Reviewed on PC, MAC


Reviewed By: Carole Stewart McDonnell

Computer Platform: PC, MAC
Produced by: Living Books
Price Range: $10-20
Learning curve time: 10 min.
Age level: 2+
System Requirements: Win 386sx or higher, SVGA

Genre: Instructional / Children
Christian Rating: 5 of 5
   (nothing offensive)
Gameplay: 5 of 5
Violence: 5 of 5
Adult Content: 5 of 5

"Big A, Little a, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's alligator. A a A?"

"Dr Seuss's ABC" is the perfect CD-ROM game for a toddler just learning the alphabet, phonics and the computer. It works with what the child knows: the alphabet, the mouse, and commonly-used words. There isn't even a need to use the keyboard. The program takes a child through the entire alphabet where clickable letters and pictures explore the words and sounds of a particular letter. The cartoony characters are cute and the animation is funny. Even the smallest child can learn how to make her way through the program. I highly recommend this program.

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