Born to die as a ransom for many Who is Jesus Christ? What did he say about Himself? What evidence is there to support what He said? How and why did He die? Did He really rise from the dead? Is He God? …discover answers to these and many more important questions He was pierced through for OUR transgressions, Answers to frequently asked questions…

His Story…
Read our ILLUSTRATED SUMMARY of Jesus Christ's story, beginning just before his birth—or begin with the prophecies of his birth
…OR watch our 80-minute feature film that explains from THE VERY BEGINNING, in Genesis, the whole story of Christ, why he came, who he was, and what he accomplished (highly-recommended)
Where did Jesus get his name? Answer
includes summary of Jesus Christ’s ministry years -
What does the name “Christ” mean? Answer
What language did He speak to people during His Earthly life?
Primarily Aramaic (in the Galilean dialect), but also Hebrew and likely Greek. All were common in the area where He lived and worked, with Aramaic being most common. Of course, being God, He was capable of understanding and speaking any language, including that of angels.
His Claims…

The Messiah—Was Jesus really him? Answer
What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ? Answer
Answers to objections raised by some Jews—GO
What are the statistical odds surrounding Jesus Christ? Answer
Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God? Answer
If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? Answer
Was Jesus God, manifest in human form? Answer
Is Jesus Christ really God? Answer
If Jesus was the Son of God, why did He call Himself the Son of Man? Answer
Trinity—How can one God be three persons? Answer
Character—Is Christ's character consistent with his high claims? Answer
What are the various Names of God?
His Birth…

Was Jesus born in a stable? Answer
What was the star of Bethlehem? Answer
Isn't the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mythological and scientifically impossible? Answer
What is the TRUE meaning of Christmas? Answers for skeptics. Plus more.
His Life and Miracles…
Accuracy—Is the Bible's account of Christ’s life accurate? Answer
“Miracles are not possible,” some claim. Is this true? Answer
Is it LOGICAL to believe that the biblical miracles really happened? Answer
MIRACLES, more information and listing Read
Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ? Answer
Jesus Christ greatly humbled himself for us. How and Why? Answer
Could Christ have sinned? Answer
Archaeology—Have any burial sites been found for the people involved in Christ's life and death? Answer
What has archaeology shown about the town of Capernaum where Jesus spent much of his life and ministry? Answer
How do we know the Bible is true? Answer
What about all those contradictions? Answer
If the Bible is the Word of God, how can you explain the contradictions of the Bible? Answer
How can the Bible be infallible if it was written by fallible humans? Answer
Was the PBS television series accurate, Frontline: From Jesus to Christ, the First Christians Answer
What about the claims of The Da Vinci Code?
“The Jesus Seminar”—Are their criticisms of the gospels valid? Answer
“The Jesus Seminar”—Who do they really speak for? Answer
His Death…
How did Jesus die? Answer
Learn the facts. -
Sweating blood—Did Jesus really do it? Answer
Did Jesus really die? Answer
What is crucifixion? Answer
What does Islam teach about the crucifixion of Jesus? Answer
On what kind of cross was Jesus crucified? Answer
Why the different inscriptions on the cross? Answer
What does the inscription “INRI” mean? Answer
If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? Answer
His Resurrection…
The Resurrection of Christ—What happened? Who saw Jesus alive after his death? Why was his resurrection important? Answer
Is the resurrection a myth? Answer
Resurrection—Did Christ really rise from the dead? Answer
Were the witnesses hallucinating? Answer
Was Christ's body stolen? Answer
Was Jesus Christ buried in the wrong tomb? Or an unknown tomb? Answer
What's so important about all this? Answer
Is “Easter” mentioned in the Bible? Answer
Christ’s Resurrection
More related questions and answers for skeptics, kids’ activities, and valuable resources
His Message…
Discover the good news that Jesus Christ offers
Why is the world the way it is? If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving, would He really create a world like this? (filled with oppression, suffering, death and cruelty) Answer
The HOPE — Discover God’s promise—told beautifully and clearly from the beginning. Discover The HOPE! Watch it on Christian Answers—full-length film.
Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer
How good is good enough? Answer
Will all mankind eventually be saved? Answer
More information about topics mentioned in the above video
- His title: Christ
- What else does the Bible teach about angels?
- What and who is Messiah?
- Anointing with oil to set apart people for special service to God
- How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? Answer
- List of Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ
- Prophet
- Priest / High Priests
- Melchizedek
- King of kings
- The Kingdom of God—What, when and where is it?
- What is the incarnation?
- Savior
- Redeemer
- Deliverer
- Creator
- Blood sacrifice for sins
- Lamb without blemish
- Propitiation
- Revelation / Revelation of Christ
- Epistle to the Hebrews / Hebrews chapter 1 and chapter 9 LSB
- Word of God
- New Testament
- Who is Satan, the usurper, the enemy of God and all people?
- Learn about spiritual LIGHT versus darkness
- Book of Revelation

Why did the Creator come to Earth and die for our sins? Learn what happened, from the beginning.

HELL—What did Jesus say about it? Is it a real place? Answer
Your eternal salvation—How can I be saved from Hell? Answer
What is eternal life?
What is eternal death?
Eternal salvation—Answers to your questions
Other Questions…
Was Jesus Christ only a legend? Answer
India—Did Jesus go to India as a child and learn from Hindu Gurus? Answer
Mormonism—What is the significance of Easter for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Answer
Mediator, between God the Father and man
Archaeology and Jesus Christ
What is the Sea of Galilee?
Synagogues related to Jesus
Who is Jacob?
Temple in Jerusalem—steps, signs and stones
The Caiaphas Ossuary and other burial sites of Biblical people
The Pilate Stone (Pontuis Pilate)
Heel Bone of the Crucified Man
- How did Jesus Christ die? Answer
Tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Nazareth Inscription
What is Nazareth?
Archaeological evidence
See archaeological evidence in support of the Bible. Our team of experts answers your questions about the Bible and archaeology.
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