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also known as “Troie,” “Troya,” “Troja,” “Tróia,” “Troia,” “Troie,” “Троја,” “Trooja,” “Τροία,” “La guerra di Troia,” “Người Hùng Thành Troy,” “Троя,” “特洛伊:木馬屠城,” “トロイ”
MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for graphic violence and some sexuality/nudity.
Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: War Action Adventure
Length: 2 hr. 43 min.
Year of Release: 2004
USA Release: May 14, 2004 (wide)
Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros. Copyright, Warner Bros.
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Warner Bros.

An adaptation of Greek Homer’s epic poem the Iliad about the Trojan War

Sin and the Fall of man

Goodness and righteousness




War in the Bible

What is the Biblical perspective on war? Answer

SEXUAL LUST—What does the Bible say about it? Answer

Sex, Love and Relationships
Learn how to make your love the best it can be. Discover biblical answers to questions about sex, marriage, sexual addictions, and more.

Featuring Brad PittAchilles
Eric BanaHector
Orlando BloomParis
Diane KrugerHelen
Peter O'ToolePriam
Brian CoxAgamemnon
Brendan GleesonMenelaus
See all »
Director Wolfgang Petersen — “The Perfect Storm,” “Air Force One,” “Outbreak,” “In the Line of Fire,” “Shattered,” “Enemy Mine,” “The NeverEnding Story”
Producer Wolfgang Petersen
Diana Rathbun
See all »

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “From the director of The Perfect Storm… Throughout time, men have waged war. Some for power, some for glory, some for honor—and some for love. In ancient Greece, the passion of two of history’s most legendary lovers, Paris, Prince of Troy (Orlando Bloom) and Helen (Diane Kruger), Queen of Sparta, ignites a war that will devastate a civilization. When Paris steals Helen away from her husband, King Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), it is an insult that cannot be suffered. Familial pride dictates that an affront to Menelaus is an affront to his brother Agamemnon (Brian Cox), powerful King of the Myceneans, who soon unites all the massive tribes of Greece to steal Helen back from Troy in defense of his brother’s honor.

In truth, Agamemnon’s pursuit of honor is corrupted by his overwhelming greed—he needs control of Troy to ensure the supremacy of his already vast empire. The walled city, under the leadership of King Prium (PETER O’TOOLE) and defended by mighty Prince Hector (Eric Bana), is a citadel that no army has been able to breach. One man alone stands as the key to victory or defeat over Troy—Achilles (Brad Pitt), believed to be the greatest warrior alive.

Arrogant, rebellious and seemingly invincible, Achilles has no allegiance to anyone or anything, save his own glory. It is his insatiable hunger for eternal renown that leads him to attack the gates of Troy under Agamemnon’s banner—but it will be love that ultimately decides his fate. Two worlds will go to war for honor and power. Thousands will fall in pursuit of glory. And for love, a nation will burn to the ground.”

Troy. A city. An empire. And now a summer blockbuster.

Homer’s “Iliad” has fascinated readers for a hundred generations, and is considered an indispensable part of a good Classical education. It was written about 800 BC, a mixture of fact and fiction concerning the siege and destruction of Troy 400 years earlier. Proverbs and catch phrases like “Achilles’ heel,” “The face that launched a thousand ships,” and “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” are a permanent part of our culture.

In the 1950s, as a young gradeschooler, I owned an “Iliad for Boys and Girls,” a simplified and slightly sanitized translation that nevertheless contained: the adulterous relationship that sparked the conflict; descriptions of extreme violence; numerous references to the Greek gods interfering capriciously in human affairs; and several Greek-art-style illustrations of well-muscled men, graphically nude except for their armor, fighting to the death. I also remember a very graphic “comic book” version of the story.

It’s not realistic to expect a major movie studio to create a version of “Troy” that’s appropriate for family viewing. If this film would offend you or your children, then avoid it or see it without the kids. You could choose last year’s made-for-TV “Helen of Troy,” although you’ll still be hit with sex, nudity and some pagan supernaturalism which is surprisingly missing from this new version. There are also some fifty-year-old film versions. Or, you could just read the book, or even ignore the story altogether. I must say that, although there’s a great deal of problem material in this new version of “Troy,” the producers and director did show a certain amount of discretion in some areas.

PLOT: Although the various Greek city-states have long functioned as independent nations, King Agamemnon of Mycenae (Brian Cox) has now forcefully united most of them into a federation. Two roadblocks remain before he can fully consolidate his gains. One, the state of Thessaly remains to be subjugated. That’s accomplished by having Agamemnon’s champion Achilles (Brad Pitt) defeat Thessaly’s champion in single combat. Actually, Achilles is a wild duck who only fights whom he chooses, when he chooses. But this day, after being roused in midmorning from a bed he shares with two beautiful nude women, he decides to do Agamemnon’s bidding. With possibly-superhuman quickness and a characteristic jump-move that we’ll see several more times, he stabs his opponent once, and it’s all over.

