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Rainforest Environment
Rainforest creaturesSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazon jungle with distant howler monkeys, insects and birdsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rainforest ambienceSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Ambience, different forestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Ambience, another forestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Chachalaca chatterSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Blue-and-yellow MacawAra ararauna recorded by Bennett Hennessey Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Red-shouldered Macaw calls at streamDiopsittaca nobilis recorded by Jarrod Swackhamer in Brazil Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Parrot in AmazonSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Macaw (upset)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Cockatoo (shrieks)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Coot callSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazonian Grosbeak songCyanoloxia rothschildii with Fawn-breasted Wren and Screaming Piha in background —recorded by Richard E. Webster Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazonian Royal FlycatcherOnychorhynchus coronatus recorded by Felipe Arantes Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazonian IneziaInezia subflava recorded by Peter Boesman in Columbia, with dove and rooster in the background Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazonian AntpittaHylopezus berlepschi recorded by Fernando Igor de Godoy, Purus River, Brazil Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Amazonian AntshrikeThamnophilus amazonicus cinereiceps recorded by Marina Maximiano in Iranduba, Brazil Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Guinea HenSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
KookaburraSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
KookaburrasSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Kookaburras (different & longer)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Toucan (Chesnut Mandibled)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Yellow-throated Toucan duetRamphastos ambiguus recorded by Joost van Bruggen Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Birds flapping wingsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
CrowSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
MagpieSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Spectacled Owl (Amazon)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rainforest Scops OwlSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Different owl hootingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Parrot squawkingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
WoodpeckerSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rooster in native campSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bird chirpsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bird crySorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bird song 1Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bird song 2Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Another bird’s songSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bird with strange warning soundSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
MosquitoSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Wasp building nestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rainforest Cicada (Borneo)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
CricketsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Crickets, longerSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Buzzing insectSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
BeeSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bees swarmingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Snake hissingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Lizard EatingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Frog in rainforestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Tropical frogsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Tree frogs (night)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Frog 2Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
FrogsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Frog (small)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
See: FROGS in the Bible
Jaguar (scary)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Angry tiger (scary)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Tiger 2Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Tiger 3Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Cats fightingsome natives have pet cats and sometimes they fight Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Lion roar—In modern times, lions no longer live in rainforests, but we included a couple because they sound scary. Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
LionSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature. See: Lions in the Bible
Monkeys and Apes
Monkey calls, jungle nightSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Howler monkeys (distant, before dawn)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
ChimpanzeeSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
MonkeySorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Monkey chatterSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Monkey, another Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
MonkeysSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Ape, anotherSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
BatsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Elephant howling in distance
—Yes, some elephants do live in rainforests in southeast Asia
and in some parts of Africa.
Indian elephants can weigh up to 3000 pounds
and eat up to 700 pounds of trees, grasses, and bamboo per day.
Some are used to help in rainforest logging operations. Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Elephant, closerSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Elephant, anotherSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Other Mammals
Pig snortmany natives raise them Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Pig screechSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Pig jumping in waterSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Dog barking in jungle campSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Stream, fast-flowingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Morning ambience (South America)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Night ambienceSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Animal crossing a streamSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Waterfall, largeSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Stream, smallSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
RiverSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Beach (short)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Fire burning the forestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rain and campfireSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rain, lightSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rain, heavySorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rain stormSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Thunder and rainSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Windy storm (short)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Thunder ASorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Thunder BSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Hurricane/TyphoonSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Native FluteSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Canoe paddlingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Walking through dense forestSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
DrumSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Drum (distant)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Cutting tree with an axeSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Tree fallingSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Filling vehicle with cut woodSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Stirring cooking potSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Boiling stew potSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Gun shots in the jungle (close)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Gun shots in the jungle (distant)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Rifle shotsSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Bamboo FluteSorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Flutes (music)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Sounds from Space
Astronaut’s description of Earth (Apollo 8)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Reading from Genesis (Apollo 8)Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
Prayer from Apollo 8Sorry, your browser does not support this audio feature.
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Version: March 7, 2025
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