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MPA Rating: PG-Rating (MPA) for some scary images and mild innuendo.

Reviewed by: Dymphna Meeds

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Family Kids
Genre: Animation Live-Action Musical Adventure Romance Comedy Family Fantasy
Length: 1 hr. 47 min.
Year of Release: 2007
USA Release: November 21, 2007 (wide)
Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
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Copyright, Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

What is true love and how do you know when you have found it? Answer

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Witchcraft and witches

Magic in the Bible

For kids
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Adventures in the rainforest! Learn about the Creator of the universe by exploring His marvelous creation. Fun for the whole family with games, activities, stories, answers to children’s questions, color pages, and more! One of the Web’s first and most popular Christian Web sites for children. Nonprofit, evangelical, nondenominational.
Featuring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Rachel Covey, Susan Sarandon
Director Kevin Lima
“Tarzan,” “102 Dalmatians,” “A Goofy Movie,” “Eloise At Christmastime”
Producer Sunil Perkash, Christopher Chase, Ezra Swerdlow
Distributor Buena Vista Pictures / Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

“This fairytale princess is about to meet a real Prince Charming.”

Cinderella movies

Does true love exist, do dreams come true, does anyone live happily ever after, or does no relationship or marriage ever work out due to problems? These are frequently asked questions that humorous and touching “Enchanted” ponders.

In the beautiful land of Andalasia, Giselle (Amy Adams), exquisite young lady, lives in a woodland cottage with all her animal friends, including one close friend, Pip (Jeff Bennett and Kevin Lima), a chipmunk. Happily waiting for her true love’s first kiss, Giselle rejoices when Prince Edward (James Marsden) finds her, and they decide to be married the next day. However, Edward’s wicked step-mother Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon) is not willing to be dethroned so easily. So dressing up as an old hag, the queen pushes Giselle down a magic well into a place where “happily-ever-afters” never happen—Manhattan, New York. Bewildered and perplexed, Giselle makes her way through a scary, dark world that will change her life forever. Will she ever be able to go back to her old life and marry her prince?

From an actress’s point of view, this film was superb. Amy Adams performed wonderfully, along with the rest of the cast. Yes, Adams’s and Marsden’s voices didn’t move you to tears, but they were good enough to make you smile. The transition from animated film to real people was done very gracefully, and the artwork was stunning. Even those who aren’t as crazy about singing and art will be attracted to this film’s humor and sweet, enjoyable story.

Positive Content:

Giselle certainly did not fit in our world; she was much too helpful, kind, trusting, innocent, earnest, and sincere. At times, this was harmful to her, but, in reality, this took her much farther in life. In fact, Giselle is a lovely example for girls. In her innocence and love for others, I was reminded of how Jesus told us to be in this world, but not of it. That was exactly how she was. Giselle was in New York, but she certainly wasn’t FROM or OF New York. Even in the end, when she becomes wiser, she still is different than every other character. All girls are princesses of God, and this world is just as treacherous and alien to them as it was to Giselle. Yet, like Giselle, we should overcome the world and show God’s love to others.

Other wonderful characteristics of Giselle are her generosity, sympathy, genuine concern, and optimism. When given some money, Giselle immediately turns and hands it to someone else. In a New York park, Giselle sings and reaches out to touch all, even the tougher citizens, and tells them to show each other love. Almost always positive, Giselle is courteous and kind to everyone she meets, often telling them how lovely they are. She takes the time to see the best in every person. Nevertheless, Giselle is not afraid to show her feelings; she cries when sad and never tries to conceal it. Best of all, when Giselle meets a couple that are getting a divorce, she is forced to tears at the thought. Later, the couple decides to rethink their choice and stay together. The woman says, “Everybody has problems. Do we sacrifice all of the good times because of them?”

Giselle learns throughout the story the difference between infatuation and love that will last a life time. Robert (Patrick Dempsey) learns that although he is hurt, he will heal and that love is real.

Edward is willing to go through anything to save Giselle, and when she realizes that she doesn’t really love him, he is happy for her and for Robert. And although Robert doesn’t want to take care of Giselle in the beginning, by the end he is willing to die for her, and she for him.

Nathaniel (Timothy Spall), on the other hand, is able to see past his infatuation for Queen Narissa and look at who she really is. In doing so, he goes through a change of heart.

Robert won’t let Nancy (Idina Menzel) spend the night with him because he wants to be a good role model for his daughter.

Negative Content:

Yes, this movie deals with magic, and it is all bad magic. Queen Narissa is the only one who uses it—for spells, to turn into a hag or dragon, etc. But it is not shown in anyway as reality. For one thing, it points out that no one in our world can do that, only people from Andalasia. Also, this magic is more like in “Snow White,” “Beauty and the Beast,” or other old Disney movies; it doesn’t seem real at all. But to little children, it should be explained how this is not true and wrong.

Queen Narissa has a very low cut dress, and Giselle does most of the time, too. Several times Giselle’s hoop skirt falls over her head and then the hoop finally comes off. In the background of the city is a poster for “Chicago” with a lady in a very low and short shirt. Morgan (Rachel Covey) tells Giselle that she shouldn’t put too much makeup on, because otherwise boys will get the wrong idea and that boys only want one thing (when Giselle asks what, Morgan responds that she doesn’t know). While looking for Giselle, Edward knocks on the door of a male biker, who looks at him suggestively (Edward leaves right away). Several people kiss. There is a naked statue in Robert’s office building.

The most awkward part of the movie is when Robert walks into the bathroom where Giselle is showering, but the birds cover her with a towel in time. Then she trips and lands on top of Robert, making Nancy very upset.

Troll snot lands on one character. Cockroaches and sewer rats clean the house. A bird eats a cockroach. Giselle almost swallows a live fish. A poodle and Pip go to the bathroom.

A troll chases and tries to eat Giselle. Giselle falls many times from great heights. Cars almost run over her. Prince Edward jumps on top of cars and stabs a bus with his sword. Different characters numerously threaten people (or chipmunks) with knives or swords. Bikers run over Edward and crash. Nathaniel sticks Pip on a hanger and tries to kill him many times. The dragon falls to her death. Robert and Giselle almost fall off a roof.

This movie might scare little kids, because of Queen Narissa.

Once “Oh my G**!” was said. There is a bar in one scene.

