Biblical Christianity
- Does Christianity need to develop a NEW gospel adapted to today’s world?
- With so many cults and denominations, how can I decide which are true and which are false?
People are confused today with which religion is true. Many don’t know the guidelines of judging beliefs based on Scripture. Don’t let yourself get caught unknowingly in a cult or denomination that does not believe the truths of the Bible. - Are you good enough to go to Heaven?
Many people think they have lived a relatively good life. They haven’t killed anybody, stolen anything significant, or intentionally hurt people. But are good works alone enough to get you into heaven? - What is the biblical Christian view of history?
Do you know the historical landmarks surrounding the Christian faith? Does Christianity seem to be supported by historical evidence more than other religions? - Questions for the Not-Yet-a-Believer to consider
- THE NEW TOLERANCE (“They can’t all be wrong, and they can’t all be right.”)—It’s politically correct, but is it correct for followers of Christ?
Is love the same thing as tolerance? - What is a true Biblical Christian?
- Persecuted church—Why and how should we pray for suffering Christians?
Insights and tips on effective prayer for those who are suffering for their faith. - Modern examples of persecution: • Sudan • Chechnya
- Why I stopped following Buddha and started following Jesus Christ? Answer
- Ten Questions I’d Ask If I Could Interview Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Today
- What is Monism and Pantheistic Monism? Answer
Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical? - Reincarnation: Does the Bible allow for this possibility? Answer
- Jesus Christ 2, Buddha 0
- Can mysticism lead to God? Answer
Roman Catholicism
- What is repentance?
- What is regeneration?
- An open letter to Roman Catholics
- What issues often separate Roman Catholics from God?
Are all Catholics going to Heaven? Examine crucial problem areas in light of the Bible. Includes the following topics… • Salvation through faith by grace alone • Salvation in Christ alone • The Virgin Mary • The Pope and infallibility • The Mass • Purgatory • The priestly system and other issues • Conclusion
Sola Scriptura…
- Is sola Scriptura a biblical or a man-made concept? (Traditions vs. Scripture alone)
- Is the Bible truly the final authority in all matters of faith and morals?
- What did the Early Church believe about sola Scriptura?
Personal testimonies of former devout Roman Catholic
- Former priest, Richard Bennett
- Former nun, Mary Ann Pakiz
- Former altar boy, Stan Weber (“Falling In Love with the Biblical Jesus”)
Other Issues
- Sexual Abuse of Children
What is it? How widespread is child sexual abuse? One survivor tells her story. Includes ways to find help. - QUIZ—Catholicism and Protestantism.
Do you think like a Protestant or a Catholic? - What is the significance of the Pope’s support of theistic Evolutionism?
A summary of the Pope’s 1996 statement with perspectives from respected Christian leaders.

Christian Science
- An open letter to followers of the Christian Science movement
Mary Baker Eddy / Pantheism / Hinduism - What is Monism and Pantheistic Monism? Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical?
Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watchtower Society)
How do Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings about Christ compare with the Scriptures?
- Should John 1:1 be translated, “The Word was God” or “The Word was a god”?
Learn the background of what is meant by this controversial saying in John. Are the Jehovah’s Witnesses correct in their view that this verse states that Christ is only “a god”? - Was Jesus God, manifest in human form?
- Tips on Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses—GO
- Why is Creation the best place to start in witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses? Answers
- Speaking the Truth in Love to Jehovah’s Witnesses—GO
- What are the top ten cults in the U.S.? Answer
- How to witness to cult members—GO
- Are you a victim of mind control? Test yourself
- Should Christians date Jehovah’s Witnesses? Answer

