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You Don't Mess with the Zohan

also known as “Leg dich nicht mit Zohan an,” “On ne rigole pas avec le Zohan,” “Zohan—lupa saksia”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for crude and sexual content throughout, language and nudity.

Reviewed by: Maria Gorshin
CONTRIBUTOR (first time reviewer)

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 53 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: June 6, 2008
Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures Copyright, Columbia Pictures
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Featuring Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Danny A. Abeckaser, Omid Abtahi, Aesop Aquarian, [more]
Director Dennis Dugan
‘Happy Gilmore,’ ‘I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry,’ ‘Big Daddy
Producer Barry Bernardi, Jack Giarraputo, Daryl Kass, Aldric La'Auli Porter, Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel

“Lather. Rinse. Save the world.”

You Do Not Mess With the Zohan… no, really… you do not mess with the Zohan. At least not if you’re a Christian with delicate sensibilities. This very funny, if highly-offensive movie is charming and delightful enough to coax laughter even out of the staunchest believer. Are there any truly redeeming qualities about this movie? Hardly. Do I recommend it? Absolutely. But leave the children at home. Adam Sandler is at his tasteless best here but this time the story has a heart, as well as a message of peace, and the main character is as loveable as he is irreverent.

Few topics are as complex and volatile as the Arab-Israeli conflict over land in Israel. Sandler strips away the complexities to give you a hilarious romp featuring Arabs and Israelis who flee to America to “get away from all of the hate back home” and start their lives anew.

The film opens in a Middle East setting we rarely see featured on the evening news these days—a peaceful, sunny beach in Israel where everyone is having fun and the only action comes from Hacky Sack, tug-of-war and disco dancing. The first few moments of the film establish Zohan’s character: he’s strong, comfortable in his own skin, widely-admired and capable of unusual feats—including catching a freshly-grilled fish with his tuchis. (You’ll hear lots of amusing yiddishisms in this movie—real as well as invented.) A few minutes into the film, Zohan is simultaneously attending to a beachside grill, playing paddleball with a spatula and dancing nude (viewed from behind) for an appreciative group of bikini-clad beauties and a goofy, fully-dressed male friend. Suddenly, a military helicopter appears and Zohan’s seaside vacation comes to an abrupt end as he is whisked off to a briefing with his fellow Israeli commandos. The story really gets rolling after an explosive mission in Palestine ends with Zohan exiting a life marked by never-ending Arab/Israeli conflict in favor of making people “silky smooth” as a hairdresser in America.

The film takes us along with Zohan as he spins and gyrates from one crazy situation into the next in a post 9/11 New York City peopled by hard-working Israelis and Palestinians and the people who regard them with suspicion. This leads to some great moments of comedy—like when Zohan disavows his Israeli background by telling his new friends, in an Israeli accent as thick as the hummus he uses for just about everything, that he is “Australian and Mount Everest… this is what you are hearing.” Zohan and his arch nemesis, a Palestinian terrorist known as The Phantom (John Turturro), find themselves locked in a rivalry that provides plentiful opportunities for great action sequences. All of the actors in this movie put in hugely entertaining performances, especially Sandler and Turturro who throw themselves into their roles with abandon.The movie is endearingly funny and, unlike many recent comedies, this one never runs out of steam. The story moves along at a pleasing clip, driven forward by Zohan’s hairstyling dreams and a high-energy soundtrack of danceable 80s tunes and Middle Eastern pop music. The unique circumstance of having Palestinians and Israelis working side by side in the same community as they make their way in a new city allows for situations that get to the heart of what it can be like for recent, Middle Eastern immigrants living in New York City during these difficult times.

