A Is for Adam

A is for Adam;
God made him from dust.
He wasn’t a monkey,
he looked just like us.
Although some scientists
don’t think it was so,
It was God who was there,
and He ought to know.

B is for Bible;
a book God did give,
To tell where we came from
and how we should live.
We did not evolve,
God made it so plain,
People are people,
we stay just the same.

C is for Creatures;
God made them all,
Some rather little,
but others quite tall.
He said unto Adam,
“What names do you think?”
Adam then named them,
quick as a wink.

D is for Dinosaur;
Dodo and Deer,
Like all of the animals,
no man did they fear.
But even though all
was in true harmony,
Adam then realized,
“There’s no one like me!”
“A is for Adam” pictures and text are from our Team Member Answers in Genesis, used by permission.