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Iron Man

also known as “Iron man—El hombre de hierro,” “A Vasember,” “Homem de Ferro”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, and brief suggestive content.

Reviewed by: Michael Karounos

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Superhero Action Drama Adaptation
Length: 2 hr. 6 min.
Year of Release: 2008
USA Release: May 2, 2008 (wide—3800 theaters)
DVD: September 30, 2008
Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Copyright, Paramount Pictures

A single man or woman can help change the world. Read about some who did with faith and God's help…
Jesus Christ, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David

Featuring Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, Samuel L. Jackson, Hilary Swank, Leslie Bibb, Clark Gregg, Stan Lee, Shaun Toub, Nazanin Boniadi, Bill Smitrovich, Ghostface Killah, Faran Tahir, Sahar Bibiyan, Sayed Badreya, Fahim Fazli, Micah A. Hauptman
Director Jon Favreau
Producer Victoria Alonso, Ari Arad, Peter Billingsley, Louis D'Esposito, Jon Favreau, Kevin Feige, Eric Heffron, Michael A. Helfant, Jeremy Latcham, Stan Lee

“Heroes aren’t born, they’re built”

Prequel to “Iron Man” (2008)

List of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) feature films

The central myth of the movie “Iron Man” is that of a billionaire playboy whose experience as an incarcerated hostage causes him to transform from an economic and social predator into a born-again pacifist. Stark sees the error of his ways, returns home to confront his personal (and business) demons, and spends the rest of the movie trying to do good, home and abroad. In portraying this action, the writers brilliantly mimic the narrative arc of Robert Downey Jr.’s life as his character, Tony Stark, opens the movie with a glass of scotch on the rocks while bouncing along a dirt road in Afghanistan in a humvee.

In short order, Stark is wounded and captured; his life is saved by an imprisoned Afghani doctor; and in one of the more effective metaphors of the movie, the doctor has to remove bits of Stark Industries shrapnel, remnants of the shards of his professional life, that are threatening his heart. The doctor tells Stark that shrapnel victims are called “the walking dead” because of how the shrapnel migrates through the body and belatedly kills them a week later. When Stark questions why he should do anything to prolong his life if he only has a week to live, the doctor responds (paraphrasing), “Well, it’s the most important week of your life. Don’t waste it.”

That is Tony Stark’s born-again moment and it compels him to create a new heart for himself. For Christian viewers, this new-heart metaphor will resonate with Ezekiel 26:36:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

This is what happens to Stark and from that point he is determined to correct the predatory aspects of his life, whether it concerns conquering financial markets or seducing beautiful women. He shows little concern for his wealth, for his reputation as an industrialist, or for his company’s stock value. He is truly changed and sees the world through an ethical lens that encompasses not just financial and political issues but moral ones as well. We see a biographical montage of how he progresses from a boy genius to a decadent industrialist to the conscience-stricken inventor who desires to create something to benefit mankind. He indeed has acquired a new heart and a new spirit and his life mimics the pattern of creation (boy genius), fall (decadent industrialist), and redemption (conscience-stricken inventor) that is illustrated so frequently in the Bible through the lives of David, Paul, and Peter, and in the parable of the Prodigal Son, to name a few.

As Robert Downey Jr. states in an interview concerning his own personal problems: “You can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal.” [reference]

It is an interesting statement from several perspectives, because “Iron Man” is a blend of liberal and conservative trade-offs. There is an indictment of American arms manufacturing—American soldiers are shown being killed with American weapons to illustrate the consequences of American “crimes” overseas, and Tony Stark renounces the military-industrial complex that is in in his own mind. Conservative viewers will be gratified that American soldiers are at least not demonized, that terrorism is a reality, and that Stark undergoes the kind of personal conversion, renouncing sex and drugs, that is characteristic of a conservative ethos which emphasizes personal responsibility. In that regard, the movie brilliantly succeeds in walking the political tight rope of the age and is able to insert a subtle anti-war message where clumsy, anti-war films like “Rendition,” “Lions for Lambs,” “Grace Is Gone,” and “Stop-Loss”—to name only a few of many movies—failed because they were just anti-American propaganda in disguise.

Finally, that which powers Tony Stark, and by extension, “Iron Man,” is the new heart which demonstrates love on a personal level and compassion on a global level. As a metaphor, it is elegant; as a line of reasoning to inform something as complicated as foreign policy, it naturally falls apart. In their effort to offend no one and name no names, the writers describe the Afghani terrorists as “foreigners,” completely ignoring the home-grown Taliban who terrorized the country for decades and who just last week tried to assassinate President Karzai, killing three people. The terrorists are called the “ten rings,” because they come from ten foreign countries, and, in one especially ludicrous moment, one of the terrorists is identified as an Hungarian. Clearly, it is such white Europeans who are to blame for the nameless acts of terror committed in the name of a nameless god which bedevils Afghanistan.

This is not a trivial detail, because, were it not for the American invasion of Afghanistan in a post-9/11 world, Afghanis today would still be living in a medieval world that forbids soccer, kite-flying, music, movies, and, most importantly, education and medical treatment for women. The movie is profoundly dishonest in that regard and exhibits an ideological hangover that blinds people to the enormous good that American military might has accomplished in freeing and keeping free entire nations, including the whole of Europe, South Korea, and Afghanistan from the totalitarian ideologies of Communism, Nazism, and Wahabbism. For a more accurate portrayal of the home-grown terrorism of Afghanistan, see “The Kite Runner” or, better yet, read the book.

In conclusion, “Iron Man” is a triumph of collaborative film making. Although Robert Downey Jr.’s performance has gotten most of the credit for the movie’s success, Jon Favreau’s nearly flawless pacing and the snappy screenplay are responsible for giving Downey a frame in which he doesn’t have to act so much as just be. The perception that Downey’s performance is superb rests more on his comedic timing than it does on his acting chops. This allowed an understated performance to appear nuanced instead of, pardon the pun, mechanical. It is the kind of performance which in the hands of an actor less pitch-perfect (Keanu Reeves) would have resulted in a rotoscoped (“A Scanner Darkly”) performance.

Gwynneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts was sensitive, sweet, and principled, doing as much with her uninspired lines as a charming personality could. Regrettably, Terrence Howard was stiff and Jeff Bridges was unbelievable as a scientist, mad or otherwise. Downey carries the movie, but it is Favreau’s direction that frames him in such a way that even the sequences where Downey says nothing provide visual descriptions of character that are eloquent and convincing.

There is a moment of brief nudity, but there is nothing that should offend even the most sensitive church-goers. While there is no unifying message in the movie as in the recent “Live Free, Die Hard” film which makes a direct appeal to all Americans to band together, “Iron Man” is nonetheless a brilliant success because it appeals to so many different audiences in a time when those audiences are so much at variance with one another.

