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About this Web site…

The Creation SuperLibrary™ is a non-profit, educational, cooperative ministry—part of the highly popular Christian Answers Network. Information in the Creation SuperLibrary is primarily supplied by its Team Members and staff, Christian organizations generously working together to help others.

Its mission is to produce and freely provide high-quality material on Creation/Evolution for seekers and searchers.

The Creation SuperLibrary is visited by large numbers of people throughout the world. Our goal is to freely supply an enormous amount of valuable information in the form of easy-to-use questions-and-answers and entire books—provided in multiple languages. As difficult as it can sometimes be to obtain Creation materials in North America, the situation is often much worse overseas.

The Christian Answers Network™ is a nonprofit ministry made possible by the volunteer help and donations of many concerned Christians. This ministry is based on team work between like-minded Christian ministries, a small paid staff, and hundreds of volunteers. Through the Lord's blessing, the ChristianAnswers.Net has become a mega-site with thousands of pages, many millions of hits per month, and an extraordinary number of visitors from almost every nation on Earth. Due to its emphasis on accuracy, quality, team work, and a servant's heart, this ministry has been received with much appreciation by other Christian ministries and leaders. Thousands of other Web sites recommend the Christian Answers Network™ to their visitors. Daily, visitors express their enthusiastic appreciation.

Far more importantly, people of all ages are being won to the Lord and great numbers of Christians are being helped in many ways throughout the world.

All production work for the Creation SuperLibrary is supplied by the staff and volunteers of Christian Answers Network, a nonprofit ministry of Films for Christ. All expenses are paid by Films for Christ.

The Creation SuperLibrary is dependant on the help of VOLUNTEERS for translating, proof reading, writing, formatting, etc.

PUBLICITY—If you would like to share this site with others, feel free to link to the Creation SuperLibrary home page at

Director: Paul S. Taylor
Coordinator: Thomas H. Henderson

The Creation SuperLibrary is a servicemark and operating name of Films for Christ.