsolete? AnswerMany people are convinced that traditional marriages don’t work and that this practice should be abandoned. What does the Bible say about marriage?
- Is marriage eternal? Answer
What about the Mormon claim that LDS temple marriage is forever, not “till death do us part”?
- What does it mean to be “the husband of one wife?” Answer
Paul lists being “the husband of one wife” as a qualification for an elder of the church. What does this mean and what is the application for the church?
- Why did King Solomon have so many wives? Answer
Why was polygamy okay for King Solomon of the Bible, but not for modern man? Or, was the King disobedient to God’s decrees?
- Under what conditions may Christians divorce and remarry? Answer
The Bible contains important guidelines that Christians should follow concerning marriage and divorce. If a friend asks you about divorce and remarriage, do you know enough to explain what the Bible says?
- How can I tell if I’m getting addicted to sex or pornography? Answer
What four things indicate that a man is hooked? What are the stages of addiction?
- Why should I save sex for marriage? Answer
Discover the physical and relational consequences to sex outside of marriage.
- What are the consequences of sexual immorality? Answer
Here is a useful reminder of the consequences of extramarital immorality (to be read regularly, especially while travelling or under temptation).
Abortion / Pro-life
Explore one of God’s greatest miracles… LIFE
Learn the truth about fetal development, and more, with definitive answers on many pro-life/pro-choice arguments! A fresh scholarly approach on questions like “Is the unborn human less than human?”, “Doesn’t a woman have the right to control her own body?”, “Is abortion justifiable in case of rape or incest?”, and many more. GO
What does the Bible teach about abortion?Pro-life or pro-choice?
- Thought-Provoking Quotations about Abortion