Violence: Heavy / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: Minor

List of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) feature films

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I saw this movie with some folks from my bible study via free passes to an advanced screening. The movie was stunning in every sense of the word! I am sure some comic book elitists will find something wrong with its translation to the screen (they always do), but it is very well made and I enjoyed nearly every moment! I am not going to elaborate at all about plot, storyline or give any spoiler info, however Tony Stark is a rich playboy, smooth talking womanizer. Don't let this scare you. The movie has a few minor curse words, a few sexually charged scenes with no nudity and although it does have a lot of drinking-no one is drunk. The violence factor is in the eye of the beholder, none too bloody but a good bit of combat. Spiritually, this movie has some good points. I would say that it earns its PG-13. But is relatively tame in comparison to movies like Transformers that go for unneeded sexual innuendo.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Barrett, age 39
Positive—Cussing was not too bad. Suggestive portion involved taking a woman to bed, not graphic, not appropriate for pre teens.

Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable movie, overall positive storyline.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
David Bunker, age 39
Positive—WOW! What a fantastic movie! I was able to see an advanced screening of this movie and found myself blown away. Rarely does one find a movie that forces them to consider moral issues, yet also has a big enough budget to pull off an amazing script and brilliant special effects. The acting, from all camps, was spectacular, and it didn't hurt that the script was one of the best I have seen in a long time. What impressed me the most, however, was that this movie looked at an issue of morality—one that they could have taken to the extreme left—and allowed the viewer to consider his or her own point of view. Quite honestly, I was completely blown away by this film. See it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Tiffany, age 19
Positive—“Iron Man” is a story of redemption. Tony Stark realizes that he can no longer reconcile what he is about—being a death dealer through his weapons industry. The story unfolds before of us of someone who goes from being a thoughtless, narcissistic, self-absorbed person into one who comes to realize that what he has been about is empty, without honor, and a horror for the innocent who are caught in the wrath of a thoughtless military. The movie has it's moments which are objectionable in the early part of the movie(one sexually explicit scene), but it moves quickly from that to let us into the heart of a man who has been through hell and back, and in the end it is a triumph of what one man, with a change of heart, determination and vision can do.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jay Rivera, age 54
Positive—Having seen all of the other Marvel comic book movies, I didn't know what to expect coming into this movie. I left very impressed, however. The graphics were great and the storyline was very good, as well. The only objectionable content I can think of would be one scene where Tony and a reporter have sex where, even though you don't see it, it's implied. Robert Downey Jr., in my opinion, does a great job as Tony Stark, and I also enjoyed the back-up roles of Terrence Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow. Overall, great movie and I can't wait to buy on DVD!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Kurt, age 17
Positive—I liked this movie. It has fun dialog and an interesting, but somewhat predictable, story line. There is a little foul language throughout and some explicit sexual scenes and innuendo at the beginning. While I could do without much of the sexual content it is used to establish Tony Stark's character as a man who is empty. So while these unmoral activities are portrayed I hope some people see that it is an empty life. Stark does have an internal transformation which manifests itself in his Iron Man suit and his superhero actions. While the change makes him a better man, God is not the reason for the change and we don't necessarily see a full turn for the better in terms of morality or violence. I would recommend this for teens, but probably PG-15 or more.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
J Sargent, age 34
Positive—Enjoyed watching this film on opening Friday night with my wife. I did not have high expectations but was very pleasantly surprised. I remember watching the old “Iron Man” cartoons when I was growing up. This is an excellent updated version brought nicely to the big screen. The theater was very crowded with lots of children. Due to some rather sensual scenes in the beginning and about 4 or 5 curse words, I cannot whole heartedly recommend this as a family film. However, as a date film this was very entertaining.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Bruce Blackburn, age 50
Positive—This is a terrific science fiction flick, and I'm neither a connoisseur nor a great lover of sci-fi. It is as good, in its own way, as Spider Man. I would never have cast Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role, yet he pulls it off well. Your reviewer analyzes the movie very well. I think this is an exciting movie worth seeing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Positive—I didn't know what to expect. It was very interesting to see how the character changes during the movie and how the people around respond to the change. Even though there are some predictable parts, it still kept me interested, until the end. This is worth seeing on the big screen and the CG are done very well! There are a few sexually suggestive comments. The movie deals with terrorism and the consequences of fabricating weapons of mass destruction.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Alrick, age 34
Positive—The film had a very good story line. It was nice to see Robert Downey Jr. make a movie instead of making trouble. He was excellent in playing the part of Tony Stark. The concept of one man can make a difference was a very good conversation point for older kids. The other positive point was seeing Tony Stark change his life/lifestyle and refocus his efforts for good, another good conversation point. There was one brief sex scene that showed no nudity. This is the only reason I would not let my children (11 and under) see the movie.

Overall, being a big comic book/superhero fan, I thought the movie was well done and very enjoyable.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Marc Lombardo, age 39
Positive—This was a very fun movie that our whole family had been looking forward to seeing. (We have 4 boys ages 10-16). There was little objectionable content: a scene of a young lady waking up wrapped in a sheet, in the main character's house (where it is implied sex took place), a few bad words and typical action violence. My 10 yr. old was scared during one scene where it looked like someone was going to be tortured (they weren't). Other than that, we all enjoyed it very much. The main character stands for doing what's right even though it cost him dearly and that's the message that came across loud and clear. Lots of humor, great special effects and lots of action to keep the viewer entertained.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Rachelle Smotherman, age 35
Positive—I agree with most of what the main reviewer said above, and I appreciate their insightful comments on the film's redemptive message (“I will give you a new heart,” etc.). I wouldn't go so far as to say that “even the most sensitive church-goer” is likely to enjoy the film, but if you enjoyed Batman Begins, Superman Returns, or any of the Spider-Man films and weren't particularly bothered by the various content issues in those films, there's a good chance you'll enjoy “Iron Man” as well.

Stark is certainly a playboy at the movie's beginning, but thankfully the two scenes where this is depicted most vividly are about thirty seconds long at most. Once he is captured by terrorists, he begins to be a changed man, and this seems to be reflected in the content of the film.

Again, if you already enjoy this type of film, it's probably worth your time. If (content-wise) you are bothered by any of the other films listed above, you will not feel any differently about this one.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
John Stanifer, age 22
Positive—I took my 15 yr. old son and his 11 year old friend to see it. We had a blast! We didn't go in there specifically to look for political messages/correctness, nor to look for what is/isn't going on in Iraq/Afghanistan, or why and to whom. If you go to the movie looking for that, then don't go. I personally feel we see enough of that on the news or other media.

I think Robert Downey Jr. did an excellent job, and I was surprised he even took the role, due to his ongoing fight with alcohol (I know he has been through a lot with it. And, from what I know from other alcoholics, it IS a daily work in progress).

R.D. Jr.'s character is a “playboy” of sorts, drinks a lot and pretty much has what is called “no social responsibility” of any kind. He lives/parties off of his dead Father's legacy from manufacturing and selling arms. He picks up one young woman, and there is such a brief thing on the bed before they fall off, it is almost not worth mentioning. The next morning, she is walking through his home (“Tony Stark” is elsewhere) in one of his shirts. Nothing else is seen. Gwyneth Paltrow’s character lets the young woman know where her “place” is.