Overall, this movie was not only very enjoyable, but had some beautiful messages about marriage and life. Although I wouldn’t take young kids to the movie, it great for tweens and up! Overall, it was a wonderful movie.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: Minor

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I truly loved this movie. It has been such a relief to find a movie that doesn’t force one to compromise with their beliefs. In fact, the ONLY objectionable material I could find was a seen in which the princess is finishing a shower and a man walks in on her. Birds are holding up a towel, covering her body from the man and the audience. The man does seem to be lusting towards her in this scene, but this is left to speculation. Also, his girlfriend has a talk with him in which she is upset about this mystery woman (the princess) sleeping at his house because he “didn’t want [his girlfriend] sleeping over because [his daughter] was too young to see such a relationship.” Of course a Christian should find other reasons in which his girlfriend should never sleep over, but I’ll leave that alone. Also, I saw I preview for this film in which I thought I heard God’s name used inappropriately, however, I didn’t catch it during the actual movie viewing. I also had to sit through a preview of “The Golden Compass,”—one of the most blasphemous children’s' …books of our era. Overall, this movie was tremendous. I laughed throughout the entire movie. Unless the above objectionable materials would keep you from this film, I highly recommend you take an hour and a half to get away from this troubled world and just have fun.
My Ratings: Good / 5
T. Taylor, age 21
Positive—Spoilers!!! Let me say I am VERY cautious about what my children see. We just returned from seeing this movie. I took the first review to heart, but a Christian organization in the US gave this movie a 4 of 5 for family friendliness, so I took the risk. The kids enjoyed the movie, which was clean. Giselle says, “Oh, my goodness,” several times—not even the Lord’s name in vain! (I appreciate that in a film!) The movie contained only a few potential offenses: the chipmunk is scared and so he poops, Giselle touches Robert’s chest and suddenly realizes she’s attracted to him, Giselle comes out of the shower in a towel, and the family is dancing together at the end, but the characters are not wearing wedding rings (noted by another reviewer). Also, the stepmother uses powers (like Snow White’s stepmother) to create poison apples, to become an old hag, and then to become a dragon, all the while portrayed as evil.

The film’s focus is on happily ever after, focusing on the positives of relationships, and that everyone has difficult times. Giselle sings to Robert about telling his true love that he loves her and showing her, and she is saddened to hear a couple say they are separated for ever. During her song in the park, several brides and grooms are dancing and they have up-front positions. The focus of this story is that dreams can come true and true love does happen. The kiss of love is not cheapened but is of great value, and characters will give their lives for those they love.

While this is not a Christian film, I did not feel uncomfortable taking my children (6, 10, and 12), and they enjoyed the film immensely. True, the film exposed them to some worldly values, but it also emphasized “waiting,” “boundaries,” and “true love.” These are concepts that our children do not always hear about, and this film opened some doors that I will use to discuss purity, commitment, and love with them. Of the movies out there, this was the best option, and I think we made a wise choice viewing this film.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 3½
Carie, age 38
Positive—I went to see this with my 9 year old daughter. I was so impressed. What a clever movie! It is definitely the BEST movie we have seen in a long time. It is along the lines of “Princess Diaries.” It is very clean and entertaining. I recommend this for all ages. It is very enjoyable. The whole theater clapped at the end of the movie.
My Ratings: Excellent! / 5
Jody, age 38
Positive—This is a wonderful movie! There are no cuss words and it is definitely kid friendly. There are lots of songs and dancing (clean). I would definitely encourage you to pack your kids into the car and head over to theatre to see this one.
My Ratings: Excellent! / 4
Kate, age 19
Positive—This movie was adorable and delightful. It is typical Disney fashion and had great animation. But contrary to another reviewer’s comments, they do get married at the end. While they don’t show a wedding scene, it is inferred that they got married because she is wearing a yellow gold wedding ring. Go see it and laugh at this lighthearted film.
My Ratings: Good / 4½
L Stone, age 41
Positive—Utterly Enchanted! Just when we thought Disney was losing its magic, the House of the Mouse has come up with this utterly compelling and magical send-up of… itself! This is a wonderfully life-enhancing experience, with entertainment centre-stage. The story—about a princess who awaits a handsome prince but is to New York—could have been cloying but for some wonderful acting and brilliant direction. New York is the place where dreams don’t come true, but here Princess Giselle (Amy Adams) finds true love awakened by the person of a divorced lawyer, Robert (Patrick Dempsey). Giselle is pursued to New York by her Prince, Edward (a delightfully dumb performance by James Marsden), the wicked Queen (Susan Saradon) and her oafish henchman (the ever-reliable Timothy Spall). Fine performances all round, but particularly from Adams, who manages to be winsome without ever becoming annoying. A great piece of acting in a difficult role.

The script is lively and witty, the sets beautiful to look at and the photography a treat. The special effects are really good—you don’t really notice them—and the musical numbers are terrific. The cuts between flat cartoon and the real actors are very cleverly done. It’s a good movie for all the family—the kids will love it because it’s fun, the parents because of nostalgia and the guys because it makes their girls feel romantic. A good date movie! For good measure you get the great Julie Andrews as narrator. She makes it practically perfect in every way! I haven’t enjoyed a movie so much in ages. Recommended!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Ken Edwards, age 60, United Kingdom
Positive—My husband and I took both our children boy (8) girl (10) to this movie. We all enjoyed it. I thought it was a good clean fun movie that was very enjoyable. It had enough funny parts to keep my son entertained and not make it to girly, the singing was fun. I don’t recall any cuss words. I noticed a comment already on the site in which she states the lack of marriage. I didn’t take that away at all I just assumed we didn’t see the actual marriage. Neither of my children questioned that either. All in all a cute movie that is clean enough for the kids and entertaining enough for the adults to enjoy as well.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
Kelli C., age 33
Positive—This movie is a breath of fresh air. A Fun Fantasy Fairytale that stirs every little girl’s (or woman’s) hope of finding their Prince charming. This is a good movie, clean and very comical that the whole family can feel safe and comfortable to enjoy. The only thing to me that seem out of place in our current political season—that I’m sure many will not at first pick up on—was how Giselle rescued Robert? I believe this is the first I’ve seen the Maiden rescuing the Prince? The obvious underlying message is that a Woman, too, is capable of destroying evil and can handle the position to do so.
My Ratings: Excellent! / 5
Keith, age 47
Positive—This is a completely original movie in subject matter and in direction. It is a delightfully constructed tale of a princess from the world of fairy tales who comes into the real human world, to New York City of all places. Giselle, played so perfectly by Amy Adams, brings with her a world view of innocence and peace and love, never having experienced anger or hurt of any kind. Patrick Dempsey is the human being who tries to help this unusual person, who is so obviously from another realm. The movie is actually laugh out loud funny in many places, as these two worlds—fantasy and reality—collide. It also addresses the concepts of love and of marriage and loyalty. Unfortunately, at the end, as Giselle finds her true love, who was not in her designs at all (which happens in our own lives, as God’s perfect will overrules ours), there seems to be no indication of a wedding taking place, as Giselle and Robert seem to be living happily ever after. So she not only entered the real world of today, but today’s morals as well. This omission, although disappointing from a Biblical point of view, did not mar the movie for me because of the presence of so many positive elements. I looked very intently at Giselle’s hand in those last moments of the movie, hoping to see a ring, but I did not catch sight of it. We can hope that the wedding was in the offing.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 5
Positive—Just came back from seeing this movie with my wife and son (who is 20). We found it to be an excellent movie, though it does have a few spots that could cause problems. Most of these have already been discussed in previous posts: The low cut dresses, the shower scene, the dragon. For me, the one that concerned me the most was of Giselle (only covered with a towel) landing on top of Edward straddling him. Yes, the dragon could be scary for young people, as the dragon is very real and very big; but in the end, true love conquers the dragon.

