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Big Stan

MPA Rating: R-Rating (MPA) for crude and sexual content, and language.
Moral Rating: not reviewed
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults
Genre: Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 45 min.
Year of Release: 2009
USA Release: DVD: March 24, 2009
Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
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Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)


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Featuring Rob Schneider (Big Stan), David Carradine (The Master), Jennifer Morrison (Mindy), Olivia Munn (Secretary), Scott Wilson (Warden Gasque), Richard Kind (Mal), Sally Kirkland (Madame Foreman), M. Emmet Walsh (Lew Popper), Henry Gibson (Shorts), Jackson Rathbone (Robbie), Kevin Gage (Bullard), Bob Sapp (Big Raymond), Brandon T. Jackson (Deshawn), Big Spence (Diamond King #2), Richard Riehle (Judge Perry), Marcia Wallace (Alma), Tsuyoshi Abe (Dang), Salvator Xuereb (Patterson), See all »
Director Rob Schneider
Producer Crystal Sky Pictures, Silver Nitrate Pictures, Velocity Pictures, Eric M. Breiman, Benedict Carver, Mykel Denis, Daniel Diamond, Mark A.Z. Dippé, Patrick F. Gallagher, David Hillary, Ryan R. Johnson, Damon Martin, Richard Middleton, Steven Paul, Timothy Wayne Peternel, John Schneider, Rob Schneider, Ash R. Shah

“The cell block just got a new bully… a small one.”

Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “In this martial arts comedy, Rob Schneider stars as Stan Minton—a two-bit con man who’s been sentenced to time in the big house. When Stan realizes how ‘popular’ he is going to be with his fellow inmates, he enlists the help of a mysterious martial arts guru to learn the self-defense techniques he’ll need to survive. When he gets to prison, Stan’s combat skills help him, but he’s now at odds with the evil Warden Gasque and must make a decision that will affect him as well as his fellow inmates.”


Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Negative—After watching this movie with my 14, 12 and 9 year old boys after 15 minutes, I turned it off. The “humor” of this movie is based on a man who is to go to prison in 6 months, his fear of not going to prison, but his fears of being “raped”! He then starts to spend his final days as a free man, trying to learn ways to protect himself from being raped. This includes going to a tattoo shop to have a tattoo on his anus, (this is where I turned off the movie) something that would scare off any would be rapists!

It is one thing to realize that one of the grim realities of going to prison, and the forced man to man relationships that occur in that place, but to make a 90 minute feature length movie about it, for young children to me, seems pointless. Once or twice to hear about it, okay. But to continue to listen more is just wrong.

This is NOT a movie for children that you care and love. This is more of a movie that those who deserve to do time, realize they should think twice before, doing something to get them there in the first place.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Khalid, age 55 (Muslim) (Canada)

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