Creation-scientists traveled to the north slopes of Alaska to hunt for dinosaur remains. They discovered almost completely UN-petrified dinosaur bones. Here’s their true story, complete with photographs.
Journey as we learn about their discoveries, ordeals, and daily evidences of the Creator’s hand at work during their ten day expedition in the wilderness.
Choose destination…
- The reasons behind the expedition—the task
- The team—meet the five men who endured it
- Danger… divine appointments—the trip
- The treasure—affirming a Creationist worldview

Pick up the story where you left off… Task | Team | Arrival in Alaska | Attack of the Mosquitos | Umiat, AK | Separation | Lambeosaurus jawbone | Geology in Motion | Duststorm | Branchiosaurus | Closing in on Liscomb | Quicksand | At Long Last | Continuing the Dig | The Rescue & Jailed! | Livin’ in Luxury | Caribou Hunt & Conclusion | Treasure | Postscript