“Tony” gets captured after a demo of one of his weapons, and finds out during his capture the very weapons he has manufactured are ending up in the hands of the enemy. He is forced to make the weapon he demo'd, and instead makes a way for him and his “cellmate” to escape. I won't disclose what happens, except that “Tony” has decided to make a change in his life.

There is only one bad word, and that is when Jeff Bridges character is going after “Tony” and calls him a pr__k. I think something else could have been used.

The graphics/special effects were great and seamless. There were several “belly laughs” while “Tony” is working on his Iron Man suit. And we sure enjoyed how he communicated with his computers (I wonder how long it will be before things are like that).

Being a 55 year old male (I got out of high school in 1972), I remember Black Sabbath's “Iron Man” in 1970, and kind of thought that it should have been used on “Tony's” escape from his captors or when he went back after his captors in his very much improved Iron Man suit. The ending was puzzling (Tony gives out his identity to the world).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jesse Combs, age 54
Positive—My wife and I went to see this movie after checking out the content from a couple of church members whom we trust. We really enjoyed the movie and although it did have a couple of scenes that portrayed ungodly sexual actions, the overall concept of a man having a “heart change” was great. I don't remember any taking of the Lord's name in vain or harsh profanity.

I grew up reading marvel comics and wanting to find a hero to believe in. Fortunately, Jesus became my real hero when I was a senior in college. Now, whether Ironman, Batman, or Spiderman, I still love them all as imaginary heroes and greatly enjoyed the fantastic effects that truly made Ironman come to life on the big screen. I do think the PG-13 rating should be a guide to parents as some of the images may disturb children. Enjoy!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Pastor Larry, age 60
Positive—I was very happily surprised at this movie. I haven't been to the theatre in a long time and mostly went because I couldn't wait for the great movies that are coming out this Spring/Summer. I really had very little clue what the movie was going to be about. It was fun! A great story and well done. Robert Downy Jr. really did a wonderful job. What charming charisma and whit! The way a super hero should be in my book. (I really liked Michael Keaton’s Batman, and he kind of reminded me more of that) I love the change that happens in the main character. The movie shows that even though weapons are not the answer to the world's problems. Changed lives and a Super Hero !! Go see it, you'll have fun!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Chris Wileman, age 40
Positive—My family and I completely enjoyed the movie—one worth seeing again. Aside from one scene early on in the movie (as a part of a string of events showing just how egotistical, selfish, and shallow Tony Stark is—as well as the reporter's character—which involves foreplay, followed by brief non-revealing nudity), there was nothing else particularly offensive. If there was any bad language, I didn't notice it. Little blood was shown, and nothing was gory (the replacing of the devise over Tony's heart that keeps him alive may be squeamish to some, but that is as far as it goes).

In terms of re-creating the comic book character, they did an excellent job. The original Stark went through the kidnapping experience in Viet Nam—which was the current event at the time of the comic's creation. So basically, the movie modernized the character but remained true to form. Stark's attitude and lifestyle fit the script—a complete contrast to the gentlemanly nature of “Iron Man”—which in the comics made his revelation so unbelievable. The bottom line is fans should be pleased. (There is more, but I don't want to spoil the movie.)

By the way fans, stay around for the scene after the credits. The humor and special effects fit perfectly with the film. My sides were hurting at one point! We left the theater feeling good. All in all, this was one of the best films I have seen in a long time.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Deanna Marquart, age 37
Positive—I may be a grandmother, but I still love an excuse to see an action flick with my teenage son. We got to the second showing of “Iron Man” and even though there were technical difficulties, there was no denting this amazing movie. The Christian parallels of redemption are very much apparent. Tony Stark does have an amazing grace sort of experience, but instead of slaves, it's weaponry that is the message. Fast pace, snappy dialogue, relevant humor, and tight CGI action. This movie will surely top Transformers. I have to disagree with the reviewer, I was offended by the flesh flash—I didn't see the point in including it, except to point out the “trash” aspect. What a great way to lead off summer—a movie that makes us think about war and all its ripples.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Pd Webb, age 50+
Positive—Tony Stark was a womanizer in the comic book, and he is one in the beginning of the movie. He is seen in bed with a woman he met for the first time. The nudity wasn't all that offensive but the way he treats women and the sexual movements while they are in bed are much too graphic. I will not be bringing my 7th grader. The language was very offensive and coupled with the bedroom scene and the violence almost pushed me out the door. They did a great job with the movie and I really like the change of heart aspect. They handled the violence better than any slasher movie, and that probably saved them as far as I was concerned. I thought the acting was fantastic, but much of the storyline was unbelievable even in this genre. His antagonist created and learned to master a armor suit in one minute when it took Tony days.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chris Ransom, age 41
Positive—Hello! I am a comic geek and I loved this film. However, even if I wasn't, I still would have thought this was a great movie. Unfortunately, sometimes in these comic book movies there are elements of cheesiness and things like that, but this movie did not have ANY. The acting was good, the story was believable (for a movie, of course! (though I wish I could make an Iron Man suit myself…)) and the special effects were INCREDIBLE. Also, there were many great comedic elements in this film. I put the moral rating as AVERAGE because in the beginning there is a very vivid scene of 2 people kissing VERY passionately and I would not want my son seeing that. However, the rest of the movie was refreshing and as I recall, there were not many if ANY curse words in it. Great job Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr.!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
John Huie, age 30
Positive—I will not deny that I, myself, have been a comic book fan since I was a kid, and still regularly read X-Men. I am also a believer, and so when I went to see the film, as always, I had my faith in mind. These days, it seems (especially conflicting to me as a writer) that far too many movies (especially the absolutely awful and morally degrading “Shoot 'Em Up”) these days are immoral, unChristian works on degrading filth, just to be friendly about it. When I first saw the trailers, I was unsure, but God spoke to me before the film, and he told me it was going to alright, and as always, he was right. The film was very positive to watch.

