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You Got Served

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for thematic elements and sexual references.
Moral Rating: not reviewed
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Mature-Teens
Genre: Comedy Music Performing Arts
Length: 1 hr. 40 min.
Year of Release: 2004
USA Release: January 30, 2004
Copyright, Screen Gems Copyright, Screen Gems Copyright, Screen Gems Copyright, Screen Gems
Featuring Marques Houston, Omari Grandberry, Jarell Houston, Jarrell Houston, Meagan Good
Director Chris Stokes
Producer Cassius Vernon Weathersby, Marcus Morton, Billy Pollina, Cassius Weathersby

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: In order to achieve their dream of opening a recording studio, two friends (Omarion, Houston) must first win their city’s dance contest—a fierce competition that pits them against a group of tough street dancers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—The movie was great. It is perfect for teens and some adults. I don’t recall a lot of language, and very few sexual things. The dance scenes in this movie were great. The actors did a great job.
My Ratings: [5]
John Edwards, age 34
Comments from young people
Positive—This movie was a great movie to learn from and to not give up on your dreams. There was some bad language and how the girls dressed wasn’t that modest, and the violence isn’t that strong, and there wasn’t a lot of it, nothing bloody or anything, but other then that it was a real good movie. I don’t recommend this movie for anyone below 13.
My Ratings: [Average/3]
Takai Kinney, age 13
Neutral—There was nothing “special” about this movie. The dancing however, was entertaining and at times even funny. The acting on the other hand seemed to be “over acted” at points. The story line of this movie was bland. There are a few cuss words and other objectional things, but other wise the movie is quite clean. I’d advise you to wait and rent this one.
My Ratings: [Average/2½]
A.I., age 12
Positive—This movie was a good movie, although I did notice some language and some sexual movement, but overall it was a great film. It really got you pumped up and want to dance like Breakdance. I almost did bust a move while watching this with my friends. Overall, I would say it is good. It would be my favorite movie without the language and sexuality. But overall I do recommend this movie!
My Ratings: [Average/3]
Liz, age 13
Positive—This movie is overall good. The way that some of the girls dress in this movie was slightly inappropriate. The dance moves were mostly clean, and at sometimes even funny, but there were a couple of scenes in this film that had mildly inappropriate dance moves. I loved this movie and it encourages you to stick with what you love to do and to always follow your dreams.I would definitely recomend this video to teens and above.
My Ratings: [Average/4½]
Cassandra, age 16
Movie Critics
…Though only and hour and a half long, the movie feels like a long, hard slog when the music stops…
Margaret A. McGurk, Cincinnati Enquirer
…part soap opera and part thriller, and it has the unique characteristic of being both undeveloped and overwritten…
Wesley Morris, Boston Globe
…inept… If all of the fun dumbness had simply been supported by some competent direction and a script with even an ounce of wit…
E! Online
…anemic plot… dynamic hip-hop dance sequences… cliche-ridden themes…
Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter
…every bit as cliched, amateurish and feeble as its predecessors… isn’t going to keep many awake, even for 90 minutes…
Lou Lumenick, New York Post
…Sex: Moderate | Violence: Moderate | Profanity: Mild…
…little objectionable content…
Shaun Daugherty, Preview Family Movie and TV Review
…the dancing is tight, choreographed superbly… if not always tastefully…
Bob Waliszewski, Plugged In

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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