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Knocked Up

also known as “En cloque, mode d'emploi,” “Molto incinta”
MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for sexual content, drug use and language.

Reviewed by: Chris Sosa

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Comedy Romance
Length: 2 hr. 12 min.
Year of Release: 2007
USA Release: June 1, 2007
Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
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Featuring Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Katherine Heigl, Jason Segel
Director Judd Apatow — “The 40 Year Old Virgin” (Writer, Producer, Director), “Fun with Dick and Jane” (screenplay), “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (Producer), “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (Producer)
Producer Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Shauna Robertson

“Save the due date”

As far as comedy/dramas are concerned, nobody could accuse “Knocked Up” of being unoriginal. The main plot takes the movie staple of the one-night-stand to a new level, with this particular one-night-stand actually resulting in a pregnancy. This pregnancy forces the unexpecting couple to make some very serious choices about their life much sooner than either of them had anticipated. And adding to the awkwardness of the entire situation is that they’ve only met each other once, and that being the drunken night which resulted in the pregnancy. What follows is a mixture of drama and comedy throughout the many plot-twists relating to relationships, pregnancy, and childbirth. And dealing with such issues has never looked as realistic in mainstream cinema as they appear in “Knocked Up”.

For those concerned with content, ignore the rating. This movie is strong evidence against the MPA, as certain content factors that should appear clearly in the rating are oddly not present. This is most true in the area of sexual content. There are numerous scenes of graphic sexual activity and nudity. The scenes of sex, while not showing everything, have very explicit movement and dialogue. This is especially true of one scene in which the couple is forced to try out new methods, being that the baby’s father is afraid of harming the baby. As for nudity, there are numerous instances of topless nudity, which are purely exploitative in nature. This is especially true of one Las Vegas scene in which the women appear in thongs, at the disposal of their male customers. Another recurring theme involves the lead character and his roommates creating a Web site detailing the timing of nude scenes for various actresses. The audience is nearly always shown the pornographic footage being examined by the characters. Posters also contain nudity throughout the movie. And on a less sexual note, a live childbirth is graphically shown in quick flashes.

This movie’s dialogue is unashamedly crass. Being that this is a comedy, such dialogue is to be expected. Surprising was exactly how crass the dialogue became. It far surpassed the dialogue of an average R-rated film. I would cite examples of such dialogue, but it was so crass, I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing so. For anyone offended by the humor of Chris Rock, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Sarah Silverman, and the like, they would be best served avoiding this film.

Language and drug content are also both pervasive. Very strong language is constant. F-words were too numerous to keep count. At one point, language actually exceeds the F-word as the C-word is used. And naturally, moderate language is also pervasive. The drug content consists of seeing various characters using multiple types of illegal drugs. This behavior does not seem to be heavily discouraged.

So now comes the time to discuss the film from a Christian viewpoint, which is very confusing for this movie. While the film contains much vulgar and crass content, there are numerous excellent morals. The most admirable, in this reviewer’s opinion, was the discussion of abortion, in which the suggestion was immediately shot-down. Another very positive aspect of this film dealt with the lead characters truly attempting to make a relationship work, as the father of the child takes his responsibility to be there for the woman very seriously. While certain aspects of their relationship do not necessarily fit into what would be considered acceptable in Christianity, they obviously try to make right decisions as much as they know how. Themes of true love, parental responsibility, and healthy married relationships are also present.

As for direct spiritually related content, this film is devoid of any—surprising considering the previously mentioned themes present throughout.

Artistically speaking, this film is a little above average. The plot is relatively well-devised, but becomes slightly confused towards the end. Cinematography is very good considering the film’s genre. Also above-par is the level of acting. All of the characters turn out a superior performance to what is expected in a comedy/drama. Another surprising element is the realism of the film. It’s nice to see that at least some movies deal with life-issues in a realistic manner.