The acting was quite good for an action movie, and I would even describe it as “An action movie with a heart.” Even the brief sex scene was very brief, not to offend most people. The conversion of Tony Stark was inspiring and positive, and it is something that all genuine Christians can relate to (especially with the backlash of making positive choices). In much the same way, we can find solace in the heroism of the story. True courage doesn't just appear in us, we learn it, it grows within us, and we become stronger because of it. It shows a positive take on a seemingly negative genre. It even had some genuinely funny scenes with the helperbot, and although a few of the scenes and design of the evil Iron Man resembled Robocop 2 far too much, I would highly recommend the movie to believer and comic book fan alike.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Hieronymus Dugan, age 27
Positive—Wow! I just went and saw “Iron Man” and I think it's one of the best superheroes movies I've seen. I really did not want to see this movie and only went to hang out with friends, but after seeing it I have to agree with most of America: “Iron Man” rules! Robert Downey Jr. does a superb job of bring Tony Stark/Iron man to life, fully fleshing out his character. His dry humor kept me rolling throughout the movie.In most superhero movies, you always look forward and sometime only care about the times in the “suit.” But in “Iron Man,” Tony Stark is just as much of a character as Iron man. The other actors did just as just as well, I particularly liked Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts, and Stan Lee had a really funny cameo this time around. All in all I definitely recommend “Iron Man”. It rocks!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Tyler, age 18
Positive—I went and saw this opening night and all the buzz in the theatre was amazing! I did go into the film already reading a christian review so I knew what to expect. HOWEVER there is one scene that just because of that scene I would not take any child to view this film. There is a “bed romp” scene and it was really aggressive and there were “sounds” made by both people. They did just hop onto the bed and the camera and the people lingered on the bed then fell on the floor on the other side of the bed, but that in itself was just UNCALLED FOR! After that scene, we are shown the next morning and a sheet is just coving up the lovely young lady's bottom, her back and her legs are shown then she walks around the house in his dress shirt, she does have her underwear on. This was just uncalled for, there was no point of the scene. There is also another scene while Stark and his guard as on the plane and they start drinking and the plane turns into a “club” with pole in the middle of the plane and the flight attendant’s hike up their skirts and shirts and dance around the pole! WE GET THE POINT THAT HE IS A PLAYBOY! There really are tasteful ways to portray this type of thing.

Parents please be aware of this! This review does not mention these scenes at all and I would be highly embarrass if I took my child and they encountered these scenes. Even though I do give this movie great ratings, we have to be care what we put in front of our eyes. There really are better and cleaner ways to portray certain people ESPECIALLY when films like these will draw families to them.

Other than that, the acting and film making and story line were great! The Special Effects AMAZING!! I would recommend seeing this in the theatre but be careful with the kids. Maybe view it first and then base what you see on what to do or at least be aware of where the scenes are.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ben, age 25
Positive—When it comes to today's comic book heroes, “Iron Man” isn't exactly a household name. That will probably change as word of this film continues to spread. Please understand, this is not a kids movie. As the review indicates, Tony Stark is not exactly a role model. He has little to no care about himself, other people, or his company (although he does have a change of heart later, no pun intended). He drinks, gambles, and is quite the womanizer. In addition to that, I feel like most of the film's constant techno-babble and dramatic situations will fly right over kids’ heads. Also this film is not in a tone like Spider-Man, which was generally light and several scenes in costume. Stark spends more time in the movie building his suit, than he does in it (although the action scenes deliver quite well). The cast is excellent, and overall the film is good fun. But this is one for and older, more mature crowd, a'la Batman Begins. Parents should see it first, and then decide. Just because a movie has Marvel comics in front of it, doesn't mean it's automatically kid friendly.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Christopher, age 25
Positive—From a Christian perspective this movie has some areas of concern, especially for younger children. While it is understood that Tony Stark's decadent nature must be portrayed to provide a contrast with his changed attitude after his imprisonment the film shows more than necessary to accomplish that task. In this respect the sex scene, although tame in comparison to most movies, still shows quite a bit of skin both during and after the encounter (which is, in and of itself, more graphic than necessary.) The consumption of alcohol, even after Stark's change of heart, is shown as a normal part of social interaction. Likewise the violence portrayed, especially in the threatened torture of the Afghani doctor, is intense though not overly graphic.

That said, for an adult the film is not only entertaining but provides an enjoyable (and satisfying) good guy vs. bad guy story. The transformation of Tony Stark from a nihilistic genius to a repentant hero is convincing and heartening. As noted in the main review there is a strong (and unbalanced) anti-war sentiment here, but our soldiers are portrayed as what they truly are, heroes in their own right. Unlike many of today’s films, we get to see evil men, who commit despicable deeds, get their just deserts in a manner that is encouraging in a world where justice seems to be a thing of the past. The obviously selfless motives of the film’s protagonist only serve to make those moments of the triumph of good over evil even more uplifting. (And yes, when unrepentant, irredeemably evil men are stopped from committing atrocities against innocents it is uplifting.)

All in all, one of the best (if not the best) superhero movie to date (and I am a huge fan of superhero movies.) I would only suggest that you not take impressionable children to see it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Joe Martin, age 53
Positive—Just saw the movie 2 hours ago with my wife and 4½ yr old daughter. “Iron Man” is another Marvel comic superhero that made it to the big screen. Unlike the other superhero movies, one can relate that the script has a little Biblical flavor to it-the review by the author is right on the money. Tony Stark resembles a brilliant rich man who after an unfortunate encounter with near death experience, chose to take a different path and use his resources to make a difference in this world. Ironically or IRONMANically, he also received a new heart of sorts which is in line with being born again. The Bible says that everything begins from the heart and from it we choose to do good or evil-sad to say nobody understands it. The next thread of events do not really hammer this new change that just took place and as expected has Hollywood's movie making engine go to work. Even after Tony's change of heart, he was still slick in getting his hands on a glass of scotch.

The significant aspect of the change in my view is that he started to care more about the ramifications of his actions and therefore concerned in making his life make a difference instead of selling weapons and don't care. The worst word I heard was SOB, other than that I could not remember anything else. I was very satisfied with this movie and highly recommend it to all ages although from a technical point of view, the ending could've had more punch to it to make a stronger finishing statement. But then again, there's always part 2.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Tades, age 40
Positive—My daughter and I were invited to see this movie for my nephews birthday party. We had a group of about fifteen children and adults. The first 20 minutes or so of the film had me concerned that this was not for children and perhaps not for me. It exploited woman and had a bedroom scene. I felt they could have done a better job on the moral content in the early part of the movie. In fact, it could have been left out. Having been given the tickets as a gift and the father of the boy sitting behind me, I gave the movie a little more time before walking out with my daughter.

I was pleased to see it quickly take a change and be full of action and amazing special effects. It was quite captivating and we were entertained by the film and it's impressive hero.

