What is…
also known as: Accad (simply a different spelling)
This is an ancient city founded by Nimrod in the land of Shinar (Genesis 10:10)
Akkadian is the ancient language of this region named after this city. This language was widespread throughout the Middle East (3000 to 1000 BC), and was also spoken by Babylonians and Assyrians.
Akkadian was written in cuneiform (wedge-shaped characters) impressed into clay tablets with a wedge-shaped stylus.
More information
- What is Accad?
- cuneiform
- About writing in Biblical times
- About handwriting in the Bible
- Who is Nimrod? Was he godly or evil?
- What is the land of Shinar?
What are the CITIES OF THE BIBLE? Names, descriptions, locations and types
- What is the significance of Iraq in the Bible?
- Is there archaeological evidence of the Tower of Babel?
- Genesis and ancient Near Eastern stories of Creation and the Flood: an introduction
Article Version: June 28, 2024