Messianic Communities (Twelve Tribes)
- An open letter to prospective members of the organization called “Messianic Communities”
also known as “The Twelve Tribes” (Note: This organization is in no way related to the many good Messianic fellowships and congregations.)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Community of Christ, LDS, RLDS
- An open letter to LDS members
- What are the differences between Mormonism and Christianity?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—is it simply another Christian denomination? Are there important differences? Is marriage eternal?
What about the Mormon claim that LDS temple marriage is forever, not “till death do us part”?- Should a Christian pray about the Book of Mormon to see if it is true?
Mormons have often asked Christians to read the Book of Mormon and then praying to see whether it is true or not. Is prayer a proper test for truth? - What does the Bible mean when it refers to the “Baptism of the dead”?
The Mormon practice of baptism for the dead is a confusing issue to many. Learn what is meant when Paul uses this phrase in I Corinthians 15. - Is there any archaeological evidence for the claims made in The Book of Mormon regarding Jesus’ visit to the Americas?
- What have key founders and historic leaders of The Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism) said about the origin of Jesus’ physical body?
- What is the significance of Resurrection Sunday for Mormons?

- What is a cult?
- What are the top ten cults in the U.S.?
- Are you the victim of mind control?
A simple test that helps to determine if the group you or a loved on are involved in could be considered a cult. - What followers of Christ can do when cults coming knocking?

- Does the Bible allow for the possibility of reincarnation? Answer
- Did Jesus go to India as a child and learn from Hindu Gurus? Answer
- Is fire-walking a supernatural phenomenon? Answer
- What is Monism and Pantheistic Monism? Answer
Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical? - Can mysticism lead to God? Answer
For Christians…
What is Hinduism? offers an overview, including recommended resources and information on topics related to locale, history, holy books, worship, basic beliefs, misconceptions, factions, salvation issues, outreach, and more…
For Muslims
Muslims are seeking the truth by the thousands. Visit and learn about Hazrat Isa, dreams and visions of the “Man in White”, the holy message of the Al-Kitab, and more…
For Christians
What is Islam? offers an overview for Christians, including recommended resources and information on topics related to Islams locale, history, holy book, meeting place, basic beliefs, thoughts of Jesus, means of salvation, religious growth, factions, misconceptions, outreach, and more…

Nation of Islam
- What is the Nation of Islam?
a brief examination of the history, teachings, and controversies surrounding this American black organization
- An open letter to non-Messianic Jews
- How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah?
Could Jesus Christ have truly been the prophesied Messiah? The Jews of Jesus’ day rejected Him. Many Jews still await the coming of the Anointed. Learn why Jesus Christ is the only possible Messiah.
- What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ?
- Messiah
- Sharing the Messiah with Jews
- How did the Star of David originate?
- Hebrew
- Hebrews
- Hebrew of the Hebrews
- Hebrew language
- Judah
- Tribe of Judah
- Kingdom of Judah
- Circumcision
- Gentiles
- Synagogue
- Passover
- Feast of Tabernacles
- Religious festivals
- Temple (Herod’s)
- Jew’s wailing place
- Jerusalem
New Age
- What is the significance of the New Age Movement?
- What is Monism and Pantheistic Monism?
Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical? - Did Jesus go to India as a child and learn from Hindu Gurus?
- Who is the being of light encountered in near-death experiences? Near Death Experiences, or NDEs, are increasing in popularity and have strikingly similar accounts. What’s behind it all?
- Does the Bible allow for the possibility of reincarnation?
- Is fire-walking a supernatural phenomenon?
- What’s wrong with studying astrology?
- Are we made of stardust?
- Also see: Taoism
The Occult
- What is the Occult?
- THE OCCULT—What does the Bible say about it?
- Does Procter & Gamble have Satanic ties?
Learn about hoaxes that have spread in the Christian community. - Did Nostradamus predict the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York?
- Should Christians participate in HALLOWEEN?
- Is Harry Potter Harmless?
Secular Humanism
- What is Secular Humanism?
- Will all mankind eventually be saved?
If God is such a loving God, how can He condemn millions of people to hell? This answer takes a Biblical look at that popular question. - Aren’t all religions basically the same? Why do followers of Christ insist that one must believe in Him to be saved?
- An open letter to Taoists
- What is Monism and Pantheistic Monism? Who believes in Monism? Is it biblical?