Most likely there will be a sequel to this one. If there is a next one I will view it first to decide whether or not it is appropriate for children or if we indeed need to skip the first 20-30 minutes of it! If the movie had continued on the way it was headed I would have walked out. Come on Hollywood—it's time to take the trash out. A good movie like a good restaurant shouldn't start with a bad smell to it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jh, age 46
Positive—This movie was sensational one of the best super hero movies I have seen in a long time. The special affects were out of this world and action was non stop. This film kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was in the theater. I really liked the message in the movie because it taught you not to be selfish and to use your talents to help others. I would say that this movie can go down as one of the best super hero stories put on the big screen. The story was well written and the cinematography was perfect. The language in the movie wasn't to bad and It was mostly clean except for one sex scene and some women on a plane dancing provocative, but it went by so quick that I didn't have time to become uncomfortable with the scene. The acting in the film was very good. If you are a fan of heroic movies you will not be disappointed. All I can say is; finally a super hero movie done right.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Gene Cooks, age 32
Positive—This movie will probably be my favorite this year because of how well it was done. The turn around from playboy to protector of the people is amazing. The acting and the actors chosen for this film are just amazing. There is comedy, pain, joy, sadness, and one part where you might become a little scared for the characters as they do hero things. In the first 30 minutes there is one questionable scene between Tony Stark and a magazine reporter where they go back to his mansion and make out. But that lasts for maybe ten seconds then it is over. The humor is very clean and every moment is fresh and different than the scene you saw before. And last but not least the story of Tony Stark's life change is just plain wonderful. If I were to see only one movie this summer it would definitely have to be this one. This movie is perfect for practically everyone as long as you are watching out for that one scene you will be fine.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Grayson Stipe, age 17
Positive—I seldom recommend a positive review for any movie but “Iron Man” is one such movie. As for the objectionable content, at the beginning of the movie Tony Stark engages in a one night stand and drinks copious amounts of alcohol. Stark is also a pompous, ego-centric billionaire. However, this is all cast in a negative light and as the movie progresses Stark repents of both his womanizing ways and ego and becomes a man of character both in his private and public life. My advice is follow the PG-13 rating where children are concerned but older, more discerning (i.e. 13 and up) audiences should be fine.

I agree with the review that “Iron Man” walks the tight rope between pro-war and anti-war with aplomb. I believe the war in Afghanistan is a biblically just war and America ought to be there. However, as a Christian I earnestly pray for the end of hostilities both there and in Iraq and in that sense I am not pro-war. Sometimes, I wonder if we, American Christians, are not a little too quick to support war for the sake of war now days. Ps 120:7

The reviewer criticized the movie for not naming the Taliban but naming the militants the “Ten Rings.” However, the “Ten Rings” is pulled right out of the pages of the original comic book. Remembering that we are in a comic book movie, the producers are staying true to the source material and setting us up for sequels rather than denying the reality of the Taliban, IMO. The original comic book origin was set in Vietnam which would make no sense in 2008 and I’m proud of Marvel for setting the movie origin right in the middle of an actual war between America and Islamofacist militants.

I also agree with the reviewer that Downey truly carries the movie as Stark. Downey has permanently stamped his image on the role and is the measure by which any other actor in that role will/would be compared. And anyone who is familiar with Downey’s private life can only wonder if he didn’t bring a good bit of his personal experience to his character. I thought Paltrow did a great job as Pepper Pots and the chemistry between her and Downey was just right. Unlike the reviewer, I totally bought into Jeff Bridges “Judas” role in the film. He was completely convincing as a good guy and completely menacing as the bad guy. To me, Bridges really demonstrated his acting range.

Of all the movies that have come out so far this year, I recommend this one (with qualifiers noted above) above all the others. And as comic book adaptations go, this is one of the best ever.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
James Taylor, age 37
Positive—This is a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although there are a couple tiny, tiny sections that I think were unnecessary. There is violence and alcohol use, but frankly (in my opinion) unless the violence is extreme and taken to a gory level it is necessary to give something to fight against. And for alcohol, adults can legally drink alcohol and there is nothing wrong with that unless it is overused.

Aside from those things, which I feel are so minor I wouldn't even factor them into the film's score, there is one blasphemy in the movie and two short suggestive scenes. If you avoid the content I am about to tell you you should not object to the film at all, at least I didn't.

What I am about to tell you is an incredibly, incredibly small spoiler. This spoiler is so small that it does not change the movie at all, it simply lets you as a viewer know where the inappropriate content is. Near the beginning of the movie, there will be a blonde headed woman who asks Tony Stark (the main character) some questions (she is a journalist/reporter/something similar) as he is about to get in his car. It then jumps to a bed where sex is implied. She has a shirt on, but only a pair of underwear. This lasts for 15-20 seconds, then she wakes up the next morning by herself. She is walking around with only a long sleeve shirt on, but it goes down to right above mid thigh. When she walks up the a console of the door and tries to interact with it, it speaks to her and she misuses the name of Jesus to show she was surprised.

A little bit later, when Stark and his military friend are on the plane, Stark tries to his friend to drink. He says he is working so he can't, but he does and then it skips ahead a few hours and they are impaired. Then for I guess 1-2 minutes they are talking while there are women dancing on a pole in the plane. However, they are fully clothed.

Now that you know these sections of the movie and roughly what time they happen I would heartily recommend seeing “Iron Man”. Just make sure to plug your hears or close your eyes for these for these short parts. If you don't want to take a chance of hearing it or seeing it at all, you could just step outside the theater for a few seconds during those parts.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Bill, age 19
Positive—I like that you take a Christian view of the films (first time reader) but I have one issue with the Ten Rings comment. It's actually a comic villain that uses ten rings of power named Mandarin, which is where they got that. Other than that it was a really good review.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ben, age 24
Positive—I wasn't sure what to think of this movie. I'd already read a review for it on, so I knew about the violence, and the language, and the brief sex scene. Still, being a fan of movies that have received less-then favorable reviews and still found good things in them, such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and many superhero movies, I decided to give it a chance. I went to go see it with my dad and expected to be sternly lectured for my choice of film. I was wrong.

Both of us were glad we went to see it. Yes, Tony Stark was a womanizer who could care less about his life's direction; he was a sinner like us all. Now, being a comic-book film, I didn't expect anything related to salvation through Jesus, but it was, as Plugged In said, the closest thing to Saul's encounter on the road as it could be. Tony realizes that his life is empty and decides to change his ways. He at first could care less that innocents were being killed by the very weapons he made to protect them. He realized his company was crossing a line, and he could no longer turn a blind eye to it. Not a spiritual transformation, but one that be used as a springboard into one.

Whereas Obidiah Stane only cared that the company, and thus himself, made money (that's what I got out of him) His greed and desire for power led to his demise.

And for those who say that this movie is liberal propaganda, I say this. You can interpret it that way, but I think Tony Stark did what he did (ending his weapons manufacture) because his weapons were being dealt into the wrong hands. He had to do something to stop it. To me, it wasn't an anti-war message, but rather an anti-corruption message. Don't you think there are people like Stane who sell weapons to the wrong people? It only takes one bad apple. Tony saw that one bad apple had become a large weed, and he had to cut it off at its root.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Jeff, age 21
Positive—Very entertained by the movie, however, took my 12 year old and luckily could sense when the bedroom scene was coming and was able to tell him to pull his cap down …which he doesn't mind doing… Also could sense when the flight attendants decided to dance around a pole in halfshirts and miniskirts so we were able to divert that scene, too. All other parts were OK for 12 and up. Good movie, but those two scenes were a bit more than suggestive!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Maggie, age 37
Positive—Many people were offended by scenes early in this film where the main character (Tony Stark) is depicted wooing and subsequently sleeping with a female reporter attempting to get an interview with him. Many of the same people were also offended by the following scene which depicts the same woman walking around the house with a shirt on (that covers everything) and nothing else.