Except for those points, it is an excellent family movie. The singing reminded me of Mary Poppins with the scripting and dancing that went on in that classic Disney movie. The acting was very good, with strong points on humor (which was very clean.) My son commented on the number of cliches that were evident in the movie, but many of these related to other classic Disney animated movies. One of the highlights of this movie was the work crew that worked around the manhole cover as the various individuals showed up from the animated world as real. But there were many such moments in this movie, and the humor had a slight twist as when the Prince and Nathaniel find a hotel to spend the night.

True love does end up winning the day; as the true love that Christ showed also defeated that old dragon (Satan). In the movie, Edward is willing to sacrifice his life for Giselle, where as Jesus does sacrifice his life for us. That love that Christ did show, as stated in Genesis, did crush the serpent’s head. We see that in the movie, when the dragon falls from what looks like the Chrysler Building and hits the street far below. Go see the movie. I partially went to make this movie a success and to reward Disney for making a family movie and to encourage them to make more of them.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
David, age 57
Positive—I’m parroting most of the other reviews, but I have to agree: excellent. Not only was casting, music, and setting spot-on, but the morals in the movie were refreshingly strong. Although a fairy tale, it paints a wonderful picture of love in each of the characters—Robert is gently coaxed by Giselle’s example that romantic, spontaneous love is compatible with sensible love, and Giselle learns that love shouldn’t be only songs and dreams. I was very pleased the divorce was portrayed to be the unnatural and painful thing that it is, which is notably rare in Hollywood. It was not completely pure, as noted by other reviewers: a few bathroom/slapstick gags, scary images, cleavage from Giselle and the queen, and a few little innuendos here and there (Giselle doesn’t understand the expression “boys are only after one thing,” she trips and falls on top of Robert when only in a towel, etc.). I don’t condone these things at all, but I do think that they are too mild in intent and execution to be very offensive and the great morals and entertaining story outweighs it in the end. Take your kids to this movie, not the disgusting “The Golden Compass.”
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
Allie, age 18
Positive—I notice many reviewers telling how much their children loved this movie. But one thing is certain, this movie is not just for kids! I went to this film thinking it would be funny, but somewhat childish. I was right, but only in the fact that it made me feel like a kid again. In short, I was “Enchanted.”

The most positive part of the movie for me was Giselle’s innocence. She couldn’t figure out why Nancy was so upset to see her in Robert’s apartment, and when Robert attempted to explain, she thought that Nancy believed they had merely “kissed.” The thought of couples divorcing made her cry, because she believed that true love was “forever and ever.”

Two scenes I felt the film could have done without were the potty gags; a dog pees on Prince Edward’s boot, and Pip (the chipmunk) becomes so frightened that he goes #2 (we see it). Some may object to the theme of magic running through the film, but it is very cartoon-ish magic and is only represented as evil.

With all the references to other animated Disney “princess” movies like “Beauty and the Beast” and “Cinderella,” this turned out to be a very fun and funny movie. It also has a great heart and the message about love and marriage is in strict contrast to the message most of Hollywood sends today. I left the theater with a glow in my eyes and a little bounce in my step that I probably haven’t had since I was 7 years old. Many thanks to Disney; this one’s a keeper.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
Rachel Davidson, age 19
Positive—I sincerely enjoyed this movie. I went to see it with my cousin, two sisters, and three friends. All of us were very pleased with the movie. It was quite funny and also had some excellent messages. In fact, this movie was one of the few movies that I’ve seen recently that portrays true love and marriage to be something that should not be disposed of as soon as times get hard, beauty fades, or personalities clash.

Overall, the humor was clean and very entertaining. We girls laughed so hard during some parts of the movie! Giselle’s sweetness, innocence, sincerity and kindness encouraged me to be kind to others and look for their positive traits. It can be too easy to focus on other’s negative traits, to be judgmental, or to disregard the commandment to 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

I’d like to comment regarding the debate about whether or not Giselle and Robert were married or not. Based upon the entire movie, I would say that they were married. Besides, though a wedding wasn’t shown for them, I think that it would not be a hard stretch of the imagination to consider that they were married. The film didn’t say they weren’t married. But, true, I would have liked to have seen the film end in a way that left no doubt as to their marital state. However, I, in good conscience could tell my younger sisters that they were married; the wedding just had not been shown. I would not see this as being an issue that would keep me from recommending this movie to others. Imagination comes in handy for these type of movie endings.

To sum it all up, I thought this was a very entertaining and enjoyable film. My friends, sisters, cousin, and I all practically skipped out of the theatre, big smiles on our faces. “Enchanted” was a charming film with many positive aspects to it.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 5
Brianna Prince, age 18
Positive—…Although I am very fond of Disney films, judging by the trailer I did not intend to spend money to see it. However, my older sister offered to pay for me, as a few of us were going to accompany my younger sister to see it for her birthday. I went into the film and laughed throughout the film. Having grown up in a generation raised on Disney Cartoons, this movie did an excellent job of poking fun at its own genre, while still keeping the same feel as a cartoon. If you grew up on, or just enjoyed, Disney’s cartoons, you most assuredly enjoy this. Not only was this film entertaining on any number of levels, but it was much cleaner than most “PG” movies as of late. Anyone that has been to the theaters in the past 10 years can attest to that. This is actually a film that can accurately be labeled “Fun for the whole family.”
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
Daniel Robison, age 19
Positive—…this movie is more for children, but I did enjoy it. …I did find one scene extremely offensive that was the homosexual part of it. The prince was knocking on doors looking for his princess, and he knocked on this gay guys door and the gay guy gave him a sexual look. I wish they would leave this …out of movies such as these. IT is not OK! …because of that, I wouldn’t take little children to this movie, but maybe someone 15, 16 and so on. Those who understand that it is wrong.