The second roadblock is that Agamemnon’s brother, King Menelaus of Sparta (Brendan Gleeson), has broken ranks and made peace with the powerful city of Troy, located in what is now Turkey. But this “problem” solves itself when Prince Paris (Orlando Bloom), the son and emissary of King Priam of Troy (Peter O’Toole), not only seduces Menelaus’ wife Helen (Diane Kruger), but steals her away back to Troy. Agamemnon is only too happy to rouse an army from ALL the Greek city-states to defend his brother’s honor, and in the process subjugate or destroy a dangerous enemy empire.

Taking this story seriously (it’s historically accurate to some extent), it becomes an exercise in vicarious sadness over many people’s bad choices. Helen and Paris freely admit that what they’re doing is probably going to get a lot of people killed; but they do it anyway. When Paris’ elder brother Hector (Eric Bana) discovers that Helen has stowed away, he starts to turn the ship around, intending to restore her to her husband. But his concern for the safety of his kid brother makes him change his mind. When the ship arrives in Troy, King Priam too could choose to send Helen away, but he does not.

For a viewer desiring a pure hero to root for, there’s a scarcity of choices here. Hector and Priam are the “least bad,” but they have their faults. On the Greek side, the only fairly-notable character who seems to have positive qualities is Odysseus, also known as Ulysses (Sean Bean); and his screen time is limited.

The main-character setups take over half an hour. From there on, we know that thousands of innocent people are going to die, and that one side will lose the war. I assume almost everyone knows beforehand that Troy loses. The destruction of Troy by Greece, and the similar destruction of Carthage (in North Africa) by Rome a thousand years later, were pivotal events that helped to keep “world power” centered in Europe.

War in the Bible

What is the Biblical perspective on war? Answer

SEX AND NUDITY: Offensive, but could have been worse. There are several scenes of simulated or implied sex. But there’s no genital nudity in any of them, and no female breast nudity, except for some brief glimpses in the opening scene of Achilles with two women. The actors are nude in some of the other scenes of this type, but the camera angles and editing are discreet.

Paris’ and Helen’s behavior is shown in a bad light. We see that actions do have consequences. Far-reaching ones. Paris comes off as weak, despicable and cowardly, not someone to emulate. Aside from the archery, there’s no similarity between Paris and Bloom’s character in “Lord of the Rings.” Achilles and Trojan Princess Briseis (Rose Byrne) share a nonmarital sexual relationship. (By some accounts, the siege of Troy lasted ten years before the Greeks thought up the idea of the Horse, and Achilles was actually MARRIED to the Trojan princess. In this version, the siege seems to last only a few weeks, so any newly-formed relationships are necessarily brief and superficial.) Menelaus is briefly shown kissing a dancing girl at a party in his palace.

In non-sexual scenes, when the women ARE clothed, their attire is usually fairly modest but sometimes shows cleavage. Men’s upper-body muscles are featured prominently. The men wear miniskirt-length garments for battle, but there’s never any “flashing.” Even when a dead warrior’s body is dragged by his feet behind a chariot, his garment doesn’t ride up.

VIOLENCE: Overwhelming at times. The beach invasion scene is a little like a pre-industrial “Saving Private Ryan.” The other mass battle scenes, and the shots of a thousand ships on the ocean, obviously used computer-generated enhancement, but it’s almost impossible to tell where the filming stops and the enhancement begins. In the close-ups, there’s a great deal of “Braveheart” style stabbing and throat-slitting, with a lot of blood. The direction style of the action sequences is a mix of modern and old-fashioned techniques. Almost all movies of this type allow the main characters on both sides of the conflict to somehow “find” each other on battlefields after they each plow through and dispatch a host of nameless, ordinary soldiers.

In this film, not only do they find each other, but the secondary combatants sometimes take a breather, form a circle and watch their champions fight. The language and the acting style (during combat and elsewhere) is sometimes awkward and stilted, other times convincing.

OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE: Since both sides in this conflict are pagan societies, with no consciousness of the true God, there are no curses except those meant as a literal invoking of the vengeance of one or another member of the Greek pantheon of gods. There are a few other crude expressions: a couple of uses of “whore” and “bitch,” and some mild insults.