Seth Rogen. Cropped version of original photo by Stephen McCarthy/Collision • CC BY 2.0 •
Photo by Stephen McCarthy/Collision (cropped)—CC BY 2.0

Seth Aaron Rogen, age —Canadian film producer, screenwriter, actor and director

Faith: Atheism, raised in Judaism

Worldview: Evolutionism, Leftism, Socialism, LGBT activism / Parents: “radical Jewish Socialists”

Quotes from Seth Rogen

“I’m the person who writes most of my movies, so every role is exactly what I want to be doing.”

“Where I come from, ‘Communism’ is not a terrible word.”

“I’ll vote for whoever is the Democrat. That’s all I need to know.”

“To me all men are boy-men. I don’t know any man that’s actually mature.”

“When I was 13 and 14, there were a lot of jokes about my bar mitzvah and my grandparents, and then when I got older, it became more about touching boobs and trying to get liquor. I kind of ran the gamut of infantile behavior, and I haven’t moved one step forward since.”

“It’s my mission to sue the MPA and take them down. I don’t know how to go about doing that. But to me, it seems like it’s something that has to be taken care of.”

Films include:This Is The End,” “Good Boys,” “Pineapple Express,” “Superbad,” “Knocked Up,” “The Interview,” “Observe and Report,” “Zack and Miri Make a Porno,” and others.

In closing, this is not a film I could not recommend from a Christian perspective. It’s simply too dirty. This is actually one of the first times I’ve referred to a film as dirty, but I could not find one logical reason for some of the content in this film beyond pure exploitation. The scriptwriters probably made a mistake in including such vulgar content, as they have isolated a large portion of what would be their target audience. And this is disappointing, as the film has a lot of truly funny moments, a good plot, and numerous unusually responsible themes.

  • Vulgar/Profane language: Extreme
  • Sex/Nudity: Extreme
  • Violence: Minor

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Negative—Stupid, stupid, stupid movie. We were looking for something light and funny to see and regretted this movie from the first instant. It was juvenile, sophomoric, ridiculous. Please don’t waste your time or money or give this movie any more financial support than it already has received. Are writers really so lame that they have to use the F-word instead of coming up with great dialogue? Do they believe that’s what attracts people to a movie? The “moral” of this story: Do whatever you want, save your regrets for later. If you are a Christian, save yourself now. You will not enjoy this movie, and you will wonder why you kept waiting for it to redeem itself when you could have redeemed the time by doing anything else. What’s offensive? Sex, nudity, language, story-line, basically everything.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Steff, age 39
Negative—Has to be one of the worst movies ever made. I did not hear one person laugh out loud in the theater that I saw it in. The only funny lines at all were from the female E! executive. Please someone tell me what was funny!!!… I thought it was just me, but EVERYONE that I know that saw it (no matter what there age) said the same thing. … The only people that I can even imagine that would like this would be juvenile boys curious about things. Hopefully, this movie will steer them in the opposite direction of wanting anything like this in there lives. …
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1
BJ, age 18
Negative—I should have known just by the title. I like Kathyrn Heigl, saw her in “Love Comes Softly” and on “Greys”… I didn’t expect it to be so full of language and nudity. I think it’s sad that they think that they have to have all that to have a good movie. There were also at least 7 times you could see the mic in the scene, amazing that they wouldn’t catch that. I would not recommend it for any one.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 2
Dorothy, age 61
Negative—…As with all movies which are viewed by my spouse and myself, I agree some emphasis, with the purpose of getting certain moods and emotions, call for extroadanary dialogue to be used. I feel however, language in this movie, definitely went over the line. Dialogue is a most effective tool in coveying the mood and temperment of the particular manuscript, allowing and drawing the viewer into the art being conveyed. In this movie, whomever was in charge of the dialogue indeed had his mind in the gutter and sewer. I have been raised knowing all of these expletives used. …What might have been a laughable moment, was disguised by some of the filthiest words I have ever had an occasion to view. The acting was definitely so bad, with the exception of a couple of actors, I am awe struck they went along with this tripe… Elitists, particularly on stage and screen apparantely do not give a d_mn about the type of performance they give. How sad. When I was in school, a moral code pertaining to the use of such words as F_ _ _, Ku _ _, and other gutter-type adjectives, were frowned upon. Now, these words are part of our every day lives, certainly not showing any INTELLIGENCE which the actor may have, rather what we use to call whorish conduct, and uneducated trash. Drugs may be the reality of the day, but surely, the four children, having very little acting experience, I suggest, would be better off working in a sewer… I thought these sleazy types went out with the days of CHEECH and Chong. …
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 1
Joseph Racanelli, age 67
Negative—I had no intention on seeing this movie when it came out, so the only reason I saw this movie was because I got free special preview tickets. I am a college student with little money to go and see movies, so anything free is a plus, so I thought, why not. Also to keep in mind, I believe this showing included all of the scenes, including the deleted ones, so the movie that comes out in theatres might not have everything I saw. But, nonetheless, it is still completely inappropriate.