My Ratings: Average / 4
Renee, age 34
Positive—I went to see “Enchanted” with several friends at a theater last night, and each of us came out very, very impressed with the movie. It kept to Disney traditions and it succeeded. The cinematography, songs, acting, and casting were all done very well and very tastefully. The film was clean, and although I am sure it was there, I don’t recall the precise moment the one “Oh my G**” was said. I commend the writers for limiting the language, because with the “real-world” footage, there was plenty of opportunity for including negative language.

Morally, the film is positive. Although characters do wear low-cut gowns, the witch turns frightfully into a dragon, and birds cover Giselle in the shower, this is not above what would be in a Disney fairy tale cartoon. For that reason, I find it appropriate and non-offensive. Plot aspects which would have been in cartoons are now done in “real life” footage. Ultimately, “Enchanted” thus tried to bridge the gap between these shows and cartoons, and I believe they did so very successfully.

Giselle is a very positive example for Christian women because of her innocence, her kindness, her love, and her eagerness. Being angry (living an angry lifestyle) was foreign to her, as it should be for Christians—although like Giselle, we do sometimes become irritated or angry. Giselle exerted a positive influence on everyone she met, including a couple about to get a divorce. The ex-divorcee wife’s comment about everyone having hard times was very telling. This scene reminds me of the reconciliatory power Christians share with others when they speak God’s word into their lives. Sometimes we don’t personally see the results, but they occur.

In the end, my friends and I were very satisfied with this movie, and I would recommend it to anyone with an affection for fairy tales and true love stories.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Carina, age 21
Positive—Probably the best movie that I have viewed at the box office in 2007. I saw NOTHING offensive in this movie and would not be afraid to carry a small child. What a refreshing thing to see a movie with NO cursing or nudity. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this flick and recommend it to EVERYONE!! Though there is no mention of anything biblical, the theme of true love and following one’s heart is good for a discussion starter.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Larry, age 45
Positive—Simply put, the best movie of 2007! Lighthearted, great story, subtle humor, and classic Disney magic. This is a must see movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
William B., age 41
Positive—…if you have read the negative comments below about her fingering the hair on his chest and that being offensive and all… well first of all do you think any 7 or 8 year olds are going to even notice that, much less know what it suggests? I saw the movie, and I can’t really recall that part. I went to this movie expecting to be mildly entertained, but mostly just to hang out with my friends. It started off slow and little weird, but it really drew me in, and, by the end, I had changed my mind; I no longer wanted her with the prince she didn’t even know, but with the man she had met and mystified. I ended up really liking it! I can’t wait to rent it and share it with my family! One other thing I really like was the ACTRESS. She wasn’t skinny, well she was skinny, but not by Hollywood’s standards; she was very pretty though.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Maggie, age 18
Positive—Enchanted is a delightful story about a fairytale princess who finds herself in a whole new world and faces new challenges of life and love. I enjoyed this movie a lot. I agree with the review in which it states that Giselle loves without critique and gives everyone a chance. When she sobs because a couple is getting a divorce, and because of her they decide not to, I believe she shows what the heart of a Christian should be. By showing how much she cared about their relationship without even knowing them shows how we, as Christians, should perceive others. We must come to others without judgment and willing to serve in love. While there are some questionable scenes that include references to magic and adult relationships, I believe that parents should talk to their kids about it openly and honestly so that the children can grow in their understanding of the world and how we are supposed to approach it as Christians.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Crystal, age 20
Positive—I loved this movie personally. Amy Adams is sweet as Giselle, who portrays the girl I think everyone girls want to be. She shows qualities I would like to emulate, for example she is kind, caring, and never has a bad thing to say about anyone, as well as very pure in her thoughts toward her true love. The movie is very clean… nothing too offensive… and it’s a good film to take you kids too. There is not anything in it that would make you squirm because of more adult suggestions. However, like in most Disney princess movies there is magic, and several magic phrases are uttered throughout the film. That is the only objectionable thing I could think of for this entire movie. There are a couple songs in there that will have your toes tapping and perhaps singing it as well for a couple days after viewing it. Very sweet songs. I would go out and see this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Nora, age 16
Positive—My 5 yr old and family Loved this movie. Not only that but my girl scout troop loves this movie. This movie is great watch it and ignore the junk in the negatives. Ok, after reading the negative reviews they must have gone in with a very high opinion of themselves. Divorce is not all that is toted, in this movie, not only that but did you ever understand that her dresses were from the middle ages time period which a lot of fairy tales are based. Hello! That is the dresses they wore. Check your history! Not only that but if all you did was go to this movie to pick it apart you need to have a better view of your life. The innuendos are not all that blatant, and for those that say they left the ones they loved that is not true, Gisselle only knew him for a day and was marring him because it was a fairy tale. Also he was not in love with Nancy he chose someone he was compatible with. Pay attention to the movie, see it for what it is a movie! Think about how it was meant not what you perceive.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Laura, age 33
Positive—Despite what some people may be saying about this movie, I thought Enchanted was wonderful! Sure, some people say that it’s offensive because it teaches us that it’s all right to divorce, and that there’s too much sexual content in it, and that there’s magic in it. Well, I have only one thing to say about this: please tell me you’re kidding. To those who believe that this movie promotes divorce, please consider this:

*SPOILERS AHEAD* Giselle cried when she found out that a couple was getting divorced. Not only that, but the fact that Giselle changed her mind about marrying Edward teaches a really good lesson about love. It teaches that you just don’t fall in love with someone in a day. Love is something that is ignited in your heart when you become friends with someone, and it grows when you get to know about what is inside that person’s heart. I was reminded of this when I saw the relationship between Robert and Giselle. *END SPOILERS*

As to other offensive content, I will admit there is some sexual content in the movie. However, it is pretty mild, and some of it will probably go right over children’s heads. As far as the magic is concerned, the way it is portrayed shouldn’t make anyone concerned. Magic is only (with a lot of stress on only) used by the villain of the story, and it is only used with harm in mind. What type of image does this portray about magic? A bad one. If people dismiss this movie because of the magic, then they might as well not watch “Snow White,” “Sleeping Beauty,” and “The Little Mermaid.”