OTHER CONTENT: I was amazed that the script was carefully written to AVOID any explicit teaching that the Greek gods were “real.” There’s NO reference to Achilles’ mother Thetis dipping him as a baby in the river Styx, making him invulnerable except for the undipped heel by which she held him. That isn’t authentic Homer anyway, but a later legend. Homer said Achilles’ weakness was his pride. Later authors said it was his love for a Trojan princess. Still later authors (first century AD and onward) said it was the heel.

In this film version, we get all three; but the heel thing is kept vague. After fighting his way through nearly the entire film with nary a scratch on him, Achilles is finally shot in the heel and then several times in the chest. He pulls out the chest arrows, but not the one in his heel. Then, he slowly dies from an unspecified combination of those wounds. (By the way, there’s a strong possibility that the myth of Achilles’ heel is a pagan corruption of the prophecy of Jesus found in Genesis 3:15.)

Many people superstitiously refer to signs and omens, but we never see “the gods” clearly intervening in the conflict. Achilles desecrates the temple of Apollo and kills unarmed priests, but there are no immediate supernatural consequences. The only content in the film that strongly suggests a supernatural element is Thetis (Julie Christie) telling Achilles that if he stays away from the war, he’ll have a family but will be forgotten; if he goes and fights, his name will be remembered, but he will die. He goes, and it turns out that her “prophecy” was right. But maybe she’s just a worried mother and a good guesser. Even astrologers like Jeanne Dixon guess right once in a while.

In the sacking and burning of Troy, there’s no obvious footage of women and children being harmed. The only threatened harm to a woman is when the Greeks attempt to rape, and later attempt to kill, Princess Briseis. In both cases, Achilles comes to her rescue and kills soldiers from his own army.

When the film is over, you may be left with a number of topics to think about or to discuss with your family and friends. Two empires fought each other for mixed motives of political power, supremacy, greed, honor, and vengeance. World history is filled with similar events. Until Jesus returns, there will always be wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6), and the unimaginable human misery that war creates.

Yes, “Troy” is thought-provoking. But anyone who’s sensitive to this type of content is better off to avoid this film and to stay sensitive, rather than become hardened.

Violence: Extreme / Profanity: Minor / Sex/Nudity: Heavy

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—This movie could have been much better than it was, but it still had many interesting, entertaining elements. I am saddened by the fact that producers think all movies like this need sex to make them successful, when in most of them, like this one, the various scenes have little bearing on the actual plot. It could have been worse, much worse, but with the exception of a few “kissing scenes,” most of the so-called romantic action was superfluous.

Paris does steal Helen away from her husband, which is wrong, but his actions are seen as a grave offense, and I didn’t feel they were passed off as being “acceptable” in the eyes of everyone else. Furthermore, one can easily see the problems that arose from his bad judgment and sin.See all »
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/3½]
K.W., age 22
Positive—…If you liked movies such as Braveheart, Gladiator, and Lord of the Rings, you will like Troy. There are a FEW sex scenes, but nowhere is there frontal nudity. The acting in this movie, with the exception of Pitt, is phenomenal. The action scenes are not as intense as Braveheart, and are extremely well done. Eric Bana, Peter O’Tool, and Sean Bean have the most impressive acting, as does Brian Cox. All in all, a fantastic movie.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4½]
Mike, age 28
Positive—This film talked about the “gods” continually, and there is lots of gore and blood and violence, as well as hatred, jealousy and a bit of nudity and sex, but its a great movie. Making a movie about this war or the Greeks of that day and not to include all these things would just not be realistic. The acting and directing as well as make up and costumes is superb. At the end of the day it leaves you with a few thoughts to ponder as you leave the movie house. The movie offers more questions than answers. Which is the way I like it.
My Ratings: [Average/4½]
Tony, age 24
Positive—Ok. So, this film was not the greatest of all time. I went in knowing that, after hearing from so many critics how terrible it was. Many critics said that they didn’t like the fact that no “gods” were portrayed and that the dialogue was “corny.” I disagree. A lot of people don’t even realize that this is part of the Book of Illiad which was written 800 BC. Granted, the stories of Greek Mythology are vastly built on just that, MYTH, but that doesn’t mean the history behind the men isn’t true. The film held true to what it was like in those days—sex (which was kept more discreet than what it could have been), violence, sinners, lost souls, etc. The film, in no way, acknowledges that the greek “gods” existed at all. They in fact show that they don’t exist by now striking down Achilles when he insults the statue of Apollo, god of the sun.

