44 Questions for the Not-Yet-a-Believer
In order to be fair in the debate about matters of faith, it's not just the Christian who must be called to the witness stand. Even those who dispute or who otherwise persist in voicing skepticism about Christianity have some questions to answer. In fact, considering the evidence, it no doubt requires more faith to stand outside the circle of those who believe than to join it. To ensure integrity, therefore, on the part of even our readers who are not yet believers, here are a few issues about which you too should be able to give an account.
How do you explain the high degree of design and order in the universe?
» Learn more about the universe / origin of life / origin of species / origin of mankindHow do you account for the vast archaeological documentation of Biblical stories, places, and people?
» In what ways have archaeological discoveries verified it?
» Bible archaeology evidencesSince absolutely no Bible prophecy has ever failed (and there are hundreds), how can one realistically remain unconvinced that the Bible is of Divine origin?
» Read about fulfilled biblical prophecies…Explain David's graphic portrayal of Jesus' death by crucifixion (Psalm 22) 1000 years previous to crucifixion being established as a form of capital punishment?
How could any mere human pinpoint the birth town of the Messiah seven full centuries before the fact, as did the prophet Micah?
» Read the “God's Story” account of Micah describing the Messiah…Account for the odds (1 in 10 to the 157th power) that even just 48 (of 300) Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in one person, i.e Jesus.
» More about statistical odds surrounding Jesus Christ Go
» What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Christ? Answer
» More about messianic propheciesHow was it possible for the Old Testament prophet Isaiah to have predicted the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14) 700 years before it occurred?
» Read the “God's Story” account of the prophets describing the Savior
» Is the virgin birth a myth?How can anyone doubt the reliability of Scripture considering the number and proximity to originals of its many copied manuscripts?
» Read about the importance of the discovery of the Dead Sea ScrollsAre you able to live consistently with your present worldview?
Wouldn't it make better sense, even pragmatically, to live as though the God of the Bible does exist than as though He doesn't?
In what sense was Jesus a 'Good Man' if He was lying in His claim to be God?
» Is Jesus Christ really God?…Do you think that Jesus was misguided in affirming the truthfulness of Scripture, i.e. John 10:35, Matthew 24, Luke 24:44?
If the Bible is not true, why is it so universally regarded as the 'Good Book'?
» How can I know if the Bible is true?… / Is the Bible truth or tabloid? / Can the Bible be infallible if it is written by fallible humans?Are you aware that the Old Testament alone claims to be God's inspired word at least 2600 times?
Did you know that the Bible has been the number one best-seller every year since the 1436 invention of the Gutenberg printing press?
» The Bible—an amazing book…From whence comes humanity's universal moral sense?
If man is nothing but the random arrangement of molecules, what motivates you to care and to live honorably in the world?
Explain how personality could have ever evolved from the impersonal, or how order could have ever resulted from chaos.
If Jesus' resurrection was faked, why would twelve intelligent men (Jesus' disciples) have died for what they knew to be a lie?
» Is the resurrection a myth?…How do you explain the fact that a single, relatively uneducated and virtually untraveled man, dead at age 33, radically changed lives and society to this day?
» Learn more about Jesus' life, death and resurrection…Why have so many of history's greatest thinkers been believers? Have you ever wondered why thousands of intelligent scientists, living and dead, have been men and women of great faith?
» Do real scientists believe in Creation? / Is the Bible completely accurate, or does it contain some inaccuracies about history and science?Isn't it somewhat arrogant to suggest that countless churches and people (including men like Abraham Lincoln) are all radically in error in their view of the Bible?
How do you account for the origin of life considering the irreducible complexity of its essential components?
» Learn more about the origin of life…How can the Second Law of Thermodynamics be reconciled with progressive, naturalistic evolutionary theory?
» Second Law of Thermodynamics - Does this basic law of nature prevent Evolution?…How do you reconcile the existence of human intelligence with naturalism and the Law of Entropy?
Why does the Bible alone, of all of the world's 'holy' books, contain such detailed prophecies of future events?
» Learn more about the Bible…On what basis can the Bible (interpreted as per historic Christian orthodoxy) be challenged as a sole, final truth-standard (Galatians 1:8)?
Is it absolutely true that “truth is not absolute” or only relatively true that "all things are relative?"