So how does Zohan the movie manage to be so offensive when it’s so genuinely endearing and clever? Like most modern comedies, Zohan is absolutely soaked in sex, sexual innuendo, rough language, vulgarity and relentless references to the male anatomy. For every moment of hilarity (and there are many) you will have to go through much that is rude—and even disturbing. In one scene a son finds his mother having sex with a young friend he has brought home for the first time. Instead of being embarrassed, the mother suggests to the son that what he needs is to go to a nightclub and “get some st*nk.” On frequent occasions after that the mother engages in sexual discussions and behaviors in front of her son while his disgusted reactions are played to make him seem hopelessly unhip. At the end of the movie, when the son begins to act out sexually, Zohan and the mom express their approval. “I knew he had it in him,” says the mother with a smirk.

But the real heavy offenses are left to Zohan himself, who is consumed with “making the sticky,” the “big bang boom” and staying “steeve” for the ladies. His carefree spirit and appreciation of beauty in women of all sizes, ages and colors is admirable but the sequences featuring him pleasuring elderly women during their shampoos, one after another, truly go too far. These sequences could have been done in good taste—for the most part they were so joyful and the ladies looked so lovely—but they were marred by unnecessary vulgarities that turned scenes that could have been tasteful into cringe-worthy moments. (i.e., creamy white shampoos oozing from phallic shampoo bottles near the ladies’ open mouths; Zohan gyrating suggestively up against the behind of an elderly customer who is bent over a sink as he shampoos her hair.)

When Zohan discovers that a great way to cultivate the loyalty of his elderly clientele at the hair salon is to end each appointment with a rigorous bout of earth-shaking, off-screen sex, the audience has to endure endless rounds of shelves tumbling off the wall, moaning, and then the sight of dazed and disheveled older ladies stumbling out of Zohan’s supply closet.

Despite these huge lapses in good taste, Zohan does carry several positive messages: There is more to life than war; with hate there are no winners; America is a country where anyone can make their dreams come true; you can’t have secrets in a good relationship; there is power in unity. Zohan also clearly loves and respects his parents and considers what they would think before he makes big decisions. By the end of the movie, we also see Zohan fall in love and suddenly realize that he can be with only one woman.

You might be wondering how the Arab/Israeli issue is handled in this film. In a word, it’s evenhanded. No sides are taken. The only case here is made for peace and brotherhood. In one scene a Palestinian calls Zohan a “landgrabber” and shouts that “my people have settled this land for hundreds of years!” Zohan defends himself with a little sarcasm, “Oh, yes and my people have never set foot in this land before. It’s not so cut and dried.” There is some violence in this movie but it is bloodless and cartoonish, except for a few explosions. The language is peppered with countless references to sex but most of the words are in fake Yiddish. Still, you’ll come across sh*t seven times, t*ts three times, b*tch and son of a b*tch three times and mother f*cher once, although it’s cut off at the end. The Lord’s name is taken in vain only once.

Violence: Moderate / Profanity: Moderate / Sex/Nudity: Heavy

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—This movie is not biblical at all, but it is so funny. It is crude and Zohan, Adam Sandler, is very funny. The quality of the film was good and the script was funny. I laughed a lot. The movie has a lot of sexual content in it. You see a few bottoms. If you are looking for a Christian film, please do not go and see this one… it would offend you. If you are looking for a comedy satire, it is very funny. I wouldn't take little ones to it and it could of been rated “R.” If you are offended easily, do not go see it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Donnam, age 52
Neutral—Ok, this movie is crude. How? Zohan has a large “sexual” appetite. He makes comments of how “manly” he is, and he constantly moons the camera (the mooning is the only real nudity). On a positive note I was surprised that there were hardly any homosexuals in the movie and little reference to them too in a movie about a male hair dresser. So for the sexual innuendos and such I would advise leaving kids who haven't had their bar mitzvah at home. Zohan is hilarious though. My family and I were in tears most of the movie, although someone who doesn't watch the news might not get the subtle jokes. “You're going to loose the hackysack tournament just like you lost Gaza!.” Oh and how could I forget Zohan’s moves, in the action scenes (which were hilarious), and his Disco moves… Therefore go watch the movie if you want to laugh at the current political situation in Israel. And if you can ignore some of the crudeness, its worth it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Nate M., age 18 (Jewish)
Neutral—I am an avid movie goer. I often look for the biblical allegory within the movie. I like to look at character names and the like looking for some biblical connection—like “Cross” in “Wanted,” the Father character, and Harry Stanton, the heroic character in Armegeddon (Harry Stanton—HS—Holy Spirit) who happens to die to save the world and leaves his daughter “Grace” behind—coincidence… nope! Even the poster/dvd cover has a cross for “Grace's” earring.

