8. CONCLUSION of Ways in which God’s Word and the Roman Catholic Church differ

There are undoubtedly born-again believers in the Roman Catholic Church. But the Catholic theological and ecclesiastical system generally leads people to trust in the Church, or in themselves, for salvation. It places the Church's dogmas on par with the Bible, proclaiming false views of God, of man, of sin, and of salvation.
Since the Catholic Church often fails to present the true way to be saved and, in fact, generally obscures the way, there is a danger. Many people in the Roman Catholic Church may not be saved. Sadly, this includes even priests and nuns.
If you are a Catholic or from a Catholic background, take the following short test to help you better understand the most crucial issue involved—salvation. Also, see: An open letter to Our Roman Catholic Friends
If you are a saved Christian that has Catholic relatives or friends, we urge you to love them and pray for them. Engage them in conversations that lovingly explain what the Bible truly says about salvation. Clearly present the decision that God has set before them.
Pages in this complete article about ways in which the Bible and the Roman Catholic Church differ
1. Salvation through Faith by Grace Alone | 2. Salvation in Christ Alone | 3. Mary | 4. Pope and Infallibility | 5. The Mass | 6. Purgatory | 7. The Priestly System and Other Differences | 8. Conclusion
Salvation. Dear soul, we urge you to make certain that you know the true way to gain eternal life with God. If you are not sure whether you really understand it, read our biblical presentation of the gospel. If you are not sure whether you will spend eternity in Heaven, read this.
Examine the doctrine of sola Scriptura for yourself. Discover the evidence for it from the Bible and the Early Church.
A priest's story. Read the enlightening personal testimony of a former devout Irish Catholic priest who like many others, never understood how to be saved. When he joyfully discovered the truth, he accepted Christ's gift and gained assurance of eternal salvation. He gave up his religion (Catholicism) to truly follow Christ. See why. This former priest has now written a book compiling the testimonies of 50 converted Catholic Priests. Don't miss this.
A nun’s story. Mary Ann Pakiz (formerly Sister Mary Laurian) also shares her story of how and why she gave up her position as a Roman Catholic Sister of the Order of St. Benedict to follow Christ.
QUIZ. Take our short QUIZ and find out if you think like a Catholic or a Protestant.
For more discussion of the differences between Protestant Christianity and Roman Catholicism, see:
“Evangelicals and Catholics Together,” journal article by John F. MacArthur, Jr.
“Irreconcilable Differences: Catholics, Evangelicals, and the New Quest for Unity,” by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, D. James Kennedy, and John Ankerberg
Also see: Can a saved person ever be lost?
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This answer adapted from “Is ‘Back to Rome’ the Way to Go,” Covenanter Witness, October 1996. Originally written by J. Paul McCracken, pastor of Springs Reformed Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Adapted for use in the Christian Answers Network by George Martin of Summit Ministries. Used by permission. Edited and expanded by Paul S. Taylor, Christian Answers, Executive Director, Christian Answers Network.
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