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Genre: Roleplaying Game (RPG) ![]() Ah, Chrono Cross! Ever since I played “Chrono Trigger” (CC's '95 Super Nintendo predecessor), I have been eagerly awaiting this sequel. I even bought the soundtrack right when it came out in Japan last year! I can safely say now, though, that not only does “Chrono Cross” live up to my expectations, it surpasses them altogether! “Chrono Cross” combines dazzling graphics (the best yet seen on the Playstation), mesmerizing music, an A+ storyline with great twists and turns, and over 40 wonderful characters to play! The most impressive graphics are the spell effects. I defy anybody to show me a cooler spell effect than "Meteor Shower"! The environments are gorgeously detailed and the many enemies you will fight throughout the game are very imaginative!
The only things for a Christian to be concerned about in this game is the mild amount of language and the magical elements. While the language is certainly no worse than other Square titles like “Final Fantasy VII” and “VIII”, it may be offensive to some. The magical elements come across largely as simply fantasy, however as Christians use a discerning spirit. Overall, “Chrono Cross” is a remarkable feet in interactive Role-Playing! But be warned, once you start playing, you WON'T want to stop! If you're looking for a solid RPG that will provide you with a good 40-50 hour adventure that you won't forget, look no further than "Chrono Cross"! Year of Release—2000
First and foremost, if anyone has ever read C. S. Lewis's fantasy book The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, and then have read the other books in the Chronicles of Narnia series, they would most likely not be bothered by the magical elements of most rpgs. Why? Because this series was written by a Christian author and is in itself about certain Biblical
events. I recommend that rpgers out there read this series to see what I mean. I play rpgs based on storyline, which in my book includes content, and most of Squaresoft's rpgs are relatively clean. Chrono Cross had a very clean storyline. In fact, only one part bothered me, and that was the off-hand reference to evolution. But this is when you remind yourself that it is just a game. I also wasn't really offended by how some of the female characters of the game were dressed, but that's probably because I'm a girl and I naturally don't pay that close attention. I think that Square soft should have done something about this though, due to the fact that other people are more astute than I. I enjoyed the various puzzles for both mind and reflex and I recommend this game for first time rpgers in my age group. My Ratings: [4/5] …a large part of the story deals with the repeatedly disproved theory of “evolution”… Long ago, the ChronoCross story goes, the Reptiles ruled the world. Even if we ignore the blatant attack on Humanity's God-given position as ruler over the animals, we cannot as Christians turn away from the fact that these Reptiles “evolved” from prehistoric lizards into a super intelligent race that built cities and worshiped their own pagan Lavos god. It has been shown repeatedly that there is no way for such a complex social being as a Human (or a social reptile) to have developed from some crude animal. Only through God's grace were humans ennobled with gifts of mind and soul. Not to mention that these glorified lizards worshiped a satanic creature “Lavos.” Lavos is the undeniably a metaphor for Lucifer/Satan. He is said to have "fallen from the stars into the heart of the world," from where he controls and manipulates mankind's destiny contrary to God's plan. Indeed, he has possessed the lovely Schalla through a grotesque union and uses her body to tempt and confuse our hero. For starters, I shall do this comment from a strictly objective point of view. I, personally, enjoyed Chrono Cross, but not as a sequel to Chrono Trigger. While it is true that there are Chrono Trigger allusions as the Dead Sea, Chronopolis, and the sudden "here's the plot," as said by Lucca, at Opassa Beach at the end, the Chrono Trigger “aura” was not there for me. There was no temporal travel, no paradoxes that would erase the universe from existence, nothing of that sort. Only a bi-linear temporal model. Now then, let's get down to my actual comments on this review. Let's start with the first paragraph. I will concede that the music was very good. "Dead Sea ~ Ruined Tower" and “Dragon God” are among my favorites. But many of the other RPG fans with which I converse agree that Chrono Cross should not be interpreted as a sequel to Chrono Trigger, but as a side-quest. After all, the entire function of the game is to answer the question: "What happened to Schala after she saved Crono's friends from Lavos?" I agree with the reviewer… this is one of the best games made of all time. I still don't understand the objection to magical elements, as there is nothing counter-biblical about it. This game should have rated a perfect score. My Ratings: [5/5] Well, as usual, Square has released an AMAZING game. :) I'm not too far into it, but it's great so far. I love the lack of random battles! :) However, it should be noted that Kid should wear more clothes. Not sure why no one else mentioned this? Jesus said "Whoever looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart", or something like that.
So, a great game, but Kid could look marvelous without that aspect! :) My Ratings: [3/5] As always, Square has another winner on it's hands. I've been playing this game for upwards of 50 hours, and just made it to the second of the game's two discs. If you're into RPG's, this game is a sure bet. My Ratings: [4/5] I absolutely love this game! I'm playing it really slow so it doesn't end, though I can't wait to see the new game + feature. serge rules! good review. My Ratings: [5/5] I have never come across an RPG that I've enjoyed more than this one. I admit that there are a few mildly questionable elements, such as the minor magic involved, but other than that there's nothing but solid story and enjoyable play. I heartily recommend this game to anyone who loved Chrono Trigger or who is looking for something new in their RPG's. My Ratings: [4/5] I agree completely with this review. Chrono Cross is right up there with Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI on my favorite RPGs list. My Ratings: [4/5] Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this Christian Spotlight review are those of the reviewer (both ratings and recommendations), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Films for Christ or the Christian Answers Network.
Christian Spotlight Guide2Games is part of Christian Answers. Copyright © Films for Christ. • “Christian Spotlight’s Guide to Games” and “Guide2Games” are service marks of Films for Christ. ![]() |