And sometimes—a movie is just brain candy—fun-filled silliness when one allows their brain to take a vacation.

BUT Zohan is not even brain candy. It is cheap in its humor, gags are ridiculous. It does not have a redeeming quality about it. I left with about 30 minutes left and felt gross and violated. It was contaminating.

Seriously perverse and sick.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Tim, age 35
Negative—This movie is ALL about sex and genitalia. I like Adam Sandler’s older movies. This goes way over the top on inappropriateness. I would not recommend it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Cheryl, age 37
Negative—I am very ashamed to say that I saw this movie. I did not choose to see it (it was chosen by one of the chaperons of the group of teenagers I was in for a week of competition) but even though I didn't choose this movie I am still morbidly embarrassed by the fact that I saw it. The movie is unbelievably crude with constant sex jokes, implied sex, rear nudity and sensuality. There was no break in the filthiness. As a result, the movie was not funny in the slightest (the one part that heralded a snicker from me was the part you see in the trailers about 'Is that your feet?'). In fact, I felt sick to my stomach for much of the movie (glad I didn't buy popcorn…) and I actually TRIED to sleep through it but failed.

All in all, it was a disgusting movie. My advice: DO NOT watch it. The group leaders who chose the movie were absolutely mortified that they took a group of 17 teenagers to see trash like that. Though we did get “Disco Break” from it, that was the only thing slightly positive about the whole experience, and I can only wish that I could erase the rest of it from my mind.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Rachel Davidson, age 19
Negative—My husband and I should have read the reviews or spoke with other people who saw this film. It depicts older women (over 50) as extremely desperate for any attention from a man. The main character is no more then a prostitute. We left halfway through the movie. The main idea seemed to be that it is humorous to have sex or rub against older women.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Sandra, age 40
Negative—I am a movie goer. I love a good movie. In my entire lifetime I guess I have walked out on maybe three or four movies. This was one of them. I am ashamed to say that I stayed an hour before walking out. This movie was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was extremely crude and disrespectful on more levels than I can explain. The constant sexual references and content are unbelievable to me and the movie isn't even funny. The many and constant sexual references with elderly women in the movie leaves me speechless. We are to respect the elderly generation and this movie makes lewd comments on their body parts and refers to sexual activity with multiple partners that are in their 70's. It grieves me to see what our nation has stooped to as entertainment. Avoid this movie even when it comes out to rent.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Debbie Smith, age 46
Negative—nothing but filthy sexual content throughout movie. No big plot just a message at the end about getting along, peace love yadah yadah. Mostly just sexual content after sexual content in jokes plot scenes etc. The trailers lead one to believe it is an action comedy movie. There was only three shots fired which one missed and two were caught by the character (one in hand, one in nose). Other than that is was all perverted comedy. The guy goes to america defends a nerdy helpless guy from a jerk. the nerd takes him home to have a home cooked meal from his mother and when later walking in house he walks in on his mother having intercourse with the zohan while both are totally nude. The scene is extremely graphic and is only one of many. Were not talking a mans bare back covering a half naked woman. the first offensive scene is a side shot of the woman on her knees having intercourse. This scene and many other scenes have much more nudity that I have ever seen in a movie …ever. Many more times are there scenes with the Zohan and this guy's mother.