» The Loss of Truth—Are we living in a moral stone age?…Is it possible that your unbelief in God is actually an unwillingness to submit to Him?
» God's planDoes your present worldview provide you with an adequate sense of meaning and purpose?
How do you explain the radically changed lives of so many Christian believers down through history?
Are you aware that every alleged Bible contradiction has been answered in an intelligible and credible manner?
» More about Bible contradictions…What do you say about the hundreds of scholarly books that carefully document the veracity and reliability of the Bible?
Why and how has the Bible survived and even flourished in spite of centuries of worldwide attempts to destroy and ban its message?
Why isn't it absurd to try to speak or even conceive of a non-existent 'God' when an existing God would, by definition, be greater?
Have you ever considered the fact that Christianity is the only religion whose leader is said to have risen from the dead?
v» Is Christianity really unique among world religions?…How do you explain the empty tomb of Jesus in light of all the evidence that has now proven essentially irrefutable for twenty centuries?
» Is the resurrection a myth? / Did Christ really rise from the dead? / Were the witnesses hallucinating?If Jesus did not actually die and rise from the dead, how could He (in His condition) have circumvented all of the security measures in place at His tomb?
» Did Jesus really die? / How did Jesus die? / What is crucifixion?If the authorities stole Jesus' body, why? Why would they have perpetrated the very scenario that they most wanted to prevent?
» Could Jesus' body have been stolen from the tomb?…If Jesus merely resuscitated in the tomb, how did He deal with the Roman guard posted just outside its entrance?
» Could Jesus' have merely fainted? / Is the resurrection a myth? / Did Christ really rise from the dead?How can one realistically discount the testimony of over 500 witnesses to a living Jesus following His crucifixion (see 1 Corinthians 15:6)?
» Maybe the witnesses were just seeing things?…If all of Jesus' claims to be God were the result of His own self-delusion, why didn't He evidence lunacy in any other areas of His life?
» Is Jesus Christ's character consistent with his high claims?…If God is unchanging, wouldn't it be true that one who changes by suddenly “realizing” that he/she is “God” therefore isn't God?
Is your unbelief in a perfect God possibly the result of a bad experience with an imperfect Church or a misunderstanding of the facts, and therefore an unfair rejection of God Himself? » Why should I consider Christianity, if all Christians are hypocrites? / What kind of world would you create? / How did bad things come about? / Why do the innocent suffer? / Does God feel your pain? / Goodness of God / Is God fair? / How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?
How did 35-40 men, spanning 1500 years and living on three separate continents, ever manage to author one unified message, i.e. the Bible?
» Can the Bible be infallible if it is written by fallible humans? / More about the congruency of the BibleWould you charge the Declaration of Independence with error in affirming that "all men are endowed by their Creator…"?
Because life origins are not observable, verifiable, or falsifiable, how does historical 'science' amount to anything more than just another faith system?
» What is the nature of science and scientists? / Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? / Frequently asked questions on the Origin of LifeWhat do you make of all the anthropological studies indicating that even the most remote tribes show some sort of theological awareness?
Why subscribe to the incredible odds that the tilt and position of our planet relative to the sun are merely coincidental?
» Consider: Was there a big bang?…If every effect has a cause, and if God Himself is the universe (i.e. is one with the universe, as some non-Christians suggest), what or who then caused the universe?
» See our Creation SuperLibrary for answer about Creation/Evolution…What would be required to persuade you to become a believer?
A college student attended a philosophy class which held a discussion about God's existence. The professor presented the following logic: “Has anyone in this class ever heard God?” No one spoke. “Has anyone in this class ever touched God?” Again, no one spoke. “Has anyone in this class ever seen God?” When no one spoke for the third time, he said, “Then there is no God.”
One student thought for a second and then asked for permission to reply. Curious to hear this bold student's response, the professor agreed. The student stood up and asked the following: “Has anyone in this class ever heard our professor's brain?” Silence. “Has anyone in this class ever touched our professor's brain?” Absolute silence. “Has anyone in this class ever seen our professor's brain?” When no one in the class dared to speak, the student concluded, “Then, according to our professor's logic, it must be true that our professor has no brain!”
The student received an 'A' in the class.
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Author: Daryl E. Witmer of AIIA Institute. Edited by Paul S. Taylor, Films for Christ.
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