It was very vulgar and encompassed many, many morally wrong views; it was definitely portraying what society sees as being “normal” (like premarital sex, profanity, nudity, drunkenness, etc.). The use of a particular word itself made the movie unbearable, then you add in the nudity and everything else and you feel dirty just for sitting through it.

I don’t like to be so negative, but this movie goes against everything I believe in. Still yet, I feel I should point out the positive. It did have some clean, funny parts, but with everything else in the movie, those parts just aren’t worth seeing; they are catering to a very specific audience. A good concept in the movie was that even though things don’t always work out as you plan, you can work through them and have something positive come out of it.

We wonder why society is morally spiraling downward, and it’s because of movies like this, magazines, music, television shows, and so on, feeding our minds with all of this garbage. So after a while, we either become immune to it or start believing it is okay. But there is nothing “okay” about it. The only thing that’s okay is not being afraid to stand up for what is morally right, whether you’re a Christian or not.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Laura, age 21
Negative—I let a girl I was seeing drag me to this film. Big mistake. I will admit to being kind of a fan of the people behind it. Despite it’s raunchiness I did enjoy “40 Year Old Virgin” for the most part I did see a good underlying message underneath the filth. Did I see a good message in this movie? Yes. Was it worth rooting through the garbage? absolutely not. Countless F-bombs and other obscenities, drug use (which is condoned) and numerous sexual references and some instances of nudity. I did like the fact that it was a comedy that portrayed what could happen if you have a one night stand which I thought was refreshing considering how many movies portray that kind of behavior as not only good but also without consequence. I would advise any Christian NOT to see this movie. Also it was a bit too long and not as funny as it is touted to be.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Daniel, age 25
Negative—The movie was advertised as a comedy, and I found that I just didn’t laugh. The language was horrible, without any need for it, and the story line was so unrealistic; it was not remotely believable. I have heard that the critics think it is funny—they must have seen something different. I didn’t hear any positive comments from anyone leaving the theater. It was offensive and boring. I kept thinking it would get funny soon, but it never happened. I wish I had saved my money.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 1½
Kayla, age 42
Negative—This is the first time I’ve ever submitted a review for a movie, but I feel I need to warn people about this one. My husband and I see lots of movies, and tend to be pretty relaxed about what offends us. But I have to say, this was the worst movie I’ve ever seen (and we saw “Borat,” which is way up there, but at least that was somewhat funny). The previews don’t give any kind of glimpse of what an assault on the senses it is.

Most movies, even rated R, just have a few objectionable scenes in them. This was pretty much one long objectionable scene. If the scene itself wasn’t objectionable—the long, drawn-out sex scenes with graphic dialogue, the frequent views and discussions of full frontal nudity of women, the X-rated depiction of lap dancing in Vegas, the “Ha, ha, aren’t they so funny” depiction of the male roommates, who were constantly getting high and having extremely crass discussions—then the language was, with constant use of the F-word and worse. You can never relax.