There was a talk the Zohan had with the guy about “don't you want your mother to be happy” “didn't you see her face when It went in” was the exact quote. There was a severely high tolerance for fornication. Including the plot where the fornicating pair were involved in talking about him finding his true love though they are fornicating on side as well as all the women he does at work. Also throughout the movie the Zohan character has intercourse with each woman he gives a hair cut to. after the hair cut he takes them to a backroom where the walls shake, shampoo bottles fall, and there is screaming/moaning. At one point he even has another guy see the size of what's down his trousers. There are many scenes which are sexually provocative that include licking women's wet hair squirting shampoo and water in an arousing way as women seem to be sexually excited by it. Nudity is on film for extended periods of time and not just flashed and show a lot of peoples’ rears and sides.

It is just a smutty movie with no real plot there is a clear and profound underlying message for the acceptance of fornication, multiple partners, quickies, meaningless sex, unmarried sex, etc etc. even the rationalization for them through character dialog as I described in the beginning portion of this review. the movie has to many sexual scenes to count, too many scenes of nudity to keep track of and strong themes of fornication.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
J Hinojosa, age 25
Negative—This was an terrible film-very disappointing. It was offensive on all levels and frankly not very funny. I feel it was also racist toward Arabs as well as Jewish people. This was Adam Sandler’s worst film; I won't pay for his next film.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Carrie, age 38
Negative—This movie has potential for being funny, and being a young man in the military am used to a bit of weirdo humour. This movie could have utilized so many Israeli stereotypes in a funny way, but it insisted on having redundant jokes that were extremely offensive and vulgar, and Christians ought not defile their minds with this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Phillip, age 22 (Canada)
Negative—I am almost too ashamed to comment on this movie, as I should have heeded several roadblocks (such as the first theater’s showings being sold out, and the second theater having technical difficulties that delayed the presentation) that almost kept us viewing this decadent movie. Regretfully, one member of our group had a professional motive for seeing one of Hollywood’s latest products, so we ignored what was probably the Lord’s warning.

I have actually enjoyed much of Adam Sandler’s humor, despite being offended when he crossed certain lines of morally. But, this filthy movie was so completely and totally revolting that I could not find anything the least bit amusing. Finally, about half way into the movie during a scene in which Zohan is shampooing an older woman’s hair, inducing her and all the woman, including a dog, to become sexually aroused, we all practically jumped out of seats and filed out of the theater. I was reeling with disgust, not only with those who had any part of this production, but with myself for not leaving after the first five minutes. In fact, I am sickened that I contributed almost $80.00 toward the gross income of the premier of this abominable movie.

I understand that this movie even got bad reviews from the secular media, its criticisms involving a range of concerns, including moral decadence. Instead of attempting a qualitative analysis, I simply want to warn all Christians: Do not see this movie, and more importantly, do not allow your children or teenagers to be exposed to this depraved rubbish.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Roxanne Suggs, age 46
Negative—In “You Don't Mess with the Zohan,” Adam Sandler (Zohan) teaches that financial success and peace can be brought about by being a male prostitute. While Zohan could be praised for teaching peace to some Palestinians and Jews in a New York neighborhood, it's a over-simplification of the struggle between Israel and Edom. And his methods were neither moral or practical.

Under the guise of being a hair stylist, Zohan flatters and seduces older ladies by removing their ear ring with his mouth when it gets in the way of the shampoo bowl, rubs his groin against their shoulder while shampooing them, and after their hair cut, takes the client into the back room where he does things with the ladies that make shampoo bottles fall off the shelves of an adjacent wall.

Whenever Zohan was wearing only underpants, the size of his groin area was obscenely exaggerated. And this occurred several times throughout the movie.