I personally loved this movie to pieces! I’ve noticed that, for a long time, Disney’s movies lost their magic. The good kind. The kind you feel in your heart after you see something that moves you. I have only felt this kind of Disney magic in two of Disney’s recent movies: Meet the Robinsons, and Enchanted. In fact, after I saw Enchanted, I noticed something. I was more cheerful. Giselle’s innocence and cheerfulness practically jumped off the screen and onto me. I highly recommend this movie to anyone having a blue day. I hope it lifts your spirits as it did mine.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Melissa, age 16
Neutral—I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would. My daughter loved it, and this is always a good thing. The problem was, for me, that the world has gotten too comfortable injecting adult material into children’s movies, and we as viewers have obviously gotten comfortable enough to allow it. Though this movie is charming and sweet, uplifting and beautiful, it is also quite inappropriate for the ears of children. The reality is, my little girl doesn’t need to see naked, wet women wrapped in towels, or hear about how people sleep together before they are married. She doesn’t need to see movies with sexual content. She is a child. I am growing really tired of this trend.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3½
Misty Wagner, age 31
Neutral—I enjoyed the film for its humor and fairytale quality. It also had an encouraging message about a marriage being saved. The parts that were offensive were the lack of modest clothing worn by the women and the scene where Nancy is first introduced. This scene about adult relationships seemed inappropriate for children. I also thought the line “men only want one thing” was in bad taste.
My Ratings: Average / 3½
Terri Kirsch, age 45
Neutral—A good film overall, but with one grievance. The movie doesn’t end with the marriage you would expect. It’s as if it’s trying to say in real life, marriage isn’t necessarily what people do who have found each other. There was a girl in the row next to me who asked her mom how come they didn’t get married at the end, so your kids will notice even if you don’t.

Combine this with “Fred Claus” blatantly moving in with his girlfriend at the end of the movie “Fred Claus,” without marriage, and you can see that Hollywood has a not so subtle agenda that they’re putting into the minds of your children with their “kids movies” this season.
My Ratings: Average / 3½
Bill Bagot, age 42
Neutral—This movie could’ve been a cute, fairy-tale story for all ages to see, and although I laughed and smiled throughout the movie, I left the theatre with a feeling of disappointment. Among the cuteness and the love, fairy-tale atmosphere, were the subtle sexual innuendoes, like the bathroom scene between Giselle and Robert where he walks in on her, and then she falls on top of him in just a towel. Also, Giselle and the evil queen wear extremely low-cut dresses throughout the entire movie, and I was very uncomfortable for the boys and the men in the theatre watching it with me. They took the Lord’s name in vain once, and at the very end of the movie, Giselle and Robert are not wearing wedding rings… And even though Giselle speaks of true love throughout the entire movie, the point where she realizes she’s 'falling in-love' with Robert is when he’s in his bathrobe, and she plays with the hair on his chest. Also, the little girl says that “men only want one thing from women,” and I think that line was extremely out of context and inappropriate. It seems that Giselle enters this world from her fairyland with innocence, but somewhat loses it in the end because of the sexual arousals she has with Robert and the way she is dressed at the ball. Overall, it was a fun, cute movie, but Hollywood still threw the **** in there like they always do, and I felt like it tinted the movie and ruined the good messages it portrayed. I wouldn’t recommend taking kids or even teens to this, if you’re trying to protect your kids from pornography and sexual innuendos.
My Ratings: Average / 4
Brittany Platt, age 21
Neutral—ENCHANTED starts whimsically in an animated nostalgia to classic Disney, but ends up in the real New York City through a man-hole. Amy Adam is pitched perfect for the role of Giselle, and captured our attention from frame one. …this delightful musical comedy becomes a nutcase study of the human heart. Only if the film remained a fairy tale, maybe, the magic continues.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mang Yang, age 35
Neutral—My favorite part of the movie was the music, especially the 'That’s How You Know' scene. I’m not really a fan of Shrek-like gross humor myself like the cockroaches and rats cleaning the toilet with toothbrushes, but that’s just me. That isn’t enough to make me totally hate a film, and kids think things like that are hilarious. Pretty harmless. And as far as the sexual innuendo scenes that everyone is freaking out about goes, the girl was in a towel. If you make it a big deal, it will be a big deal. I know some people get all uncomfortable over showing a little collarbone, but don’t freak out. It was necessary to the plot in making his fiance suspicious. And seriously the costumes were beautiful. Quit harping about cleavage. If a low cut top offends you, you should just never go to the movies ever… or leave your house for that matter.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Hb, age 19
Neutral—I’ve watched this movie twice. We rented it so there’s plenty of time to really view the film. What I didn’t like about it. Neither one of them is offended in any way that he walks in on her in the shower. I mean, in reality [and reality seemed to be the theme of Robert’s life], most people will at least avert their eyes and shut the door. Say “Excuse me”… Something. It seemed perfectly natural, and acceptable, that he walked in on her and then entered the bathroom with her while she stood there in her towel. That’s not a good message to portray to little children. People, especially complete strangers, should not just walk in on you in the bathroom. It’s private.

Why was it necessary for her to fall on top of him in her towel in front of Nancy? Finding a woman in his apartment, that had obviously spent the night, no matter how she was dressed should have been enough to raise suspicion. In the old days, a fully clothed hug in the work place was enough to sully a woman’s reputation [Gone With the Wind].

I also found it quite ironic that after Nancy finds a scantily clad woman in Robert’s apartment, she was SO angry with him… Yet all he had to do was send her flowers and she completely forgave him, and everything he said was truth! Yeah right! Don’t the writers know that no one can hold a grudge like a woman? LOL

The good side of that, though, it teaches forgiveness and trust. While the flowers were not really from him the gesture was enough to get her to forgive him and see that he did love her. And when you love each other, there needs to be trust and forgiveness.

What I loved about this movie is the thing that I usually hate about fairy tales. Instead of ending up with the guy she “dreamed of” or was infatuated with, she ended up with the one she had a relationship with. There is a big difference between falling in love and learning to love. Learning to love involves arguments and disagreements, when you still can be together, forgive and move on. I’m glad that Giselle learned that and hopefully her young audience learned that along with her.

I also found it completely ironic that she danced around New York singing “How does she know you love her” and listing all the “things” that one does to show their love when she and Edward had never done any of those things. They simply assumed their love for each other. I thought there was a beautiful message in that song though. How does your beloved know that you love them? Do you show them?

I loved the Wicked Queen. Her name was perfect, Queen Narcissa. She exhibited all the characteristics of a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It was clearly portrayed as not a good way to be. She was selfish, controlling, prideful, assuming, conniving, scheming, and paranoid. She had grandiose ideas of who she was and what she deserved, the perfect antithesis to Giselle.

