graving in the King James Bible

  1. Hebrew: חָצַב —transliteration: chatsab, chatseb, or hatsabh —meaning: to hew, hew out, cleave

    In Job 19:24 KJV this word is rendered “graven” , but generally it means to hew stone or wood, in a quarry or forest

    “That with an iron stylus and lead
    They were engraved in the rock forever!” —Job 19:24 NASB

  2. Hebrew: חָרַשׁ —transliteration: charash or harush —meaning: to cut in, engrave, plow, devise

    In Jeremiah 17:1 KJV this word is rendered “graven,” and indicates generally artistic work in metal, wood, and stone, effected by fine instruments.

    “The sin of Judah is written down with an iron stylus;
    With a diamond point it is engraved upon the tablet of their heart…” —Jeremiah 17:1 NASB excerpt

  3. Hebrew: וְחַקּוֹתָ֥ —transliteration: chaqaq —meaning: to cut in, inscribe, decree

    In Ezekiel 4:1 KJV, the engraving of a plan or map is translated as “pourtray” (portray).

    The New American Standard Bible translates this verse as…

    “Now you son of man, get yourself a brick, place it before you and inscribe a city on it, Jerusalem.” —Ezekiel 4:1 NASB

    In Job 19:23 KJV, this word is translated as “written,” as it is in modern translations.

    “Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!” Job 19:23 KJV

    Compare: Job 19:23 NASB

  4. Hebrew: pasal points rather to the sculptor’s or the carver’s art (Isaiah 30:22; 40:19; 41:7; 44:12-15).

  5. Hebrew: פָתַח —transliteration: pathach —meaning: to open

    In the following verses, this refers to intaglio work, the cutting and engraving of precious stones (Exodus 28:9-11, 21; Zechariah 3:9; Song of Songs 1:10-11).

  6. Hebrew: חֶרֶט —transliteration: cheret —meaning: engraving tool, stylus

    In Exodus 32:4 KJV this is rendered as “graving tool;” and in Isaiah 8:1 as “a pen”.

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Article Version: April 12, 2024