What Is Creation Science?
Revised and Expanded!
(photo of back cover)Full Description | List of Illustrations
Part I: | Evolution: Science or Faith |
Chapter 1: | The Vanishing Case for Evolution Science |
Part II: |
The Life Science |
2: | Evidence of Creation in Living Systems |
3: | Darwin and the Nature of Biologic Change |
4: | The Fossil Evidence |
Part III: |
The Physical Sciences |
5: | Creation and the Laws of Science |
6: | Catastrophism in Geology |
7: | How and When Did the World Begin? |
Appendix A: |
Questions and Criticisms |
B: | Literature Cited |
C: | Index of Subjects |
D: | Index of Names |
- Recognizing Evidence of Creation or Natural Processes
- DNA/Proteins
- Miller’s Spark Chamber
- DNA/R-Groups
- Living Cell
- Homology in Forelimbs
- Supposedly Vestigial Organs in Human Embryo
- Actual Function of Supposedly Vestigial Organs in Human Embryo
- Platypus
- Nature’s Challenges to Evolutionary Theory — Cleaner Fish
- Variatil2. Peppered Moths — Biston betularia
- “Difficulties With the Theory”
- “Darwin’s Finches”
- The Discarded Theory of Pangenes
- Mutations in Fruit Flies
- Mutations — A Genetic Burden
- Sickle Cell Mutation
- Variation Within Created Types
- Variation in Skin Color
- Recognizing Created Types
- Change and Variation
- Fossil Community of the Trilobite Seas
- Archaeopteryx
- “Pro-Avis”
- “Hopeful Monsters”
- Discarded Candidates for Human Ancestors
- Australopithecines
- Fossil Footprints
- Two Interprestations of Fossil Groups
- Polystrates
- Origin of Large Fossil Beds
- The Evolution Model
- The Creation Model
- Varied Applications of Entropy Concept
- Implications of Laws of Thermodynamics
- Increasing Entropy in Closed System
- Increasing Entropy in Open System
- Necessary Conditions
- Necessity of Program and Conversion Mechanism for Decrease in Entropy
- A. Criteria for Increasing Order
- B. Absence of Ordering Criteria in Evolution
- The Two Postulated Arrows of Time
- Standard Geologic Column and System of Geologic “Ages”
- Inadequacy of Stratigraphic Order to Determine Age
- Inadequacy of Lithology to Determine Age
- Inadequacy of Unconformities to Determine Age
- Circular Reasoning and Use of Fossils to Determine Age
- Limited Extent of Unconformities
- Changes in Cosmic Organization: Speculative vs. Scientific
- Complexity and Stability of the Cosmos
- Maximum Number of Possible Events
- Probability of Chance Origin of Life
- Impossibility of Naturalistic Origin of Life
- Uncertainties in Extrapolating Process Rates
- Natural System Changing With Time
- Calculation of Apparent Age of Changing System
- Necessary Assumption in Apparent Age Calculation

Thousands of scientists are now convinced that the evolutionary theory of the origin of life and the cosmos is wrong. They believe beyond any doubt that naturalistic evolution is impossible. Why? What scientific evidences have turned them away from the prevailing beliefs of their peers? [More Details]