We were kicking ourselves for not walking out, but kept thinking it would get better as the guy cleaned his act up and tried to do the right thing. It didn’t, not really. This movie should have been rated X, and only wasn’t because it didn’t show frontal male nudity, I guess. What disturbs me is that it got a 92% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which summarizes the reviews of 131 movie critics nationwide; is said to be the best comedy of 2007, and in the last 20 years; and has the most positive rating of any wide-release movie ever. A lot of the time when I read negative reviews for a movie, especially on Christian sites, but see the movie anyway, and it turns out the negative things other people mentioned didn’t offend me. This is one time I have to say, believe the negative reviews, trust me!
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3½
Rebecca, age 43
Negative—This was the all-time worst movie I have ever scene, You may be asking, “then why did you sit through the whole thing when you had the freedom to get up and leave,” I know because I am asking myself the same question… still!! Despite our own better judgment, my wife and I went to see this movie, it was the most offensive movie I had ever had the displeasure of seeing. We were asked to go by some friends from our small group, some other people after hearing us mentioning that we’d like to go issued a subtle warning… so we went anyway. Without getting into any specifics on what turned my stomach the most, let me just say you shouldn’t waste your money or your time… It would be better for you to just stay at home for the two hours and take a nap.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3
Chris C., age 35
Negative—I hate to say that I enjoyed this movie, but I laughed throughout as it is very funny. That being said, this is a movie that was made offensive just to be offensive. I’ve known a lot of different kinds of people through my life and I don’t think I’ve ever known a group of people that use profanity like the characters in this movie. I could not even guess how many times the f*** word was used. This could have been a good, funny, and even “edgy” movie without adding language, just to add language.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Wesley, age 44
Negative—This movie stunk-was vulgar-and an embarrassment. I have heard swear words in movies, but this was every other word not to mention the male character was trying to start a porno business-how romantic. I thought this would be more like the movie 'she’s having a baby' which was showing how two people mature to become parents. What a dissappointment. Also be warned the birth scene is graphic! Especially if you see this with some family.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Carrie, age 40
Neutral—The original review made by Chris Sosa, is accurate. The movie, as a whole, is very funny. The cussing and sex were way too much and truly made one wonder why they have to go so over board with it all. The acting was great and each character played their role well. I did notice the leading lady kept her bra on the entire movie. She had plenty of sex, but always had a bra on. I have seen her in a couple of movies, one being a Disney movie where she and her (less than beautiful) sister change personalities into each other’s body. That movie was made years ago. The scene in Las Vegas was terribly embarrassing. It really wasn’t necessary to make the movie work.

I did find myself laughing at the circumstances, humor, and then afterwards thinking to myself, this movie is terrible as far as sexual visuals and verbal language. She chose to have the baby, contrary to the advice from her mother. It did have some redeeming scenes where the guy realized that he no longer wanted to be bum, to get get straight, get a real job, and work towards reaching his potential. One should know though, that if it is rated “R”, it is most likely going to be very vulgar and nasty… I’m pretty sure that I won’t view this movie a 2nd time.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 3½
Donna M, age 51
Neutral—I’ve seen this movie twice, once in the theater, and once at home. I really liked the humor. I’m not one to be overly offended by language. I think that is the world we live in now and I’m immune to vulgarity for the most part. I did feel the sexual content was more for shock value than necessity. I was uncomfortable with many of the nude scenes. I did not like seeing the overt drug use, although the reference in dialogue to drug use contributed to the humor in the movie. I found a lot of moral undertones, though I could not classify this as a “moral movie.” Honestly, it is for mature audiances. Don’t take your children or teens to see it. I liked it, I bought it, but I wouldn’t watch it with my mother. I don’t condone irresponsible sexual behavior or parenting. I just thought the movie was funny.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4½
Steph, age 25
Positive—Fantastic romantic comedy from the brilliant writer-director Judd Apatow, whose TV shows “Freaks and Geeks” and “Undeclared” were criminally under appreciated. The film medium is a much better fit for Apatow than network TV, as he is unrestricted by content, and can create this truly brilliant American comedy. Kudos to all the actors involved, from the mismatched leads, Katherine Heigl and Seth Rogan, and knockout supporting turns by Paul Rudd and Apatow’s real life wife Leslie Mann. (Those are their real daughters, playing the adorable young girls, by the way.)