All I really have to say about those scenes is that you just need to get over it. It's the world we live in, the man portrayed in the film is a billionaire playboy, what did you expect? The “sex” scene itself is incredibly short, no nudity, and I barely noticed it. The film itself is about one man's quest to live his life for a greater purpose than just himself. (spoiler alert) upon being captured by terrorists, weapon developer Tony Stark is forced to create a Jericho-class Missile (Stark Industry's newest weapon sensation) for the terrorists to use. Stark is led through the camp and notices that almost all of the weapons the terrorists have were manufactured by his company. Stark is appalled by this, and after telling the Terrorist that he will build the missile, they give him all the parts necessary to do so, but instead of crafting the missile, Stark crafts a suit of robotic armor and uses it to escape. After his rescue and return to the United States, Tony Stark has a change of heart and decides to do everything possible to get his weapons out of the wrong hands and ends all weapons production at his company, causing his stocks to plummet. Stark then creates a much more advanced suit of robotic armor and uses it to destroy his weapons sold under the table to terrorists, and stop a madman from selling his plans for the robotic “Iron Man” suit to governments worldwide.

(spoiler done)

Much of the movie is about the reckless Tony Stark's change of heart and search for redemption when he learns of his company's less than moral dealings. Though Stark remains cocky throughout the film, his character is endearing and shows that he cares for people other than himself.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Paden, age 18
Positive—I have been a Christian, today, for about 6 years. I was born-again on October 1st, 2002. As a part of celebrating my salvation, I watched “Iron Man” for the second time. The first time I saw it, I was walking on air. I liked “Iron Man” when I was little and I love movies but lately I was skeptical of decent films with solid biblical allegory.

This film, yes, apart from the girls and the cussing (which I was none too pleased with and thankfully forgettable), had such excellent biblical allegory! Stan Lee's Marvel Superheroes are very much a parallel of the Christian experience unlike DC Superheroes that are usually more vengeful and less humble (Must I remind you of the blasphemous “Batman Begins” and “You swear to me!!” remark?).

“Iron Man” surely delivered; I cried the first time I saw it after reading the review here at I was so very moved by the radical change of heart but the personality was still there. My pastor taught me that God changes our hearts but He lets us have our personality still. Think about it: Paul wrote different than Luke; Jonah served a LOT differently than Isaiah, and so on.

It was cool to see Tony Stark's “new heart” and I hope this film could be used to make the message of redemption plain. I really mean that. If jumbled, I apologize, I just finished watching the DVD (did I mention that already?).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Andrew, age 21
Positive—I was not very excited about “Iron Man” when I first heard about it. I liked Spiderman and other super hero movies but I wasn't familiar with this one. My family watched it together last night and I must say we were all blown away. The special affects were absolutely great. I thought the acting was pretty much flawless. I would definitely have bought the dvd again after seeing it.
There was some objectional content in the beginning. We ended up skipping a scene that has been mentioned by others. The swearing was not a factor because my family has a TV Guardian that eliminates all swear words. I was suprised though by how little it was used.
Overall, an excellent movie. I hope they make a second one, my expectations will definitely be higher than they were for this film. As a Christian, I give this film a thumbs up.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Liz, age 20
Neutral—I agree with the reviewer that this film has many redeeming features. However, the reviewer really understates the sexual scene at the beginning of the movie which amounted to partially clothed copulation. I was really not pleased since I did not believe it appropriate for young teens—or older people for that matter. We should not give Hollywood a pass on this kind of deal in a film targeted at young people. The scene was another example of “driving up on the sidewalk” in that it was completely unnecessary for the story line and far too gratuitous. Aside from this objectionable scene, the rest of the movie was OK.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Greg, age 40
Neutral—My husband and I viewed this with our 13 year old son. The film has a strong anti U.S. military message. All in all it was an enjoyable action film. Robert Downey Jr's character Tony Stark is a rich weapons dealer who spends a lot of time drinking and womanizing. When Tony Stark realizes his weapons are being used to kill innocent people he doesn't want to manufacture weapons of mass destruction anymore. “Iron Man” is not the usual teenage, geek super hero. This is an adult oriented action film. I felt this is Hollywood sending us another pro-liberal anti President Bush message.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
S. Cornett, age 50
Neutral—After reading the Christian Spotlight review of “Iron Man”, I thought it was safe to take my children to see the film. I was shocked within the first 10 minutes of the film to hear “son of a b****” and to see the main character of the film having sex with a reporter he met hours earlier. The sex scene was more than suggestive with the female reporter naked or mostly naked on top of the lead character in his bed as they further hurriedly removed clothing. The next scene has the reporter wake up in the man's bed the next morning and then walk around the house looking for the man in only a shirt. I was upset and embarrassed my kids saw this.

This movie has great special effects but is not for young children. Had I known what I now know, my 8 and 10 year old children would NOT have seen the film. By the way, in my opinion, the film is a bit anti-American, with a typical Hollywood liberal slant on the realities of world politics.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
S. Allen, age 35
Neutral—Saying that any of the anti-war movies mentioned is “anti-American propaganda” is delusional. Criticizing the behavior and character of the people in charge of our little corner of the material world is not anti-American! Other than that, a decent review of a halfway decent movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 2
Joe, age 52
Neutral—I went to this movie on the assumption that it was better than average with morals. I was truly disappointed. It had a anti-America tilt. We are at war to defend America from islam etc. This must be accomplished! The movie leads one away from this.

The hero seems never to be quiet. At times just rumbling on as if he just likes to hear himself talk. He frequently drinks and acts child like as an adult. Sexual escapades are implied and acted out. For example, He is being interviewed by an attractive lady one moment and the next they are in bed. (It was vulgar.) Another time at a “party” a girl calls out to him. “Hello, do you remember me?” His reply was a casual “No!” You would be brain dead with his life style portrayed throughout the film not to pick up on the past relationship between the two.