Also, there is a reference to “sometimes it is best to be a servant in order to be a good leader” or something along those lines. I mean, that comes from a teaching of Christ right there. The film tells an interesting tale, written in a book, and it shows no mercy. It doesn’t offer some valiant “hero” to save the day. It shows everyone paying the price of what they’ve done. Sin is not shined on brightly in this film.See all »
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Trevor, age 21
Positive—It was really good… It should like be in between R and PG-13. I loved it…
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Laura, age 37
Positive—I really think that this movie is best understood if you have read about or studied the story that is being portrayed. I have read The Odyssey and still couldn’t understand some of what was happening. The sex scenes were definitely unnecessary and offensive, but the rest of the movie was entertaining. Again, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it as much if I had not known the story, so that kind of helped me to overcome the offensive nudity.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Ashley, age 19
Positive—The movie makers did a very good job on recreating Homer’s epic tale. Yes, there was some nudity and sexual activity, however that is how it was then. Yes, they could have taken some of it out. However, it was based on one of the greatest stories of all time and so therefore it is a good movie, if you are offended by history then don’t go and see it.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Brendan, age 22
Positive—Well, this movie had some bad parts when Brad Pitt wakes up with all these naked women around him. And when Orli is with the naked woman Helena. But the rest of the movie was pretty good I went to see it with my family and a couple of friends and they really like it. I read the story and I think it went really good with the story. This movie is sort of like LOTR the big huge battles and everything like that. So if you like those kind of movies you should go see Troy. I really didn’t like Brad Pitt part that much. I would have been a excellent movie with out the nude seen. But it is a good movie. And it has Orlando Bloom!! (that really doesn’t matter tho:)
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Rose, age 26
Positive—I found the movie Troy very loosely based on the “The Iliad,” which I read as a young boy. The movie director had to tailor this movie out of a very complex story. The best thing about “Troy” is that the silly Greek gods were left out even though they are mentioned. Remember fellow Christians, we are dealing with pagan civilizations. For those who were offended by the battle violence, remember your Old Testament stories of what David did to Goliath and the Philistines! Do any of you find Achilles a lot like Samson?

I found the sexual content was rather mild for an R rated movie. Hector and his father King Priam was the most noble. Hector showed love for his wife and infant son, respect and love for his father and his country. He recognized the foolish act of his younger brother Paris. This movie is for mature Christian audiences who understand ancient civilizations. For those who were offended by the mild sexual content, please read “Song of Solomon.”
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Hector Martinez, age 53
Positive—I think that people need to realize that the Greek gods and goddesses were what the Greeks believed in! I highly doubt they made this movie just to offend those who believe in Jesus. That is an accurate historical portrayal of what beliefs people had. Seeing it’s a movie based on Greek legends, it’s kinda expected that one would hear references to gods… Anyway, good movie, kinda gory, but no worse than what I have seen before.
My Ratings: [Average]
Lydia, age 18
Positive—This was a very good movie. I have read many review of many people complaining that their is to much nudity in this movie. I will say this once THERE IS ONLY BRIEF NUDITY; we see a woman’s butt and Brad Pitt’s butt, each for less than a second. There is not frontal nudity or breast at all. Secondly the violence is not that bloody, like people have said. Take any recent movie epic, and you’ll see it’s worse. This is a good movie, and if your interested you should see it.
My Ratings: [Average/4½]
Jon, age 28
Positive—…awesome …I think Homer would be blown away by it. I was actually sad that they didn’t include more of the gods’ intervention that is in the actual story. If you are offended because of the references to other gods or the portrayed adultery, you shouldn’t be upset with this film because it is a representation of a story everyone knows.

If you don’t like the story, don’t watch the movie. It does have a great moral lesson. Adultery and deceit have consequences—often more than we expect.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Cynthia, age 31
Positive—This movie is a movie that is both entertaining and extremely good in film quality. The thing we must remember when watching a film like this in regards to out Christian faith is that it is partially a part of history. You see, you have to look at it as a way to understand where those people of that time were thinking. In the process you can see where the church might have had problems relating to those they were trying to witness to and also the whole belief system of the time that Christianity was just starting out.

Yes, I do believe that a lot of the subject matter is offensive to the Christian faith, but you have to remember that this type of stuff is what people of that time believed in as truth and these were the trials that the apostles had to go and teach through in order to spread the gospel.