All in all, I thought it was a good film. After all, we have to remember who puts these movies out. There are bound to be worldly themes and innuendoes in them. Either you over look them or you just stop watching movies all together.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Karen Butcher, age 40
Negative—I am not a prude. I don’t believe in sheltering my daughters just so they can be shocked by the real world one day. I do try to monitor what they hear and see. I was disappointed with “Enchanted” The sexual innuendo was definitely NOT “over their heads.” This is my first negative review ever, and “Enchanted” certainly earned it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Mike Belcher, age 29
Negative—I have to say that my family and I were very disappointed in this movie. It had so much potential to be a fun clean movie that we could all enjoy. I usually never see a movie I haven’t looked up but made and exception because I thought what could be in it! It is a fairy tale. We were all enjoying it (accept for the low cut dress) until Robert walks in on Gasille in the bathroom. She was showing too much, I was actually afraid we were going to get an eye full, not to mention it was in appropriate for him to walk in on her in the shower! And she didn’t show offense to it. The point of the scene could have been the same with the birds wrapping an apron around her fully dressed in the kitchen and him seeing that. Then once the towel is wrapped around her they fall on the floor with her straddled on top of him! Extremely in appropriate for a movie for young people. My children were embarrassed. Then his girlfriend walks in and starts complaining because she hasn’t gotten to spend the night with him. Many of the conversations are inappropriate including the little girl saying “men only want one thing.” Then I thought the witch character was too much. I didn’t like the sensual ideas between her and the man that was helping her. She was showing way too much in her dress. And also her spells sounded (I’m sorry) demonic. And the morph of her into the dragon was demonic looking. I would not suggest this movie for young people. I recently watched No Reservations with my husband and felt that would have been a more appropriate film for my children than this one! Very disappointed.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Melanie, age 41
Negative—This is NOT a PG Movie, with all of the sexual overtones and innuendoes. I went alone to see this thinking it would be a good movie to take my granddaughters to see. I am so glad that I saw it alone first. I could not take them to see this movie. Besides the fact that it is just weird, it pushes the limits. That is Hollywood for you. Let’s make sure the princess shows cleavage (even the cartoon part). Hollywood is way too anxious to make our children insensitive to sexual content. When the princess ran her fingers through the hair on Robert’s chest I knew the point being made was not right kind. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD… this movie is for children. So many adults that wrote Positive ratings have lost their sensitivity to what children need to see. It is the PARENTS job to protect that innocence of their children. It think it is time our adults grow up and realize not everything is for their pleasure and be a parent. They could have had Gisell and Robert touch hands or meet eyes to show they were falling in love. Instead, they showed a brief, but definite sexual attraction between Gisell and Robert. The shower scene was inappropriate as well. The scene where the evil witch turns into a dragon was really too scary for many children. All in all, it was just not what I want my granddaughters to see. They will have questions after this move. Use good judgment. …
My Ratings: Offensive / 3
LJ, age 52
Negative—…The scene that really bothered be was when Giselle starts to finger the hair on Robert’s chest… uh… are you kidding me? And when he lands on top of her and she is only wrapped in a towel. Not to mention the disappointment that both of them would turn from the person they love and want to marry to fall in love with each other. What does this say about honor and about there being one person worth waiting for… so, which person was it? Which one was the “mistake”? Why do movies feel they must have their main characters already be committed to someone when they find their “one true love.” So, our girls learn that 'yesterday I was sure He or She was THE ONE but now I’ve changed my mind'. This is not the message I want my girls to grow up with… you save your 'true love’s kiss' for the person you KNOW God has for you (our daughters are 9 and 12).

There were some cute, sweet moments but overall it was not the story I had anticipated nor the message I wanted. Not to mention the lack of modesty overall for this “fair maiden.” Aside from this, the previews were from PG-13 movies and were VERY offensive (including scenes from “Juno” …story of a 16 yr old pregnant girl and 27 Dresses where the trailer has the star saying how she gets to have hot sex with random strangers!!) I complained to the manager and was appalled they would show such previews at a PG movie. Next time, we’ll wait for the DVD and view it first. Sometimes we take chances and regret it. This was one of those for us.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
AnneMarie, age 44
Negative—I went and saw this film with some friends from college thinking that it would be a cute family movie to watch. Not only were there things in it that were offensive such as the way the ladies were dressed and the sexual references, but the overall plot and quality of the movie was terrible. It was not supposed to be a comedy, but we found ourselves laughing throughout the whole movie. I really feel like it was portrayed to be a children’s/ family movie so that’s what it needed to be. It could have been A LOT better than it was. Don’t waste your time or money!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Amanda, age 20
Negative—DIVORCE. That seems to be emphasized throughout the movie and was very disappointing. It’s surprising that this movie has so many positive ratings on a Christian web site. It’s as though divorce has been accepted in our society even among Christians since this movie clearly emphasizes it. Why can’t Hollywood have movies that emphasize marriage commitment. The movie celebrates finding “true love” with another before the couple is even divorce—Geeze! I wish I never brought my kids to watch this and wish I had walked out.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
John, age 41
Negative—We were very disappointed to see this movie. Our whole family has been waiting for it to come out in DVD. Our children’s ages are 11, 9, and 7. We use your site a lot to screen movies, but I have to say this one was waaay off base for our family. Here is why… First the dresses, ALL of them, although very beautiful were just outright inappropriately low cut. I felt it was an unnecessary focus. And then the bathroom seen… AAAHHH! Talk about blatantly inappropriate! The guy (I can’t remember his name) stared for a few seconds before the sweet little birdies covered up her fully naked body. Our whole family (including our 7 yo) was shocked that the Prince and Princess were not committed to one another anymore and that there hearts could be stolen away by another. What kind of Christian value is that?? Even though they were not married yet they had a shallow commitment. My husband and I felt it also conveyed the message that it was okay to swap partners. This movie was very disturbing. We immediately returned it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Shari, age 49
Comments from young people
Positive—I was so pleased with this movie! I was slightly afraid that it would be a disappointment,t but Disney pulled it off again. Though it wasn’t a movie that made you want to conquer the world, it was so refreshing! It was something I could watch with my sisters and not be afraid of what the younger ones were going to see. Though some who have commented object to the witchcraft that occurs in the movie, I would have to disagree. In the movie, witchcraft and all those who are evil are never seen as good or even acceptable; evil is evil, and good is good. You can plainly see the difference between the pure (Giselle) and the defiled (Queen Narissa). A great movie to go see with your girlfriends or your sisters! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Hope, age 16
Positive—Overall, I thought that this was a fantastic movie! My sister and thought it was hilarious! We especially liked Pip’s pantomiming. I loved the casting! Amy Adams (Giselle) was great; she did a fabulous depiction of a Disney princess. I especially liked the song “How Does She Know.” Amy Adams has a very good voice, and James Marsden made an excellent fairy tale prince. The only thing that I found objectionable was a scene in which Giselle gets out of the shower while another character, Robert, is in the room. Fortunately, she is covered with a towel, before anything inappropriate can be seen. However, the troll at the beginning, and Queen Narissa’s transformation into a dragon may frighten young children. “Enchanted” certainly fits the legacy of Disney princesses, and I liked it a lot.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 5
Emily G., age 14
Positive—My mom convinced me to take my 11 year old sister and her best friend and my 5 year old sister to see “Enchanted.” I had seen the preview, and I thought it would be more of a babyish movie. I was completely wrong! Amy Adams, who plays Jezelle, the princess, is a delight to watch! She has the most beautiful voice and sings amazing songs that will make you want to get up there and dance and sing with her! It is HILARIOUS, and we had people of all ages in our theatre and everyone was laughing. But don’t let the idea that you think is being put into your child/sibling’s mind bring you down. In “Enchanted,” Robert (Patrick Dempsey) has a 6 year old daughter whom he does not want to believe in “fantasy” and “happily ever afters.” He tries to prevent this, but Jezelle shows them that you really can be happy if you just believe. Overall, I thought this was a fantastic movie and recommend it for all ages!
My Ratings: Good / 5
Lauren, age 13
Positive—This is a wonderful family movie! I think people, mostly children, would enjoy this movie. I think all the actors did a fantastic job and the computer graphics were perfect. A wonderful fantasy story filled with romance, comedy, tragedy (only a little), and suspense. I highly recommend this movie!
My Ratings: Good / 5
Randy Ramaswamy, age 11
Positive—I loved it! It was sweet, well-acted, and very clean (if there were such a rating, I would give it a “better than better than average”). Amy Adams is the perfect Giselle, bringing life to a character caught between fantasy and reality. Her skill makes Giselle, who could’ve become exceedingly annoying after a while, always seem refreshing in her innocence and “Disney-ness.” There are very few questionable scenes or incidents, all of which are mild and probably not noticeable to younger viewers. I attended with a six-year-old who was a bit frightened by the queen while in her “old hag” form, but other than that it was entirely appropriate for all ages. I noticed nods at Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, all of which were seamlessly woven in to create a loving parody. Overall, a cute, entertaining, and respectful poke at the Disney movies' worldview.
My Ratings: Good / 5
Kendall, age 14
Positive—I just went to see this film with a friend last night. I loved it! I was pleasantly surprised. The film was excellently made, and the actors did an amazing job. Amy Adams (Gizell) did a superb job acting like a cartoon in real life. Everything about her, right down to her hand movements, were perfect, and it was really enjoyable to watch.

