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Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures


MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for crude and sexual content and language throughout, and brief graphic nudity.
Moral Rating: not reviewed
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Comedy Adventure
Length: 1 hr. 39 min.
Year of Release: 2015
USA Release: July 29, 2015 (wide—3,411 theaters)
DVD: November 3, 2015
Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures Copyright, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures
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Vulgarity in films

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Featuring Ed HelmsRusty Griswold
Christina ApplegateDebbie Griswold
Chevy ChaseClark Griswold
Leslie MannAudrey Griswold
Chris HemsworthStone Crandall
Michael Peña (Michael Pena)
Keegan-Michael KeyJack Peterson
Regina HallNancy Peterson
Elizabeth Gillies … Heather
Beverly D'Angelo … Ellen Griswold
Kaitlin Olson
Charlie Day
Nick Kroll
See all »
Director John Francis Daley
Jonathan M. Goldstein
Producer BenderSpink
David Dobkin Productions
New Line Cinema
Copyrighted, New Line Cinema, division of Warner Bros. Pictures

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “The new version of the vacation adventures of the quirky dad and his family will follow young father Rusty Griswold as he gears up to take his family on a vacation.

Following in his father’s footsteps and hoping for some much-needed family bonding, a grown-up Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) surprises his wife, Debbie (Applegate), and their two sons with a cross-country trip back to America’s ‘favorite family fun park,’ Walley World.”

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Negative—We knew we had made a bad choice in the first say 5 or so minutes. The “F” bomb was being dropped right from the start. I was beside myself. We only stayed for 20 minutes of the movie then got up. It was 20 minutes too long. Couldn’t say how many times it was used. Too many and the youngest juvenile putting plastic bag over his older brothers head.

We unfortunately didn’t check movie reviews before going. We love the Lord and we couldn’t sit there and watch something that used such vile language and bad examples and no parental corrections.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality:
Donna, age 50 (USA)
Negative—Went to see movie with my husband and just couldn’t believe the profanity and vulgar humor. The brief nudity was horrible. The younger kid trying to smother older brother with plastic bag was just so bad. The name calling and just everything about this movie was just sending a bad message to young kids. I warned my family, who all have young children, not to go see this movie.

Not anything like the first “Vacation” movie. My husband and I were shocked at this horrible movie. It’s rated R. My husband and I didn’t even think to check the rating on this movie, because we were thinking it was following the same plot of the first movie. Glad we didn’t stay to finish movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
A Christian, age 59 (USA)
Negative—I wasted money again. When does Jesus Christ, as a curse word, become not the norm from both non Christians and Christians? Yeah, be honest, but back to the review. In this case, Sex doesn’t sell. I will not recommend it, due to it being boring, and lacking good content. I can make you laugh without the “F” “GD” “S” “AH” “RJ” (Laughing yet?) Computer software can make sequel II, III, IV, and V by changing the heads and keeping the same story. Boring with a few laughs. Less than ten people bought tickets.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Tony, age 27 (Canada)
Negative—There was nothing redeeming about this movie from a Christian perspective. It reflects the darkness of the currently-prevailing worldview. It was unfunny, terribly crude, and blasphemous. Since when did vomiting, bathing in sewage, pedophile jokes, and children dropping the f-word multiple times become comedy? Shame on Hollywood, Helms, Applegate, Chase, and D'Angelo for even taking on this horrible film.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Wayne Shaw, age 64 (USA)
Negative—Don’t waste your money! Crude vulgar humor with a few laughable moment’s. There was no redeemable moments in this movie. If you have to see it leave the children at home.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Scott, age 40 (USA)
Negative—I wasted my money going to see this movie. I should have read the reviews before, like I normally do. This movie is not suited for a Christian to watch. Lots of crude jokes and very offensive language throughout the movie, that you don’t want to hear. The theme song is very offensive, as well. A 10 year old child uses profanity throughout the movie, like it’s normal. I can’t understand the gutter mentality that goes into making a film like this. A total waste of time, money and resources. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Richkar, age 40 (Antigua)
Movie Critics
…lousy reboot… vomit scenes, human waste, cow innards, endless driving, even more endless bickering and a weird reliance on pedophile jokes, so much so that there’s no room for wit… [1]
Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
…Midway through “Vacation,” the intrepid Griswold clan unwittingly takes a dip in a lake filled with human excrement, which is roughly how most viewers will feel after enduring 90-odd minutes of this miserably unfunny, mean-spirited and just plain wrong reboot…
Scott Foundas, Variety
…No picnic for the audience. …substitute coarseness for genuine cleverness… the filmmakers’ unsubtle style is responsible for killing many of the jokes…
Stephen Farber, The Hollywood Reporter
…has jokes of variable quality—and none of the cultural relevance of the 1983 original… It starts out with name calling, but leads to some shockingly dark places, such as a repeated gag where Kevin manically tries to smother James with a plastic bag. …
Jordan Hoffman, The Guardian (UK)
The word letdown isn’t even strong enough to encapsulate the tired, predictable nastiness that ensues in the latest Griswold family misadventure. … [1/5]
Adam R. Holz, Plugged In
…“Vacation” is little more than a series of gags—scatological and other—that test the audience's taste for gross, sometimes violent, humor. …made me cringe… traffics in the type of limit-pushing gags that have been done so many times in other films that they've become passé. …
Christian Hamaker, Crosswalk
…VACATION has a strong pagan worldview and is marred throughout by foul language and overly gross, lewd attempts at humor that are sure to offend even the biggest fans of R-rated comedies
Ted Baehr, Movieguide
…crass and unfunny… smeared with profanity and bodily fluids, it feels retro in the bad way. It quickly loses its edge and appeal, and this retelling of the family vacation gone wrong results in a sloppily-executed mess of a summer comedy. …[1/4]
Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service
…“Vacation” sequel is a road best not taken… for all the F-bombs and references to “rim jobs” and “glory holes,” the geniuses behind the new film just don’t understand the difference between genuine subversiveness and pointless vulgarity. [½/4]
Lou Lumenick, New York Post
…One of the unfunniest comedies it’s ever been my misfortune to see… malevolent, vulgar, and mean-spirited… [1/5]
Marjorie Baumgarten, The Austin Chronicle
Comments from non-viewers
Negative—Decided to check the Internet before going to see why this movie is R rated. So very disappointing to learn that it was Rated R for crude and sexual content and language throughout, and brief graphic nudity. Will wait for the movie to come to television, fully edited. IF people would NOT support such TRASH, filth, etc., they might just STOP making these. You can find out before going to the theaters why movies are rated the way they are.
Suzanna, age 47 (USA)

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