Do I think this can hurt a person’s walk. NO, but you must go into a movie like this as you are trying to get a small glimpse of what the apostles had to understand in order to preach the gospel effectively to people of that time.
My Ratings: [Better than Average/5]
Joseph Volek, age 24
Positive—I, as a Christian, was offended by some scenes that were found in the film, Troy. However, I believe the historical value of the film proved true. I was impressed with how realistic the war scenes were and was able to grasp the Trojan war like I was never able to before. Overall, I was extremely impressed with the production of the Troy.
My Ratings: [Average/4½]
Erinn, age 19
Positive—Troy is an excellent movie as far as technical and artistic quality is concerned. I was impressed with the director’s choice to omit the distracting sub story of the gods which made The Iliad difficult to read. I liked the dedication to an historical atmosphere and the characters are well rounded and, of course, with a cast like Peter O’Toole and Julie Christie, one is in for some good classic acting. I am not leaving out the talents of Sean Bean, Brad Pitt, and the attractive newcomer who played Helen;however, the addition of O’Toole and Christie puts a stamp on the film.

I am surprised at the numerous young reviewers. This movie, albeit historical and somewhat accurate, is not suited for audiences under seventeen. Yes, for once, Hollywood does justice to their R ratings. “Troy” is a movie about the drives and ambitions of a proud people. This includes all drives from warring to sexuality, so parents and teens need to be careful.

There were many sexually explicit and implicit scenes that make even a twenty year old, such as myself, embarrassed. Keep your remote handy.
My Ratings: [Extremely Offensive/5]
Andrew, age 20
Positive—I saw “Troy” when it was released in cinemas, and was underwhelmed a bit since the teaser trailer hinted at female nudity that was not in the theatrical version. Overall, though, it was a solid adaptation of The Iliad. The acting, writing, directing, cinematography, etcetera, are great. Biblically speaking, there is strong graphic violence, one mild profanity and a moderate profanity, brief sexuality and brief male rear nudity. Refreshingly, there is no blasphemy.

The Unrated Director’s Cut adds approximately thirty more minutes which includes the female nudity hinted at in the teaser trailer, more graphic violence, and character and plot development (all of which move the story forward). If you have read The Iliad and The Odyssey, you know what to expect from “Troy.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
D, age 34 (USA)
Neutral—The movie was of good technical quality. However, there was nothing that I could connect with or really relate to. There were no virtues or people who were fighting for a good reason. Only pride, war, sexual scenes, handsome people, and decent acting. I build up my faith in any way. Not even close to Gladiator, Brave Heart, or Saving Private Ryan. Those were awesome movies.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Jonathan, age 19
Neutral—I found this film to be epic indeed, full of battles, large landscapes and plenty of CG cities and armies to boggle the mind. However, amidst the glamorous sets, the film lagged, in acting and pacing. I couldn’t wait to get through the film just so I could see who had conducted one of the most overused scores I’ve heard in film. The battle scenes were entertaining, but the conversation in between lacked something compelling. That said, it would be a good time killer in a cool place on a hot summer day. There were many long, useless shots in the film; not sure if the director was trying this for pacing or if the editor had poor taste. Either way, the film is exciting when there is action on screen, but I don’t think I’d see it again.
My Ratings: [Average/3½]
Joel McGinty, age 21
Neutral—Hollyweird has certainly done it again: Put out another mockery of the true God of the universe. I had a difficult time not laughing out loud during the film at all the references to the (false) greek gods. To think that people take the events of this film to more certainly have occurred than the events of the Bible, which are many time more historically certain is beyond me. The earliest texts we have of Homer’s are from some 800 years after the events but the original texts of the New Testament are literally from that generation.

If you can put up with the sound, which sounds like a female version or the muslim prayer call when the dialog quiets, you might like the action (killing) in the film. Achilles (Pitt) does make one good point in the movie! He indicates that we are only at one moment at one time in our lives and it can never be lived again. However, he says the “gods” are jealous of our mortality. Praise God we serve a God that didn’t leave us in our mortality!!!
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4]
Bob C., age 40
Neutral—War movies can be violent; this one is. So, if you’ve down-casted the great movie The Passion because of violence, you better do the same here. Personally, I loved The Passion showing what Jesus went through for us. What they went through for gods in this movie shows bruts of hatred fighting with no signs of peace. We know where to find peace. Good acting for this movie. Terrible morals. Story wise, it keeps your interest. I liked Hector. he was the main star for his brotherly love. The main star was not Brad Pitt in my book.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4]
RockInRon, age 41
Neutral—I was actually afraid that there would be too much nudity, but fortunately there wasn’t much of anything you could see other than a couple of rear shots. All of the sexual scenes were brief, although of course that doesn’t make them harmless. What was really interesting about this story is how senseless so much of it seems on the surface… yet in reality, these kinds of bad decisions happen behind subtle guises all the time in the real world. Maybe in our own day-to-day lives we don’t see whole cities being ravaged as a consequence, but harm still results.

I also found it interesting that although there were numerous references to the gods, the filmmakers chose against portraying anything supernatural in the film (e.g. the appearance of any of these gods).