There is so much to love about this movie, that I don’t know where to begin. I’ll just emphasize the genius of the screenplay, which walks a tightrope of farce and reality. The scene in which Paul Rudd is caught “cheating” is one of the most brilliant comments on “space in a marriage” of any movie I can remember. If you are going to be hung up on “f-words” and pot smoking, maybe you should stay away. But if you appreciate the great American tradition of movie comedies, which are few and far between these days, “Knocked Up” is an instant classic. I predict it will be around at Oscar time, particularly in the original screenplay and supporting actress categories.
My Ratings: Good / 5
Frank Rumble, age 37
Positive—This is a warning to those who are made easily uncomfortable; this film is not for you. You will probably be offended. But to those who are willing to bear it, and have a good sense of humor about bad behavior, you’ll be richly rewarded by “Knocked Up.” That being said, I’m somewhat disconcerted by this review. Firstly, the reviewer seems to believe that drug use is not discouraged by this movie, despite how stupid and clueless the drug users were portrayed. …If you’re mature enough to laugh at the immaturity of all this, then you’ll find “Knocked Up” hilarious. However, if simulated (albeit comical) sex scenes, jokes about drugs (however discouraging), and “filthy” language make you uncomfortable (and therefore offend you), then I would suggest going to see “Shrek the Third.”

I do not believe, as the reviewer does, that “Knocked Up” should be criticized for its exploitative nature. Sure, it is “exploitative,” but only to serve a point. Comedy itself is based on the exploitation of bad morals. As far back as the Greeks, comedy has always been rooted in the exploitation of what has been judged as socially and morally inappropriate. Look at the satre plays, look at Faust, indeed—look at Shakespeare. The main struggle in this film, and in many great comedies, is the struggle of the main character to become a morally responsible person, a (specifically or unspecifically) Christian person. “Knocked Up” is basically a film where the main character has to take account of his stunted, juvenile life and grow up.

Ultimately, I believe the “objectionable content,” by virtue of sheer contrast, only serves to amplify the underlying moral of the film, therefore making the transformation of the main character all that more rewarding. I was more than pleased that “Knocked Up,” unlike so many other Hollywood comedies, treats its characters as ultimately flawed human beings, and treats its audience with respect and intelligence, without losing sight of the most important part; compelling characters. Its willingness to make you laugh at what you deem “uncomfortable,” and “offensive,” then, is a great accomplishment. I’ve seen many “comedies” where I groan at the sheer stupidity of the characters, and sigh at the half-hearted gags (I’m thinking “Delta Farce” here, which was truly offensive.) “Knocked Up” is a breath of fresh air. …
My Ratings: Better than Average / 5
Gene, age 24
Positive—I just want to say that I thought this movie was very funny. It was pretty much everything I expected it was going to be. Is it vulgar? Yes. Is it crude? Yes. Is it very cavalier in the portrayal of what is socially considered to be moral yet underlyingly objectionable? Yes. Is it true to life? Yes. I can honestly say that I know every single one of those characters in real life. Some of them are my good friends (not that their actions are necessarily condoned). I know the movie shows them how they would act. The dialogue was actually toned down a bit from what I’m used to hearing. Did the movie need to show all the things it did? Not really, but it did because that is what the artists behind it wanted.

I have been reading Christian reviews on this site for a couple of years and it always surprises me how many people go in to see some of these movies and tally up all the swear words or make sure to pay attention in order to graphically describe some of the more alarming' scenes. I’m okay with someone who doesn’t like to hear language and see nudity or violence. It is understandable and you are perfectly merited. I do, however, have a slight feeling of uneasiness when people are counting the curse words. People say there are too many or that they are used in an especially offensive way. At what point is there just one too many “f-words” or “s-words”? Whether it’s one or a thousand it is still the same principle. If something is going to be wrong for you, then it has to be wrong all the time. There is no such thing as more or less offensive if it is the same offense.

