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Clear and effective original presentations of the gospel in multiple languages. You have our permission to link to one or more. Help win souls for Christ!

English site

Is Jesus Christ the answer to your questions?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Is Jesus Christ the answer to your questions?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/gospel

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Indonesian-language site (Bahasa Indonesia)

Apakah Yesus Jawaban dari Pertanyaan Anda?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/indonesian/gospel
Bahasa Indonesia Home

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Bulgarian site (български език)

Явява ли се Исус отговор на твоите въпроси?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/bulgarian/gospel/bulgarian1.html
Bulgarian Home

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Czech site (Čeština)

Je Ježíš Kristus odpovědí?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/czech/gospel
Czech Home

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Dutch site (Nederlands)

Link knop—Is Jesus Christus het antwoord?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Is Jezus Christus het antwoord op uw vraag?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/dutch/gospel/dutch1.html
Dutch Home

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French site (français)

Jésus-Christ est-il la réponse à vos questions?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Jésus-Christ est-il la réponse à vos questions?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/french/gospel/
French Home

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Hungarian site (magyar nyelv)

Jézus Krisztus—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Jézus Krisztus a vlasz a krdseidre?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/hungarian/gospel/hungary1.html
Hungarian Home

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Italian site (italiano)

Gesù Cristo è la risposta alle tue domande?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Gesù Cristo è la risposta alle tue domande?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/italian/gospel/ital1.html
Italian Home

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Portuguese site (Português)

Jesus Cristo é a resposta para suas perguntas?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Jesus Cristo é a resposta para suas perguntas?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/portuguese/gospel
Portuguese Home

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Spanish site (español)

¿Es Jesucristo la respuesta a sus preguntas?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
¿Es Jesucristo la respuesta a sus preguntas?
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/spanish/gospel
Spanish Home

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You may also link to these pages…

Japanese site ( 日本語 )

日本語 — イエス・キリストがあなたの疑-竄フこたえでしょうか?

Russian site ( русский язык )

Русский — Является ли Иисус ответом на твои вопросы?

Paradise or Pain? Why is the world the way it is?

English — Paradise or Pain? Why is the world the way it is?

Paradise or Pain? Why is the world the way it is?—Copyrighted © image.
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/gospel/gospel1.html


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Who is Jesus? Answers to skeptics' questions about Jesus

Answers to your skeptical questions about Jesus Christ. Who was he? Read the record, examine the evidence for his divinity, miracles, resurrection and claims.

Jesus Christ - English site

Learn about Jesus Christ—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Jesus Christ: His Identity, Life, Death & Resurrection
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/jesus

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Jesus Christ - Bulgarian ( български език )

Jesus Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

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Jesus Christ - Dutch (Nederlands)

Jezus Christus' leven, dood en opstanding—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Jesus Christ - French (Français)

Des réponses aux questions les plus fréquemment posées au sujet du Christ—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Jesus Christ - Portuguese (Português)

Jesus Cristo e Cristianismo—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Jesus Cristo e Cristianismo

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Jesus Christ - Spanish (Español)

La vida, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
Acerca de Jesucristo. La vida, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo.

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Jesus Christ - Turkish (Türkçe)

İsa Kimdir? Mesih’in Yaşamı, Ölümü ve Dirilişi—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
İsa Mesih ile ilgili en sıkça sorulan tüm sorulara yanıtlar. İsa’nın mucizeleri, iddiaları, ve Tanrılığına dair delilleri inceleyiniz. (kâr gütmeyen mezhepsiz hristiyan bir site)

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

The True Meaning of CHRISTMAS

DESCRIPTION: An accurate explanation of the purpose Jesus Christ’s birth. Answers for skeptics. Plus Christmas carols, games, coloring pages, reviews of Christmas movies, and more.

Webmasters: Use this link to help bring people to Christ. This site explains the true meaning of Christmas and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Creator and Redeemer.

Christmas site - English

What is the true meaning of Christmas?—Copyrighted © image.
276x73 pixels / 7.8k

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).
What is the true meaning of Christmas?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Christmas - Dutch (Nederlands)

What is the true meaning of Christmas?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Christmas - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

Apa arti sebenarnya dari Natal?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

Christmas - Spanish (Español)

What is the true meaning of Christmas?—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ provides questions and answers for skeptics, kids’ activities, and valuable resources.

Easter site - English

Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button
URL: ChristianAnswers.Net/easter.html

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alternate graphic
Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus—Copyrighted © image.
125x50 pixel button

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A unique way to reach people with the truth…

Use this link to help win people to Christ. This page has been of help to tens of thousands of people. In the midst of their busy lives, full of distractions, it has helped them focus on vital issues of eternal importance. It presents an introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way gets people’s attention and makes them want to read. We have received numerous outstanding comments in support of this technique. The message is thoroughly biblical and has been highly successful. SHARE THIS PAGE WITH YOUR VISITORS (available in various languages).

“Do Not Click” - English

Do Not Enter—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
Forbidden Area
Keep Out
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/gospel/noentry.html

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“Do Not Click” - Dutch (Nederlands)

Gaat niet naar binnen—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
Gaat niet naar binnen
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/dutch/paradise/noentry-dutch.html

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“Do Not Click” - German (Deutsch)

Zutritt Verboten—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
Zutritt Verboten
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/german/paradise/noentry-german.html

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

“Do Not Click” - Italian (Italiano)

Vietato l’accesso…—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
Vietato l’accesso…
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/italian/paradise/noentry-italian.html

To use the above graphic according to our TERMS, paste the supplied code into your Web page—press Control-v or Apple-v to paste).

“Do Not Click” - Portuguese (Português)

Área proibida Não entre…—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
Área proibida Não entre…
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/portuguese/gospel/noentry-portuguese.html

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“Do Not Click” - Spanish (Español)

No Entrada—Copyrighted © image.
97x62 pixel button
No Entrada
URL: https://ChristianAnswers.Net/spanish/paradise/noentry-spanish.html

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You may also link to all other language editions of this page, including:

“Do Not Click” - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

Dilarang Masuk

“Do Not Click” - French (Français)

French site: défendue