I was interested in seeing the film to learn more about the story of the Iliad, and even though it did stray from the original, I found it interesting nevertheless. Believe it or not, watching this epic story and these nearly superhuman warriors led me to some great reflection upon the vast power of God and how our human hearts’ longing for these big characters and events is met in the person and actions of God.
My Ratings: [Average/3½]
Stephen, age 24
Negative—While “Troy” is marketed as a sweeping epic, it falls far short of the goal, in my opinion. It features a lot of pretties—actors, costumes, CGI, etc—and not much else. The only worthwhile part of the movie was the comparison of two relationships, one motivated by love (Hector and his wife) and one motivated by lust (Paris and Helen). The former is healthy and beautiful, while the latter devolves from immature, momentary passion into disappointment, cowardice, and destruction.

If the story had focused on this story arc, it would have been better served, especially if it had employed the very noble Hector as the hero, instead of Achilles. Achilles is not a hero to be admired.

At the beginning of the review above, the distributor is quoted as saying that Achilles is “arrogant, rebellious and seemingly invincible…[with an] insatiable hunger for eternal renown that leads him to attack the gates of Troy.” Achilles has no noble ideals. His solitary purpose is making a name for himself. I was reminded of Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Christina B., age 21 (USA)
Negative—“Troy” turns out to be a humble attempt at romance without great conviction. While the story begins solidly, it loses momentum midway through. The battles have no excitement because neither army battles for anything worth fighting for. Paris wants to keep Helen, but at no great cost to himself. The story revolves around Helen, but she’s barely given any screen time. Achilles is supposed to be likable but comes across as more of an arrogant, bloodthirsty jerk. The two noblest of characters are needlessly killed for sport.

When you leave the theatre thinking all involved were foolish for not trying to sort out pointless differences, the movie has failed to do its job. These men died for nothing. There was no cause for them to battle for, nothing but lust, pride, and greed. A king took an army to war because he wanted to rule the Earth. Another fought for revenge over a common, simple mistake. None of it was honest heroism, just macho displays of vengeance. It’s entertaining and interesting but not quite gripping enough to forgive its flaws.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/3½]
Negative—Being a film student I am often caught in a movie looking at the technical aspects. This was well done, but not spectacular. There were scenes that reminded me a lot of Lord of the Rings, and it felt in a lot of ways like they were trying to ride on those coat-tails. There were some really cool lines “you must first be a servant before you can become a great leader” or something to that effect, but the graphic and blatant nudity and visual portrayal of immorality was unnecessary to tell the story. It is said in the movie industry that your film will only be as good as the script it is based from, and I guess more of that “big budget” should have gone to script revisions.

The “I-must-leave, I-will-stay, I-must-go, you-must-go…” back-and forths were very delaying and kept the story from advancing, and removed all attachment we may have had to the story… I wanted so much to be given something to “care” about in this movie—with an awesome cast as they had, they sure misused it. The acting was great for what they had, the filmmaking quality was good for what they were working with in a script, but overall, the director’s choices did not impress me—nothing stood out, it was very Hollywood’ized and cliche, and above all, it is not factually correct!

It is sad to say that I must give this thumbs down because I wanted to like it, but the negatives much outweigh the positives. I cannot knowingly and willingly tell another Christian (especially a male) to see this movie, because the nudity etc are far to graphic and would be too much of a temptation and a foothold.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4]
Jen, age 19
Negative—I attended this movie tonight not knowing anything about it other than it was a big budget movie. I also figured the sequences of action would be good since this movie is the 3rd most expensive movie ever made. Wow, I was amazed at the graphic sexual material that was thrown in the viewers face. I realize that this time period had a lot of sexual activity but it could have been so much more discreet.

After 1 hour of watching the movie as we neared the fourth seen of complete nudity mixed some with more than one woman. My girlfriend and I left the theatre happy to get away from a raunchy movie, but upset we had supported it in the box office. If you are a Christian and you believe what the Bible says in Matt. 5 and many other passages discussing lust and the eyes you will stay away from this movie.