There are many examples of where and how this film misses the mark. I will not go in to them. I warn you though this is not a family friendly film!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Scott Vairo, age 44
Neutral—To rate this film better than average was a stretch. The movie making quality was excellent, there were times when me and my 15 year old son were amazed at the graphics and technology shown. I was, however, embarrassed and offended more than once. There were many instances, from the beginning and throughout, where the main character was proud of how many women he had been with and how he had forgotten most, if not all, of them. There was a sexual scene, tons of innuendos and many hints of sexual tension. There were many swear words like s.o.b. and the d word throughout. I expected it to be a little cleaner and was disappointed. Like I said, the graphics were amazing and Robert Downy Jr. acted well. The violence was a little graphic for children of any age. It showed some obvious firepower and although they didn't show shooting innocent people directly, they would barely pan out before the shots were fired. Please keep little ones at home since the main parts of the movie were dialogue and setting up for the scenes, which is dull for them. I feel that there were only a handful of scenes where a child under 10 would be interested.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Shirley, age 40
Neutral—“Iron Man” is very good retelling of the Marvel superhero known as the Golden Avenger. In these anti-American days, I braced myself for an extremely political film, but got a great action/adventure movie.
The movie makes heroes of the military, but is slightly critical in the role Big Business plays in providing weapons to the good guys, and to the bad. There is a humurous reference to the amount of anti-terrorist organizations the US has. Which include SHIELD in the movie.
As far as objectional content, there is a brief sex scene where you see the woman's back. No erotism is shown. The language is light. It was mostly the violence that some may find objectional. Big explosions, gunshots, and what not, but no graphic body parts flying all over the place.
The way the movie was made was incredible. The Iron Man suit looked real as it soared through the air. The final battle between Iron Man and the Iron Monger was so believable that I actually wanted to cheer, but restrained myself.
Go see it and enjoy yourself.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jacob Airey, age 20
Negative—My husband and I went to see “Iron Man” based on the review offered on this Web site. We were deeply concerned that the review seemed off-base as to the content of the film. We went because the review suggested no foul language and that there would be nothing offensive even to the sensitive church-goer. We left after about 15 to 20 minutes into the film after having heard the Lord's name used as a swear word (which we view as foul language) and having viewed exceptional levels of provocative “trashy” behavior being modeled at a level such that no matter the potentially redemptive aspects to later be developed in the storyline they could not be sufficient to redeem these opening sequences. Therefore we walked out. (We are pleased to say that the theater manager kindly honored our request to be refunded when we explained our concerns.) We would describe what we saw portrayed on screen in the early sequences of “Iron Man” as lewd and seedy and unfit for biblically minded Christian consumption no matter the rest of the story. We feel the reviewer did not correctly portray the potential content of the film for those who seek to guard their hearts and minds.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Susan Bedrosian, Ph.d., age 48
Negative—Warning for Christians resolved to “turn mine eyes from looking at worthless things” (Psalms 119:37), the special effects that everyone is talking about in this movie comes at a price. You, the viewer, will have to endure sexual fornication, prisoner torture, glorified greed/fame, and revenge (packaged as good vs. evil). Save your hard-earned money and don't grieve the Holy Spirit which resides in you (1 Cor. 6:19). Make no provisions for the flesh, to fulfill it's lusts.'(Romans 13:14)
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Stephen, age 35
Negative—Profanity is used several times. There was a bedroom scene and then, the next morning, the woman walks out into the living room with just a shirt on! There was a backless dress, casino scenes, skimpy clothes on women. I am very disappointed this wasn't mentioned in the Christian movie review—or did I just miss it? If I'd known, I wouldn't have gone to see it.

You guys normally do a great job in reviewing movies and it means a great deal to me and my family.

My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Judy Scholl, age 46
Negative—The movie quality was GREAT (4 stars) but the first part of the movie was morally offensive. There was a sex scene after which the woman is shown naked in bed with only her butt covered. Then she is seen walking around the house with nothing on except a short shirt.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Paul, age 31
Negative—Uses the Lord's name in vain many times. Nothing here which leads watchers to Jesus. Some adultery scenes.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Michael, age 50
Comments from young people
Positive—I saw this film last night and I thought it was great. It was well made and Robert Downey Jr. did a great job. I was surprised that such a well made and cool movie could have Christian principles in it, the main part being when Tony Stark changes his entire life and dedicates it to doing good. There was some language in it at the beginning, but I only remember one word after Stark's conversion. Overall, it was a good movie and I will consider getting it when it comes out on DVD.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Sam, age 15
Positive—Honestly, I went into this movie with high expectations and it fulfilled every single one of them. This movie is definitely on my list of favorite movies, and has taken its spot next to the famed and amazing superhero/comic book movies. It has action, romance, comedy all squished into one fantastic movie. It has hardly any cursing and there's about no objectionable content in it. Overall, I thought it was a very clean, well made movie and would I recommend it to anyone.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Alexis, age 16
Positive—When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I thought it would be very corny because of when they played the “Iron Man” theme song. But when I went to see it with my friends, I thought the movie was amazing and was attracted my attention big-time! It really grasps your attention the whole time. There is just only one literally three second scene where they are heavily kissing in bed. Nothing I saw was “very sexual,” like other people are posting. There is no need to overreact on that part, just for reassurance. If you were to blink during the scene, its instantly over because they fall off the bed. They are not nude either, only the woman has on slight clothing; no body parts that don't need to be seen aren't shown at any given time. This was mainly for reassurance on that scene, and if kids watch this, just tell them to look away for three seconds and it'll be over. But overall, I thought this movie was spectacular! Amazing message to it as well. The youngest age that should see this is maybe 11+.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Michele, age 15
Neutral—When watching “Iron Man”, I can't help but liking it… just a little. However, when I compare the movie “Iron Man”, to what it could've been, I can't help but disliking it. Thus, the neutral rating. For one thing, this superhero movie suffered from a large lack of action. And the action that was displayed, was sub-par and disappointing. The fight at the end between Tony and Obadiah is very anti-climactic. Most of the seven-minute fight was Obadiah smashing Iron Man, while displaying his vulnerability and weakness. The only cool thing in this so-called fight (massacre is a better word) is all the new-and-improved gadgets that are on Obadiah's robot. And we all thought Iron Man's suit was cool. It doesn't come close to Obadiah's. The rest of the action is short-lived and minute. I would have to say that the best action scene was when Iron Man doges the two jets on his tail.

The storyline was one to be applauded. It contained lots of room for the non-existent action. There was a lot of surprising plot twists in the story which added some amount of life to the presently boring film. Robert Downey Jr. definitely carried the acting. He fit his character perfectly, with sarcastic humor and endless charm. The score was unusual, but it fit the movie.

Save for The Dark Knight, this is the most violent superhero movie I've seen. Not only are there the typical explosions and shootings, but the whole idea of Tony having to live with a weird contraption in his chest is pretty sick. In one scene, he decides to switch out the gadget for a replacement. His assistant, Pepper Pots helps him by pulling it out. It doesn't help to have Pepper describing it all in disgust (this spreads to the audience). Some humor is thrown in to relieve the pain, and we recover soon. The same thing happens later, when Obadiah steals it from his chest. As he yanks it out, we hear a sickening sound that makes us start to hurt right along with Tony. Also, near the beginning, Tony is water boarded by the infamous group of terrorists, and his French helper nearly has a coal put into his mouth by their leader.

Unfortunately, there is also some sexually suggestive material. I had heard that there was a scene in the beginning where Tony beds a reporter, but I wasn't expecting the scene I got. You see the clothed reporter crouching over a clothed Tony as the two kiss passionately, and loudly. The scene lasted for several seconds, and I, felt rather uncomfortable. The next scene shows the reporter waking up naked, a sheet barely covering her chest and privates. Later, we see Tony in a private jet, drinking from a bottle while three flight attendants dance seductively for him. In a later, and much milder, scene, Tony dances with Pepper, who is wearing a backless dress. Other than that, the film is pretty clean, with only a couple profanities.

