Part III: Jesus Christ to Eternity

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What does God’s gift mean to you?

God, the Creator and Giver of Life does care about each of us.

God’s created a paradise for us, and He will one day restore it. (Photo copyrighted)

But, God is Holy and must be approached on His terms. He wants you to worship Him as the only God in your life. Just as the first people, Adam and Eve failed to trust God, so all of us have sinned by trying to run our own lives without God.

The Bible says that even if you obey all of God’s laws but one, you are a lawbreaker and a guilty sinner before Him. So, no matter how religious you might be, or how many good deeds you may have done, you can never measure up to God’s holiness. You are lost and separated from God.

But God understands your helplessness. and He loves you so much that He arranged to have His Son take your punishment and die for your sins. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

SALVATION IS A GIFT. It can’t be worked for, so no one can boast about earning it.

Butterfly. Copyrighted.

In the Bible, John chapter 3, Jesus told a religious leader, Nicodemus, that he must be born again to have eternal life; so you too must be born spiritually into God’s family. That is why you need to invite Jesus to come into your life and to forgive you of your sin.

Become a child of God and have Jesus as your Savior.

Confess your sins to God, repent and determine to forsake them.

Thank Him for allowing Jesus to take the punishment for your sin by dying on the cross. Ask Jesus to come into your life, to be your Savior and the Lord of your life. Accept His free gift of salvation and thank God for it. Do everything that you can to become a true and strong follower of Jesus Christ.

There are no particular words that you must say to become a child of God, no specific prayer.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” —1 John 1:9 NKJV

But, if you would like to talk to God right now and are not sure what to say, below are some suggestions that cover the basic issues involved in a right relationship with God. Whatever you say to God, IT MUST COME FROM YOUR OWN MIND AND HEART; YOU MUST HONESTLY MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.

If you are NOT yet ready, wait patiently and humbly, and urgently seek God and read the Bible, asking Him to guide you to truth and understanding.

Consider these steps in getting your relationship right with God

CONFESS— Acknowledge that you are a sinner, and know that you deserve God’s punishment. Confess to God the specific sins you have committed.

What is confession?

REPENT— Repent of your sinfulness, and turn away from it.

BELIEVE— Truly believe in Jesus Christ who graciously provided us with the only way to be saved.

John 6:68-69; 1:12; 3:16; 3:36; 5:24; 8:24; 20:29 | Acts 16:31 | 1 John 5:4 | Hebrews 11:1; 11:6 | What is faith?

Tell God that you place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and give your life to him.

Lord Jesus, I believe that You are God’s only Son, that You died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and rose again on the third day.

I want to follow You with all my heart. I now present myself as Your servant, and I accept that You are my Master. I humbly submit myself to Your will in every area of my life, and I ask You to make me into the person You want me to be, from this day forward. Make my life a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You.

FORGIVENESS— Ask God to forgive your sins, washing you clean, and save you from Hell. Ask Him to give you a reborn life.

REGENERATION (SPIRITUAL NEW BIRTH)— Ask God to change you from the basically selfish person that you are inside to a person of true love.

Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment that you may know good from evil, and help you to follow after God with all your heart all the remaining days of your life. Earnestly desire to walk in the light of God’s truth.

Ask God to fill you His Holy Spirit to guide you through His written Word, and to help you to trust Him daily for all your needs and to rely on Him to lead you as you seek to live in obedience to Him.

Ask Him to convict you of whatever sin is in your life, now and in the futre, that you see it and confess it to Him, knowing that He has already forgiven you, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. From this day forward, live with the peace and assurance that you have become His child.

Pray that God will show you His will, and help you to grow in your faith, and bring other believers to help you to grow, and lead you to Bible-believing fellowship where I you can be accurately taught in God’s Word.

Ask God to show you how your life can be a blessing to others, and give you the courage to tell others about His saving grace.

Pray that your entire family will come to Him as Lord and Savior, convicting their hearts and drawing them to Him—removing the blinders of our enemy Satan from their eyes. Ask God to give you the words to speak as you share with them how you came to know God and how they too can begin a personal relationship with Him and spend forever in His wonderful presence.

Ask God to help you to faithfully live the life He calls you to, and to be a holy example for all the world to see, that they too may believe.

THANKFULNESS— Thank God for His great mercy and grace to you—a sinner. Trust Him as your Lord and Savior, and know that when you die, you will spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Thank God for His forgiveness and for His gift of eternal life that we could never earn.

What’s next?

If you have repented of your sins, accepted Christ’s free gift of salvation through His atonement for your sins, and have decided to become a true follower of Jesus, then by God’s grace you have been saved from eternal punishment. The angels are rejoicing. You will one day live with your Creator in paradise!