There was a part in the movie where Gizell sees a married couple that are getting a separation and gives a whole speech about how sad that is and how people in love should always stay together and starts to cry! Although it would seem like she was being mocked, the way that it was presented was a good mark on the importance of marriage. There were no curse words, and 1 use of the lord’s name in vain.

I definitely would recommend this movie, although not to too young an audience, simply because of all the focus on kissing (there are several in the movie as well), and there is a scene when Gizzel is being coaxed by the evil queen, and the queen is dressed like a REALLY creepy witch; I was freaked out. But for like 11 yr. old girls and there friends a definite must see!
My Ratings: Good / 5
Hannah Bloedorn, age 16
Positive—I went with to this movie with my seven year old brother and my twin sister. I really enjoyed it. It was very clean. No cussing or anything like that. There was one (or two) scenes that could have been said was a sexual innuendo, but unless you’re looking for it, it is not over obvious. I truly recommend this movie.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4½
Ashley, age 17
Negative—You know, from the commercials, this movie had very good humor potential. Let’s see: fairytale princess in the real world? Wow! I could just imagine! What would a fairytale princess see and hear that confused her, and how would she, in the end, change things for the better? That’s not exactly how it was resolved. The movie didn’t have as many scenes of her experiencing the real world as I would have liked, but maybe the majority of viewers thought it had enough. -Just an opinion there.

The main thing that bugged me (aside from the offensive content already mentioned by others) was that instead of the Disney princess teaching people in the real world some of those good qualities that Cinderella and Snow White had, she ended up becoming like them!

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,” Romans 12:2

True, she taught loyalty and love etc, but what I was promised and led to believe was some great movie celebrating the past wonderful Disney fairytales turned out to be a wake-up call. Like it was saying: “Hello! This is the REAL world! Grow up! No one’s innocent anymore.” Yes, the past Disney princess fairytales are a stretch of reality with their perfect “happy endings,” but isn’t that why we love them? I felt like “Enchanted” was betraying the old classics.

The messages I got from it: If you’re engaged, but you decide you like someone else, drop the other person immediately,—they won’t care,—they’ll pick up another ex-fiance. When you think you love someone, you’ll know for sure by kissing them. Sweet, innocent, princesses aren’t role models anymore; -they’re weird, naive, and are just embarrassing themselves. A girl can get what she wants by leading a man on (the queen). You want a good role model for your little girls? You won’t exactly find it in this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Kendi, age 15
Positive—What a darling film! I went to see this movie in Downtown Disney, which made it more magical, while on a family and friend vacation. We were a group of 10+ kids, most of which were younger than 12, and each of us enjoyed the movie completely. It’s really just a Disney fairy tale… but I love those. The one scene in the film that stood out was the issue on divorce. The character, Giselle, could not understand why, after two people commit their lives to one another would then decide to separate forever. Giselle was devastated by this, it hurt her heart, and I know divorce hurts God’s heart as well. The Bible says, “Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate.” I was surprised that Hollywood addressed such a morally controversial issue. It truly blessed me. In the movie, love is referred to as “The most powerful thing on Earth;” I quite agree. It was love that took Jesus to the cross, and it was love that conquered death. I’ve always loved a good Disney movie, in which love triumphs over evil. In “Enchanted,” love truly succeeds. I recommend this movie for Disney lovers of all ages, and encourage all to seek out God’s messages in the movie. It’s amazing what he uses to speak to the hearts of his people.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Millie Keith, age 15
Neutral—…the description says that magic is only used for bad in this movie. The bad guys have to be bad, and if it clearly is used this way, then I don’t think it’s of any moral danger to view. You can see that it is evil and only find more of a reason to stay away from magic. Kids are smart that way, if only the bad guys do it they know it’s bad.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3
Grace, age 14
Positive—I just got back from the theater. I saw this movie with my best friend, and we both LOVED it!! I’ll take several of my other friends to see it again, because I want Hollywood to know this is a movie I will willingly pay money to go see! Okay, so you’re probably wondering, 'So, how is it that a seventeen year old girl enjoyed a fairy-tale movie so much?' Well, I’ll tell you. It was SO entertaining. Yes, there really WAS a time when Disney was actually focused on making classic movies instead of raking in a few coins. And this movie here proves it that they can STILL make family classics while keeping it clean! There were a lot of references to classic fairy-tale Disney movies (“Cinderella,” “Sleeping Beauty,” etc.) and I found them all so cute and funny.