I also felt the acting was quite fake, and although the sets were beautiful I felt that the characters were very unbelievable. End analysis is I hope I can just save one other person from having to sneak out of the theatre feeling dirty.
My Ratings: [Extremely Offensive/4]
Mike, age 23
Negative—This movie was based on an adulterous affair. The movie makes it seem okay to fall in love with woman who is married and then attempt to win her over. There was nothing positive about this movie that “one” could apply to his/her life to become a better person or Christian. Save your money and pre-order “The Passion of the Christ” DVD.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4]
Gabriel, age 28
Negative—Troy is yet one more historical epic that fails to deliver. From the acting to the script to the score, the film was uninspired from beginning to end. We open by establishing two characters, neither of whom we can like at all, Achilles and Agamemnon. Agamemnon wants his vast lands to propagate his name throughout history. Achilles wants his body count to do the same, though he doesn’t seem to care WHO he’s killing. We then meet Menalaus, Agamemnon’s brother, who’s just another “wild man” king, albeit somewhat less ambitious than Agamemnon. And Paris, the playboy who decides he loves another man’s wife (although, oddly enough, their “love” is shown only by their sleeping together every night).

The only commendable characters in the film are Prince Hector, and his father King Priam. Even here, they are only decent men, and it is because of the complete selfishness of everyone else in the film that we find ourselves rooting for them.

So Paris and Helen go to Troy, and Agamemnon, Menalaus, and Achilles follow with a vast fleet. There are no clever plot twists, and the film doesn’t have that quality that keeps you frozen in place while watching it. You just don’t care what’s going to happen to most of the characters. Along the way, we see various acts of lust, and scattered battle sequences throughout.

All of this accompanied by James Horner’s most uninspired score ever (if the trailer music is any indication, they would have been exponentially better off to have kept Gabriel Yared’s score for the film). Horner uses all his old motifs and themes (the ones he plays OVER and OVER and OVER in his scores), and there weren’t any notable new ones.

Overall, I really can’t recommend this film. I did find it somewhat entertaining (I seem to have a fascination with watching people kill each other with medieval weapons), but overall I definitely came away with a bad taste in my mouth about the film.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/3]
Nathan Gundlach, age 19
Negative—Troy is a perfect example of producers catering to their target audience. As you sit through the nearly three hours, you can see the producers sitting back and saying, “Alright, this is where Legolas, oh wait, I mean Paris picks up the hobby of archery, so the women watching the film will have memories of Legolas and fawn over an otherwise pathetically lame character.” Needless to say, producers are after the greatest amount of money possible, which is why this movie has extensive scenes where the men are in various stages of undress, to bring women into a war movie they would otherwise avoid. Needless to say, God has blessed Brad Pitt with an impressive body, but watching him pose and grimace for the camera like a model in a photo shoot grows tiring after three hours.

Films like this want to play themselves off as epics, and might to those with memory problems. The most offensive thing in this movie to me isn’t any content, or the acting which for the most part was rather cardboardish, but the fact that this movies begs to be taken seriously when scene after scene it unravels until the end, when we chuckle to ourselves at how pathetic it all seems.

Case in Point, near he end of the film, in a crucial fight scene, thousands and thousands of computer generated soldiers run towards each other, and start an enormous battle, however when people begin sword fighting in the middle of the huge mass of people, EVERYONE on the battlefield stops and watches. Then when the fight is over, one character says, “Well, that’s enough fighting for one day, lets go home.” ?!? This movie is a joke to anyone who goes into it even expecting a Braveheart caliber effort from the filmmakers. This is a standard summer action movie at very best, poorly done albeit, and not the sweeping epic it so desperately tries to be.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/2]
Comments from young people
Negative—I went to this movie in hopes of seeing something fantastical, something exciting and some good morals about honor and love (at least most war movies that I’ve seen have some sense of this such as “Last Samurai” and “Gladiator”). Instead I came out of the theater with a deep sense of sadness.

The whole movie is made up of the mistakes that various people made and the horrible consequences of those mistakes. Just because of two peoples’ sin, an entire nation was destroyed. Than it hit me. Without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, for our sins, we would be destroyed forever. It was then that I understood that “the wages of sin are indeed death” and if we put our faith in the gods instead of God, we are nothing.

Excellently filmed battle scenes, ONE honorable character Hector, and well-made city of Troy aside, I recommend avoiding this violent, saddening film.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/5]
Positive—…The story line is, for the most part, easy to follow, and quite interesting. There is a lot of violence in the movie, but I think the scenes were put together well and that the gore was done tastefully and was not overly offensive. Personally, I don’t like seeing people with limbs missing, and there were only a few times when you actually saw the gruesomeness of war…

I thought that the first scene in the movie looked very fake. I think the city of Troy was beautiful and the buildings were amazing, but there are a couple times when I was disappointed with the scenery in the movie. The sexual content plays throughout the entire film. Each of the main characters are shown with their shirts off, but there is no frontal nudity or breasts shown. I think that as offensive as it may be to some people, it was still tastefully done compared to most other movies. There was sex outside of marriage, however, and some of the actions of the characters were objectionable.