If you’re going to see this movie or any other movie like this, have some idea what it is you will be seeing and why you need to see it. The important thing to remember when viewing these movies is that it is not the content, but the overarching theme that ultimately has the final say. Some non-Christians may be completely unfazed by some of the material depicted in this film (some Christians too), so what those people walk away with is the theme, and the theme they saw in “Knocked Up” is one that encourages change, maturing, responsibility, and love. *Themes aside, to those who do not wish to view the content: you should know better already.
My Ratings: Offensive / 3½
Jonathan, age 20
Positive—I saw this film with my 16 year old friend yesterday, and we could not stop laughing!!! I almost threw up because it was so funny!! Ben, the slacker, was such a doofus and had a warm-hearted personality, despite his poor choice of having a one night stand. As a Christian, I believe this is a very immoral act, but all can be forgiven and improved upon. Overall, see this movie, it’s hilarious!
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4
Matt Neerson, age 19
Positive—This film is definitly intended for adults only, however, once you get past the drug usage, profanity, and nudity, the core story is very heart warming and very funny. If you can handle the disclaimers listed above I definitly reccomend it. As a brand new father, I can honestly say that it’s great to be able to relate to that realistic everyday guy on the screen. He’s not depicted as some perfect specimen, like other movies depict the man in the relationship. He’s just a slob like the rest of us. The fights the couple gets into are very realistic, and it was great seeing a pro-choice message in the film. In conclusion: If you can handle the vulgarity of the film, it’s highly reccomended (4 out of 5 stars).
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
PJ, age 21
Positive—As deft and clever as an old comedy classic. Just very very rude and full of f-patois. But celebrates life over abortion. Not for kids, and maybe not for women. They may cross over into Three Stooges land, where few females seem to be able to get enough oxygen to laugh. The main characters are all 23 years old, either avoiding jobs or working with no eye to career—just enough to afford gas and rent. And life rolls through, picking up one or two and straightening him out.

I watched KNOCKED UP last night and as I went to sleep, I tried mentally rewriting some of the key scenes without “f” as the most frequent word. I not only think it would work, but would be transparent to most viewers. There is something contradictory in the hip lexicon. Whoopi GoldbergWhoopi Goldberg, Sean Penn, Geraldine Gerafalo, et. al. cannot give a political talk without punctuating it with an “F Bush” line. Their explanation would be that it is just another word. But they use it as if it is a special word, an almost incantational, totemic, secret-handshake of a word that MUST be used to establish contact. The crowds always roar approval. The word does pack some punch, I must admit. My theory is that they are still working out some parent issues, still being “naughty” and getting a thrill out of taunting some imagined authoritarian. It is like seeing a 14 year old smoke a cigarette, doing a James Dean number, believing that by doing so they look 'older.'