The movie wasn't as embarrassing as some other movies I have seen, but was perhaps the most morally “over the top” movie I have seen Adam Sandler star in.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Craig, age 37
Negative—This movie is garbage. It is the worst movie Adam Sandler has ever made due to sexual content and locker room humor. It is a constant stream demeaning statements about women, especially older women. The sexual absurdity of the movie managed to turn what could have been an entertaining film into one I would not recommend to anyone. Save your money—it's embarrassing to everyone including Mr. Sandler.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Mikel Fuller, age 62
Negative—If you are a follower of Christ I strongly recommend not going to this movie. I wish there was a review that I could have read before going. The basic plot of this movie is to bring peace to Jews and Palestinians, which is noble. However, it is the extracurricular activities of Adam Sandler that makes this movie extremely offensive. Throughout the movie he is making gestures about his groin area and he is having sex with just about every woman he meets. How this movie got a PG-13 rating I do not know. May the Lord have mercy on our nation. It is too bad that Sandler resorted to smut to sell his movie. Generally he is very funny and some parts of this movie are funny, but the sexual perverseness is too much!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Barry Madosky, age 44
Negative—My husband and I should have read the reviews or spoke with other people who saw this film. It depicts older women (over 50) as extremely desperate for any attention from a man. The main character is no more then a prostitute. We left halfway through the movie. The main idea seemed to be that it is humorous to have sex or rub against older women.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Sandra, age 40
Negative—I am very ashamed to say that I saw this movie. I did not choose to see it (it was chosen by one of the chaperons of the group of teenagers I was in for a week of competition) but even though I didn't choose this movie I am still morbidly embarrassed by the fact that I saw it. The movie is unbelievably crude with constant sex jokes, implied sex, rear nudity and sensuality. There was no break in the filthiness. As a result, the movie was not funny in the slightest (the one part that heralded a snicker from me was the part you see in the trailers about 'Is that your feet?'). In fact, I felt sick to my stomach for much of the movie (glad I didn't buy popcorn…) and I actually TRIED to sleep through it but failed.

All in all, it was a disgusting movie. My advice: DO NOT watch it. The group leaders who chose the movie were absolutely mortified that they took a group of 17 teenagers to see trash like that. Though we did get “Disco Break” from it, that was the only thing slightly positive about the whole experience, and I can only wish that I could erase the rest of it from my mind.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Rachel Davidson, age 19
Negative—I watched this movie by mistake. I saw the previews and I though it was a funny movie but I was proved wrong. The sex humor is extremilly offensive and grotesque. The story was good enough so they did not need to add so many scenes with such a high sexual content. Definitively, I DO NOT recommend to see this movie at all.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Willam Vega, age 30
Negative—We rented this movie on pay-for-view. We watched a preview and determined it to be funny for our 3 grand boys. We had to shut it off after about 15 min. It was terrible. I should have known. Adam Sandler is one guy that has never grown up and continues to do gutter-type movies. Naturally, there are certain people that like this kind of humor, but they usually run with a crowd of same likes. I should have read your reviews first before renting this pathetic film. A waste of money.

The fruit coming from this actor is not good. Jesus speaks of the man that brings forth good fruit and the one that doesn't. Also, out of the mouth the heart speaks. I could go on. One can easily see from Matthew 12 that this kind of behavior is not God honoring. Parents and grandparents have a responsibility to God to raise up a Godly inheritance. I apologized to our grandson for making such a poor choice. I would hope that someday Adam Sandler would make a choices pleasing to God and leave his old ways behind.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Sharron Shipley, age 65 (USA)
Comments from young people
Negative—This movie is disgusting! I have put up with Adam Sandler’s previous movies, but I could NOT stand this one! I am very disappointed in Adam Sandler for being a part of this movie. This movie was WAY too sexual. I would not recommend it to anyone! I do not care how funny the movie is claimed to be, it's vulgarity ruined it ENTIRELY!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Brianna, age 16
Negative—First off, this movie wasn't funny at all. I only laughed at the movie one time, the “Disco Break” scene, which was hilarious for no apparent reason. The only enjoyable thing about it was every now and then somebody in the back would laugh hysterically and it sounded really, really weird. Also, the plot was extremely stupid and predictable. I was very disappointed because every single actor in the movie is usually hilarious.

