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MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for brief strong language.

Reviewed by: Marilea Gray

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Crime Comedy Drama Remake
Length: 1 hr. 48 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: March 28, 2008; DVD release: June 3, 2008
Featuring Joss Ackland
Jonathan Aris
Michael Caine
Demi Moore
Nicholas Jones
Simon Day, Josef d'Bache-Kane, Constantine Gregory, David Henry, Kim Hermans, Derren Nesbitt, Nathaniel Parker, Steve Preston, Ben Righton, Peter Rnic, Claire Thill, Kevan Willis, Lambert Wilson, Roya Zargar
Director Michael Radford, director of Flawless
Michael Radford
The Postman,” “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” “William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
Producer Carola Ash, Jimmy de Brabant, Stephen Margolis, Albert Martinez Martin, Michael A. Pierce, Richard Pierce, Charles Salmon, Mark Williams

“It took the heist of the century to settle the score.”

“Flawless” begins at the present time with a journalist who plans to interview a woman who was the only female diamond executive, played by Demi Moore, at a prestigious diamond broker in the 1960s. When the two women meet, the former executive begins telling her story of what happened to her during the 1960s.

Her story unfolds as a plan is proposed by the night janitor, played by Michael Caine, to Demi Moore to steal a few diamonds. The two work together to foil security and cameras to secure their future in a company that doesn't value either of them.

This is a very clever movie that kept my attention throughout the film. Even though the story does not have much action, it is so fascinating that it kept me interested in the movie as the two main characters work out their own agendas in this world that only values power and money.

There are moral issues for both characters as they begin to realize they have been ignored and passed over. The female has given her life for a company that doesn't appreciate her efforts. She then has to decide what is the right thing to do and is in turmoil when things begin spinning out of control. There are many choices made by the various leaders in the company and insurance company that show their disregard for people over the power that diamonds provide. Demi Moore demonstrates growth in her character, later in the movie, as she realizes her dedication to her career has shortchanged her.

There is minimal language at the beginning of the movie and one use of the f-word later. Otherwise, there is no strong language. There is one scene of Demi Moore in a bubble bath, but it does not show anything and is not sexual. There are no other scenes of nudity or sex in the movie.

It was surprising that this movie only played briefly in movie theaters, considering the two well known lead actors. I think it was a better movie than many that are playing in theaters these days. It is definitely worth renting on DVD.

Violence: Minor / Profanity: Minor / Sex/Nudity: None

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I suppose there are a couple of aspects that I look at and for, in a movie. Quality of movie making: I enjoyed the period clothing and acting. Apparently someone did their homework here and did a very good job of portraying my take on the 60's in London.

Storyline: I enjoyed the concept of the story and felt that it was put together well. However, it was a slow progress and some would find it too slow to track well with.

Morality: The story is about a company and its managers who display little regard for just about anyone other than themselves. The main characters, while heros, also portray ill moral behavior by stealing, lieing and generally displaying corrupt behavior justified by the actions of others. In the end, Demi Moore does turn around and dedicate her lost life to serving others with her ill gotten gains.

This movie was worth seeing, did a good job of not flagrantly using offensive language and had a plot that kept me thinking. I was bothered by Michael Canes’ disdain for scripture that he qouted and then rejected. Sort of a sad testimony to the World's take on God and His Word.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Eric, age 43
Negative—Seeing this on DVD just left me flat. While the story itself is interesting, the plot and characters are deliberately designed to manipulate the viewer to support two characters who have been wronged to various degrees by an insurance company and by the execs of a diamond company. And for those offenses, I am expected to root for these two as they rob the one company of millions of pounds, and (unintentionally) cause the heart attack of the CEO of the other company. But, hey, it's really all okay because it's the moral high road to rip off big businesses, isn't it? And as long as your motives are pure (the Demi Moore character gives all of her ill-gotten gain to charity!), you can commit whatever acts you can justify. Neither crook is ever brought to justice, but the classic Robin Hood mentality reigns--steal from the rich, give to the poor--along with a healthy dose of secular humanism. And I'm supposed to root for this? Please…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Scott, age 57 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—This was a very, very, very, good movie! There was no sexual content and no violence, that I remember, other than a guy threatening a girl with an unloaded gun and a suggestive suicide. The entire movie was very intense, there was good acting, and it is very interesting.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Katelyn, age 13 (Canada)
Movie Critics
…a mildly diverting period heist movie …
Stephen Holden, New York Times
…this is a slick piece of filmmaking. But all the sparkling facets don’t make it a precious gem.
Tom, Meek, The Boston Phoenix
…‘Flawless’ is stylish, suspenseful… a dizzying crime story shot through with '60s fashion and the best of all possible contemporary villains: sexist, corporate higher-ups kicking back in their Aeron chairs. …
Christy DeSmith, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
…Caine lives up to the ‘Flawless’ title, anyway… Its deliberate pacing too often feels slow, and it keeps conjuring memories of better heist movies. …
Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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