I can't say I disliked “Iron Man,” and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. But on the other hand, I really can't say I like it either. It certainly had no excuse for being sub-par, in more areas than action. I decided not to forgive it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Joseph Hughey, age 14
Negative—I went to see this movie based on what this web site told me and I thought it was going to be good, but the thing they said 'shouldn't effect the touchiest of church-goers’ should effect them. It was very foul. First of all the things that Tony Stark said to the reporter lady were bad, but the kissing scene that followed was really bad. I covered my eyes for it. Then when it was over she wakes up with no clothing on and just a sheet over her. The next scene she's down stairs with just a shirt on. Then while tony is on his plane his friend is partly drunk and his flight attendants are dancing in front of Tony with there shirts tied half way I also covered my eyes for that. There was quite a lot of scenes with rock music playing.There were at least 10 swear words. Everything else about the movie was great. I hope the next 2 or 3 “Iron Man” movies are better then this one (referring to the morals). I hope who ever reads this review will make the RIGHT choice.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Wesley, age 15
Positive—I went to “Iron Man” with my brother after reading some pretty rough reviews. I must say we were skeptical and doubted it would be all that enjoyable from what we saw listed as the objectionable content. However, despite some scenes we could have done without at the very beginning of the movie (where most of the objectionable content it was rated for happened), it turned out to be a very surprising masterpiece.

The beginning of the film has some suggestive conversations and scenes, some language and taking the Lord's name in vain, drinking or scenes of the same nature, and even a few torture scenes. It doesn't dwell on any of these particularly long, but there's enough of this questionable movie-making at the start that many are offended and walk out. If you can either ignore, stomach, or walk out for popcorn at the starting fifteen minutes or so, you would probably be better off. I might point out, however, that some of the important information for the storyline is given at the start, so try to get that if you can.

“Iron Man” in many ways shows how sinful man is and how we need a change of heart. That's exactly what happens in this movie. Tony Stark (the lead character, played by Robert Downey Jr.) is living a sinful life, very worldly, very self-centered; that is, before a life-changing event happens, in which his nature changes, and he is a new creature, so to speak. The rest of the movie he is an admirable character and fights for what is right. So as not to spoil anything, I'll just say that it's a very good illustration of salvation.

A similar movie to “Iron Man” was the recent Transformers, in which there was too much suggestive material and it wasn't nearly as serious or as outstanding of an action movie. Hancock (another recent superhero film) came shortly after “Iron Man”'s release and it also struggled in maintaining overall wholesome content or quality. Despite objectionable content (mostly near the start), “Iron Man” had excellent special effects, thrilling action-packed scenes, superb acting, and was a very well made movie overall. If you're looking for a good superhero movie, I'd recommend this one.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Stephan, age 17
Positive—This movie was awesome. It had some humor, stunning visual effects, and non-stop action! There were a couple of suggestive moments though. There was one scene where the main character and a girl were kissing in a bed. But it was very brief. And there was maybe two more brief suggestive scenes. But there was no strong language. I would say you should be 12 or at least close to 12 to see it. I recommend this film if you're a fan of action flicks. You will not be disappointed.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Zac P., age 13
Positive—I really enjoyed this movie, yes, there was a scene early on that it could have done without… BUT tony turns from his ways!!! you see that in full!!!
I saw another comment that said that the woman and her husband walked out of the theater because they thought that there was nothing that could have redeemed tonys poor behavior, I beg to differ. sure, he didnt become a christian, but if he had he would hav been totally forgiven… idk if that makes sense…

but all in all, I found this movie much better then the other nasty stuff being thrown at us these days.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Ellen Mathews, age 14
Positive—Me and my Dad had been dying to see this movie after seeing the trailer about 1 million times. I myself have always loved the story of “Iron Man”!
When I heard that this movie was one of Marvels newest and best super hero movie this was a must see.
The movie was great! Not to much cursing and there was really no Sexually explicit scenes. There was a clear line between good and evil and there was nothing really bad about this movie.
I know some people say not to see this movie because of its violence and cursing but from what I saw there was nothing wrong with this movie.
Usually for me the cursing goes in one ear and out the other, plus the world curses so much more then the people who cursed in this movie.
If you are trying to avoid cursing period then I advise locking yourself in a room and have nothing to do with civilization as we know it, we are a fallen world, its a sad fact.
I think that this movie is okay for Christians, as long as you can handle the MINOR cursing.
Now, if you are looking for a great super hero movie with a few curse words and some sick action scenes this is the one to see.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Trent, age 15
Positive—I am a big fan of action movies, but even though my younger brothers were particularly enthusiastic about “Iron Man,” I wasn't sure what to expect. As it turns out, I really enjoyed it. Although there are certain things about it that could use improvement, such as naming the terrorists (Al Qaeda or the Taliban).

There was a certain amount of objectionable content, but other than language, the only thing I found particularly objectionable is the scene with the reporter and the dancing scene aboard Stark's plane. While this may have been put into the movie to show what Tony Stark left behind, if you fast-forward the movie from Stark's brief conversation with the reporter all the way to the scene where his plane lands in Afghanistan, all the objectionable content will be past. I've heard that DVDGuardian can blocklanguage on DVDs, so that problem can probably be fixed.

I like the fact that after Tony Stark got a “new heart,” he started trying to help others rather than himself, and to leave behind the immoral lifestyle he had led before. Perhaps my favorite parts in the movie were the scenes where Iron Man was “fighting” (if you can call his utter defeat of them fighting) the terrorists and showing off the capabilities of his suit, and the final scene in the movie where Tony Stark doesn't “stick to the cards.” Nice car aficionados like myself will like the cars in Tony Stark's garage and him driving his Audi R8, and they may also cringe at the destruction of his Shelby Cobra.

Overall, I think it was a pretty good, enjoyable movie with a good ending, and unlike many other mainstream films that are saturated with objectionable content, “Iron Man” has only a few such scenes. However, because those scenes are all right after each other, you can fast-forward through them without having missed anything you'd have wanted to see (with the possible exception of a brief scene with Stark driving his R8 to the plane and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in a Rolls Royce, or a conversation between Pepper and the reporter, which is probably best avoided because of the reporter's lack of enough clothing). With all that being said, I would recommend this to action movie fans and even those who simply like movies with good themes.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Maximillian Richter, age 16
Positive—“Ironman” is a great movie for its genre. I know that there is some violence and some, you know what, but it is a great movie! It's kinda a story of a Christian's life. This man was a jerk, gambling, getting drunk, etc., it's like us sinning. But then he gets captured by the enemies in the war, and his whole life turns around. He becomes a man who wants to make a difference in the world, he wants to help the people in those places. This movie is a story of when we came into God's arms, and want to change the world!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Matt, age 12 (USA)

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