From a Christian point of view this movie was very offensive. The entire thing is about sex and all the implied sex was really disturbing. In my opinion it was more disturbing than the movie “Saw 2.” Just go watch “Happy Gilmore” again, and enjoy yourself.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Brandon, age 15
Negative—I would just like to say me and my sister (she's 19) go to see plenty of movies. We normally rent or watch horror movies together as something just fun to do, but this time we decided to see a comedy. We thought the movie looked pretty funny and were, of course, prepared for a couple or crude sexual remarks. Me and my sister by all means admit to being morally loose when it comes to movies but this movie just made us sick. Around 45 minutes through we ended up walking out completely which I have never done. I could believe the sexual references they were making in this PG-13 movie my little sister could get into. From what we say the man comedy in the movie was sexual and it was sick how the man character actually had sex with every old women he cut hair for. It was like he was a prostitute. I hope you will listen and make sure no one you know goes to this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Stephen Beadles, age 15
Negative—I left 15 minutes into the movie. I could not watch anymore of it. In those 15 minutes of watching the movie Adam Sandler’s entire butt was shown twice, that did it for me. I already knew how offensive it would be.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Brandon, age 13
Negative—This is one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. First off, don't get dragged in by the previews. The previews didn't look half bad. But not even five minutes into the movie, I knew it was going to be bad. “Zohan” (Adam Sandler) has a very big genital area (which we later find out is just pubic hair that helps him get more sex with women). There are also a lot of nude scenes. This is sometimes when he is having sex or not. Luckily, they do not show nudity, only hints to show they are nude, however, they do show nude butts and legs. Besides from this, the language is absolutely terrible. I mean, going to school and hearing what students say, I thought I knew all the words and phrases. This movie made me realize, unfortunately, I was wrong. The most used curse words are the 3 lettered “t” word and 5 lettered “b” word. Other words are used, also, mainly to relate to sex. This movie is also racist, mainly calling Middle Eastern people and other European and Asian people gay and stupid. I would never see this movie again. There was maybe one funny part, but even then it was a chuckle. But in other words, it was two hours of pure disgust. My final words are nobody should see this movie. I don't even know how it's not rated R or worse.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Jall, age 14
Neutral—I thought that this movie had a lot of sexual humor. Some parts were disturbing and really not nessessary. I think that the moral rating (for a PG-13 movie) was a little worse than average. It was a funny movie, though.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Anonymous, age 13
Negative—I left 15 minutes into the movie. I could not watch anymore of it. In those 15 minutes of watching the movie Adam Sandler’s entire butt was shown twice, that did it for me. I already knew how offensive it would be.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Brandon, age 13
Movie Critics
…a movie that wrings big laughs from pelvic gyrations, indoor Hacky Sack and filthy-sounding fake-Hebrew and Arabic words. …
A.O. Scott, The New York Times
…Dumb, yes, but funny in a Borat kind of way… outrageously dumb, patently stolen and yet… kinda funny…
Rick Groen, The Globe and Mail
…a satire on Arab-Israeli conflict that produces laughs only in fits and starts. … The action sequences are awkward and unengaging. Every time the film gets moving, it is yanked back into inert mush. …
Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times
…crude humor… screenplay… is too lazy and too scattered to balance silliness and insight. Serious intent may be lurking somewhere in there, but it's buried under layers of stupidity—not just stupid jokes, which is what you want from Sandler, but also stupid, shallow thinking. …
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
…Crude, idiotic, ridiculous—in other words, flat-out hilarious, and Sandler's funniest film in years. …
Rafer Guzmán, Newsday
…Sandler and Co. make a mess with the ‘Zohan’…powerfully lazy comedy…
Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post

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