Anyway, these movie makers are not social conservatives on many issues, but seem to think love and life are not “choices”—and may well grow mellow with time and discover the Author of such virtues is the Living God. Could happen.
My Ratings: Better than Average / 4
William Eberwein, age 59
Positive—I enjoyed this movie thoroughly, I laughed and laughed some more. Although, I did rate it as Very Offensive due to some of the graphic nature and language seen and heard in the film. I know many families who would not let there children (ages anywhere from 9 to 16) watch this. It depends on how strict as a parent you are with your child. I also know many of my friends and younger siblings who although having seen this film still partcipate and believe heavily in their faith. Even though the pot humor or language at times is thick it’s up to the person watching that film to decide if that’s how they should act. Some aren’t as strong-minded as others.
My Ratings: Very Offensive / 4
Mitch, age 18
Comments from young people
Negative—I know what you’re thinking, what in the world is a sixteen-year old doing watching this movie? The truth is, I have no idea, peer pressure mostly. I honestly thought it looked kinda funny, and was only rated R for a few profanities and maybe some drug and sexual references. It was definitely not rated strongly enough. I think this movie was about as far as you can go with the obscenities without crossing the line completely. While it is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen in my life, it is definitely not one worth watching. Just really think about it if you’re planning on seeing it. I know it’s something God didn’t want me seeing, so I shouldn’t have seen it. Trust me, it’s not worth it.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Becky, age 16
Comments from non-viewers
I will begin by saying I have not seen the movie. I am a Christian, and I set an example of integrity for my three daughters, 7, 9, and 12. While reading these reviews, I have noticed that it is the younger generation that will justify this movie as positive. It makes me think of Lot in the Old Testament. He got so comfortable in the wicked world he lived in and found no reason for concern for his spiritual growth and that of his family. As it turns out Lot and his family were in grave danger. Lot did not see it. His wife would not look away and perished. Please be careful dear Christian friend, that you do not become blind also.
My Ratings: Extremely Offensive / 4
Elizabeth, age 30
I did not see this film, due to the comments on this Web site, but just to conclude what I did read, please keep in mind that you can walk out at any time and ask for your money back, and it does matter to the establishment. They need to know when their patrons are unhappy with the movie they’ve seen, and this is one people should make a statement about. Do not think you are the only one that does this—and for good reason.
Patricia, age 60
FROM AN AGNOSTIC—I find it truly amazing how all these Christians go to this movie and are thoroughly shocked and surprised by the content of it! The title of the movie is “Knocked Up,” both the connotative and denotative meanings of the title give away more then enough information as to exactly what type of material it might contain. The title most certainly does not infer a “morally” sound storyline full of wholesome Christian values; it actually seems to imply a slightly more vulgar and comic storyline which surprisingly is what it is. So for all those who feel “deceived” by the advertising should either stop playing games or stop being so naive.

As far as the content of the movie goes, yes, there is an abundant amount of profanity used. However, one must look at the characters who are using it. The most fundamental building block to a story is its characters, if the characters aren’t likeable and believable, you have no story. The group of friends depicted in the movie are lazy, jobless, immature slobs, so one would only expect them, to act, speak and think like just that.

I think what is most disturbing to those who dislike the movie is its very realistic quality. What the movie is essentially about is two people who, by their own doing, find themselves in a predicament where they must work together despite the many obstacles they face. In the end they are able to settle their differences and move forward together. In my opinion it is a very endearing storyline embellished with a lot of indelicate, but essentially good hearted, humor.

This movie in many ways parallels life. One cannot nitpick at the, essentially, small details and aspects and then condemn one for it. You must be able to empathize and look at the bigger picture without judgment. Without empathy you can simply dismiss the two characters as “sinners” or “fornicators” without ever having understood them or their situation. In order to enjoy a movie like this, one must be able to take the small hiccups for exactly what they are, small, and be able to appreciate it as a whole.
My Ratings: Good / 4½
Dahlia, age 22
Movie Critics
…‘Knocked Up’ is a designated sleeper, the little movie that could—and should—clean up. It’s a comedy everybody can laugh at—and with. …
Tom Charity, CNN
…Knocked Up has some great comic appeal. It has many endearing emotional moments. It even has an uplifting pro-life message. Unfortunately, you will have to stomach a mountain of obscenity to get to the good stuff. …
Stephen McGarvey, Crosswalk
…Alcohol/Drugs: Extreme… Profanity: Extreme (At least 113 ‘f’ words…)… Sex/Nudity: Extreme…
…Much is juvenile and sometimes crude… But all of it is way too long. …like a helium balloon with a slow leak that quits hugging the ceiling and starts sliding down the wall the longer it goes. …
Barbara Vancheri, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
…a lesson in life somewhere between the laughs and sight gags. To Apatow’s credit, the viewer doesn’t get bludgeoned with it.
Mark Holan, Sun Newspapers of Cleveland
…It will be interesting to watch how the family-values crowd responds to the film. Should they denounce it for the crude title and sexual attitudes, hope kids see it as a terrifying cautionary tale, or be content that, having sinned, the protagonists do the right thing? Apatow’s gleefully raunchy movies are, in an odd and charming way, extremely family-friendly.
John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter

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