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Quick facts about the origin of species

  • Science has discovered no scientific proof that animals or plants can truly Evolve.
  • The best established facts of genetics, biology, and botany studies do not favor Evolutionism.

Creation Super Library - Creation science library - Abundant evidence against Evolutionism

Are Evolutionists correct, is there clear biological proof that a single-celled animal could eventually evolve into man, given enough time?
Streaming video— 
“This Drives Evolutionists Crazy, but It’s True”
Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, is a story about an emperor who becomes blinded enough to believe something that is obviously false. In this video, Calvin Smith shares how Evolutionists have made a similar mistake.
Video by Answers in Genesis Canada
Length: 16 minutes


  • Why don’t mutations help Evolutionists?
  • THE TRUTH ABOUT MUTATIONS—Are mutations responsible for Evolution from amoeba to man? Evolutionism and the blind watchmaker / Genetic mutations cannot produce such positive changes in living creatures
  • Mutations: Magic Wands or Menace?
  • “In human beings the substitute of a single ‘letter’ in the genetic message is responsible for such lethal hereditary diseases as sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia. Several common cancers are also associated with a single-letter change.”
    Scientists M. Radman, Ph.D from the Free University of Brussels and a research director at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, and R. Wagner, Ph.D. from Harvard University [Miroslav Radman and Robert Wagner, “The High Fidelity of DNA Duplication,” Scientific American, Vol. 259, No. 2 (August 1988), pp. 40-46.]
  • CANCEROUS MUTATIONS—Where did cancer come from? A Christian doctor of pathology discusses the true nature of cancer and its fascinating connection to the Edenic curse which followed Adam and Eve’s sin.

Animal Evolution?

Created kinds

  • Creationists represent life’s ancestry with many separate family trees. Each basic “kind” of animal (“baramin” is a more accurate term) was created separately. Originally, God created each animal either from the dust of the Earth or from nothing. They had no ancestors. There are no ancestral roots on these trees.

    In each original animal, God placed a unique set of complex coded information—their genetic code. This enabled them to produce more animals like themselves. And it prevented one created-kind of animal from changing into another created-kind of animal.

    Not only did God provide man with all these wonderfully different kinds of animals, he built into the system something which allowed even more delights for man to discover in the future. These genetic codes were designed to allow interesting variations to develop within each “kind.” From one original “kind” of butterfly, many variations have developed through the years. Each variety is a different branch on the tree of that “kind.” In the same way, through one original type of dog, hundreds of variations have developed—from poodles to dobermans.

    In designing this potential for variation, God provided us with a never ending source of delight. He never meant for us to be bored with creation! Now mankind has not just one type of dog or cat or cattle, but hundreds of variations to enjoy. What a wonderful Creator we have!

  • What are the Genesis “kinds”? by Dr. Wayne Frair (Barminology—classification of created organisms)

Charles Darwin

  • CHARLES DARWIN—Was he a Christian? Did he believe in God? Did he recant Evolutionism when he died?

Study Questions on the Origin of Species

Streaming video— 
“A Question of Origins”
The molecules-to-man theory has no direct evidence to support it. This film exposes the blind speculation and Evolutionsim bias in three areas of science: Cosmology, Chemistry and Biology. Did the Solar System evolve out of the Big Bang? Can chemical compounds spontaneously evolve into life? Does Evolution explain the great variety of life on Earth?
Length: 60 min.
Produced by Eternal Productions / Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved.

…more answers on the origin of species are coming