Who are we and where do we live?
You’ve heard a lot about the rainforest. You may have even seen pictures or watched videos about it. Well, you could say we know a lot about the rainforest… we live there! We’re happy you’ve entered our little corner of the world to learn more about us and about our home.
Did you know that there are lots of rainforests in the world? Even the United States has rainforests. We live in a very large rainforest near the Amazon River in South America! It is a very beautiful place to live. The closest cities to us are pretty far away. It takes several days just to get to a city. Most of us have never been there. We live near the Atlantic Ocean, but we’ve never been there either. Our home is on a land reserve that was given to us by the federal government in the country we live in.
Have you ever gone camping? We go camping our whole lives! We live off the land. The rainforest is very important to us because it is where we hunt, eat, sleep, and raise our families.
Some of us know the language of the country where we live, but most of us don’t. We just know our own language. Some of us even know three or four languages! There are only a few hundred people in the whole world who speak our language!
Learn more about our… • animals • clothes • entertainment • food • housing • religion • transportation
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