…THE GOOD—Gieselle is a great role model. She’s so sweet and is so caring and she seems to see the good in everybody. One message is that true love is based on the heart, not on someone’s looks. Another subplot involves a couple getting divorced, but after meeting Gieselle they realize they’re making a mistake and decide to stick together and work things out. The acting was great, the actress who played Gieselle was a brilliant actress. She brought a lot out of her character. And for you “Wicked” fans, Indina Mezel was in this movie too (I was happy about that!). There was no cussing, another relief as well. Robert chooses to be compassionate and decides to help the princess, even though he thinks she’s a little crazy.

THE BAD—Gieselle does take a shower, but birds fly in with a towel and we don’t see anything. The evil stepmother may scare some kids 7 and under. There is magic, but it’s by no means Harry Potter magic. It’s more “Beauty and the Beast,” if you know what I mean. So, this is a great movie. Go see this movie and support this film. Show Hollywood that we appreciate CLASSICS!!! P.S.—For technical and artistic quality, it was well done, too. Acting was great, and the animation was pretty good. Not stunning like in “Aladdin,” but good nonetheless.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Sarah, age 17
Positive—This was GREAT! I went to see it with my best friend… My brother and my mum loved it very much also! There was some awkwardness in it, but the humor and fun of the movie wiped it away!! They had GREAT singers! I very much recommend it!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Evanna, age 13
Positive—This is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen in theaters! The last best movie was “Ratatouille.” This movie was great! I loved it so much. It’s possibly one of the cleanest movies you’ll see in theaters at this moment. …There were great messages in it, like true love, inner beauty, selfless love, and putting others interests ahead of your own. I thought Gieselle (the fairy-tale princess) was a great role model since she displayed qualities that are missing in lead female roles in the media today: She’s sweet, generous, kind, reaches out to the unlovable and unreachable, works hard, and is loving towards everyone she meets. I loved how Robert (the lawyer) showed compassion to Gieselle even though she annoyed him at first, which should be an example to all of us. There was some magic in the movie, but it was fairy-tale magic, not Harry Potter magic. It was the same kind of magic you’d expect to see in “Beauty and the Beast,” “Sleeping Beauty,” or “Cinderella”! Overall, please go support this movie and show Hollywood that this is the kind of movies we’d spend our time and money to go see!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Sarah, age 17
Positive—As a Disney fan, I loved it! Amy Adams gives an Oscar worthy performance, epitomizing a Disney princess! The only part I took issue with was her falling on him with only a towel on. (But it was all very innocent and naive.) Little children might be scared of the “Bad guys” but overall, very charming and well made.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Melanie, age 16
Neutral—I couldn’t decide if I should label this neutral or positive. I decided neutral because, there are a couple of questionable scenes. One in which Giselle is in the shower and is wearing no clothes and Robert walks in, then the birds put a towel but still very revealed. Also, a scene when Giselle is running her fingers through Robert’s chest hairs.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Abigail, age 11
Neutral—As far as comedies go, Enchanted was OK. As far as overall films go, Enchanted wasn’t as good as all the reports have said. Like Eragon, Enchanted didn’t meet my expectations. Thankfully, Enchanted was much better than the heavily disappointing Eragon, but I’ve already written a review on that movie. For a comedy, the film was pretty good. There are a few split-your-sides moments, but they were rather rare. The acting was definitely something to be applauded. Amy Adams provided a convincing Giselle. Patrick Dempsey brought to life Robert Philip very skillfully. James Marsden provides a very comical Prince Edward. Susan Sarandon provided the evil Queen Narissa. And last, but definitely not least, Timothy Spall, as Narissa’s husband Nathaniel. The songs were average. Almost all of the old Disney fairy tale cartoons have better ones. Thankfully, there were few songs, and I actually found one to be quite catchy. This only comes because some Jamaican guy joins in and adds life to it. Offensive material was rather minor. There were a couple of innuendos but nothing too important. My main complaint about Enchanted was not that it was bad. It’s just not my type. The primary audience is mostly teenage girls. Of course there will be some families who will also enjoy it. There were definitely some important messages that can be learned from Enchanted, especially about love. Another thing that Enchanted does to its credit is make divorce look terrible, a thing that many other movies that Hollywood pumps out nowadays wouldn’t dream of doing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Joseph Hughey, age 14
Negative—This movie was disappointing on several levels. For one, The acting is poor. Also, the story line is completely unsatisfying. Finally, an element I noticed near the end is that the movie suggests that marriage and love never work out in the real world, which saddened me. For a family movie, this upsets me on many levels. And for a disney? Super disappointing!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Devon, age 12
Comments from non-viewers
Negative—I haven’t seen the movie, but I did read the coloring book, after hearing that this was a great, cute movie. I wouldn’t take my daughter to see it, because of the “true love” message it sends. From my understanding the main girl falls in love with one guy, while supposedly in love with her prince. And then once her prince comes into the picture, she isn’t honest with him about her feelings. She misleads him into thinking that she is still in love with him, even though her heart is elsewhere. Then the prince finds out publicly when his true love kiss doesn’t work. I want my daughter to have a more biblical view of dating than this. You should save your heart for the one that God has for you, and carefully guard it until then.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Erica, age 24
Wait a minute, I have not seen the movie, and I am not one to judge, at least I don’t like to, but what does the Bible say about magic, sorcery, witchcraft and things like that. I have one question: Why are Christians watching this movie and promoting this stuff. In Micah 5:12 the LORD says “I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells” (NIV). Revelation 21:8 says, “But… those who practice magic arts… their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (NIV). I’m sorry, I know I sound condemning, but darkness does not like light shining through. Please use discernment in watching movies like this. I know God gave us free will, but let’s use good judgment. Do not let our children watch this.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Michael Carrier, age 27

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