As a whole, I did really enjoy this movie. I would definitely not suggest anyone under the proper age to see it, though.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Anne K., age 17
Positive—I just saw this movie with some friends for my 16th birthday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes, it does have some sex scenes, to which we all used the “close our eyes” method, and frankly I can’t see why other people couldn’t too (or just fast forward on a VHS/DVD). Yes, Helen was kidnapped by Paris, and if that hadn’t happened it would have totally ruined the film. I mean, that is the whole point.

However, I strongly feel adultery was not encouraged. Paris is shown as being an utter coward (my friends and I felt like throwing a rock at the theatre screen several times when he was displayed), an immoral man, and basically a wimp “pretty boy” who is unable to defeat even a 50-something year old man in single combat. Unlike almost all the other men, Paris is not physically strong, and is truly pitiful in combat. To sum it up, Paris is not shown in a good light, and neither is Helen. Both are obviously shown as “sleep arounds.”

Though Hector’s wife is less pretty (and keep in mind this is coming from a 16 year old boy so don’t be too surprised if I mention it), I found her and Hector’s marriage relationship far more touching and deep than Helen’s and Paris’ shallow love affair, and I feel the movie producer intended this.

Ok yes they do mention heathen gods and such, but this is a movie version of Homer’s Illiad so don’t be too surprised. In fact, I’m surprised they didn’t show the gods at all, according to the story (if I remember correctly) someone goes to pick up the Trojan horse. Oh well…

Finally, the character of Achilles was handled very well I felt except for a few things. First his immortality was handled perfectly… I would have been worried if he got hit and then somehow magically healed himself and returned to the fight. Instead, he was simply shown as being so fast and agile that no one *could* hit him. Good choice Wolfgang Peterson. Achilles was also shown as being completely against the Greek leader, and was interestingly enough simply fighting for his own glory. Not redeeming, but they developed his character very well I thought. He had a true “I couldn’t care less” attitude about the war I found entertaining.

The biggest mistake they made with Achilles was when they showed him and the priest girl in a sex scene. I felt it would have been far, far more powerful had Achilles simply kissed her lightly on the lips and then done nothing. As it was it was turned into yet another untouching sex scene.

Oh and finally, the battles were incredibly cool! I felt the goods outweighed the bads so I recommend this movie, just fast forward the bad scenes.
My Ratings: [Very Offensive/4½]
Leighton Law, age 16
Positive—…It showed no direct nudity, though it did show Helen taking her clothes off. It was one of the best movies I’ve seen. Though it is in a way gory, it is suitable for anyone older than 12 years old.
My Ratings: [Average/5]
Michael Johnson, age 15
Positive—I really liked this movie. However… if you have never studied Greek mythology, you might find some parts confusing. The only problem I had with it was there was no “hero.” I mean, you didn’t want one side or the other to win the war. Overall, it was a good movie though.
My Ratings: [Average/4]
Brielle, age 15
Positive—…a wonderful movie… a wonderful plot.
My Ratings: [Average/5]
Kelsey, age 13
Positive—I liked it. I found the bloody violence might be disturbing to some viewers or to younger kids, as well as the scenes indicating sex or sexual tension, but overall for most teens and adults the movie would be fine. I personally liked the fact that Orlando Bloom was in it… I don’t really think that there were any pro-christian themes in it, but there weren’t any anti-christian themes in it either. I don’t think that the movie would be good for kids under 10…
My Ratings: [Better than Average/4]
Shar, age 14
Movie Critics
…protracted and uninvolving affair in which men battle over issues that audiences may struggle to find compelling, and no central figure emerges to take command of the film…
Kirk Honeycutt, The Hollywood Reporter
…epic proportions, with plenty of blood and gore… lots of adrenaline. “Troy” has guts, glory but no heart…
Paul Clinton, CNN
…will offend many people with its graphic warfare, depictions of pagan worship and scenes of nudity and sexuality…
Shaun Daugherty, Preview Family Movie and TV Review
…stunningly handsome film, with an equally stunning cast and engrossing story…
Michael Wilmington, Chicago Tribune
…plenty of engaging, old-style action, amplified with skillful special effects…
Margaret A. McGurk, Cincinnati Enquirer
…takes great liberties with its source material …and is really about the juxtaposition of gorgeous bodies and glorious battle…
John Anderson, Newsday
…provides all the bloody battles, British thespians and bronzed biceps that $200 million can buy… a long-ish, well-crafted epic…
E! Online
…“Troy” is all Hollywood and no Homer, but within its limits, it’s a vigorous, entertaining movie Troy is all Hollywood and no Homer, but within its limits, it’s a vigorous, entertaining movie…
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

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